The primary role of MathML content elements is to provide a mechanism for recording that a particular notational structure has a particular mathematical meaning. To this end, every content element must have a mathematical definition associated with it in some form. The purpose of this appendix is to provide default definitions. (An index to the definitions is provided later in this document.) Authors may adapt the notation to their own particular needs by using mechanisms provided to override these default definitions for selected content elements.
The mathematical definitions below are not restricted to any one format. There are several reasons for allowing this, nearly all derived from the fact that if J it is extremely important to allow authors to make use of existing definitions from the mathematical literature.
There is no suitable notation in common use. For example, the mathematical libraries of even the most extensive mathematical computation systems in use today capture only a small fraction of the mathematical literature and furthermore much of mathematics is not computational.
In most cases, the translation of a mathematical definition into a new notation is an inappropriate use of an author's energy and time.
The task of designing a new machine readable language suitable for recording semantic descriptions is one that goes substantially beyond the scope of this particular recommendation. It would also overlap substantially with the efforts of such groups as the OpenMath Consortium (see also the North American OpenMath Initiative, and the European OpenMath Consortium).
The key issues for both archival and computational purposes are that there be a definition and that the author have a mechanism to specify which definition is intended for a given instance of a notational construct. This requirement is important whether or not there is an implementation of a particular concept or object in a mathematical computation system. The definition may be as vague as claiming that, say, F is an unknown but differentiable function from the real numbers to the real numbers, or as complicated as requiring that F be an elaborate function or operation as defined in a specific research paper. The important thing is that the reader always have a way of determining how the notation is being used.
An author's decision to use content elements is a decision to useJ defined objects. To make this easier, default definitions are provided. In this way, an author need only provide explicit definitions where the usage differs from the default. Where possible the default definitions have naturally been chosen to reflect common usage.
Definitions are overridden in a particular instance by making use of the
attribute. The value of this attribute
is a URI (notwithstanding its old-style name) and beyond that its format
is unspecified. It may even be the case that the definitionURL
value is just a name invented by the author. In that case it serves to warn the
reader (and computational systems) that the author is using a private local
definition. It may be the URL of a mathematical paper, or a reference
to a traditional source in
which the construct is defined. If the author's mathematical operator
matches exactly an operator in a particular computational system, an
appropriate definition might use a MathML semantics
element to establish a correspondence between two encodings.
Whatever format is chosen, the only requirement is that
some sort of definition be indicated.
TheJ rest of this appendix provides detailed descriptions of the default semantics associated with each of the MathML content elements. Since this is exactly the role intended for the encodings under development by the OpenMath Consortium, and one of our goals is to foster cooperation in such standardization efforts,J we have presented the default definitions in a format modeled on OpenMath's content dictionaries. While the actual details differ somewhat from the OpenMath specification, the underlying principles are the same.
Several of the definitions provided here refer to one or more of the standard mathematical references Abramowitz and Stegun [Abramowitz1997] and Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae [Zwillinger1988].
In the XML source for this appendix each MathML element is described using an XML vocabulary designed for the purpose. However, thoughJThoughJ well adapted to machine processing the XML form of the definitions is difficult to read for humans. Therefore the text below is composed in a way automatically derived by XSL transformations (and typesetting in the case of the PDF versions of the MathML specification) from the XML source, but formatted so that it is much easier to read and comprehend. The conventions employed will be explained just below in the course of going through the elements of the XML markup in the XML source. The first example definition, but only that one, will be provided in both the more legible form and in raw XML, so the difference can be appreciated.
The top element is MMLdefinition
The sub-elements identify the various parts of the description and include:
PCDATA providing the name of the MathML element.
A CDATA description of the object that an element represents. This will often reference more traditional texts or papers or existing papers on the Web.
Each MathML element must be classified according to its mathematical role.
Some elements exist simply as an aid to parsing. For example the
element is used to separate the CDATA
defining a rational number into two parts in a manner that is easily parsed
by an XML application. These objects are referred to as
Some elements exist simply to modify the properties of an existing
element or mathematical object. For example the declare
construct is used to reset the default
attribute values, or to associate a name with a specific instance of an
object. These kinds of elements are referred to as descriptors
and the type of the resulting object is the same as that of
element being modified, but with the new attribute values.
The traditional mathematical functions and operators are
represented in MathML by empty XML elements such as
and sin
. These
elements can be assigned alternative
definitions (indicating, for example, that they represent
operations on elements from some author defined algebra)
through use of the definitionURL
They can be included in expressions on their own such as when discussing
the properties of a function, or they can be applied to arguments using apply
The latter case is referred to as function
Functions are often classified according to how they are used. For example
the plus
element is an n-ary operator.
This additional information is captured by the signature.
The signature of a function (see below) describes how it is to
be used as Ja mathematical function inside an apply
Each combination of types of function arguments used inside an apply
gives rise to an apply
element of a given type.
Mathematical constants are generally represented by empty elements and are distinguished from functions by the fact that they are not used as the first argument of an apply. Their signature is simply the type of the object they represent.
The remaining objects that "contain" sub-elements are
all object constructors of some sort or another. They combine
the sub-elements into a compound mathematical object such as a constant,
set, list, or a function application. For example, the lambda
element constructs a function
definition from a list of variables and an expression. while the apply
element constructs a function
application. By function application we mean the result
of applying the first element of the apply (the function) to the zero or
more remaining elements (the arguments). A function
application represents an object in the range of the function.
For each given combination of type and order of XML children, the signature of a constructor indicates the type (and sometimes subtype) of the resulting object.
Some of the XML attributes of a MathML content element have a
direct impact on the mathematical semantics of the object. For example
the type
attribute of the cn
element is used to determine what type of constant (integer, real, etc.)
is being constructed. Only those attributes that affect the mathematical
properties of an object are listed here and typically these also appear
explicitly in the signature.
The signature is a systematic representation that associates the types of different possible combinations of attributes and function arguments with theJ type of mathematical object that is constructed. The possible combinations of parameter and argument types (the left-hand side) each result in an object of some type (the right-hand side). In effect, it describes how to resolve operator overloading.
For constructors, the left-hand side of the signature describes the
types of the child elements and the right-hand side describes the type of
object that is constructed. For functions, the left-hand side of the
signature indicates the types of the parameters and arguments that would be
expected when it is applied, or used to construct a relation, and the
right-hand side represents the mathematical type of the object constructed
by the apply
. Modifiers modify the attributes of an
existing object. For example, a symbol might become a
symbol of type vector.
The signature must be able to record specific attribute values and argument types on the left, and parameterized types on the right.. The syntax used for signatures is of the general form:
[<attribute name>=<attribute-value>]( <list of argument types> ) --> <mathematical result type>(<mathematical subtype>)
The MMLattributes, if any, appear in the form
. They are separated notationally
from the rest of the arguments by square brackets. The possible values are
usually taken from an enumerated list, and the signature is usually
affected by selection of a specific value.
For the actual function arguments and named parameters on the left,
the focus is on the mathematical types involved. The function argument
types are presented in a syntax similar to that used for a DTD, with the
one main exception. The types of the named parameters appear in the
signature as
in a manner analogous for that used for attribute values. For example,
if the argument is named (e.g. bvar
) then it is
represented in the signature by an equation as in:
[<attribute name>=<attributevalue>]( bvar=symbol,<argument list> ) --> <mathematical result type>(<mathematical subtype>)
There is no formal type system in MathML. The type values that are used
in the signatures are common mathematical types such as integer, rational,
real, complex (such as found in the description of cn
or a name such as string or the name of a MathML constructor.
Various collections of types such as anything, matrixtype
are used from time to time. The type name mmlpresentation
is used to represent any valid MathML presentation object and the name
MathMLtype is used to describe the collection of all MathML types.
The type domainofapp is used to represent a
domain of application. Whereever it occurs, it can be replaced by
one of the various abbreviated forms as described in the validation grammar.
For example, the signaturesJ
(domainofapp,function) -> anything (bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> anythingJ
imply all of the alternative formsJ
(interval,function) -> anything (domainofapplication,function) -> anything (bvar+,domainofapplication,anything) -> anything (bvar+,condition,anything) -> anything (bvar+,lowlimit,uplimit?,anything) -> anythingJ
The type algebraic is used for expressions constructed FROM ONE OR MORE symbols through arithmetic operations and interval-type refers to the valid types of intervals as defined in chapter 4. The collection of types is not closed. Users writing their own definitions of new constructs may introduce new types.
Depending on the types involved, more than one signature may apply. For example, many arithmetic operations involving integers map to integers, but since integers are real numbers, the signature for real numbers also is valid. Generally, the signature providing the most information is most appropriate.
No mathematical evaluation ever takes place in MathML. Every MathML
content element either refers to a defined object such as a mathematical
function or it combines such objects in some way to build a new object.
For purposes of the signature, the constructed object represents an object
of a certain type parameterized type. For example the result of applying
to arguments is an expression that represents
a sum. The type of the resulting expression depends on the types of the
operands, and the values of the MathML attributes.
Examples of the use of this object in MathML are included in these elements.
This element describes the mathematical properties of such
objects. For simple associations of values with specific instances of
an object, the first child is an instance of the object being
defined. The second is a value
(approximation) element that contains a
MathML description of this particular value. More elaborate conditions
on the object are expressed using the MathML syntax.
These elements contain only PCDATA and can occur as a child of the MMLdefinition at any point.
