Sets of names
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Entity Declarations
XSLT 2 character map

NameUnicodeGlyphUnicode NameDescriptionAliases
acU+223EU0223EINVERTED LAZY Smost positivemstpos
acEU+223E U+0333U0223E-00333INVERTED LAZY S with double underlinemost positive, two lines below 
amalgU+2A3FU02A3FAMALGAMATION OR COPRODUCT/amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct 
barveeU+22BDU022BDNORbar, vee 
barwedU+2305U02305PROJECTIVE/barwedge B: logical and, bar abovebarwedge
BarwedU+2306U02306PERSPECTIVE/doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar abovedoublebarwedge
bsolbU+29C5U029C5SQUARED FALLING DIAGONAL SLASHreverse solidus in square 
CapU+22D2U022D2DOUBLE INTERSECTION/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection 
capandU+2A44U02A44INTERSECTION WITH LOGICAL ANDintersection, and 
capbrcupU+2A49U02A49INTERSECTION ABOVE BAR ABOVE UNIONintersection, bar, union 
capcapU+2A4BU02A4BINTERSECTION BESIDE AND JOINED WITH INTERSECTIONintersection, intersection, joined 
capcupU+2A47U02A47INTERSECTION ABOVE UNIONintersection above union 
capdotU+2A40U02A40INTERSECTION WITH DOTintersection, with dot 
capsU+2229 U+FE00U02229-0FE00INTERSECTION with serifsintersection, serifs 
ccapsU+2A4DU02A4DCLOSED INTERSECTION WITH SERIFSclosed intersection, serifs 
ccupsU+2A4CU02A4CCLOSED UNION WITH SERIFSclosed union, serifs 
ccupssmU+2A50U02A50CLOSED UNION WITH SERIFS AND SMASH PRODUCTclosed union, serifs, smash product 
coprodU+2210U02210N-ARY COPRODUCT/coprod L: coproduct operatorCoproduct
CupU+22D3U022D3DOUBLE UNION/Cup /doublecup B: dbl union 
cupbrcapU+2A48U02A48UNION ABOVE BAR ABOVE INTERSECTIONunion, bar, intersection 
cupcapU+2A46U02A46UNION ABOVE INTERSECTIONunion above intersection 
cupcupU+2A4AU02A4AUNION BESIDE AND JOINED WITH UNIONunion, union, joined 
cupdotU+228DU0228DMULTISET MULTIPLICATIONunion, with dot 
cuporU+2A45U02A45UNION WITH LOGICAL ORunion, or 
cupsU+222A U+FE00U0222A-0FE00UNION with serifsunion, serifs 
cuveeU+22CEU022CECURLY LOGICAL OR/curlyvee B: curly logical orcurlyvee
cuwedU+22CFU022CFCURLY LOGICAL AND/curlywedge B: curly logical andcurlywedge
daggerU+2020U02020DAGGER/dagger B: dagger relation 
DaggerU+2021U02021DOUBLE DAGGER/ddagger B: double dagger relationddagger
diamU+22C4U022C4DIAMOND OPERATOR/diamond B: open diamonddiamond, Diamond
divonxU+22C7U022C7DIVISION TIMES/divideontimes B: division on timesdivideontimes
eplusU+2A71U02A71EQUALS SIGN ABOVE PLUS SIGNequal, plus 
herconU+22B9U022B9HERMITIAN CONJUGATE MATRIXhermitian conjugate matrix 
intcalU+22BAU022BAINTERCALATE/intercal B: intercalintercal
iprodU+2A3CU02A3CINTERIOR PRODUCT/intprodintprod
loplusU+2A2DU02A2DPLUS SIGN IN LEFT HALF CIRCLEplus sign in left half circle 
lotimesU+2A34U02A34MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN LEFT HALF CIRCLEmultiply sign in left half circle  
lthreeU+22CBU022CBLEFT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT/leftthreetimes B:leftthreetimes
ltimesU+22C9U022C9LEFT NORMAL FACTOR SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT/ltimes B: times sign, left closed 
