virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkCompositePolyDataMapper2 * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) override |
| Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper. More...
void | Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) override |
| This calls RenderPiece (in a for loop if streaming is necessary). More...
void | SetVBOShiftScaleMethod (int m) override |
| A convenience method for enabling/disabling the VBO's shift+scale transform. More...
void | SetPauseShiftScale (bool pauseShiftScale) override |
| Pause updates of shift-scale parameters based on camera position. More...
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > | GetRenderedList () |
| Accessor to the ordered list of PolyData that we end last drew. More...
void | ProcessSelectorPixelBuffers (vtkHardwareSelector *sel, std::vector< unsigned int > &pixeloffsets, vtkProp *prop) override |
| allows a mapper to update a selections color buffers Called from a prop which in turn is called from the selector More...
vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () override |
| Overridden to include vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes' mtime. More...
bool | HasOpaqueGeometry () override |
| Some introspection on the type of data the mapper will render used by props to determine if they should invoke the mapper on a specific rendering pass. More...
bool | HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry () override |
| Some introspection on the type of data the mapper will render used by props to determine if they should invoke the mapper on a specific rendering pass. More...
void | SetCompositeDataDisplayAttributes (vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes *attributes) |
| Set/get the composite data set attributes. More...
vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes * | GetCompositeDataDisplayAttributes () |
| Set/get the composite data set attributes. More...
void | SetBlockVisibility (unsigned int index, bool visible) |
| Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index. More...
bool | GetBlockVisibility (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockVisibility (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockVisibilities () |
| Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index. More...
void | SetBlockColor (unsigned int index, const double color[3]) |
| Set/get the color for a block given its flat index. More...
void | SetBlockColor (unsigned int index, double r, double g, double b) |
| Set/get the color for a block given its flat index. More...
double * | GetBlockColor (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the color for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockColor (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the color for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockColors () |
| Set/get the color for a block given its flat index. More...
void | SetBlockOpacity (unsigned int index, double opacity) |
| Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index. More...
double | GetBlockOpacity (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockOpacity (unsigned int index) |
| Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index. More...
void | RemoveBlockOpacities () |
| Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index. More...
virtual void | SetColorMissingArraysWithNanColor (bool) |
| If the current 'color by' array is missing on some datasets, color these dataset by the LookupTable's NaN color, if the lookup table supports it. More...
virtual bool | GetColorMissingArraysWithNanColor () |
| If the current 'color by' array is missing on some datasets, color these dataset by the LookupTable's NaN color, if the lookup table supports it. More...
virtual void | ColorMissingArraysWithNanColorOn () |
| If the current 'color by' array is missing on some datasets, color these dataset by the LookupTable's NaN color, if the lookup table supports it. More...
virtual void | ColorMissingArraysWithNanColorOff () |
| If the current 'color by' array is missing on some datasets, color these dataset by the LookupTable's NaN color, if the lookup table supports it. More...
void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) override |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType) override |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info) override |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType) |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info) |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName) |
| Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
void | RenderPiece (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) override |
| Implemented by sub classes. More...
void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) override |
| Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper. More...
virtual int | GetPopulateSelectionSettings () |
void | SetPopulateSelectionSettings (int v) |
bool | GetSupportsSelection () override |
| WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Used by vtkHardwareSelector to determine if the prop supports hardware selection. More...
void | ShallowCopy (vtkAbstractMapper *m) override |
| Make a shallow copy of this mapper. More...
virtual vtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectGroup * | GetVBOs () |
| Return the mapper's vertex buffer objects. More...
virtual void | SetVBOShiftScaleMethod (int m) |
| A convenience method for enabling/disabling the VBO's shift+scale transform. More...
virtual int | GetVBOShiftScaleMethod () |
virtual void | SetPauseShiftScale (bool pauseShiftScale) |
| Pause per-render updates to VBO shift+scale parameters. More...
virtual bool | GetPauseShiftScale () |
virtual void | PauseShiftScaleOn () |
virtual void | PauseShiftScaleOff () |
void | MapDataArrayToVertexAttribute (const char *vertexAttributeName, const char *dataArrayName, int fieldAssociation, int componentno=-1) override |
| Select a data array from the point/cell data and map it to a generic vertex attribute. More...
