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REC-MathML-19980407; revised 19990707

ISOAMSB Characters alphabetically, with glyphs

Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators

Name Unicode Glyph Description
ac E207 UE207 most positive
acE E290 UE290 most positive, two lines below
amalg E251 UE251 amalgamation or coproduct
barvee 22BD U22BD bar, vee
Barwed 2306 U2306 logical and, double bar above
barwed 22BC U22BC logical and, bar above
bsolb E280 UE280 reverse solidus in square
Cap 22D2 U22D2 double intersection
capand E281 UE281 intersection, and
capbrcup E271 UE271 intersection, bar, union
capcap E273 UE273 intersection, intersection, joined
capcup E26F UE26F intersection above union
capdot E261 UE261 intersection, with dot
caps E275 UE275 intersection, serifs
ccaps E279 UE279 closed intersection, serifs
ccups E278 UE278 closed union, serifs
ccupssm E27A UE27A closed union, serifs, smash product
coprod 2210 U2210 coproduct operator
Cup 22D3 U22D3 double union
cupbrcap E270 UE270 union, bar, intersection
cupcap E26E UE26E union above intersection
cupcup E272 UE272 union, union, joined
cupdot 228D U228D union, with dot
cupor E282 UE282 union, or
cups E274 UE274 union, serifs
cuvee 22CE U22CE curly logical or
cuwed 22CF U22CF curly logical and
Dagger 2021 U2021 double dagger relation
dagger 2020 U2020 dagger relation
diam 22C4 U22C4 open diamond
divonx 22C7 U22C7 division on times
eplus E268 UE268 equal, plus
hercon 22B9 U22B9 hermitian conjugate matrix
intcal 22BA U22BA intercal
iprod E259 UE259 interior product
loplus E25C UE25C plus sign in left half circle
lotimes E25E UE25E multiply sign in left half circle
lthree 22CB U22CB leftthreetimes
ltimes 22C9 U22C9 times sign, left closed
midast 2217 U2217 centered asterisk
minusb 229F U229F minus sign in box
minusd 2238 U2238 minus sign, dot above
minusdu E25B UE25B minus sign, dot below
ncap E284 UE284 bar, intersection
ncup E283 UE283 bar, union
oast 229B U229B asterisk in circle
ocir 229A U229A small circle in circle
odash 229D U229D hyphen in circle
odiv E285 UE285 divide in circle
odot 2299 U2299 middle dot in circle
odsold E286 UE286 dot, solidus, dot in circle
ofcir E287 UE287 filled circle in circle
ogt E289 UE289 greater-than in circle
ohbar E260 UE260 circle with horizontal bar
olcir E409 UE409 large circle in circle
olt E288 UE288 less-than in circle
omid E40A UE40A vertical bar in circle
ominus 2296 U2296 minus sign in circle
opar E28A UE28A parallel in circle
operp E28B UE28B perpendicular in circle
oplus 2295 U2295 plus sign in circle
osol 2298 U2298 solidus in circle
Otimes E28C UE28C multiply sign in double circle
otimes 2297 U2297 multiply sign in circle
otimesas E28D UE28D multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent
ovbar E40B UE40B circle with vertical bar
plusacir E26A UE26A plus, circumflex accent above
plusb 229E U229E plus sign in box
pluscir E266 UE266 plus, small circle above
plusdo 2214 U2214 plus sign, dot above
plusdu E25A UE25A plus sign, dot below
pluse E267 UE267 plus, equals
plussim E26C UE26C plus, similar below
plustwo E269 UE269 plus, two; Nim-addition
race E40C UE40C reverse most positive, line below
roplus E25D UE25D plus sign in right half circle
rotimes E40D UE40D multiply sign in right half circle
rthree 22CC U22CC rightthreetimes
rtimes 22CA U22CA times sign, right closed
sdot 22C5 U22C5 small middle dot
sdotb 22A1 U22A1 small dot in box
setmn 2216 U2216 reverse solidus
simplus E26B UE26B plus, similar above
smashp E264 UE264 smash product
solb E27F UE27F solidus in square
sqcap 2293 U2293 square intersection
sqcaps E277 UE277 square intersection, serifs
sqcup 2294 U2294 square union
sqcups E276 UE276 square union, serifs
ssetmn E844 UE844 sm reverse solidus
sstarf 22C6 U22C6 small star, filled, low
subdot E262 UE262 subset, with dot
sum 2211 U2211 summation operator
supdot E263 UE263 superset, with dot
timesb 22A0 U22A0 multiply sign in box
timesbar E28E UE28E multiply sign, bar below
timesd E26D UE26D times, dot
tridot 25EC U25EC dot in triangle
triminus E27C UE27C minus in triangle
triplus E27B UE27B plus in triangle
trisb E27E UE27E triangle, serifs at bottom
tritime E27D UE27D multiply in triangle
uplus 228E U228E plus sign in union
veebar 22BB U22BB logical or, bar below
wedbar E265 UE265 wedge, bar below
wreath 2240 U2240 wreath product
xcap 22C2 U22C2 intersection operator
xcirc 25CB U25CB large circle
xcup 22C3 U22C3 union operator
xdtri 25BD U25BD big down triangle, open
xodot 2299 U2299 circle dot operator
xoplus 2295 U2295 circle plus operator
xotime 2297 U2297 circle times operator
xsqcup 2294 U2294 square union operator
xuplus 228E U228E biguplus
xutri 25B3 U25B3 big up triangle, open
xvee 22C1 U22C1 logical and operator
xwedge 22C0 U22C0 logical or operator