The cn element is used to encode numerical constants. The mathematical type of number is given as an attribute. The default type is "real". Numbers such as e-notationJ, rational and complex, require two parts for a complete specification. The parts of such a number are separated by an empty sep element.
Many of the commonly occurring numeric constants such as
have their own elements.
See also Number (cn).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | integer | rational | complex-cartesian | complex-polar | real | e-notationJ | MathMLtype | real |
base | integer between 2 and 36 | 10 |
[type=integer](numstring) -> constant(integer)
[base=base-value](numstring) -> constant(integer)
[type=rational](numstring,numstring) -> constant(rational)
[type=complex-cartesian](numstring,numstring) -> constant(complex)
[type=e-notation](numstring,numstring) -> constant(e-notation)
J[type=complex-polar](numstring,numstring) -> constant(rational)
J[definitionURL=definition](numstring*) -> constant(user-defined)
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> A </cn><cn> 10 </cn></apply>
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> B </cn><cn> 11 </cn></apply>
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> C </cn><cn> 12 </cn></apply>
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> D </cn><cn> 13 </cn></apply>
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> E </cn><cn> 14 </cn></apply>
<apply><eq/><cn base="16"> F </cn><cn> 15 </cn></apply>
<cn> 245 </cn>
<cn type="integer"> 245 </cn>
<cn type="integer" base="16"> A </cn>
<cn type="rational"> 245 <sep/> 351 </cn>
<cn type="complex-cartesian"> 1 <sep/> 2 </cn>
<cn> 245 </cn>
<apply><eq/> <cn type="e-notation"> 2 <sep/> 5 </cn> <apply><times/><cn>2</cn><apply><power/><cn>10</cn><cn>5</cn></apply></apply> </apply>
This element constructs an identifier (symbolic name). The type attribute is used to indicate the type of object being specified. By default, the type is real.
See also Identifier (ci).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | constant | matrix | set | vector | list | MathMLtype | real |
({string|mmlpresentation}) -> symbol
[type=typename]({string|mmlpresentation}) -> symbol(typename)
<ci> xyz </ci>
<ci J type="vector"> v </ci>
The csymbol element allows a writer to introduce new objects into MathML. The objects are linked to external definitions by means of the definitionURL attribute and encoding attribute. The csymbol element becomes the "name" of the new object. The new objects are typically either constants or functions.
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
[definitionURL=definition]({string|mmlpresentation}) -> defined_symbol
[type=typename]({string|mmlpresentation}) -> defined_symbol(typename)
<csymbol definitionURL=".../mydefinitionofPi">π</csymbol>
This is the MathML constructor for function application. The first argument is applied to the remaining arguments. It may be the case that some of the child elements are named elements. (See the signature.)
See also Apply (apply).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function,anything*) -> apply
<apply><plus/> <ci>x</ci> <cn>1</cn> </apply>
<apply><sin/> <ci>x</ci> </apply>
This constructor has been deprecated. All uses of reln are replaced by apply.
This is the MathML 1.0 constructor for expressing a relation between two or more mathematical objects. The first argument indicates the type of "relation" between the remaining arguments. (See the signature.) No assumptions are made about the truth value of such a relation. Typically, the relation is used as a component in the construction of some logical assertion. Relations may be combined into sets, etc. just like any other mathematical object.
See also Relation (reln).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function,anything*) -> apply
JNo examples of deprecated constructions are provided.
This constructor has been deprecated.
This was the MathML 1.0 constructor for building new functions. Its role was to identify a general MathML content object as a function in such a way that it could have a definition and be used in a function context such as in apply and declare. This is now accomplished through the use of definitionURL and the fact that declare and apply allow any content element as their first argument.
See also Function (fn).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(anything) -> function
[definitionURL=functiondef](anything) ->function
No examples of deprecated constructions are provided.
This is the MathML constructor element for building an interval on the real line. While an interval can be expressed by combining relations appropriately, they occur here explicitly because of the frequency of their use.
See also Interval (interval).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | closed | open | open-closed | closed-open | closed |
[type=interval-type](algebraic,algebraic) -> interval(interval-type)
[type=interval-type](bvar,condition) -> interval(interval-type)
J<interval closure="open">
<interval closure="open-closed">
<ci type="function">f</ci>
This MathML element is applied to a function in order to construct a new function that is to be interpreted as the inverse function of the original function. For a particular function F, inverse(F) composed with F behaves like the identity map on the domain of F and F composed with inverse(F) should be an identity function on a suitably restricted subset of the Range of F. The MathML definitionURL attribute should be used to resolve notational ambiguities, or to restrict the inverse to a particular domain or to make it one-sided.
See also Inverse (inverse).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> function
[definitionURL=URI](function) -> function(definition)
ForAll( y, such y in domain( f^(-1) ), f( f^(-1)(y) ) = y
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci type="function">f</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/> <ci>y</ci> <apply><csymbol definitionURL="domain"><mtext>Domain</mtext></csymbol> <apply><inverse/><ci type="function">f</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><ci type="function">f</ci> <apply><apply><inverse/><ci type="function">f</ci></apply> <ci>y</ci> </apply> </apply> <ci>y</ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><inverse/> <sin/> </apply>
<apply><inverse definitionURL=""/> <sin/> </apply>
This is the MathML infix constructor used to sub-divide PCDATA into separate components. This is used in the description of a multi-part number such as a rational or a complex number.
See also Separator (sep).
<cn type="complex-polar">123<sep/>456</cn>
This is the MathML constructor for building conditions. A condition differs from a relation in how it is used. A relation is simply an expression, while a condition is used as a predicate to place conditions on bound variables.
You can build compound conditions by applying operators such as "and" or "or" .
See also Condition (condition).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(apply) -> predicate
(boolean) -> predicate
J<condition> <apply><lt/> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>5</cn></apply> <cn>3</cn> </apply> </condition>
<condition><apply><in/><ci>x</ci><ci type="set">C</ci></apply></condition>
<apply><ci type="function">f</ci><ci>x</ci></apply>
This is the MathML constructor for associating default attribute values and values with mathematical objects. For example V may be an identifier declared to be a vector (has the attribute of being a vector), or V may be a name that stands for a particular vector.
The attribute values of the declare statement itself become the default attribute values of the first argument of the declare.
If there is a second argument, the first argument becomes an alias for the second argument and it also assumes all the properties of the second argument . For example, a ci identifier v, declared to be the vector (1,2,3) would appear in the type style of a vector, and would have a norm which is the norm of (1,2,3)
See also Declare (declare).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLtype | none |
nargs | number of arguments for an object of operator | * |
occurrence | infix | prefix | prefix |
[(attributename=attributevalue)*](anything) -> [(attributename=attributevalue)*](anything)
[(attributename=attributevalue)*](anything,anything) -> [(attributename=attributevalue)*](anything)
(anything,anything) -> (anything)
<declare> <ci>y</ci> <apply><plus/><ci>x</ci><cn>3</cn></apply> </declare>
<declare type="vector"> <ci> V </ci> </declare>
<declare type="vector"> <ci> V </ci> <vector><cn> 1 </cn><cn> 2 </cn><cn> 3 </cn></vector> </declare>
This is the operation of lambda calculus that constructs a function from an expression and a variable. Lambda is an n-ary function, where all but an optional domain of application andJ the last argument are bound variables and the last argument is an expression possibly involving those variables. The lambda function can be viewed as the inverse of function application.
For example, Lambda( x, F ) is written as \lambda x [F] in the lambda calculus literature. The expression F may contain x but the full lambda expression is regarded to be free of x. A computational application receiving a MathML lambda expression should not evaluate x or test for x. Such an application may apply the lambda expression as a function to arguments in which case any result that is computed is computed through parameter substitutions into F.
Note that a lambda expression on an arbitrary function applied to a the bound variable Jis equivalent to that arbitrary function. A domain of application can be used to restrict the defined function to a specific domain.J
See also Lambda (lambda).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar*,anything) -> function
J(domainofapp,function) -> function
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> function
JForAll( F, lambda(x,F(x)) = F )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>F</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <lambda> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><ci>F</ci><ci>x</ci></apply> </lambda> <ci>F</ci> </apply> </apply>
<lambda> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><sin/><apply><plus/><ci> x </ci><cn> 3 </cn></apply></apply> </lambda>
This is the MathML constructor for composing functions. In order for a composition to be meaningful, the range of the first function should be the domain of the second function, etc. . However, since no evaluation takes place in MathML, such a construct can safely be used to make statements such as that f composed with g is undefined.
The result is a new function whose domain is the domain of the first function and whose range is the range of the last function and whose definition is equivalent to applying each function to the previous outcome in turn as in:
(f @J g )( x ) == f( g(x) ).
This function is often denoted by a small circle infix operator.
See also Function composition (compose).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function*) -> function
ForAll( x, (f@g)(x) = f(g(x) )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>f</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>g</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><apply><compose/><ci>f</ci><ci>g</ci></apply> <ci>x</ci> </apply> <apply><ci>f</ci><apply><ci>g</ci><ci>x</ci></apply></apply> </apply> </apply>
The use of fn is deprecated. Use type="function" instead.
<apply><compose/> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci type="function"> g </ci> <sin/> </apply>
The ident element represents the identity function. MathML makes no assumption about the function space in which the identity function resides. Proper interpretation of the domain (and hence range) of the identity function depends on the context in which it is used.
