VTK  9.1.0
Todo List
Member _vtk_module_add_header_tests ()
Move this function out to be VTK-specific, probably into vtkModuleTesting.cmake. Each module would then need to manually call this function. It currently assumes it is in VTK itself.
Member vtk_module_add_python_package (name)
Support freezing the Python package. This should create a header and the associated target should provide an interface for including this header. The target should then be exported and the header installed properly.
Class vtkCachingInterpolatedVelocityField
Need to clean up style to match vtk/Kitware standards. Please help.
Member vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::TransformInput (const int port)
This is the workaround to deal with GPUVolumeRayCastMapper not able to handle extents starting from non zero values. There is not a easy fix in the GPU volume ray cast mapper hence this fix has been introduced.
Class vtkParallelRenderManager

Synchronization/barrier primitives.

Query ranges of scalar values of objects in addition to the boundary in three-space

Class vtkPolyPlane
Generalize to extrusions along arbitrary directions.
Class vtkTemporalInterpolator
Higher order interpolation schemes will require changes to the API as most calls assume only two timesteps are used.
Member vtkTemporalStreamTracer::SetTimeStepResolution (double)
, put back time scaling