void | MapDataArrayToMultiTextureAttribute (const char *tname, const char *dataArrayName, int fieldAssociation, int componentno=-1) override |
void | RemoveVertexAttributeMapping (const char *vertexAttributeName) override |
| Remove a vertex attribute mapping. More...
void | RemoveAllVertexAttributeMappings () override |
| Remove all vertex attributes. More...
void | ProcessSelectorPixelBuffers (vtkHardwareSelector *sel, std::vector< unsigned int > &pixeloffsets, vtkProp *prop) override |
| allows a mapper to update a selections color buffers Called from a prop which in turn is called from the selector More...
virtual void | RenderPieceStart (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) |
| Implemented by sub classes. More...
virtual void | RenderPieceDraw (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) |
| Implemented by sub classes. More...
virtual void | RenderPieceFinish (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) |
| Implemented by sub classes. More...
virtual void | SetPointIdArrayName (const char *) |
| By default, this class uses the dataset's point and cell ids during rendering. More...
virtual char * | GetPointIdArrayName () |
| By default, this class uses the dataset's point and cell ids during rendering. More...
virtual void | SetCellIdArrayName (const char *) |
| By default, this class uses the dataset's point and cell ids during rendering. More...
virtual char * | GetCellIdArrayName () |
| By default, this class uses the dataset's point and cell ids during rendering. More...
virtual void | SetProcessIdArrayName (const char *) |
| If this class should override the process id using a data-array, set this variable to the name of the array to use. More...
virtual char * | GetProcessIdArrayName () |
| If this class should override the process id using a data-array, set this variable to the name of the array to use. More...
virtual void | SetCompositeIdArrayName (const char *) |
| Generally, this class can render the composite id when iterating over composite datasets. More...
virtual char * | GetCompositeIdArrayName () |
| Generally, this class can render the composite id when iterating over composite datasets. More...
void | AddShaderReplacement (vtkShader::Type shaderType, const std::string &originalValue, bool replaceFirst, const std::string &replacementValue, bool replaceAll) |
| This function enables you to apply your own substitutions to the shader creation process. More...
void | ClearShaderReplacement (vtkShader::Type shaderType, const std::string &originalValue, bool replaceFirst) |
| This function enables you to apply your own substitutions to the shader creation process. More...
void | ClearAllShaderReplacements (vtkShader::Type shaderType) |
| This function enables you to apply your own substitutions to the shader creation process. More...
void | ClearAllShaderReplacements () |
| This function enables you to apply your own substitutions to the shader creation process. More...
virtual void | SetVertexShaderCode (const char *code) |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual char * | GetVertexShaderCode () |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual void | SetFragmentShaderCode (const char *code) |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual char * | GetFragmentShaderCode () |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual void | SetGeometryShaderCode (const char *code) |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual char * | GetGeometryShaderCode () |
| Allow the program to set the shader codes used directly instead of using the built in templates. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkPolyDataMapper * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | RenderPiece (vtkRenderer *, vtkActor *) |
| Implemented by sub classes. More...
void | Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) override |
| This calls RenderPiece (in a for loop if streaming is necessary). More...
double * | GetBounds () override |
| Return bounding box (array of six doubles) of data expressed as (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
void | GetBounds (double bounds[6]) override |
| Get the bounds for this mapper as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). More...
void | ShallowCopy (vtkAbstractMapper *m) override |
| Make a shallow copy of this mapper. More...
virtual void | MapDataArrayToVertexAttribute (const char *vertexAttributeName, const char *dataArrayName, int fieldAssociation, int componentno=-1) |
| Select a data array from the point/cell data and map it to a generic vertex attribute. More...
virtual void | MapDataArrayToMultiTextureAttribute (const char *textureName, const char *dataArrayName, int fieldAssociation, int componentno=-1) |
virtual void | RemoveVertexAttributeMapping (const char *vertexAttributeName) |
| Remove a vertex attribute mapping. More...
virtual void | RemoveAllVertexAttributeMappings () |
| Remove all vertex attributes. More...
vtkTypeBool | ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override |
| see vtkAlgorithm for details More...
void | SetInputData (vtkPolyData *in) |
| Specify the input data to map. More...
vtkPolyData * | GetInput () |
| Specify the input data to map. More...
void | Update (int port) override |
| Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date. More...