See also Identity function (ident).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
ForAll( x, ident(x) = x )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><ident/><ci>x</ci></apply> <ci>x</ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><eq/> <apply><compose/> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <apply><inverse/><ci type="function"> f </ci></apply> </apply> <ident/> </apply>
The domain element denotes the domain of a given function, which is the set of values over which it is defined.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also Domain (domain).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> set
<apply><eq/> <apply><domain/><ci>f</ci></apply> <reals/> </apply>
The codomain (range) element denotes the codomain of a given function, which is a set containing all values taken by the function. The codomain may contain additional points which are not realized by applying the the function to elements of the domain.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also codomain (codomain).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> set
ForAll( y, Exists(x,y =f(x))J, member(y,codomain(f)) )
<apply><eq/> <apply><codomain/><ci>f</ci></apply> <rationals/> </apply>
The image element denotes the image of a given function, which is the set of values taken by the function. Every point in the image is generated by the function applied to some point of the domain.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also Image (image).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> set
ForAll( x, x in imageJ(f), ThereExists(y,f(y)=x) )
<apply><eq/> <apply><image/><sin/></apply> <interval><cn>-1</cn><cn> 1</cn></interval> </apply>
The domainofapplication element is a qualifier used by a number of defined functions. It denotes the domain over which a given function is being applied. Special cases of this qualifier can be abbreviated using one of interval condition or an (lowlimit,uplimit) pair. It is constructed from a set or the name of a set.
JTo override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also Domain of Application (domainofapplication).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set) -> domain
J(identifier) -> domain
J<apply><int/> <domainofapplication><ci>C</ci></domainofapplication> <ci>f </ci> </apply>
<ci type="set">C</ci>
The piecewise, piece, and otherwise elements are used to support 'piecewise' declarations of the form H(x) = 0 if x less than 0, H(x) = 1 otherwise. The piece and otherwise elements describe evaluation rules. If no rule applies or if more than one rule applies but they give different answers then the expression is undefined.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also Piecewise declaration (piecewise, piece, otherwise) .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(piece*, otherwise?) -> algebraic
J(piece*, otherwise?) -> anything
JForAll( x, x in domain(f), the evaluation rules collectively produce at most one value in codomain(f) )
<piecewise> <piece><cn> 0</cn><apply><lt/><ci> x</ci> <cn> 0</cn></apply></piece> <otherwise><ci>x</ci></otherwise> </piecewise>
The value of the abs function evaluated at x can be written as:
<piecewise> <piece> <apply><minus/><ci>x</ci></apply> <apply><lt/><ci> x</ci><cn> 0</cn></apply> </piece> <piece> <cn>0</cn> <apply><eq/><ci>x</ci><cn>0</cn></apply> </piece> <piece> <ci>x</ci> <apply><gt/><ci>x</ci><cn>0</cn></apply> </piece> </piecewise>
The piece element is used to construct the conditionally defined values as part of a piecewise object.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic, boolean) -> piece
J(anything, boolean) -> piece
J<piecewise> <piece><cn>0</cn><apply><lt/><ci> x</ci> <cn> 0</cn></apply></piece> <otherwise><ci>x</ci></otherwise> </piecewise>
The otherwise element is used to describe the value of a piecewise construct when none of the conditions of the associated pieces are satisfied.
To override the default semantics for this element, or to associate a more specific definition, use the definitionURL and encoding attributes
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | a URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic) -> otherwise
(anything) -> otherwise
J<piecewise> <piece><cn> 0</cn><apply><lt/><ci> x</ci> <cn> 0</cn></apply></piece> <otherwise><ci>x</ci></otherwise> </piecewise>
quotient is the binary function used to represent the operation of integer division. quotient(a,b) denotes q such that a = b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r non-negativeJ.
See also Quotient (quotient).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(integer, integer) -> integer
ForAll( [a,b], b != 0, a = b*quotient(a,b) + rem(a,b) )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>b</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><neq/><ci>b</ci><cn>0</cn></apply></condition> <apply><eq/> <ci>a</ci> <apply><plus/> <apply><times/> <ci>b</ci> <apply><quotient/><ci>a</ci><ci>b</ci></apply> </apply> <apply><rem/><ci>a</ci><ci>b</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
<apply><quotient/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
<apply> <quotient/> <cn>5</cn> <cn>4</cn> </apply>
This is the unary operator used to construct factorials. Factorials are defined by n! = n*(n-1)* ... * 1
See also Factorial (factorial).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(algebraic) -> algebraic
(integer) -> integer
ForAll( n, n \gt 0, n! = n*(n-1)! )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>n</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><gt/><ci>n</ci><cn>0</cn></apply></condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><factorial/><ci>n</ci></apply> <apply><times/> <ci>n</ci> <apply><factorial/> <apply><minus/><ci>n</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> </apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
0! = 1
<apply><factorial/> <ci>n</ci> </apply>
This is the binary MathML operator that is used indicate the mathematical operation a "divided by" b.
See also Division (divide).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic, algebraic) -> algebraic
J(complex, complex) -> complex
(real, real) -> real
(rational, rational) -> rational
(integer, integer) -> rational
Division by Zero error
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><divide/><ci> a </ci><cn> 0 </cn></apply>J <notanumber/> </apply>J </apply>
ForAll( a, a!= 0, a/a = 1 )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><neq/><ci>a</ci><cn>0</cn></apply></condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><divide/><ci>a</ci><ci>a</ci></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply><divide/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
This is the n-ary operator used to represent the maximum of a set of elements. The elements may be listed explicitly or they may be described by a domainofapplication, for example, the maximum over all x in the set A. The domainofapplication is often abbreviated by placing a condition directly on a bound variable.J
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic*) -> algebraic
(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
J(bvar,condition,algebraic) -> algebraic
JForAll( x in S, max(y in S,y) \geq x )
Maximum of a finite listing of elements
Max(y^3, y in (0,1))
<apply> <max/> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci>y</ci><interval><cn>0</cn><cn>1</cn></interval></apply> </condition> <apply><power/><ci> y</ci><cn>3</cn></apply> </apply>
This is the n-ary operator used to represent the minimum of a set of elements. The elements may be listed explicitly or they may be described by a condition, e.g., the minimum over all x in the set A.
The elements must all be comparable if the result is to be well defined.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic*) -> algebraic
J(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> algebraic
J(bvar,condition,anything) -> algebraic
JMinimum of a finite listing of elements
min(y^2, y in (0,1))
<apply> <min/> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci>y</ci><interval><cn>0</cn><cn>1</cn></interval></apply> </condition> <apply><power/><ci> y</ci><cn>2</cn></apply> </apply>
This is the subtraction operator for an additive group.
If one argument is provided this operator constructs the additive inverse of that group element. If two arguments, say a and b, are provided it constructs the mathematical expression a - b.
See also Subtraction (minus).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(real) -> real
J(algebraic) -> algebraic
J(real,real) -> real
(algebraic,algebraic) -> algebraic
J[type=MathMLtype](MathMLtype) -> MathMLtype
[type=MathMLtype](MathMLtype,MathMLtype) -> MathMLtype
(set,set) -> set
(multiset,multiset) -> multiset
ForAll( x, x-x=0 )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><minus/><ci> x </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply><minus/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>5</cn> </apply>
<apply><minus/> <cn>3</cn> </apply>
This is the n-ary addition operator of an algebraic structure. Ordinarily, the operands are provided explicitly. As an n-ary operation the operands can also be generated by allowing a function or expression vary over a domain of application though the sum element is normally used for that purpose.J If no operands are provided, the expression represents the additive identity. If one operand, a, is provided the expression evaluates to "a". If two or more operands are provided, the expression represents the (semi) group element corresponding to a left associative binary pairing of the operands. The meaning of mixed operand types not covered by the signatures shown here are left up to the target system.
To use different type coercion rules different from those indicated by the signatures, use the definitionURL attribute to identify a new definition.
See also Addition (plus).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
[type=MathMLtype](anything*) -> MathMLtype
(set*) -> set
(multiset*) -> multiset
(algebraic*) -> algebraic
J(real*) -> real
(complex*) -> complex
(integer*) -> integer
(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
Jan sum of no terms is 0
<apply><eq/> <apply><plus/></apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply>
a sum of one term is equal to itself
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><plus/><ci>a</ci></apply> <cn>a</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>b</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>a</ci><reals/></apply> <apply><in/><ci>b</ci><reals/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><plus/><ci>a</ci><ci>b</ci></apply> <apply><plus/><ci>b</ci><ci>a</ci></apply> </apply> </apply>
<apply><plus/> <cn>3</cn> </apply>
<apply><plus/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>5</cn> </apply>
<apply><plus/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>5</cn> <cn>7</cn> </apply>
This is the binary powering operator that is used to construct expressions such as a "to the power of" b. In particular, it is the operation for which a "to the power of" 2 is equivalent to a * a.
See also Exponentiation (power).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic, algebraic) -> algebraic
J(complex, complex) -> complex
(real, real) -> complex
(rational, integer) -> rational
(integer, integer) -> rational
[type=MathMLtype](anything,anything) -> MathMLtype
ForAll( a, a!=0, a^0=1 )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><neq/><ci>a</ci><cn>0</cn></apply></condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><power/><ci>a</ci><cn>0</cn></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply> </apply>
ForAll( a, a^1=a )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><power/><ci>a</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> <ci>a</ci> </apply> </apply>
ForAll( a, 1^a=1 )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><power/><cn>1</cn><ci>a</ci></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply><power/><ci> x </ci><cn> 3 </cn></apply>
This is the binary operator used to represent the integer remainder a mod b. For arguments a and b, such that a = b*q + r with |r| < |b| it represents the value r.
