VTK  9.1.0
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vtkXdmf3DataSet Class Reference

dataset level translation between xdmf3 and vtk More...

#include <vtkXdmf3DataSet.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkDataArrayXdmfToVTKArray (XdmfArray *xArray, std::string attrName, unsigned int preferredComponents=0, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Returns a VTK array corresponding to the Xdmf array it is given. More...
static bool VTKToXdmfArray (vtkDataArray *vArray, XdmfArray *xArray, unsigned int rank=0, unsigned int *dims=nullptr)
 Populates and Xdmf array corresponding to the VTK array it is given. More...
static void XdmfToVTKAttributes (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfGrid *grid, vtkDataObject *dObject, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the given VTK DataObject's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the Xdmf Grid. More...
static void VTKToXdmfAttributes (vtkDataObject *dObject, XdmfGrid *grid)
 Populates the given Xdmf Grid's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the VTK DataObject. More...
static void XdmfToVTK (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfRegularGrid *grid, vtkImageData *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid. More...
static void CopyShape (XdmfRegularGrid *grid, vtkImageData *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK. More...
static void VTKToXdmf (vtkImageData *dataSet, XdmfDomain *domain, bool hasTime, double time, const char *name=0)
 Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set. More...
static void XdmfToVTK (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfRectilinearGrid *grid, vtkRectilinearGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid. More...
static void CopyShape (XdmfRectilinearGrid *grid, vtkRectilinearGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK. More...
static void VTKToXdmf (vtkRectilinearGrid *dataSet, XdmfDomain *domain, bool hasTime, double time, const char *name=0)
 Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set. More...
static void XdmfToVTK (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfCurvilinearGrid *grid, vtkStructuredGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid. More...
static void CopyShape (XdmfCurvilinearGrid *grid, vtkStructuredGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK. More...
static void VTKToXdmf (vtkStructuredGrid *dataSet, XdmfDomain *domain, bool hasTime, double time, const char *name=0)
 Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set. More...
static void XdmfToVTK (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfUnstructuredGrid *grid, vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid. More...
static void CopyShape (XdmfUnstructuredGrid *grid, vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK. More...
static void VTKToXdmf (vtkPointSet *dataSet, XdmfDomain *domain, bool hasTime, double time, const char *name=0)
 Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set. More...
static void XdmfToVTK (vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *fselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *cselection, vtkXdmf3ArraySelection *pselection, XdmfGraph *grid, vtkMutableDirectedGraph *dataSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the VTK graph with the contents of the Xdmf grid. More...
static void VTKToXdmf (vtkDirectedGraph *dataSet, XdmfDomain *domain, bool hasTime, double time, const char *name=0)
 Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set. More...
static void XdmfToVTKAttributes (XdmfSet *grid, vtkDataObject *dObject, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Populates the given VTK DataObject's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the Xdmf Grid. More...
static void XdmfSubsetToVTK (XdmfGrid *grid, unsigned int setnum, vtkDataSet *dataSet, vtkUnstructuredGrid *subSet, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Extracts numbered subset out of grid (grid corresponds to dataSet), and fills in subSet with it. More...
static int GetVTKFiniteElementCellType (unsigned int element_degree, const std::string &element_family, shared_ptr< const XdmfTopologyType > topologyType)
 Converts XDMF topology type, finite element family and degree into an equivalent (or approximative) representation via VTK cell type. More...
static void ParseFiniteElementFunction (vtkDataObject *dObject, shared_ptr< XdmfAttribute > xmfAttribute, vtkDataArray *array, XdmfGrid *grid, vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper *keeper=nullptr)
 Parses finite element function defined in Attribute. More...
static unsigned int GetNumberOfPointsPerCell (int vtk_cell_type, bool &fail)
 Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation. More...
static int GetVTKCellType (shared_ptr< const XdmfTopologyType > topologyType)
 Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation. More...
static int GetXdmfCellType (int vtkType)
 Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation. More...
static void SetTime (XdmfGrid *grid, double hasTime, double time)
 Helper used in VTKToXdmf to set the time in a Xdmf grid. More...
static void SetTime (XdmfGraph *graph, double hasTime, double time)
 Helper used in VTKToXdmf to set the time in a Xdmf grid. More...

Detailed Description

dataset level translation between xdmf3 and vtk

This class holds static methods that translate the five atomic data types between vtk and xdmf3.

This file is a helper for the vtkXdmf3Reader and vtkXdmf3Writer and not intended to be part of VTK public API

Definition at line 63 of file vtkXdmf3DataSet.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ XdmfToVTKArray()

static vtkDataArray * vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTKArray ( XdmfArray *  xArray,
std::string  attrName,
unsigned int  preferredComponents = 0,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Returns a VTK array corresponding to the Xdmf array it is given.

◆ VTKToXdmfArray()

static bool vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmfArray ( vtkDataArray vArray,
XdmfArray *  xArray,
unsigned int  rank = 0,
unsigned int *  dims = nullptr 

Populates and Xdmf array corresponding to the VTK array it is given.

◆ XdmfToVTKAttributes() [1/2]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTKAttributes ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfGrid *  grid,
vtkDataObject dObject,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the given VTK DataObject's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the Xdmf Grid.

