Last modified: Thu, 18 Sep 2008, 12:33:52 CEST
a | (par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | switch | prefetch | metadata)* | ||
accesskey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
actuate | (onRequest | onLoad) | 'onRequest' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
destinationLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
destinationPlaystate | (play | pause) | 'play' | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
external | (true | false) | 'false' | |
href | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
show | (new | pause | replace) | 'replace' | |
sourceLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
sourcePlaystate | (play | pause | stop) | #IMPLIED | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
target | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
anchor | (metadata | animate | set)* | ||
accesskey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
actuate | (onRequest | onLoad) | 'onRequest' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
coords | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
destinationLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
destinationPlaystate | (play | pause) | 'play' | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
external | (true | false) | 'false' | |
fragment | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
href | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
nohref | (nohref) | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
shape | (rect | circle | poly | default) | 'rect' | |
show | (new | pause | replace) | 'replace' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
sourceLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
sourcePlaystate | (play | pause | stop) | #IMPLIED | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
target | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
animate | (metadata)* | ||
accumulate | (none | sum) | 'none' | |
additive | (replace | sum) | 'replace' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
attributeName | NMTOKEN | #REQUIRED | |
attributeType | (CSS | XML | auto) | 'auto' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
by | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
calcMode | (discrete | linear | paced) | 'linear' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
from | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
targetElement | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
to | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
values | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
animateColor | (metadata)* | ||
accumulate | (none | sum) | 'none' | |
additive | (replace | sum) | 'replace' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
attributeName | NMTOKEN | #REQUIRED | |
attributeType | (CSS | XML | auto) | 'auto' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
by | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
calcMode | (discrete | linear | paced) | 'linear' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
from | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
targetElement | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
to | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
values | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
animateMotion | (metadata)* | ||
accumulate | (none | sum) | 'none' | |
additive | (replace | sum) | 'replace' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
by | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
calcMode | (discrete | linear | paced) | 'linear' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
from | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
origin | (default) | 'default' | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
targetElement | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
to | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
values | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
animation | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
area | (metadata | animate | set)* | ||
accesskey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
actuate | (onRequest | onLoad) | 'onRequest' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
coords | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
destinationLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
destinationPlaystate | (play | pause) | 'play' | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
external | (true | false) | 'false' | |
fragment | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
href | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
nohref | (nohref) | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
shape | (rect | circle | poly | default) | 'rect' | |
show | (new | pause | replace) | 'replace' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
sourceLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
sourcePlaystate | (play | pause | stop) | #IMPLIED | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
target | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
audio | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
body | (par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | switch | prefetch | a | metadata)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
br | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
brush | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
color | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clear | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
next | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customAttributes | ((metadata)*, (customTest, (metadata)*)+) | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
defaultState | (true | false) | 'false' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
override | (visible | hidden) | 'hidden' | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
uid | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
delvalue | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
ref | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
div | (#PCDATA | metadata | tev | clear | br | div | p | span) | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
textAlign | (start | end | left | right | center | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
textWritingMode | (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-lr | tb-rl | lr | rl | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
excl | ((metadata)*, (((par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch | prefetch | a | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send), (metadata)*)* | (priorityClass, (metadata)*)+)) | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'last' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
head | ((meta)*, ((customAttributes), (meta)*)?, ((metadata), (meta)*)?, ((textStyling), (meta)*)?, ((layout | switch), (meta)*)?, ((state), (meta)*)?, ((submission), (meta)*)*, (((transition)+), (meta)*)?, (((paramGroup)+), (meta)*)?) | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
img | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
layout | (metadata | region | root-layout | topLayout | regPoint)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | 'text/smil-basic-layout' | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
meta | EMPTY | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
content | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
name | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
metadata | EMPTY | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
newvalue | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
name | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
ref | CDATA | '/*' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
value | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
where | (before | after | child) | 'child' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
p | (#PCDATA | metadata | tev | clear | br | span) | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
textWritingMode | (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-lr | tb-rl | lr | rl | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