See also Remainder (rem).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(integer, integer) -> integer
[type=MathMLtype](MathMLtype,MathMLtype) -> MathMLtype
rem(a, 0) is undefined
ForAll( [a,b], b!=0, a = b*quotient(a,b) + rem(a,b))
<apply><rem/><ci> a </ci><ci> b </ci></apply>
This is the n-ary multiplication operator of a ring. Ordinarily, the operands are provided explicitly. As an n-ary operation the operands can also be generated by allowing a function or expression vary over a domain of application though the product element is normally used for that purpose.J If no arguments are supplied then this represents the multiplicative identity. If one argument is supplied, this represents an expression that would evaluate to that single argument.
See also Multiplication (times).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic*) -> algebraic
J(complex*) -> complex
(real*) -> real
(rational*) -> rational
(integer*) -> integer
(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> algebraic
JForAll( [a,b], condition(in({a,b}, Commutative)), a*b=b*a )
ForAll( [a,b,c], Associative, a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c ), associativity
multiplicative identity
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><times/><cn>1</cn><ci>a</ci></apply> <ci>a</ci> </apply> </apply>
Commutative property
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>b</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>a</ci><reals/></apply> <apply><in/><ci>b</ci><reals/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><times/><ci>a</ci><ci>b</ci></apply> <apply><times/><ci>b</ci><ci>a</ci></apply> </apply> </apply>
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>a</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><times/><cn>0</cn><ci>a</ci></apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <times/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
This is the binary operator used to construct the nth root of an expression. The first argument "a" is the expression and the second object "n" denotes the root, as in ( a ) ^ (1/n)
See also Root (root).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | real | complex | principal_branch | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic) -> root(degree(2),algebraic)
J(anything) -> root(degree(2),anything)
J(degree,anything) -> root
JForAll( bvars(a,n), root(degree(n),a)J = a^(1/n) )
nth root of a
<apply><root/> <degree>J<ci> n </ci></degree>J <ci> a </ci> </apply>
This is the n-ary operator used to construct an expression which represents the greatest common divisor of its arguments. If no argument is provided, the gcd is 0. If one argument is provided, the gcd is that argument.
See also Greatest common divisor (gcd).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
[type=MathMLtype](MathMLtype*) ->MathMLtype
(integer*) -> integer
(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
<apply><gcd/> <cn>12</cn> <cn>17</cn> </apply>
<apply><gcd/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>5</cn> <cn>7</cn> </apply>
This is the n-ary logical "and" operator. It is used to construct the logical expression which were it to be evaluated would have a value of "true" when all of its operands have a truth value of "true", and "false" otherwise.
See also And (and).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(boolean*) -> boolean
ForAll( p, (true and p = p) )
ForAll( [p,q], (p and q = q and p) )
x and not(x) = false
<apply><and/> <ci>p</ci> <ci>q</ci> </apply>
The is the n-ary logical "or" operator. The constructed expression has a truth value of true if at least one of its arguments is true.
See also Or (or).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(boolean*) -> boolean
[type="boolean"](symbolic*) -> boolean
<apply> <or/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
The is the n-ary logical "xor" operator. The constructed expression has a truth value of true if an odd number of its arguments are true.
See also Exclusive Or (xor).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(boolean*) -> boolean
[type="boolean"](symbolic*) -> symbolic
x xor x = false
x xor not(x) = true
<apply> <xor/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
This is the unary logical "not" operator. It negates the truth value of its single argument. e.g., not P is true when P is false and false when P is true.
See also Not (not).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(boolean) -> boolean
[type="boolean"](algebraic) -> boolean
<apply> <not/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
This is the binary "implies" operator. It is used to construct the logical expression "A implies B".
See also Implies (implies).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(boolean,boolean) -> boolean
false implies x
<apply> <implies/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
The forall operator is the logical "For all" quantifier. The bound variables, if any, appear first and are tagged using the bvar element. Next comes an optional condition on the bound variables. The last argument is the boolean expression that is asserted to be true for all values of the bound variables that meet the specified conditions (if any).
See also Universal quantifier (forall).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp?,boolean) -> boolean
J(bvar*,condition?,(reln)) -> boolean
J<apply> <forall/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply> <minus/><ci> x </ci><ci> x </ci> </apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply> </apply>
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>
<condition><apply><lt/><ci> x </ci><cn> 0 </cn></apply></condition>
<ci> x </ci>
This is the MathML operator that is used to assert existence, as in "There exists an x such that x is real and x is positive."
- The first argument indicates the bound variable,
- The second optional argument places conditions on that bound variable.
- The last argument is the expression that is asserted to be true.
See also Existential quantifier (exists).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | boolean |
(bvar+,boolean) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> boolean
J<apply><exists/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><ci>f</ci> <ci>x</ci> </apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <exists/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set">C</ci> </domainofapplication> <apply> <eq/> <apply> <power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn> </apply> <cn>4</cn> </apply> </apply>
A unary operator which represents the absolute value of its argument. In the complex case this is often referred to as the modulus.
See also Absolute Value (abs).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(algebraic) -> algebraic
J(real) -> real
J(complex) -> real
for all x and y, abs(x) + abs(y) >= abs(x+y)
The unary "conjugate" arithmetic operator is used to represent the complex conjugate of its argument.
See also Complex conjugate (conjugate).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic) -> algebraic
(complex) -> complex
<apply><conjugate/> <apply><plus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply><times/> <imaginaryi/> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply> </apply>
The unary "arg" operator is used to construct an expression which represents the "argument" of a complex number.
See also Argument (arg).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(complex) -> real
<apply><arg/> <apply><plus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply><times/><imaginaryi/><ci>y</ci></apply> </apply> </apply>
A unary operator used to construct an expression representing the "real" part of a complex number.
See also Real part (real).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(complex) -> real
ForAll( [x,y], x in R, Y in R, real(x+i*y)=x) )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>x</ci><reals/></apply> <apply><in/><ci>y</ci><reals/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><eq/> <apply><real/> <apply><plus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply><times/><imaginaryi/><ci>y</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> <ci> x </ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><real/> <apply><plus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply><times/><imaginaryi/><ci>y</ci></apply> </apply> </apply>
The unary function used to construct an expression which represents the imaginary part of a complex number.
See also Imaginary part (imaginary).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(complex) -> real
ForAll( [x,y], Imaginary(x + i*y) = y )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci type="real"> x </ci></bvar> <bvar><ci type="real"> y </ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><imaginary/> <apply><plus/> <ci type="real"> x </ci> <apply><times/><imaginaryi/><ci>y</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> <ci type="real"> y </ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><imaginary/> <apply><plus/> <ci> x </ci> <apply><times/><imaginaryi/><ci>y</ci></apply> </apply> </apply>
This n-ary operator is used to construct an expression which represents the least common multiple of its arguments. If no argument is provided, the lcm is 1. If one argument is provided, the lcm is that argument. The least common multiple of x and 1 is x.
See also Lowest common multiple (lcm).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
[type=MathMLtype](MathMLtype*) -> MathMLtype
(integer*) -> integer
(algebraic*) -> algebraic
(domainofapp,function) -> algebraic
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> algebraic
JForAll( x, lcm(x,1)=x )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><lcm/><ci>x</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> <ci>x</ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><lcm/> <cn>12</cn> <cn>17</cn> </apply>
<apply><lcm/> <cn>3</cn> <cn>5</cn> <cn>7</cn> </apply>
The floor element is used to denote the round-down (towards -infinity) operator.
See also Floor (floor).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(real) -> integer
[type=MathMLtype](algebraic) -> algebraic
JForAll( x, floor(x) <= x )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><leq/> <apply><floor/> <ci>x</ci> </apply> <ci>x</ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <floor/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
The ceiling element is used to denote the round-up (towards +infinity) operator.
See also Ceiling (ceiling).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(real) -> integer
[type=MathMLtype](algebraic) -> algebraic
JForAll( x, ceiling(x) >= x )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><geq/> <apply><ceiling/> <ci>x</ci> </apply> <ci>x</ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <ceiling/> <ci> a </ci> </apply>
This n-ary function is used to indicate that two or more quantities are equal. There must be at least two arguments.
See also Equals (eq).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real+) -> boolean
(boolean, boolean+) -> boolean
(set,set+) -> set
(multiset,multiset+) -> multiset
(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> boolean
<apply><eq/> <cn type="rational">2<sep/>4</cn><cn type="rational">1<sep/>2</cn> </apply>
<apply><eq/><ci type="set">A</ci><ci type="set">B</ci></apply>
<apply><eq/><ci type="multiset">A</ci><ci type="multiset">B</ci></apply>
This binary function represents the relation "not equal to" which returns true unless the two arguments are equal.
See also Not Equals (neq).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real) -> boolean
(boolean,boolean) -> boolean
(set,set) -> set
(multiset,multiset) -> multiset
This n-ary function represents the relation "greater than" which returns true if each argument in turn is greater than the one following it. There must be at least two arguments.
See also Greater than (gt).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real+) -> boolean
(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> boolean
This n-ary function represents the relation "less than" which returns true if each argument in turn is less than the one following it. There must be at least two arguments.
See also Less Than (lt).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real+) -> boolean
( domainofapp , function ) -> boolean
J( bvar+ , domainofapp , algebraic) -> boolean
This element represents the n-ary greater than or equal to function. which returns true if each argument in turn is greater than or equal to the one following it. . There must be at least two arguments.