◆ VTKToXdmfAttributes()

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmfAttributes ( vtkDataObject dObject,
XdmfGrid *  grid 

Populates the given Xdmf Grid's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the VTK DataObject.

◆ GetNumberOfPointsPerCell()

static unsigned int vtkXdmf3DataSet::GetNumberOfPointsPerCell ( int  vtk_cell_type,
bool &  fail 

Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation.

◆ GetVTKCellType()

static int vtkXdmf3DataSet::GetVTKCellType ( shared_ptr< const XdmfTopologyType >  topologyType)

Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation.

◆ GetXdmfCellType()

static int vtkXdmf3DataSet::GetXdmfCellType ( int  vtkType)

Helpers for Unstructured Grid translation.

◆ SetTime() [1/2]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::SetTime ( XdmfGrid *  grid,
double  hasTime,
double  time 

Helper used in VTKToXdmf to set the time in a Xdmf grid.

◆ SetTime() [2/2]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::SetTime ( XdmfGraph *  graph,
double  hasTime,
double  time 

Helper used in VTKToXdmf to set the time in a Xdmf grid.

◆ XdmfToVTK() [1/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTK ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfRegularGrid *  grid,
vtkImageData dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid.

◆ CopyShape() [1/4]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::CopyShape ( XdmfRegularGrid *  grid,
vtkImageData dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK.

◆ VTKToXdmf() [1/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmf ( vtkImageData dataSet,
XdmfDomain *  domain,
bool  hasTime,
double  time,
const char *  name = 0 

Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set.

◆ XdmfToVTK() [2/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTK ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfRectilinearGrid *  grid,
vtkRectilinearGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid.

◆ CopyShape() [2/4]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::CopyShape ( XdmfRectilinearGrid *  grid,
vtkRectilinearGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK.

◆ VTKToXdmf() [2/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmf ( vtkRectilinearGrid dataSet,
XdmfDomain *  domain,
bool  hasTime,
double  time,
const char *  name = 0 

Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set.

◆ XdmfToVTK() [3/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTK ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfCurvilinearGrid *  grid,
vtkStructuredGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid.

◆ CopyShape() [3/4]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::CopyShape ( XdmfCurvilinearGrid *  grid,
vtkStructuredGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK.

◆ VTKToXdmf() [3/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmf ( vtkStructuredGrid dataSet,
XdmfDomain *  domain,
bool  hasTime,
double  time,
const char *  name = 0 

Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set.

◆ XdmfToVTK() [4/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTK ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfUnstructuredGrid *  grid,
vtkUnstructuredGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the VTK data set with the contents of the Xdmf grid.

◆ CopyShape() [4/4]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::CopyShape ( XdmfUnstructuredGrid *  grid,
vtkUnstructuredGrid dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Helper that does topology for XdmfToVTK.

◆ VTKToXdmf() [4/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmf ( vtkPointSet dataSet,
XdmfDomain *  domain,
bool  hasTime,
double  time,
const char *  name = 0 

Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set.

◆ XdmfToVTK() [5/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTK ( vtkXdmf3ArraySelection fselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection cselection,
vtkXdmf3ArraySelection pselection,
XdmfGraph *  grid,
vtkMutableDirectedGraph dataSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the VTK graph with the contents of the Xdmf grid.

◆ VTKToXdmf() [5/5]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::VTKToXdmf ( vtkDirectedGraph dataSet,
XdmfDomain *  domain,
bool  hasTime,
double  time,
const char *  name = 0 

Populates the Xdmf Grid with the contents of the VTK data set.

◆ XdmfToVTKAttributes() [2/2]

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfToVTKAttributes ( XdmfSet *  grid,
vtkDataObject dObject,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Populates the given VTK DataObject's attribute arrays with the selected arrays from the Xdmf Grid.

◆ XdmfSubsetToVTK()

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::XdmfSubsetToVTK ( XdmfGrid *  grid,
unsigned int  setnum,
vtkDataSet dataSet,
vtkUnstructuredGrid subSet,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Extracts numbered subset out of grid (grid corresponds to dataSet), and fills in subSet with it.

◆ GetVTKFiniteElementCellType()

static int vtkXdmf3DataSet::GetVTKFiniteElementCellType ( unsigned int  element_degree,
const std::string &  element_family,
shared_ptr< const XdmfTopologyType >  topologyType 

Converts XDMF topology type, finite element family and degree into an equivalent (or approximative) representation via VTK cell type.

◆ ParseFiniteElementFunction()

static void vtkXdmf3DataSet::ParseFiniteElementFunction ( vtkDataObject dObject,
shared_ptr< XdmfAttribute >  xmfAttribute,
vtkDataArray array,
XdmfGrid *  grid,
vtkXdmf3ArrayKeeper keeper = nullptr 

Parses finite element function defined in Attribute.

This method changes geometry stored in vtkDataObject and adds Point/Cell data field.

XdmfAttribute must contain 2 arrays - one is the XdmfAttribute itself and remaining one the auxiliary array. Interpretation of the arrays is described in XDMF wiki page http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format#Attribute

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