void | Update () override |
| Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date. More...
vtkTypeBool | Update (int port, vtkInformationVector *requests) override |
| Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date. More...
vtkTypeBool | Update (vtkInformation *requests) override |
| Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date. More...
virtual void | SetPiece (int) |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual int | GetPiece () |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual void | SetNumberOfPieces (int) |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual int | GetNumberOfPieces () |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual void | SetNumberOfSubPieces (int) |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual int | GetNumberOfSubPieces () |
| If you want only a part of the data, specify by setting the piece. More...
virtual void | SetGhostLevel (int) |
| Set the number of ghost cells to return. More...
virtual int | GetGhostLevel () |
| Set the number of ghost cells to return. More...
virtual void | SetSeamlessU (bool) |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual bool | GetSeamlessU () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual void | SeamlessUOn () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual void | SeamlessUOff () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual void | SetSeamlessV (bool) |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual bool | GetSeamlessV () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual void | SeamlessVOn () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual void | SeamlessVOff () |
| Accessors / Mutators for handling seams on wrapping surfaces. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkMapper * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
void | ShallowCopy (vtkAbstractMapper *m) override |
| Make a shallow copy of this mapper. More...
vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () override |
| Overload standard modified time function. More...
virtual void | Render (vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *a)=0 |
| Method initiates the mapping process. More...
void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) override |
| Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper. More...
virtual void | CreateDefaultLookupTable () |
| Create default lookup table. More...
const char * | GetColorModeAsString () |
| Return the method of coloring scalar data. More...
virtual void | SetScalarMode (int) |
| Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. More...
virtual int | GetScalarMode () |
void | SetScalarModeToDefault () |
void | SetScalarModeToUsePointData () |
void | SetScalarModeToUseCellData () |
void | SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData () |
void | SetScalarModeToUseCellFieldData () |
void | SetScalarModeToUseFieldData () |
virtual void | SetFieldDataTupleId (vtkIdType) |
virtual vtkIdType | GetFieldDataTupleId () |
virtual char * | GetArrayName () |
| Set/Get the array name or number and component to color by. More...
virtual void | SetArrayName (const char *) |
virtual int | GetArrayId () |
virtual void | SetArrayId (int) |
virtual int | GetArrayAccessMode () |
virtual void | SetArrayAccessMode (int) |
virtual int | GetArrayComponent () |
virtual void | SetArrayComponent (int) |
const char * | GetScalarModeAsString () |
| Return the method for obtaining scalar data. More...
double * | GetBounds () override |
| Return bounding box (array of six doubles) of data expressed as (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
void | GetBounds (double bounds[6]) override |
| Get the bounds for this mapper as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). More...
void | SetRenderTime (double time) |
| This instance variable is used by vtkLODActor to determine which mapper to use. More...
virtual double | GetRenderTime () |
vtkDataSet * | GetInput () |
| Get the input as a vtkDataSet. More...
vtkDataSet * | GetInputAsDataSet () |
| Get the input to this mapper as a vtkDataSet, instead of as a more specialized data type that the subclass may return from GetInput(). More...
virtual bool | GetSupportsSelection () |
| WARNING: INTERNAL METHOD - NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL USE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OUTSIDE OF THE RENDERING PROCESS Used by vtkHardwareSelector to determine if the prop supports hardware selection. More...
virtual void | ProcessSelectorPixelBuffers (vtkHardwareSelector *, std::vector< unsigned int > &, vtkProp *) |
| allows a mapper to update a selections color buffers Called from a prop which in turn is called from the selector More...
virtual int | CanUseTextureMapForColoring (vtkDataObject *input) |
| Returns if we can use texture maps for scalar coloring. More...
void | ClearColorArrays () |
| Call to force a rebuild of color result arrays on next MapScalars. More...
vtkUnsignedCharArray * | GetColorMapColors () |
| Provide read access to the color array. More...
vtkFloatArray * | GetColorCoordinates () |
| Provide read access to the color texture coordinate array. More...
vtkImageData * | GetColorTextureMap () |
| Provide read access to the color texture array. More...
void | SetLookupTable (vtkScalarsToColors *lut) |
| Specify a lookup table for the mapper to use. More...