See also Greater Than or Equal (geq).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real+) -> boolean
( domainofapp , function ) -> boolean
J( bvar+ , domainofapp , algebraic ) -> boolean
This n-ary function represents the relation "less than or equal to" which returns true if each argument in turn is less or equal to the one following it. There must be at least two arguments.
See also Less Than or Equal (leq).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real,real+) -> boolean
( domainofapp , function ) -> boolean
J( bvar+ , domainofapp , arithmetic ) -> boolean
This element represents the n-ary logical equivalence function in which two boolean expressions are said to be equivalent if their truth values are equal for all choices of values of the boolean variables appearing in them.
See also Equivalent (equivalent).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(boolean,boolean+) -> boolean
(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,boolean) -> boolean
<apply><equivalent/> <ci>a</ci> <apply><not/> <apply>J<not/><ci>a</ci></apply> </apply> </Japply>
This element is used to indicate that two or more quantities are approximately equal. If a more precise definition of approximately equal is required the definintionURL should be used to identify a suitable definition..
See also Approximately (approx).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | real |
(real,real+) -> boolean
(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,boolean) -> boolean
<apply><approx/><pi/><cn type="rational">22<sep/>7</cn></apply>
This is the binary MathML operator that is used indicate the mathematical relationship a "is a factor of" b. This relationship is true just if b mod a = 0
See also Factor Of (factorof).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | MathMLType | integer |
(integer, integer) -> boolean
ForAll( [a,b], a and b integers, a divides b if there is an integer c such that a*c = b )
<apply><factorof/> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> </apply>
The definite or indefinite integral of a function or algebraic
expression. The definite integral involves the specification of some sort of domain of application.J
There are several forms of calling sequences depending on
the nature of the arguments, and whether or not it is a
definite integral. Those forms using interval
, condition
, lowlimit
or uplimit
, provide convenient shorthand notations for an appropriate
See also Integral (int).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> function
(bvar,algebraic) -> algebraic
(domainofapp,function) -> function
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
J<apply><int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn> 0 </cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> a </ci></uplimit> <apply><ci> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <interval><ci> a </ci><ci> b </ci></interval> <apply><cos/><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><int/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/><ci> x </ci><ci type="set"> D </ci></apply> </condition> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><int/> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set"> D </ci> </domainofapplication> <ci type="function"> f </ci> </apply>
<apply><int/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set"> D </ci> </domainofapplication> <apply> <ci type="function"> f </ci> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> </apply> </apply>
This occurs in two forms, one for functions and one for expressions involving a bound variable.
For expressions in the bound variable x, the expression to be differentiated follows the bound variable.
If there is only one argument, a function, the result of applying diff to that function is a new function, the derivative of f, often written as f' .
See also Differentiation (diff).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | function | algebraic | algebraic |
(bvar,algebraic) -> algebraic
(function) -> function
ForAll( [x,n], n!=0, diff( x^n , x ) = n*x^(n-1) )
diff( sin(x) , x ) = cos(x)
<apply><eq/> <apply><diff/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><sin/><ci>x</ci></apply> </apply> <apply><cos/><ci>x</ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><diff/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>2</cn></apply> </apply>
<apply><diff/><bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
diff(sin) = cos
This symbol is used to express partial differentiation. It occurs in two forms: one form corresponding to the differentiation of algebraic expressions (often displayed using the Leibnitz notation)J, and the other to express partial derivatives of actual functions (often expressed as $D_{1,2} f $ )
For the first form, the arguments are the bound variables followed by the algebraic expression. The result is an algebraic expression. Repetitions of the bound variables are indicated using the degree element. The total degree is indicated by use of a degree element at the top level.
For the second form, there are two arguments: a list of indices indicating by position which coordinates are involved in constructing the partial derivatives, and the actual function. The coordinates may be repeated.
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | function | algebraic | algebraic |
(bvar+,degree?,algebraic) -> algebraic
J(vector,function) -> function
ForAll( [x,y], partialdiffJ( x * y , x ) = partialdiffJ(x,x)*y + partialdiffJ(y,x)*x )
ForAll( [x,a,b], partialdiffJ( a + b , x ) = partialdiffJ(a,x) + partialdiffJ(b,x) )
partialdiffJ(sin) = cos
d^k/(dx^m dy^n) f(x,y)
<apply><partialdiff/> J<bvar><ci> x </ci><degree><ci> m </ci></degree></bvar> J<bvar><ci> y </ci><degree><ci> n </ci></degree></bvar> J<degree><ci>k</ci></degree> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply>
d^2/(dx dy) f(x,y)
<apply><partialdiff/> <bvar><ci> x </ci> J</bvar> <bvar><ci> y </ci> J</bvar> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci> <ci> x </ci> <ci> y </ci> </apply> </apply>
<apply><partialdiff/> <list><cn>1</cn><cn>1</cn><cn>3</cn></list> <ci type="function">f</ci> </apply>
This is a qualifier. It is typically used to construct a lower limit on a bound variable. Upper and lower limits are used in some integrals and sums as alternative way of describing the interval. It can also be used with user defined functions created using csymbol. Use a vector argument to convey limits on more than one bound variable.
JSee also Lower limit (lowlimit).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic) -> lowlimit
JSee int
This is a qualifier. It is typically used to construct a upper limit on a bound variable. Upper and lower limits are used in some integrals and sums as alternative way of describing the interval. It can also be used with user defined functions created using csymbol. Use a vector argument to convey limits on more than one bound variable.
JSee also Upper limit (uplimit).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic) -> uplimit
JSee int
The bvar element is a special qualifier element that is used to denote the "bound variable" of an operation. A variable that is to be bound is placed in this container. For example, in an integral it specifies the variable of integration. In a derivative, it indicates which variable with respect to which a function is being differentiated. When the bvar element is used to qualify a derivative, the bvar element may contain a child degree element that specifies the order of the derivative with respect to that variable. The bvar element is also used for the internal variable in sums and products and may be used with user defined functions.
JSee also Bound variable (bvar).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(symbol,degree?) -> bvar
<apply><forall/><bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><in/><ci>x</ci><reals/></apply></condition> <apply><eq/><apply><minus/><ci>x</ci><ci>x</ci></apply><cn>0</cn></apply> </apply>
<apply><diff/> <bvar><ci>x</ci><degree><cn>2</cn></degree></bvar> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>5</cn></apply> </apply>
The degree element is a qualifer used by some MathML schemata to specify that, for example, a bound variable is repeated several times.
JSee also Degree (degree).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(algebraic) -> degree
J<apply><diff/> <bvar><ci>x</ci><degree><cn>2</cn></degree></bvar> <apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>5</cn></apply> </apply>
This symbol is used to represent the divergence function.
Given, one argument which is a vector of scalar valued functions defined on the coordinates x_1, x_2, ... x_n. It returns a scalar value function. That function satisfies the defining relation:
divergence(F) = \partial(F_(x_1))/\partial(x_1) + ... + \partial(F_(x_n))/\partial(x_n)
The functions defining the coordinates may be defined implicitly as expressions defined in terms of the coordinate names, in which case the coordinate names must be provided as bound variables.
See also Divergence (divergence).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(vector(function)) -> function
(bvar+,vector(algebraic)) -> algebraic
<apply><divergence/><ci type="vector"> E</ci></apply>
<declare><ci>F</ci><vector><ci>f1</ci><ci>f2</ci><ci>f3</ci></vector></declare> <apply><divergence/><ci>F</ci></apply>
<apply><divergence/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>z</ci></bvar> <vector> <apply><plus/><ci>x</ci><ci>y</ci></apply> <apply><plus/><ci>x</ci><ci>z</ci></apply> <apply><plus/><ci>z</ci><ci>y</ci></apply> </vector> </apply>
If a is a vector field defined inside a closed surface S enclosing a volume V, then the divergence of a is given by
<apply><divergence/><ci type="vectorfield">a</ci></apply>
<bvar><ci> V </ci></bvar>
<ci> V </ci>
<cn> 0 </cn>
<int encoding="text" definitionURL="SurfaceIntegrals.htm"/>
<bvar><ci> S</ci></bvar>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> V </ci>
The gradient element is the vector calculus gradient operator, often called grad. It represents the operation that constructs a vector of partial derivatives vector( df/dx_1 , df/dx_2, ... df/dx_n )
See also Gradient (grad).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> vector(function)
(bvar+,algebraic) -> vector(algebraic)
<apply><grad/><ci type="function"> f</ci></apply>
This symbol is used to represent the curl operator. It requires both aJ coordinates and a vector of expressions defined over those coordinates. It returns a vector valued expression.
In its functional form the coordinates are implicit in the definition of the function so it needs only one argument which is a vector valued function and returns a vector of functions.
Given F = F(x,y,z) = ( f1(x,y,z) , f2(x,y,z), f3(x,y,z) ) and coordinate names (x,y,z) the following relationship must hold:
curl(F) = i X \partial(F)/\partial(x) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(y) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(Z) where i,j,k are the unit vectors corresponding to the x,y,z axes respectivly and the multiplication X is cross multiplication.
