| vtkRectd ()=default |
| vtkRectd (double x, double y, double width, double height) |
| vtkRectd (const double *init) |
| vtkRect ()=default |
| vtkRect (const double &x, const double &y, const double &width, const double &height) |
| vtkRect (const double *init) |
void | SetX (const double &x) |
| Set the x component of the rectangle bottom corner, i.e. More...
const double & | GetX () const |
| Get the x component of the rectangle bottom corner, i.e. More...
void | SetY (const double &y) |
| Set the y component of the rectangle bottom corner, i.e. More...
const double & | GetY () const |
| Get the y component of the rectangle bottom corner, i.e. More...
void | SetWidth (const double &width) |
| Set the width of the rectanle, i.e. More...
const double & | GetWidth () const |
| Get the width of the rectangle, i.e. More...
void | SetHeight (const double &height) |
| Set the height of the rectangle, i.e. More...
const double & | GetHeight () const |
| Get the height of the rectangle, i.e. More...
const double & | GetLeft () const |
| Get the left boundary of the rectangle along the X direction. More...
double | GetRight () const |
| Get the right boundary of the rectangle along the X direction. More...
double | GetTop () const |
| Get the top boundary of the rectangle along the Y direction. More...
const double & | GetBottom () const |
| Get the bottom boundary of the rectangle along the Y direction. More...
vtkVector2< double > | GetBottomLeft () const |
| Get the bottom left corner of the rect as a vtkVector. More...
vtkVector< double, 2 > | GetTopLeft () const |
| Get the top left corner of the rect as a vtkVector. More...
vtkVector< double, 2 > | GetBottomRight () const |
| Get the bottom right corner of the rect as a vtkVector. More...
vtkVector< double, 2 > | GetTopRight () const |
| Get the bottom left corner of the rect as a vtkVector. More...
bool | IntersectsWith (const vtkRect< double > &rect) const |
| Returns true if the rect argument overlaps this rect. More...
void | MoveTo (double x, double y) |
| Move the rectangle, moving the bottom-left corner to the given position. More...
bool | Intersect (const vtkRect< double > &other) |
| Intersect with other rectangle. More...
vtkVector2d | GetCenter () const |
| Returns the center of the rect as a vtkVector2d. More...
void | Set (const double &x, const double &y, const double &width, const double &height) |
| Set the x, y components of the rectangle, and the width/height. More...
void | AddPoint (const double point[2]) |
| Expand this rect to contain the point passed in. More...
void | AddPoint (double x, double y) |
| Expand this rect to contain the point passed in. More...
void | AddRect (const vtkRect< double > &rect) |
| Expand this rect to contain the rect passed in. More...
| vtkVector ()=default |
| vtkVector (const double &scalar) |
| Initialize all of the vector's elements with the supplied scalar. More...
| vtkVector (const double *init) |
| Initialize the vector's elements with the elements of the supplied array. More...
double | Norm () const |
| Get the norm of the vector, i.e. More...
double | SquaredNorm () const |
| Get the squared norm of the vector. More...
double | Normalize () |
| Normalize the vector in place. More...
vtkVector< double, Size > | Normalized () const |
| Return the normalized form of this vector. More...
double | Dot (const vtkVector< double, Size > &other) const |
| The dot product of this and the supplied vector. More...
vtkVector< TR, Size > | Cast () const |
| Cast the vector to the specified type, returning the result. More...
| vtkTuple ()=default |
| The default constructor does not initialize values. More...
| vtkTuple (const double &scalar) |
| Initialize all of the tuple's elements with the supplied scalar. More...
| vtkTuple (const double *init) |
| Initialize the tuple's elements with the elements of the supplied array. More...
| vtkTuple (const std::array< double, Size > &values) |
| Initialize the tuple's elements using a std::array for matching type and size. More...
int | GetSize () const |
| Get the size of the tuple. More...
double * | GetData () |
| Get a pointer to the underlying data of the tuple. More...
const double * | GetData () const |
double & | operator[] (int i) |
| Get a reference to the underlying data element of the tuple. More...
const double & | operator[] (int i) const |
double | operator() (int i) const |
| Get the value of the tuple at the index specified. More...
bool | Compare (const vtkTuple< double, Size > &other, const double &tol) const |
| Equality operator with a tolerance to allow fuzzy comparisons. More...
vtkTuple< TR, Size > | Cast () const |
| Cast the tuple to the specified type, returning the result. More...