vtkScalarsToColors * | GetLookupTable () |
| Specify a lookup table for the mapper to use. More...
virtual void | SetScalarVisibility (vtkTypeBool) |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether scalar data is used to color objects. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetScalarVisibility () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether scalar data is used to color objects. More...
virtual void | ScalarVisibilityOn () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether scalar data is used to color objects. More...
virtual void | ScalarVisibilityOff () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether scalar data is used to color objects. More...
virtual void | SetStatic (vtkTypeBool) |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether the mapper's data is static. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetStatic () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether the mapper's data is static. More...
virtual void | StaticOn () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether the mapper's data is static. More...
virtual void | StaticOff () |
| Turn on/off flag to control whether the mapper's data is static. More...
virtual void | SetColorMode (int) |
| default (ColorModeToDefault), unsigned char scalars are treated as colors, and NOT mapped through the lookup table, while everything else is. More...
virtual int | GetColorMode () |
| default (ColorModeToDefault), unsigned char scalars are treated as colors, and NOT mapped through the lookup table, while everything else is. More...
void | SetColorModeToDefault () |
| default (ColorModeToDefault), unsigned char scalars are treated as colors, and NOT mapped through the lookup table, while everything else is. More...
void | SetColorModeToMapScalars () |
| default (ColorModeToDefault), unsigned char scalars are treated as colors, and NOT mapped through the lookup table, while everything else is. More...
void | SetColorModeToDirectScalars () |
| default (ColorModeToDefault), unsigned char scalars are treated as colors, and NOT mapped through the lookup table, while everything else is. More...
virtual void | SetInterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping (vtkTypeBool) |
| By default, vertex color is used to map colors to a surface. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetInterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping () |
| By default, vertex color is used to map colors to a surface. More...
virtual void | InterpolateScalarsBeforeMappingOn () |
| By default, vertex color is used to map colors to a surface. More...
virtual void | InterpolateScalarsBeforeMappingOff () |
| By default, vertex color is used to map colors to a surface. More...
virtual void | SetUseLookupTableScalarRange (vtkTypeBool) |
| Control whether the mapper sets the lookuptable range based on its own ScalarRange, or whether it will use the LookupTable ScalarRange regardless of it's own setting. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetUseLookupTableScalarRange () |
| Control whether the mapper sets the lookuptable range based on its own ScalarRange, or whether it will use the LookupTable ScalarRange regardless of it's own setting. More...
virtual void | UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn () |
| Control whether the mapper sets the lookuptable range based on its own ScalarRange, or whether it will use the LookupTable ScalarRange regardless of it's own setting. More...
virtual void | UseLookupTableScalarRangeOff () |
| Control whether the mapper sets the lookuptable range based on its own ScalarRange, or whether it will use the LookupTable ScalarRange regardless of it's own setting. More...
virtual void | SetScalarRange (double, double) |
| Specify range in terms of scalar minimum and maximum (smin,smax). More...
void | SetScalarRange (double[2]) |
| Specify range in terms of scalar minimum and maximum (smin,smax). More...
virtual double * | GetScalarRange () |
| Specify range in terms of scalar minimum and maximum (smin,smax). More...
virtual void | GetScalarRange (double data[2]) |
| Specify range in terms of scalar minimum and maximum (smin,smax). More...
void | SelectColorArray (int arrayNum) |
| When ScalarMode is set to UsePointFieldData or UseCellFieldData, you can specify which array to use for coloring using these methods. More...
void | SelectColorArray (const char *arrayName) |
| When ScalarMode is set to UsePointFieldData or UseCellFieldData, you can specify which array to use for coloring using these methods. More...
void | ColorByArrayComponent (int arrayNum, int component) |
| Legacy: These methods used to be used to specify the array component. More...
void | ColorByArrayComponent (const char *arrayName, int component) |
| Legacy: These methods used to be used to specify the array component. More...
void | SetRelativeCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters (double factor, double units) |
| Used to set the polygon offset values relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | GetRelativeCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters (double &factor, double &units) |
| Used to set the polygon offset values relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | SetRelativeCoincidentTopologyLineOffsetParameters (double factor, double units) |
| Used to set the line offset values relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | GetRelativeCoincidentTopologyLineOffsetParameters (double &factor, double &units) |
| Used to set the line offset values relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | SetRelativeCoincidentTopologyPointOffsetParameter (double units) |
| Used to set the point offset value relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | GetRelativeCoincidentTopologyPointOffsetParameter (double &units) |
| Used to set the point offset value relative to the global Used when ResolveCoincidentTopology is set to PolygonOffset. More...
void | GetCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters (double &factor, double &units) |
| Get the net parameters for handling coincident topology obtained by summing the global values with the relative values. More...
void | GetCoincidentTopologyLineOffsetParameters (double &factor, double &units) |
| Get the net parameters for handling coincident topology obtained by summing the global values with the relative values. More...
void | GetCoincidentTopologyPointOffsetParameter (double &units) |
| Get the net parameters for handling coincident topology obtained by summing the global values with the relative values. More...
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * | MapScalars (double alpha) |
| Map the scalars (if there are any scalars and ScalarVisibility is on) through the lookup table, returning an unsigned char RGBA array. More...
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * | MapScalars (double alpha, int &cellFlag) |
| Map the scalars (if there are any scalars and ScalarVisibility is on) through the lookup table, returning an unsigned char RGBA array. More...
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * | MapScalars (vtkDataSet *input, double alpha) |
| Map the scalars (if there are any scalars and ScalarVisibility is on) through the lookup table, returning an unsigned char RGBA array. More...
virtual vtkUnsignedCharArray * | MapScalars (vtkDataSet *input, double alpha, int &cellFlag) |
| Map the scalars (if there are any scalars and ScalarVisibility is on) through the lookup table, returning an unsigned char RGBA array. More...
virtual vtkSelection * | GetSelection () |
| Set/Get selection used to display particular points or cells in a second pass. More...
virtual void | SetSelection (vtkSelection *) |
| Set/Get selection used to display particular points or cells in a second pass. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkAbstractMapper3D * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual double * | GetBounds ()=0 |
| Return bounding box (array of six doubles) of data expressed as (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax). More...
virtual void | GetBounds (double bounds[6]) |
| Get the bounds for this mapper as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). More...
double | GetLength () |
| Return the diagonal length of this mappers bounding box. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsARayCastMapper () |
| Is this a ray cast mapper? A subclass would return 1 if the ray caster is needed to generate an image from this mapper. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsARenderIntoImageMapper () |
| Is this a "render into image" mapper? A subclass would return 1 if the mapper produces an image by rendering into a software image buffer. More...
void | GetClippingPlaneInDataCoords (vtkMatrix4x4 *propMatrix, int i, double planeEquation[4]) |
| Get the ith clipping plane as a homogeneous plane equation. More...
double * | GetCenter () |
| Return the Center of this mapper's data. More...
void | GetCenter (double center[3]) |
| Return the Center of this mapper's data. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkAbstractMapper * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () override |
| Override Modifiedtime as we have added Clipping planes. More...
virtual void | ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *) |
| Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this mapper. More...
void | SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlanes *planes) |
| An alternative way to set clipping planes: use up to six planes found in the supplied instance of the implicit function vtkPlanes. More...
virtual void | ShallowCopy (vtkAbstractMapper *m) |
| Make a shallow copy of this mapper. More...
int | GetNumberOfClippingPlanes () |
| Get the number of clipping planes. More...
virtual double | GetTimeToDraw () |
| Get the time required to draw the geometry last time it was rendered. More...
void | AddClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane) |
| Specify clipping planes to be applied when the data is mapped (at most 6 clipping planes can be specified). More...
void | RemoveClippingPlane (vtkPlane *plane) |
| Specify clipping planes to be applied when the data is mapped (at most 6 clipping planes can be specified). More...
void | RemoveAllClippingPlanes () |
| Specify clipping planes to be applied when the data is mapped (at most 6 clipping planes can be specified). More...
virtual void | SetClippingPlanes (vtkPlaneCollection *) |
| Get/Set the vtkPlaneCollection which specifies the clipping planes. More...
virtual vtkPlaneCollection * | GetClippingPlanes () |
| Get/Set the vtkPlaneCollection which specifies the clipping planes. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *type) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkAlgorithm * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
int | HasExecutive () |
| Check whether this algorithm has an assigned executive. More...