See also Curl (curl).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar,bvar,bvar,algebraic) -> vector(algebraic)
(vector(function) ) -> vector(function)
curl(F) = i X \partial(F)/\partial(x) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(y) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(Z)
<apply> <curl/> <ci type="vector" > f</ci> </apply>
This is the element used to indicate an application of the laplacian operator. It may be applied directly to expressions, in which case the coordinate names are provided in order by use of bvar. It may also be applied directly to a function F in which case, the definition below is for F = F(x_1, x_2, ... x_n) where x_1, x_2, ... x_n are the coordinate names.
laplacian(F) = \partial^2(F)/\partial(x_1)^2 + ... + \partial^2(F)/\partial(x_n)^2
See also Laplacian (laplacian).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar+,algebraic) -> algebraic
(scalar_valued_function) -> scalar_valued_function
<apply><laplacian/><ci type="vector"> E</ci></apply>
<declare><ci>F</ci><vector><ci>f1</ci><ci>f2</ci><ci>f3</ci></vector></declare> <apply><laplacian/><ci>F</ci></apply>
<apply><laplacian/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>y</ci></bvar><bvar><ci>z</ci></bvar> <apply><ci>f</ci> <ci>x</ci><ci>y</ci> </apply> </apply>
The set element is the container element that constructs a set of elements. They may be explicitly listed, or defined by expressions or functions evaluated over a domain of application. The domain of application may be given explicitly, or provided by means of one of the shortcut notations.
JSee also Set (set).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | set | multiset | set |
(anything*) -> set
(domainofapp,function) -> set
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> set
J<set> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <ci> c </ci> </set>
<set> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 5 </cn> </apply> </condition> <ci>x</ci> </set>
<set> <domainofapplication> <ci type="set">C</ci> </domainofapplication> <ci type="function">f</ci> </set>
The list element is the container element that constructs a list of elements. They may be explicitly listed, or defined by expressions or functions evaluated over a domain of application. The domain of application may be given explicitly, or provided by means of one of the shortcut notations.
JSee also List (list).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
order | lexicographic | numeric | none |
(anything*) -> list
[order=ordering](anything*) -> list
J(domainofapp,function) -> list
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> list
J[order=ordering](domainofapp,function) -> list(ordering)
J[order=ordering](bvar*,domainofapp,anything) -> list(ordering)
J<list> <ci> a </ci> <ci> b </ci> <ci> c </ci> </list>
<list order="numeric"> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><lt/> <ci> x </ci> <cn> 5 </cn> </apply> </condition> </list>
This is the set-theoretic operation of union of sets. This n-ary operatorJ generalizes to operations on multisets by tracking the frequency of occurrence of each element in the union. As an n-ary operation the operands can be generated by allowing a function or expression to range over the elements of a domain of application. Thus it accepts qualifiers.
See also Union (union).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set*) -> set
(multiset*) -> multiset
J(domainofapp, set_valued_function) -> set
J(bvar+,domainofapp,set_valued_expression) -> set
J(domainofapp, multiset_valued_function) -> multiset
J(bvar+,domainofapp,multiset_valued_expression) -> multiset
J<apply><union/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
This n-aryJ operator indicates the intersection of twoJ sets. If the two sets are multisets, the result is a multiset. in which each element is present with a repetition determined by the smallest number of occurrences in any of the sets (multisets) that occur as arguments.
See also Intersect (intersect).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set*) -> set
J(multiset*) -> multiset
J(domainofapp, set_valued_function) -> set
J(bvar+,domainofapp,set_valued_expression) -> set
J(domainofapp, multiset_valued_function) -> multiset
J(bvar+,domainofapp,multiset_valued_expression) -> multiset
J<apply><intersect/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
The in element is the relational operator used for a set-theoretic inclusion ('is in' or 'is a member of').
See also Set inclusion (in).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(anything,set) -> boolean
(anything,multiset) -> boolean
<apply><in/> <ci> a </ci> <ci type="set"> A </ci> </apply>
The notin element is the relational operator element used to construct set-theoretic exclusion ('is not in' or 'is not a member of').
See also Set exclusion (notin).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(anything,set) -> boolean
(anything,multiset) -> boolean
<apply><notin/> <ci> a </ci> <ci type="set"> A </ci> </apply>
The subset element is the n-aryJ relational operator element for a set-theoretic containment ('is a subset of').
See also Subset (subset).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set*) -> boolean
J(multiset*) -> boolean
J(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> boolean
J<apply><subset/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <subset/> <subset/> <bvar><ci type="set">S</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><in/> <ci>S</ci> <ci type="list">T</ci> </apply> </condition> <ci>S</ci> </apply>
The prsubset element is the n-aryJ relational operator element for set-theoretic proper containment ('is a proper subset of').
See also Proper Subset (prsubset).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set*) -> boolean
J(multiset*) -> boolean
J(domainofapp,function) -> boolean
J(bvar+,domainofapp,boolean) -> boolean
J<apply><prsubset/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
<apply> <prsubset/> <bvar><ci type="integer">i</ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn>0</cn></lowlimit> <uplimit><cn>10</cn></uplimit> <apply><selector/> <ci type="vector_of_sets">S</ci> <ci>i</ci> </apply> </apply>
The notsubset element is the relational operator element for the set-theoretic relation 'is not a subset of'.
See also Not Subset (notsubset).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set, set) -> boolean
(multiset,multiset) -> boolean
<apply><notsubset/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
The notprsubset element is the element for constructing the set-theoretic relation 'is not a proper subset of'.
See also Not Proper Subset (notprsubset).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set,set) -> boolean
(multiset,multiset) -> boolean
<apply><notprsubset/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
The setdiff element is the operator element for a set-theoretic difference of two sets.
See also Set Difference (setdiff).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set,set) -> set
(multiset,multiset) -> multiset
<apply><setdiff/> <ci type="set"> A </ci> <ci type="set"> B </ci> </apply>
The card element is the operator element for deriving the size or cardinality of a set. The size of a multset is simply the total number of elements in the multiset.
See also Cardinality (card).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set) -> scalar
(multiset) -> scalar
<apply><eq/> <apply><card/><ci> A </ci></apply> <ci> 5 </ci> </apply>
The cartesianproduct element is the operator for a set-theoretic cartesian product of two (or more) sets. The cartesian product of multisets produces a multiset since n-tuples may be repeated if elements in the base sets are repeated.
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(set*) -> set
(multiset*) -> multiset
<apply><cartesianproduct/> <ci> A </ci> <ci> B </ci> </apply>
<apply><cartesianproduct/> <reals/> <reals/> <reals/> </apply>
The sum element denotes the summation operator. It may be qualified by providing a domainofapplication. This may be provided using one of the shorthand notations for domainofapplication such as an uplimit,lowlimit pair or a condition or an interval. The index for the summation is specified by a bvar element.
JSee also Sum (sum).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar*, ( (lowlimit, uplimit) |condition ), algebraic) -> real
J(function ) -> function
J(bvar,algebraic ) -> algebraic
J(domainofapp,function) -> function
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
J<apply><sum/> <bvar> <ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply><ci> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><sum/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition><apply> <in/><ci> x </ci><ci type="set">B</ci></apply></condition> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
The product element denotes the product operator. It may be qualified by providing a domainofapplication. This may be provided using one of the shorthand notations for domainofapplication such as an uplimit,lowlimit pair or a condition or an interval. The index for the product is specified by a bvar element.
JSee also Product (product).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar*, ( (lowlimit, uplimit) |condition ), algebraic) -> real
J(function) -> function
J(bvar,algebraic) -> algebraic
J(domainofapp,function) -> function
J(bvar+,domainofapp,algebraic) -> algebraic
J<apply><product/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit> <ci> a </ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci> b </ci></uplimit> <apply><ci type="function"> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
<apply><product/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <condition><apply> <in/><ci> x </ci><ci type="set">B</ci></apply></condition> <apply><ci> f </ci><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
The limit element represents the operation of taking a limit of a sequence. The limit point is expressed by specifying a lowlimit and a bvar, or by specifying a condition on one or more bound variables.
See also Limit (limit).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(bvar+, lowlimit, uplimit, algebraic) -> real
J(bvar+, condition , algebraic) -> real
J<apply> <limit/> <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> <lowlimit><cn> 0 </cn></lowlimit> <apply><sin/><ci> x </ci></apply> </apply>
The tendsto element is used to express the relation that a quantity is tending to a specified value.
See also Tends To (tendsto).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | above | below | all | MathMLType | all |
(algebraic,algebraic) -> tendsto
[ type=direction ](algebraic,algebraic) -> tendsto(direction)
<apply><tendsto type="above"/> <apply><power/><ci> x </ci><cn> 2 </cn></apply> <apply><power/><ci> a </ci><cn> 2 </cn></apply> </apply>
<apply><tendsto/> <vector><ci> x </ci><ci> y </ci></vector> <vector> <apply><ci type="function">f</ci><ci> x </ci><ci> y </ci></apply> <apply><ci type="function">g</ci><ci> x </ci><ci> y </ci></apply> </vector> </apply>
This element represents the exponentiation function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.2. It takes one argument.
See also Exponential (exp).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
J<apply><eq/> <apply><exp/><cn>0</cn></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply>
for all k if k is an integer then e^(z+2*pi*k*i)=e^z
<apply><exp/><ci> x </ci></apply>
This element represents the ln function (natural logarithm) as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.1. It takes one argument.
See also Natural Logarithm (ln).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
J-pi lt Im ln x leq pi
<apply><ln/><ci> a </ci></apply>
This element represents the log function. It is defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1 If its first argument is a logbase element, it specifies the base and the second argument is the argument to which the function is applied using that base. If no logbase element is present, the base is assumed to be 10.
