VTK  9.1.0
Module Java CMake APIs


function vtk_module_wrap_java ()
 Wrap a set of modules for use in Java. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ vtk_module_wrap_java()

function vtk_module_wrap_java ( )

Wrap a set of modules for use in Java.

MODULES <module>...
[JAVA_OUTPUT <destination>]
[JNILIB_DESTINATION <destination>]
[JNILIB_COMPONENT <component>])
function vtk_module_wrap_java()
Wrap a set of modules for use in Java.
  • MODULES: (Required) The list of modules to wrap.
  • WRAPPED_MODULES: (Recommended) Not all modules are wrappable. This variable will be set to contain the list of modules which were wrapped.
  • UTILITY_TARGET: If specified, all libraries made by the Java wrapping will link privately to this target. This may be used to add compile flags to the Java libraries.
  • JAVA_OUTPUT: Defaults to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/vtkJava. Java source files are written to this directory. After generation, the files may be compiled as needed.
  • LIBRARY_DESTINATION (Recommended): If provided, dynamic loader information will be added to modules for loading dependent libraries.
  • JNILIB_DESTINATION: Where to install JNI libraries.
  • JNILIB_COMPONENT: Defaults to jni. The install component to use for JNI libraries.

For each wrapped module, a <module>Java target will be created. These targets will have a _vtk_module_java_files property which is the list of generated Java source files for that target.

For dependency purposes, the <module>Java-java-sources target may also be used.

Definition at line 351 of file vtkModuleWrapJava.cmake.