vtkExecutive * | GetExecutive () |
| Get this algorithm's executive. More...
virtual void | SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive) |
| Set this algorithm's executive. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo) |
| Upstream/Downstream requests form the generalized interface through which executives invoke a algorithm's functionality. More...
vtkTypeBool | ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo) |
| Version of ProcessRequest() that is wrapped. More...
virtual int | ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, vtkMTimeType *mtime) |
| A special version of ProcessRequest meant specifically for the pipeline modified time request. More...
virtual int | ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when) |
| This method gives the algorithm a chance to modify the contents of a request before or after (specified in the when argument) it is forwarded. More...
vtkInformation * | GetInputPortInformation (int port) |
| Get the information object associated with an input port. More...
vtkInformation * | GetOutputPortInformation (int port) |
| Get the information object associated with an output port. More...
int | GetNumberOfInputPorts () |
| Get the number of input ports used by the algorithm. More...
int | GetNumberOfOutputPorts () |
| Get the number of output ports provided by the algorithm. More...
void | SetProgress (double) |
| SetProgress is deprecated. More...
void | UpdateProgress (double amount) |
| Update the progress of the process object. More...
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName) |
| String based versions of SetInputArrayToProcess(). More...
vtkInformation * | GetInputArrayInformation (int idx) |
| Get the info object for the specified input array to this algorithm. More...
void | RemoveAllInputs () |
| Remove all the input data. More...
vtkDataObject * | GetOutputDataObject (int port) |
| Get the data object that will contain the algorithm output for the given port. More...
vtkDataObject * | GetInputDataObject (int port, int connection) |
| Get the data object that will contain the algorithm input for the given port and given connection. More...
virtual void | RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
| Remove a connection from the given input port index. More...
virtual void | RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx) |
| Remove a connection given by index idx. More...
virtual void | RemoveAllInputConnections (int port) |
| Removes all input connections. More...
virtual void | SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data) |
| Sets the data-object as an input on the given port index. More...
virtual void | SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data) |
virtual void | AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data) |
| Add the data-object as an input to this given port. More...
virtual void | AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data) |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetOutputPort (int index) |
| Get a proxy object corresponding to the given output port of this algorithm. More...
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetOutputPort () |
int | GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port) |
| Get the number of inputs currently connected to a port. More...
int | GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections () |
| Get the total number of inputs for this algorithm. More...
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetInputConnection (int port, int index) |
| Get the algorithm output port connected to an input port. More...
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort) |
| Returns the algorithm and the output port index of that algorithm connected to a port-index pair. More...
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index) |
| Returns the algorithm connected to a port-index pair. More...
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm () |
| Equivalent to GetInputAlgorithm(0, 0). More...
vtkExecutive * | GetInputExecutive (int port, int index) |
| Returns the executive associated with a particular input connection. More...
vtkExecutive * | GetInputExecutive () |
| Equivalent to GetInputExecutive(0, 0) More...
vtkInformation * | GetInputInformation (int port, int index) |
| Return the information object that is associated with a particular input connection. More...
vtkInformation * | GetInputInformation () |
| Equivalent to GetInputInformation(0, 0) More...
vtkInformation * | GetOutputInformation (int port) |
| Return the information object that is associated with a particular output port. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | Update (int port, vtkInformationVector *requests) |
| This method enables the passing of data requests to the algorithm to be used during execution (in addition to bringing a particular port up-to-date). More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | Update (vtkInformation *requests) |
| Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests to its first output port. More...
virtual int | UpdatePiece (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevels, const int extents[6]=nullptr) |
| Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests to its first output port. More...
virtual int | UpdateExtent (const int extents[6]) |
| Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests to its first output port. More...
virtual int | UpdateTimeStep (double time, int piece=-1, int numPieces=1, int ghostLevels=0, const int extents[6]=nullptr) |
| Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests to its first output port. More...
virtual void | UpdateInformation () |
| Bring the algorithm's information up-to-date. More...
virtual void | UpdateDataObject () |
| Create output object(s). More...
virtual void | PropagateUpdateExtent () |
| Propagate meta-data upstream. More...
virtual void | UpdateWholeExtent () |
| Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date. More...
void | ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn) |
| Convenience routine to convert from a linear ordering of input connections to a port/connection pair. More...