See also Logarithm (log).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(logbase,real) -> real
(logbase,complex) -> complex
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
a^b = c implies log_a c = b
<apply><log/> <logbase><cn> 3 </cn></logbase> <ci> x </ci> </apply>
This element represents the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jsin(0) = 0
sin(integer*Pi) = 0
sin(x) = (exp(ix)-exp(-ix))/2i
<apply><sin/><ci> x </ci></apply>
This element represents the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcos(0) = 1
cos(integer*Pi+Pi/2) = 0
cos(x) = (exp(ix)+exp(-ix))/2
This element represents the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jtan(integer*Pi) = 0
tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x)
This element represents the sec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jsec(x) = 1/cos(x)
This element represents the csc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcsc(x) = 1/sin(x)
This element represents the cot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcot(integer*Pi+Pi/2) = 0
cot(x) = cos(x)/sin(x)
cot A = 1/tan A
This element represents the sinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jsinh A = 1/2 * (e^A - e^(-A))
This symbol represents the cosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcosh A = 1/2 * (e^A + e^(-A))
This element represents the tanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jtanh A = sinh A / cosh A
This element represents the sech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jsech A = 1/cosh A
This element represents the csch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcsch A = 1/sinh A
This element represents the coth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jcoth A = 1/tanh A
This element represents the arcsin function which is the inverse of the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarcsin(z) = -i ln (sqrt(1-z^2)+Jiz)
This element represents the arccos function which is the inverse of the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccos(z) = -i ln(z+i \sqrt(1-z^2))
This element represents the arctan function which is the inverse of the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarctan(z) = (ln(1+iz)-ln(1-iz))/2i
This symbol represents the arccosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccosh(z) = 2*ln(\sqrt((z+1)/2) + \sqrt((z-1)/2))
This element represents the arccot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccot(-z) = - arccot(z)
This element represents the arccoth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccoth(z) = (ln(-1-z)-ln(1-z))/2
This element represents the arccsc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccsc(z) = -i ln(i/z + \sqrt(1 - 1/z^2))
This element represents the arccsch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarccsch(z) = ln(1/z + \sqrt(1+(1/z)^2))
This element represents the arcsec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarcsec(z) = -i ln(1/z + i \sqrt(1-1/z^2))
This element represents the arcsech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarcsech(z) = 2 ln(\sqrt((1+z)/(2z)) + \sqrt((1-z)/(2z)))
This element represents the arcsinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarcsinh z = ln(z + \sqrt(1+z^2))
This element represents the arctanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. It takes one argument.
See also common trigonometric functions .
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(real) -> real
J(complex) -> complex
Jarctanh(z) = - i * arctan(i * z)
The mean value of a set of data, or of a random variable. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1
See also Mean (mean).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(random_variable) -> scalar
(scalar+) -> scalar
<apply><mean/><ci type="discrete_random_variable"> X </ci></apply>
<apply><mean/><ci> X </ci></apply>
This element represents a function denoting the sample standard deviation of its arguments. The arguments are either all data, or a discrete random variable, or a continuous random variable.
For numeric data at least two values are required and this is the square root of (the sum of the squares of the deviations from the mean of the arguments, divided by the number of arguments less one). For a "discrete_random_variable", this is the square root of the second moment about the mean. This further generalizes to identifiers of type continuous_random_variable.
See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, (7.7.11) section 7.7.1.
See also Standard Deviation (sdev).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(scalar,scalar+) -> scalar
(discrete_random_variable) -> scalar
(continuous_random_variable) -> scalar
<apply><sdev/> <ci type="discrete_random_variable"> X </ci> </apply>
This symbol represents a function denoting the variance of its arguments, that is, the square of the standard deviation. The arguments are either all data in which case there are two or more of them, or an identifier of type discrete_random_variable, or continuous_random_variable. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [7.1.2] and [7.7].
See also Variance (variance).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(scalar,scalar+) -> scalar
(descrete_random_variable) -> scalar
(continuous_random_variable) -> scalar
<apply><variance/> <ci type="discrete_random_variable"> X </ci> </apply>
This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the median of its arguments. That is, if the data were placed in ascending order then it denotes the middle one (in the case of an odd amount of data) or the average of the middle two (in the case of an even amount of data). See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1
See also Median (median).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(scalar+) -> scalar
This represents the mode of n data values. The mode is the data value that occurs with the greatest frequency. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1
See also Mode (mode).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA |
(scalar+) -> scalar
This symbol is used to denote the i'th moment of a set of data, or a random variable. Unless otherwise specified, the moment is about the origin. For example, the i'th moment of X about the origin is given by moment( i , 0 , x ). J
The first argument indicates which moment about that point is being specified. For the i'th moment the first argument should be i. The second argument specifies the point about which the moment is computed. It is either an actual point ( e.g. 0 ), or a function which can be used on the data to compute that point. To indicate a central moment, specify the element "mean". The third argument is either a discrete or continuous random variable, or the start of a sequence of data. If there is a sequence of data then the i'th moment is (1/n) (x_1^i + x_2^i + ... + x_n^i).
JThe use of of a degree to indicate the order of the moment has been deprecated.
JSee CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1
See also Moment (moment).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(degree,momentabout?,scalar+) -> scalar
(degree,momentabout?,discrete_random_variable) -> scalar
(degree,momentabout?,continuous_random_variable) -> scalar
The third moment about the point p of a discrete random variable
<apply> <moment/> <degree><cn>3</cn></degree> <momentabout><ci>p</ci></momentabout> <ci>X</ci> </apply>
The 3rd central moment of a set of data.
<apply><moment/> <degree><cn>3</cn></degree> <momentabout><mean/></momentabout> <cn>6</cn><cn>4</cn><cn>2</cn><cn>2</cn><cn>5</cn> </apply>
The 3rd central moment of a discrete random variable.
<apply><moment/> <degree><cn>3</cn></degree> <momentabout><mean/></momentabout> <ci type="discrete_random_variable"> X </ci> </apply>
The 3rd moment about the origin of a set of data.
<apply><moment/> <degree><cn>3</cn></degree> <momentabout><cn>0</cn></momentabout> <cn>6</cn><cn>4</cn><cn>2</cn><cn>2</cn> </apply>
This qualifierJ element is used to identify the point about which a moment is to be computed. It may be an explicit point, or it may identify a method by which the point is to be computed from the given data. For example the moment may be computed about the mean by specifying the element used for the mean.
See also Point of Moment (momentabout).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(function) -> method
(scalar) -> point
The third moment about the point p of a discrete random variable
<apply> <moment/> <degree> <cn> 3 </cn> </degree> <momentabout> <ci> p </ci> </momentabout> <ci> X </ci> </apply>
The 3rd central moment of a set of data.
<apply><moment/> <degree><cn> 3 </cn></degree> <momentabout><mean/></momentabout> <cn>6</cn><cn>4</cn><cn>2</cn><cn>2</cn><cn>5</cn> </apply>
A vector is an ordered n-tuple of values representing an element of an n-dimensional vector space. The "values" are all from the same ring, typically real or complex. Where orientation is important, such as for pre or post multiplication by a matrix a vector is treated as if it were a column vector and its transpose is treated a row vector. The type attribute can be used to explicitly specify that a vector is a "row" vector. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [2.4]
See also Vector (vector).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | row | column | MathMLType | column |
(real*) -> vector(type=real)
[type=vectortype]((anything)*) -> vector(type=vectortype)
(domainofapp,function) -> vector
J(bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> vector
matrix * vector = vector
matrix * column_vector = column_ vector
row_vector*matrix = row_vector
transpose(vector) = row_vector
transpose(column_vector) = row_vector
transpose(row_vector) = column_vector
distributive over scalars
Matrix * column vector
row vector * Matrix
<vector> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> <cn> 3 </cn> <ci> x </ci> </vector>
<vector type="row"> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> <cn> 3 </cn> <ci> x </ci> </vector>
<vector> <bvar><ci type="integer">i</ci></bvar> <lowlimit><ci>1</ci></lowlimit> <uplimit><ci>10</ci></uplimit> <apply><power/> <ci>x</ci> <ci>i</ci> </apply> </vector>
This is the constructor for a matrix. It requires matrixrow's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [2.5.1].
See also Matrix (matrix).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
type | real | complex | integer | symbolic | integer | MathMLType | real |
(matrixrow*) -> matrix
[type=matrixtype](matrixrow*) -> matrix(type=matrixtype)
(domainofapp,function) -> matrix
J(bvar,bvar,domainofapp,anything) -> matrix
Jscalar multiplication
scalar multiplication
Matrix*column vector
scalar multiplication
scalar multiplication
<matrix> <matrixrow><cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn></matrixrow> <matrixrow><cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 1 </cn></matrixrow> <matrixrow><cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn> <cn> 0 </cn></matrixrow> </matrix>
<matrix> <bvar><ci type="integer">i</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci type="integer">j</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/> <ci>i</ci> <interval><ci>1</ci><ci>5</ci></interval> </apply> <apply><in/> <ci>j</ci> <interval><ci>5</ci><ci>9</ci></interval> </apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><power/> <ci>i</ci> <ci>j</ci> </apply> </vector>
This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent rows of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring.
See also Matrix row (matrixrow).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(ringelement+) -> matrixrow
<matrixrow> <cn> 1 </cn> <cn> 2 </cn> </matrixrow>
The "determinant" of a matrix. This is a unary function. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [2.5.4].