par | (par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch | prefetch | a | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | metadata)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'last' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
param | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
name | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
value | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
valuetype | (data | ref | object) | 'data' | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | (param | metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
prefetch | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bandwidth | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaTime | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
priorityClass | (par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch | prefetch | a | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | metadata)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
higher | (stop | pause) | 'pause' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
lower | (defer | never) | 'defer' | |
pauseDisplay | (disable | hide | show) | 'show' | |
peers | (stop | pause | defer | never) | 'stop' | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
ref | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | (metadata | region)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
background-color | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundImage | CDATA | 'none' | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
backgroundRepeat | (repeat | repeatX | repeatY | noRepeat | inherit) | 'repeat' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
regionName | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
showBackground | (always | whenActive) | 'always' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
textAlign | (start | end | left | right | center | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textDirection | (ltr | rtl | ltro | rtlo | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textMode | (append | replace | crawl | scroll | jump | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textPlace | (start | center | end | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
textWritingMode | (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-lr | tb-rl | lr | rl | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
root-layout | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
background-color | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundImage | CDATA | 'none' | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
backgroundRepeat | (repeat | repeatX | repeatY | noRepeat | inherit) | 'repeat' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
send | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
submission | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
seq | (par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch | prefetch | a | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | metadata)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
set | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
attributeName | NMTOKEN | #REQUIRED | |
attributeType | (CSS | XML | auto) | 'auto' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
targetElement | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
to | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
setvalue | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
ref | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
value | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
smil | ((metadata)*, (head, (metadata)*)?, (body, (metadata)*)?) | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xmlns | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
xmlns:its | CDATA | '' | |
smilText | (#PCDATA | metadata | tev | clear | br | span | p | div | param) | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textAlign | (start | end | left | right | center | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textConceal | (none | initial | final | both | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textMode | (append | replace | crawl | scroll | jump | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textPlace | (start | center | end | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textRate | CDATA | 'auto' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
textWritingMode | (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-lr | tb-rl | lr | rl | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
span | (#PCDATA | metadata | tev | clear | br | span) | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textDirection | (ltr | rtl | ltro | rtlo | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
state | EMPTY | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
language | CDATA | '' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
submission | (metadata)* | ||
action | CDATA | #REQUIRED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
method | (put | get | post) | #REQUIRED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
ref | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
replace | (all | instance | none) | #IMPLIED | |
target | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
switch | ((metadata | switch)*, ((((animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor), (metadata | switch)*)*, (((par | seq | excl | audio | video | animation | text | img | textstream | ref | brush | smilText | newvalue | delvalue | setvalue | send | prefetch | a)+, (metadata | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch)*)+ | ((param | anchor | area), (metadata | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor | switch)*)+)) | (layout, (metadata | switch)*)*)) | ||
allowReorder | (yes | no) | 'no' | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
tev | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
next | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
text | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textStyle | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
textAlign | (start | end | left | right | center | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textBackgroundColor | CDATA | 'transparent' | |
textColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textConceal | (none | initial | final | both | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textDirection | (ltr | rtl | ltro | rtlo | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontFamily | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontSize | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
textFontStyle | (normal | italic | oblique | reverseOblique | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textFontWeight | (normal | bold | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textMode | (append | replace | crawl | scroll | jump | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textPlace | (start | center | end | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
textRate | CDATA | 'auto' | |
textStyle | IDREF | #IMPLIED | |
textWrapOption | (wrap | noWrap | inherit) | 'wrap' | |
textWritingMode | (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-lr | tb-rl | lr | rl | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:space | (default | preserve) | 'default' | |
textStyling | ((metadata)*, (textStyle, (metadata)*)+) | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
textstream | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
topLayout | (region | metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundImage | CDATA | 'none' | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
backgroundRepeat | (repeat | repeatX | repeatY | noRepeat | inherit) | 'repeat' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
close | (onRequest | whenNotActive) | 'onRequest' | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
open | (onStart | whenActive) | 'onStart' | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transition | (metadata)* | ||
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