midastU+002AU0002AASTERISK/ast B: asteriskast
minusbU+229FU0229FSQUARED MINUS/boxminus B: minus sign in boxboxminus
minusdU+2238U02238DOT MINUS/dotminus B: minus sign, dot abovedotminus
minusduU+2A2AU02A2AMINUS SIGN WITH DOT BELOWminus sign, dot below 
ncapU+2A43U02A43INTERSECTION WITH OVERBARbar, intersection 
ncupU+2A42U02A42UNION WITH OVERBARbar, union 
oastU+229BU0229BCIRCLED ASTERISK OPERATOR/circledast B: asterisk in circlecircledast
ocirU+229AU0229ACIRCLED RING OPERATOR/circledcirc B: small circle in circlecircledcirc
odashU+229DU0229DCIRCLED DASH/circleddash B: hyphen in circlecircleddash
odivU+2A38U02A38CIRCLED DIVISION SIGNdivide in circle 
odotU+2299U02299CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR/odot B: middle dot in circleCircleDot
ofcirU+29BFU029BFCIRCLED BULLETfilled circle in circle 
ogtU+29C1U029C1CIRCLED GREATER-THANgreater-than in circle 
ohbarU+29B5U029B5CIRCLE WITH HORIZONTAL BARcircle with horizontal bar 
olcirU+29BEU029BECIRCLED WHITE BULLETlarge circle in circle 
oltU+29C0U029C0CIRCLED LESS-THANless-than in circle 
omidU+29B6U029B6CIRCLED VERTICAL BARvertical bar in circle 
ominusU+2296U02296CIRCLED MINUS/ominus B: minus sign in circleCircleMinus
oparU+29B7U029B7CIRCLED PARALLELparallel in circle 
operpU+29B9U029B9CIRCLED PERPENDICULARperpendicular in circle 
oplusU+2295U02295CIRCLED PLUS/oplus B: plus sign in circleCirclePlus
osolU+2298U02298CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH/oslash B: solidus in circle 
otimesU+2297U02297CIRCLED TIMES/otimes B: multiply sign in circleCircleTimes
OtimesU+2A37U02A37MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN DOUBLE CIRCLEmultiply sign in double circle 
otimesasU+2A36U02A36CIRCLED MULTIPLICATION SIGN WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENTmultiply sign in circle, circumflex accent 
ovbarU+233DU0233DAPL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL CIRCLE STILEcircle with vertical bar 
plusacirU+2A23U02A23PLUS SIGN WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ABOVEplus, circumflex accent above 
plusbU+229EU0229ESQUARED PLUS/boxplus B: plus sign in boxboxplus
pluscirU+2A22U02A22PLUS SIGN WITH SMALL CIRCLE ABOVEplus, small circle above 
plusdoU+2214U02214DOT PLUS/dotplus B: plus sign, dot abovedotplus
plusduU+2A25U02A25PLUS SIGN WITH DOT BELOWplus sign, dot below 
pluseU+2A72U02A72PLUS SIGN ABOVE EQUALS SIGNplus, equals 
plussimU+2A26U02A26PLUS SIGN WITH TILDE BELOWplus, similar below 
plustwoU+2A27U02A27PLUS SIGN WITH SUBSCRIPT TWOplus, two; Nim-addition 
prodU+220FU0220FN-ARY PRODUCT/prod L: product operatorProduct
raceU+223D U+0331U0223D-00331REVERSED TILDE with underlinereverse most positive, line below 
roplusU+2A2EU02A2EPLUS SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLEplus sign in right half circle 
rotimesU+2A35U02A35MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLEmultiply sign in right half circle 
rthreeU+22CCU022CCRIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT/rightthreetimes B:rightthreetimes