virtual vtkInformation * | GetInformation () |
| Set/Get the information object associated with this algorithm. More...
virtual void | SetInformation (vtkInformation *) |
| Set/Get the information object associated with this algorithm. More...
void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) override |
| Participate in garbage collection. More...
void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) override |
| Participate in garbage collection. More...
virtual void | SetAbortExecute (vtkTypeBool) |
| Set/Get the AbortExecute flag for the process object. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | GetAbortExecute () |
| Set/Get the AbortExecute flag for the process object. More...
virtual void | AbortExecuteOn () |
| Set/Get the AbortExecute flag for the process object. More...
virtual void | AbortExecuteOff () |
| Set/Get the AbortExecute flag for the process object. More...
virtual double | GetProgress () |
| Get the execution progress of a process object. More...
void | SetProgressShiftScale (double shift, double scale) |
| Specify the shift and scale values to use to apply to the progress amount when UpdateProgress is called. More...
virtual double | GetProgressShift () |
| Specify the shift and scale values to use to apply to the progress amount when UpdateProgress is called. More...
virtual double | GetProgressScale () |
| Specify the shift and scale values to use to apply to the progress amount when UpdateProgress is called. More...
void | SetProgressText (const char *ptext) |
| Set the current text message associated with the progress state. More...
virtual char * | GetProgressText () |
| Set the current text message associated with the progress state. More...
virtual unsigned long | GetErrorCode () |
| The error code contains a possible error that occurred while reading or writing the file. More...
virtual void | SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
| Set the connection for the given input port index. More...
virtual void | SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
| Set the connection for the given input port index. More...
virtual void | AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
| Add a connection to the given input port index. More...
virtual void | AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
| Add a connection to the given input port index. More...
virtual void | SetReleaseDataFlag (int) |
| Turn release data flag on or off for all output ports. More...
virtual int | GetReleaseDataFlag () |
| Turn release data flag on or off for all output ports. More...
void | ReleaseDataFlagOn () |
| Turn release data flag on or off for all output ports. More...
void | ReleaseDataFlagOff () |
| Turn release data flag on or off for all output ports. More...
int | UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output) |
| This detects when the UpdateExtent will generate no data This condition is satisfied when the UpdateExtent has zero volume (0,-1,...) or the UpdateNumberOfPieces is 0. More...
int | UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType) |
| This detects when the UpdateExtent will generate no data This condition is satisfied when the UpdateExtent has zero volume (0,-1,...) or the UpdateNumberOfPieces is 0. More...
int * | GetUpdateExtent () |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
int * | GetUpdateExtent (int port) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
void | GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
void | GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
void | GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6]) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
void | GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6]) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use 3D extents. More...
int | GetUpdatePiece () |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
int | GetUpdatePiece (int port) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
int | GetUpdateNumberOfPieces () |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
int | GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
int | GetUpdateGhostLevel () |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
int | GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port) |
| These functions return the update extent for output ports that use piece extents. More...
void | SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *) |
| If an ProgressObserver is set, the algorithm will report progress through it rather than directly. More...
virtual vtkProgressObserver * | GetProgressObserver () |
| If an ProgressObserver is set, the algorithm will report progress through it rather than directly. More...
| vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
| Turn debugging output on. More...
virtual void | DebugOff () |
| Turn debugging output off. More...
bool | GetDebug () |
| Get the value of the debug flag. More...
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
| Set the value of the debug flag. More...
virtual void | Modified () |
| Update the modification time for this object. More...
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () |
| Return this object's modified time. More...
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (const char *event) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
| Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
| Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. More...
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
| This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
const char * | GetClassName () const |
| Return the class name as a string. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool | IsA (const char *name) |
| Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
virtual vtkIdType | GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase (const char *name) |
| Given the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class). More...
virtual void | Delete () |
| Delete a VTK object. More...
virtual void | FastDelete () |
| Delete a reference to this object. More...
void | InitializeObjectBase () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
| Print an object to an ostream. More...
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
| Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). More...
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
| Decrease the reference count (release by another object). More...
int | GetReferenceCount () |
| Return the current reference count of this object. More...
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
| Sets the reference count. More...
bool | GetIsInMemkind () const |
| A local state flag that remembers whether this object lives in the normal or extended memory space. More...
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
| Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...