borderColor | CDATA | 'black' | |
borderWidth | CDATA | '0' | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
direction | (forward | reverse) | 'forward' | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endProgress | CDATA | '1.0' | |
fadeColor | CDATA | 'black' | |
horzRepeat | CDATA | '1' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
scope | (region | screen) | 'region' | |
skip-content | (true | false) | 'true' | |
startProgress | CDATA | '0.0' | |
subtype | (bottom | bottomCenter | bottomLeft | bottomLeftClockwise | bottomLeftCounterClockwise | bottomLeftDiagonal | bottomRight | bottomRightClockwise | bottomRightCounterClockwise | bottomRightDiagonal | centerRight | centerTop | circle | clockwiseBottom | clockwiseBottomRight | clockwiseLeft | clockwiseNine | clockwiseRight | clockwiseSix | clockwiseThree | clockwiseTop | clockwiseTopLeft | clockwiseTwelve | cornersIn | cornersOut | counterClockwiseBottomLeft | counterClockwiseTopRight | crossfade | diagonalBottomLeft | diagonalBottomLeftOpposite | diagonalTopLeft | diagonalTopLeftOpposite | diamond | doubleBarnDoor | doubleDiamond | down | fadeFromColor | fadeToColor | fanInHorizontal | fanInVertical | fanOutHorizontal | fanOutVertical | fivePoint | fourBlade | fourBoxHorizontal | fourBoxVertical | fourPoint | fromBottom | fromLeft | fromRight | fromTop | heart | horizontal | horizontalLeft | horizontalLeftSame | horizontalRight | horizontalRightSame | horizontalTopLeftOpposite | horizontalTopRightOpposite | keyhole | left | leftCenter | leftToRight | oppositeHorizontal | oppositeVertical | parallelDiagonal | parallelDiagonalBottomLeft | parallelDiagonalTopLeft | parallelVertical | rectangle | right | rightCenter | sixPoint | top | topCenter | topLeft | topLeftClockwise | topLeftCounterClockwise | topLeftDiagonal | topLeftHorizontal | topLeftVertical | topRight | topRightClockwise | topRightCounterClockwise | topRightDiagonal | topToBottom | twoBladeHorizontal | twoBladeVertical | twoBoxBottom | twoBoxLeft | twoBoxRight | twoBoxTop | up | vertical | verticalBottomLeftOpposite | verticalBottomSame | verticalLeft | verticalRight | verticalTopLeftOpposite | verticalTopSame) | #IMPLIED | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | (barWipe | boxWipe | fourBoxWipe | barnDoorWipe | diagonalWipe | bowTieWipe | miscDiagonalWipe | veeWipe | barnVeeWipe | zigZagWipe | barnZigZagWipe | irisWipe | triangleWipe | arrowHeadWipe | pentagonWipe | hexagonWipe | ellipseWipe | eyeWipe | roundRectWipe | starWipe | miscShapeWipe | clockWipe | pinWheelWipe | singleSweepWipe | fanWipe | doubleFanWipe | doubleSweepWipe | saloonDoorWipe | windshieldWipe | snakeWipe | spiralWipe | parallelSnakesWipe | boxSnakesWipe | waterfallWipe | pushWipe | slideWipe | fade | audioFade | audioVisualFade) | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
vertRepeat | CDATA | '1' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
video | (metadata | param | anchor | area | switch | animate | set | animateMotion | animateColor)* | ||
abstract | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
alt | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
author | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundColor | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
backgroundOpacity | CDATA | '100%' | |
baseProfile | NMTOKEN | #FIXED 'Language' | |
begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
bottom | CDATA | 'auto' | |
chromaKey | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
chromaKeyTolerance | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-begin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clip-end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipBegin | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
clipEnd | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
copyright | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
customTest | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
dur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
end | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
endsync | CDATA | 'media' | |
erase | (whenDone | never) | 'whenDone' | |
expr | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
fill | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | default) | 'default' | |
fillDefault | (remove | freeze | hold | transition | auto | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
fit | (hidden | fill | meet | meetBest | scroll | slice) | #IMPLIED | |
height | CDATA | 'auto' | |
its:dir | (ltr | rtl | lro | rlo) | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNote | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:locNoteType | (alert | description) | #IMPLIED | |
its:term | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
its:termInfoRef | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
its:translate | (yes | no) | #IMPLIED | |
label | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
left | CDATA | 'auto' | |
longdesc | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
mediaBackgroundOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaOpacity | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
mediaRepeat | (preserve | strip) | 'preserve' | |
panZoom | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
paramGroup | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
readIndex | CDATA | '0' | |
regAlign | (topLeft | topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight) | #IMPLIED | |
regPoint | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
region | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeat | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatCount | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
repeatDur | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
restart | (always | whenNotActive | never | default) | 'default' | |
restartDefault | (inherit | always | never | whenNotActive) | 'inherit' | |
right | CDATA | 'auto' | |
sensitivity | CDATA | 'opaque' | |
soundAlign | (left | both | right) | #IMPLIED | |
soundLevel | CDATA | '+0.0dB' | |
src | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
syncBehavior | (canSlip | locked | independent | default) | 'default' | |
syncBehaviorDefault | (canSlip | locked | independent | inherit) | 'inherit' | |
syncTolerance | CDATA | 'default' | |
syncToleranceDefault | CDATA | 'inherit' | |
system-bitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-captions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
system-language | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-overdub-or-caption | (overdub | caption) | #IMPLIED | |
system-required | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-depth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
system-screen-size | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemAudioDesc | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemBaseProfile | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemBitrate | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemCPU | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemCaptions | (on | off) | #IMPLIED | |
systemComponent | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemLanguage | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemOperatingSystem | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
systemOverdubOrSubtitle | (overdub | subtitle) | #IMPLIED | |
systemRequired | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenDepth | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemScreenSize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
systemVersion | (3.0) | #IMPLIED | |
tabindex | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
top | CDATA | 'auto' | |
transIn | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
transOut | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
type | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
version | (3.0) | #FIXED '3.0' | |
width | CDATA | 'auto' | |
xml:base | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
xml:id | ID | #IMPLIED | |
xml:lang | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
z-index | CDATA | #IMPLIED |