rtimesU+22CAU022CARIGHT NORMAL FACTOR SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT/rtimes B: times sign, right closed 
sdotU+22C5U022C5DOT OPERATOR/cdot B: small middle dot 
sdotbU+22A1U022A1SQUARED DOT OPERATOR/dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in boxdotsquare
setmnU+2216U02216SET MINUS/setminus B: reverse solidussetminus, Backslash, ssetmn, smallsetminus
simplusU+2A24U02A24PLUS SIGN WITH TILDE ABOVEplus, similar above 
smashpU+2A33U02A33SMASH PRODUCTsmash product 
solbU+29C4U029C4SQUARED RISING DIAGONAL SLASHsolidus in square 
sqcapU+2293U02293SQUARE CAP/sqcap B: square intersectionSquareIntersection
sqcapsU+2293 U+FE00U02293-0FE00SQUARE CAP with serifssquare intersection, serifs 
sqcupU+2294U02294SQUARE CUP/sqcup B: square unionSquareUnion
sqcupsU+2294 U+FE00U02294-0FE00SQUARE CUP with serifssquare union, serifs 
ssetmnU+2216U02216SET MINUS/smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidussetmn, setminus, Backslash, smallsetminus
sstarfU+22C6U022C6STAR OPERATOR/star B: small star, filledStar
subdotU+2ABDU02ABDSUBSET WITH DOTsubset, with dot 
sumU+2211U02211N-ARY SUMMATION/sum L: summation operatorSum
supdotU+2ABEU02ABESUPERSET WITH DOTsuperset, with dot 
timesbU+22A0U022A0SQUARED TIMES/boxtimes B: multiply sign in boxboxtimes
timesbarU+2A31U02A31MULTIPLICATION SIGN WITH UNDERBARmultiply sign, bar below 
triminusU+2A3AU02A3AMINUS SIGN IN TRIANGLEminus in triangle 
triplusU+2A39U02A39PLUS SIGN IN TRIANGLEplus in triangle 
trisbU+29CDU029CDTRIANGLE WITH SERIFS AT BOTTOMtriangle, serifs at bottom 
tritimeU+2A3BU02A3BMULTIPLICATION SIGN IN TRIANGLEmultiply in triangle 
uplusU+228EU0228EMULTISET UNION/uplus B: plus sign in unionUnionPlus
veebarU+22BBU022BBXOR/veebar B: logical or, bar below 
wedbarU+2A5FU02A5FLOGICAL AND WITH UNDERBARwedge, bar below 
wreathU+2240U02240WREATH PRODUCT/wr B: wreath productVerticalTilde, wr
xcapU+22C2U022C2N-ARY INTERSECTION/bigcap L: intersection operatorIntersection, bigcap
xcircU+25EFU025EFLARGE CIRCLE/bigcirc B: large circlebigcirc
xcupU+22C3U022C3N-ARY UNION/bigcup L: union operatorUnion, bigcup
xdtriU+25BDU025BDWHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE/bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, openbigtriangledown
xodotU+2A00U02A00N-ARY CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR/bigodot L: circle dot operatorbigodot
xoplusU+2A01U02A01N-ARY CIRCLED PLUS OPERATOR/bigoplus L: circle plus operatorbigoplus
xotimeU+2A02U02A02N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR/bigotimes L: circle times operatorbigotimes
xsqcupU+2A06U02A06N-ARY SQUARE UNION OPERATOR/bigsqcup L: square union operatorbigsqcup
xuplusU+2A04U02A04N-ARY UNION OPERATOR WITH PLUS/biguplus L:biguplus
xutriU+25B3U025B3WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE/bigtriangleup B: big up tri, openbigtriangleup
xveeU+22C1U022C1N-ARY LOGICAL OR/bigvee L: logical or operatorVee, bigvee
xwedgeU+22C0U022C0N-ARY LOGICAL AND/bigwedge L: logical and operatorWedge, bigwedge

Sets of names
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