VTK  9.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 Program: Visualization Toolkit
4 Module: vtkUnstructuredGrid.h
6 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7 All rights reserved.
8 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
137#ifndef vtkUnstructuredGrid_h
138#define vtkUnstructuredGrid_h
140#include "vtkCellArray.h" //inline GetCellPoints()
141#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h" // For export macro
142#include "vtkDeprecation.h" // for VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_0_0
143#include "vtkIdTypeArray.h" //inline GetCellPoints()
146#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // for smart pointer
148class vtkCellArray;
150class vtkBezierCurve;
154class vtkBezierTetra;
155class vtkBezierWedge;
157class vtkEmptyCell;
158class vtkHexahedron;
159class vtkIdList;
160class vtkIdTypeArray;
161class vtkLagrangeCurve;
165class vtkLagrangeTetra;
166class vtkLagrangeWedge;
167class vtkLine;
168class vtkPixel;
169class vtkPolyLine;
170class vtkPolyVertex;
171class vtkPolygon;
172class vtkPyramid;
175class vtkQuad;
176class vtkQuadraticEdge;
181class vtkQuadraticQuad;
184class vtkTetra;
185class vtkTriangle;
186class vtkTriangleStrip;
188class vtkVertex;
189class vtkVoxel;
190class vtkWedge;
199class vtkCubicLine;
200class vtkPolyhedron;
201class vtkIdTypeArray;
203class VTKCOMMONDATAMODEL_EXPORT vtkUnstructuredGrid : public vtkUnstructuredGridBase
217 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
223 int GetDataObjectType() override { return VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID; }
234 bool AllocateEstimate(vtkIdType numCells, vtkIdType maxCellSize)
235 {
236 return this->AllocateExact(numCells, numCells * maxCellSize);
237 }
248 bool AllocateExact(vtkIdType numCells, vtkIdType connectivitySize);
259 void Allocate(vtkIdType numCells = 1000, int vtkNotUsed(extSize) = 1000) override
260 {
261 this->AllocateExact(numCells, numCells);
262 }
268 void Reset();
269 void CopyStructure(vtkDataSet* ds) override;
272 vtkCell* GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) override;
273 void GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell) override;
274 void GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) override;
275 void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList* ptIds) override;
276 void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList* cellIds) override;
283 int GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) override;
296 void GetCellTypes(vtkCellTypes* types) override;
308 void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType& npts, vtkIdType const*& pts)
309 {
310 this->Connectivity->GetCellAtId(cellId, npts, pts);
311 }
319 void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType& ncells, vtkIdType*& cells)
320 VTK_SIZEHINT(cells, ncells);
322 "Use vtkUnstructuredGrid::GetPointCells::vtkIdType, vtkIdType&, vtkIdType*&)")
323 void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, unsigned short& ncells, vtkIdType*& cells)
324 VTK_SIZEHINT(cells, ncells);
333 vtkUnsignedCharArray* GetCellTypesArray();
338 void Squeeze() override;
343 void Initialize() override;
348 int GetMaxCellSize() override;
354 void BuildLinks();
363 vtkAbstractCellLinks* GetCellLinks();
371 void GetFaceStream(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList* ptIds);
381 void GetFaceStream(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType& nfaces, vtkIdType const*& ptIds);
393 void SetCells(int type, vtkCellArray* cells);
394 void SetCells(int* types, vtkCellArray* cells);
395 void SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellTypes, vtkCellArray* cells);
396 void SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellTypes, vtkCellArray* cells, vtkIdTypeArray* faceLocations,
397 vtkIdTypeArray* faces);
403 vtkCellArray* GetCells() { return this->Connectivity; }
412 void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList* ptIds, vtkIdList* cellIds) override
413 {
414 this->GetCellNeighbors(cellId, ptIds->GetNumberOfIds(), ptIds->GetPointer(0), cellIds);
415 }
417 vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType* ptIds, vtkIdList* cellIds);
431 bool IsCellBoundary(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType* ptIds);
439 vtkIdType InsertNextLinkedCell(int type, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[]) VTK_SIZEHINT(pts, npts);
449 virtual int GetPiece();
450 virtual int GetNumberOfPieces();
456 virtual int GetGhostLevel();
466 unsigned long GetActualMemorySize() override;
472 void ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject* src) override;
473 void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject* src) override;
481 void GetIdsOfCellsOfType(int type, vtkIdTypeArray* array) override;
486 int IsHomogeneous() override;
546 static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(vtkCellArray* polyhedronCellArray, vtkIdType& nCellpts,
547 vtkIdType& nCellfaces, vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray* faces);
549 static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(const vtkIdType* polyhedronCellStream, vtkIdType& nCellpts,
550 vtkIdType& nCellfaces, vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray* faces);
564 static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(vtkIdType nCellFaces, const vtkIdType* inFaceStream,
565 vtkIdType& nCellpts, vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray* faces);
573 static void ConvertFaceStreamPointIds(vtkIdList* faceStream, vtkIdType* idMap);
580 static void ConvertFaceStreamPointIds(vtkIdType nfaces, vtkIdType* faceStream, vtkIdType* idMap);
582 //====================== Begin Legacy Methods ================================
611 vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellTypes, vtkIdTypeArray* cellLocations, vtkCellArray* cells);
612 void SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellTypes, vtkIdTypeArray* cellLocations, vtkCellArray* cells,
613 vtkIdTypeArray* faceLocations, vtkIdTypeArray* faces);
616 //====================== End Legacy Methods ==================================
622 // These are all the cells that vtkUnstructuredGrid can represent. Used by
623 // GetCell() (and similar) methods.