See also Determinant (determinant).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA |
(matrix)-> scalar
<apply><determinant/> <ci type="matrix"> A </ci> </apply>
The transpose of a matrix or vector. See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [2.4] and [2.5.1].
See also Transpose (transpose).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
Jtranspose(transpose(A))= A
transpose(transpose(V))= V
<apply><transpose/> <ci type="matrix"> A </ci> </apply>
<apply><transpose/> <ci type="vector"> V </ci> </apply>
The operator used to extract sub-objects from vectors, matrices matrix rows and lists. Elements are accessed by providing one index element for each dimension. For matrices, sub-matrices are selected by providing oneJ fewer index items. For a matrix A and a column vector V : select(i, j, A) is the i,j th element of A. select(i, A) is the matrixrow formed from the i'th row of A. select(i, V) is the i'th element of V. select(V) is the sequence of all elements of V. select(A) is the sequence of all elements of A, extracted row by row. select(i, L) is the i'th element of a list. select(L) is the sequence of elements of a list.
See also Selector (selector).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
((vector|list|matrixrow),scalar )->scalar
For all vectors V, V = vector(selector(V))
JFor all matrix rows Mrow, Mrow = matrixrow(selector(Mrow))
<apply>J<selector/><ci type="matrix">M</ci><cn>3</cn><cn>2</cn></apply>J
The vector or cross product of two nonzero three-dimensional vectors v1 and v2 is defined by
v1 x v2 = n norm(v1) * norm(v2) sin(theta) where n is the unit normal vector perpendicular to both, adhering to the right hand rule. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, [2.4]
See also Vector product (vectorproduct).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
if v1 and v2 are parallel then their vector product is 0
This symbol represents the scalar product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a scalar value. The scalar product of two vectors a, b is defined as |a| * |b| * cos(\theta), where \theta is the angle between the two vectors and |.| is a euclidean size function. Note that the scalar product is often referred to as the dot product.
See also Scalar product (scalarproduct).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(vector,vector) -> scalar
if the scalar product of two vectors is 0 then they are orthogonal.
This symbol represents the outer product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a matrix. It is defined as follows: if we write the {i,j}'th element of the matrix to be returned as m_{i,j}, then: m_{i,j}=a_i * b_j where a_i,b_j are the i'th and j'th elements of a, b respectively.
See also Outer product (outerproduct).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(vector,vector) -> matrix
integers represents the set of all integers.
See also integers (integers).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
n is an integer implies n+1 is an integer.
<apply><implies/> <apply><in/><ci>n</ci><integers/></apply> <apply><in/><apply><plus/><ci>n</ci><cn>1</cn></apply><integers/></apply> </apply>
0 is an integer
n is an integer implies -n is an integer
<apply><implies/> <apply><in/><ci>n</ci><integers/></apply> <apply><in/><apply><minus/><ci>n</ci></apply><integers/></apply> </apply>
<apply><in/> <cn type="integer"> 42 </cn> <integers/> </apply>
reals represents the set of all real numbers.
See also reals (reals).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
(JS \subset R and exists y in R : forall x in S x \le y) implies exists z in R such that ( ( forall x in S x \le z) and ( (forall x in S x \le w) implies z le w))J
for all a,b | a,b rational with a<b implies there exists rational a,c s.t. a<c and c<b
<apply><in/> <cn type="real"> 44.997 </cn> <reals/> </apply>
rationals represents the set of all rational numbers.
See also Rational Numbers (rationals).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
for all z where z is a rational, there exists integers p and q with p/q = z
ForAll( [a,b], a and b are rational, a < b implies there exists c such that a < c and c < b )
for all z where z is a rational, there exists integers p and q with p/q = z
<apply><in/> <cn type="rational"> 22 <sep/>7</cn> <rationals/> </apply>
naturalnumbers represents the set of all natural numbers, i.e.. non-negative integers.
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
For all n | n is a natural number implies n+1 is a natural number.
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>n</ci></bvar> <apply><implies/> <apply><in/><ci>n</ci><naturalnumbers/></apply> <apply><in/> <apply><plus/><ci>n</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> <naturalnumbers/> </apply> </apply> </apply>
0 is a natural number.
for all n | n in the natural numbers is equivalent to saying n=0 or n-1 is a natural number
<apply><in/> <cn type="integer">1729</cn> <naturalnumbers/> </apply>
complexes represents the set of all complex numbers, i.e., numbers which may have a real and an imaginary part.
See also complexes (complexes).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
for all z | if z is complex then there exist reals x,y s.t. z = x + i * y
<apply><in/> <cn type="complex">17<sep/>29</cn> <complexes/> </apply>
primes represents the set of all natural prime numbers, i.e., integers greater than 1 which have no positive integer factor other than themselves and 1.
See also primes (primes).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
ForAll( [d,p], p is prime, Implies( d | p , d=1 or d=p ) )
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>d</ci></bvar> <bvar><ci>p</ci></bvar> <condition> <apply><and/> <apply><in/><ci>p</ci><primes/></apply> <apply><in/><ci>d</ci><naturalnumbers/></apply> </apply> </condition> <apply><implies/> <apply><factorof/><ci>d</ci><ci>p</ci></apply> <apply><or/> <apply><eq/><ci>d</ci><cn>1</cn></apply> <apply><eq/><ci>d</ci><ci>p</ci></apply> </apply> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <in/> <cn type="integer">17</cn> <primes/> </apply>
exponentiale represents the mathematical constant which is the exponential base of the natural logarithms, commonly written e . It is approximately 2.718281828..
See also Exponential e (exponentiale).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
real constant
ln(e) = 1
<apply><eq/> <apply><ln/><exponentiale/></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply>
e is approximately 2.718281828
<cn>2.718281828 </cn>
e = the sum as j ranges from 0 to infinity of 1/(j!)
<apply> <eq/> <apply><ln/><exponentiale/></apply> <cn>1</cn> </apply>
imaginaryi represents the mathematical constant which is the square root of -1, commonly written i
See also Imaginary i (imaginaryi).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
Jsqrt(-1) = i
<apply> <eq/> <apply><power/> <imaginaryi/> <cn>2</cn> </apply> <cn>-1</cn> </apply>
notanumber represents the result of an ill-defined floating point operation, sometimes also called NaN.
See also Not A Number (notanumber).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
<apply><eq/> <apply><divide/><cn>0</cn><cn>0</cn></apply> <notanumber/> </apply>
true represents the logical constant for truth.
See also True (true).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA |
Jnot true = false
<apply><eq/> <apply><not/><true/></apply> <false/> </apply>
For all boolean p, p or true is true
<declare type="boolean"><ci>p</ci></declare> <apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>p</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><or/><ci>p</ci><true/></apply> <true/> </apply> </apply>
<apply> <eq/> <apply><or/> <true/> <ci type = "boolean">P</ci> </apply> <true/> </apply>
false represents the logical constant for falsehood.
See also False (false).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
Jnot true = false
<apply><eq/> <apply><not/><true/></apply> <false/> </apply>
p and false = false
<declare type="boolean"><ci>p</ci></declare> <apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>p</ci></bvar> <apply><and/><ci>p</ci><false/></apply> <false/> </apply>
<apply><eq/> <apply><and/> <false/> <ci type = "boolean">P</ci> </apply> <false/> </apply>
emptyset represents the empty set.
See also Empty Set (emptyset).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
for all sets S, intersect(S,emptyset) = emptyset
<apply><forall/><bvar><ci type="set">S</ci></bvar> <apply><eq/> <apply><intersect/><emptyset/><ci>S</ci></apply> <emptyset/> </apply> </apply>
<apply><neq/> <integers/> <emptyset/> </apply>
pi represents the mathematical constant which is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately 3.141592653.
See also pi (pi).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
J<apply><approx/> <cn>pi</cn> <cn> 3.141592654 </cn> </apply>
pi = 4 * the sum as j ranges from 0 to infinity of ((1/(4j+1))-(1/(4j+3)))
<apply><approx/> <pi/> <cn type = "rational">22<sep/>7</cn> </apply>
A symbol to convey the notion of the gamma constant as defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 6.1.3. It is the limit of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/m - ln m as m tends to infinity, this is approximately 0.5772 15664.
See also Euler gamma (eulergamma).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
Jgamma is approx. 0.5772156649
<apply><approx/> <eulergamma/> <cn> .5772156649 </cn> </apply>
gamma = limit_(m -> infinity)(sum_(j ranges from 1 to m)(1/j) - ln m)
<apply><approx/> <eulergamma/> <cn>0.5772156649</cn> </apply>
Infinity. Interpretation depends on the context. The default value is the positive infinity used to extend the real number line. The "type" attribute can be use to indicate that this is a "complex" infinity.
See also infinity (infinity).
Name | Value | Default |
definitionURL | URI identifying the definition | APPENDIX_C |
encoding | CDATA | MathML |
infinity/infinity is not defined.
<apply><eq/> <apply><divide/><infinity/><infinity/></apply> <notanumber/> </apply>
for all reals x, x \lt infinity
<apply><forall/> <bvar><ci>n</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><in/><ci>n</ci><reals/></apply></condition> <apply><lt/><ci>n</ci><infinity/></apply> </apply>
<apply><eq/> <apply><limit/> <bvar><ci>x</ci></bvar> <condition><apply><tendsto/><ci>x</ci><infinity/></apply></condition> <apply><divide/><cn>1</cn><ci>x</ci></apply> </apply> <cn>0</cn> </apply>