673 // Points derived from vtkPointSet.
674 // Attribute data (i.e., point and cell data (i.e., scalars, vectors, normals, tcoords)
675 // derived from vtkDataSet.
677 // The heart of the data represention. The points are managed by the
678 // superclass vtkPointSet. A cell is defined by its connectivity (i.e., the
679 // point ids that define the cell) and the cell type, represented by the
680 // Connectivity and Types arrays.
681 // Finally, when certain topological information is needed (e.g.,
682 // all the cells that use a point), the cell links array is built.
687 // Set of all cell types present in the grid. All entries are unique.
690 // The DistinctCellTypes is cached, so we keep track of the last time it was
691 // updated so we can compare it to the modified time of the Types array.
694 // Special support for polyhedra/cells with explicit face representations.
695 // The Faces class represents polygonal faces using a modified vtkCellArray
696 // structure. Each cell face list begins with the total number of faces in
697 // the cell, followed by a vtkCellArray data organization
698 // (n,i,j,k,n,i,j,k,...).
702 // Legacy support -- stores the old-style cell array locations.
705 vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[]) override;
708 vtkIdType nfaces, const vtkIdType faces[]) override;
709 void InternalReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[]) override;
712 // Hide these from the user and the compiler.
714 void operator=(const vtkUnstructuredGrid&) = delete;
716 void Cleanup();
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier hex.
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier tetrahedron.
A 2D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier triangle.
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier wedge.
cell represents a parabolic, 9-node isoparametric quad
cell represents a biquadratic, 24-node isoparametric hexahedron
cell represents a parabolic, 18-node isoparametric wedge
cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle
object to represent cell connectivity
Definition: vtkCellArray.h:290
Efficient cell iterator for vtkDataSet topologies.
object provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information
Definition: vtkCellTypes.h:137
abstract class to specify cell behavior
Definition: vtkCell.h:147
a 3D cell defined by a set of convex points
cell represents a cubic , isoparametric 1D line
Definition: vtkCubicLine.h:62
general representation of visualization data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Definition: vtkDataSet.h:166
virtual vtkCell * GetCell(vtkIdType cellId)=0
Get cell with cellId such that: 0 <= cellId < NumberOfCells.
virtual void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds)
Topological inquiry to get all cells using list of points exclusive of cell specified (e....
an empty cell used as a place-holder during processing
Definition: vtkEmptyCell.h:30
provides thread-safe access to cells
a 3D cell that represents a prism with hexagonal base
a cell that represents a linear 3D hexahedron
list of point or cell ids
Definition: vtkIdList.h:140
vtkIdType GetNumberOfIds() const noexcept
Return the number of id's in the list.
Definition: vtkIdList.h:166
vtkIdType * GetPointer(const vtkIdType i)
Get a pointer to a particular data index.
Definition: vtkIdList.h:235
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:113
Store zero or more vtkInformation instances.
Store vtkAlgorithm input/output information.
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange hex.
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange tetrahedron.
A 2D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange triangle.
A 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange wedge.
cell represents a 1D line
Definition: vtkLine.h:140
a 3D cell that represents a convex prism with pentagonal base
a cell that represents an orthogonal quadrilateral
Definition: vtkPixel.h:74
cell represents a set of 1D lines
Definition: vtkPolyLine.h:146
cell represents a set of 0D vertices
Definition: vtkPolyVertex.h:72
a cell that represents an n-sided polygon
Definition: vtkPolygon.h:149
a 3D cell defined by a set of polygonal faces
Definition: vtkPolyhedron.h:97
a 3D cell that represents a linear pyramid
Definition: vtkPyramid.h:103
a cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral
Definition: vtkQuad.h:95
cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric edge
cell represents a parabolic, 20-node isoparametric hexahedron
cell represents a quadratic-linear, 6-node isoparametric quad
cell represents a, 12-node isoparametric wedge
a cell that represents a parabolic n-sided polygon
cell represents a parabolic, 13-node isoparametric pyramid
cell represents a parabolic, 8-node isoparametric quad
cell represents a parabolic, 10-node isoparametric tetrahedron
cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle
cell represents a parabolic, 15-node isoparametric wedge
a 3D cell that represents a tetrahedron
Definition: vtkTetra.h:111
cell represents a parabolic, 27-node isoparametric hexahedron
cell represents a parabolic, 13-node isoparametric pyramid
a cell that represents a triangle strip
a cell that represents a triangle
Definition: vtkTriangle.h:145
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types.
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
vtkBezierCurve * BezierCurve
void RemoveReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId)
Use these methods only if the dataset has been specified as Editable.
void SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellTypes, vtkIdTypeArray *cellLocations, vtkCellArray *cells)
Special methods specific to vtkUnstructuredGrid for defining the cells composing the dataset.
void GetCellTypes(vtkCellTypes *types) override
Get a list of types of cells in a dataset.
vtkLagrangeWedge * LagrangeWedge
vtkQuadraticLinearWedge * QuadraticLinearWedge
vtkQuadraticQuad * QuadraticQuad
vtkIdType * GetFaces(vtkIdType cellId)
Special support for polyhedron.
vtkQuadraticTriangle * QuadraticTriangle
void GetCell(vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkQuadraticPyramid * QuadraticPyramid
void SetCells(vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellTypes, vtkIdTypeArray *cellLocations, vtkCellArray *cells, vtkIdTypeArray *faceLocations, vtkIdTypeArray *faces)
Special methods specific to vtkUnstructuredGrid for defining the cells composing the dataset.
void InternalReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[]) override
vtkBezierQuadrilateral * BezierQuadrilateral
vtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray > CellLocations
vtkQuadraticLinearQuad * QuadraticLinearQuad
vtkTriangleStrip * TriangleStrip
vtkBiQuadraticTriangle * BiQuadraticTriangle
vtkLagrangeQuadrilateral * LagrangeQuadrilateral
void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType &npts, vtkIdType const *&pts)
A higher-performing variant of the virtual vtkDataSet::GetCellPoints() for unstructured grids.
vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticWedge * BiQuadraticQuadraticWedge
vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList *ptIds) override
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMeshMTime()
Return the mesh (geometry/topology) modification time.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellTypes > DistinctCellTypes
vtkQuadraticTetra * QuadraticTetra
vtkCell * GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkMTimeType DistinctCellTypesUpdateMTime
void GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray > Faces
vtkPolyVertex * PolyVertex
vtkQuadraticPolygon * QuadraticPolygon
vtkLagrangeHexahedron * LagrangeHexahedron
static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(vtkIdType nCellFaces, const vtkIdType *inFaceStream, vtkIdType &nCellpts, vtkCellArray *cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray *faces)
A static method for converting an input polyhedron cell stream of format [nFace0Pts,...
vtkTriQuadraticHexahedron * TriQuadraticHexahedron
vtkIdTypeArray * GetFaces()
Get pointer to faces and facelocations.
vtkLagrangeTriangle * LagrangeTriangle
vtkHexagonalPrism * HexagonalPrism
vtkBiQuadraticQuad * BiQuadraticQuad
vtkQuadraticEdge * QuadraticEdge
int IsHomogeneous() override
Returns whether cells are all of the same type.
static void ConvertFaceStreamPointIds(vtkIdList *faceStream, vtkIdType *idMap)
Convert pid in a face stream into idMap[pid].
vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[]) override
static vtkUnstructuredGrid * GetData(vtkInformation *info)
Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds)
A topological inquiry to retrieve all of the cells using list of points exclusive of the current cell...
void ResizeCellList(vtkIdType ptId, int size)
Use these methods only if the dataset has been specified as Editable.
vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticHexahedron * BiQuadraticQuadraticHexahedron
bool AllocateEstimate(vtkIdType numCells, vtkIdType maxCellSize)
Pre-allocate memory in internal data structures.
int InitializeFacesRepresentation(vtkIdType numPrevCells)
Special function used by vtkUnstructuredGridReader.
void GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double bounds[6]) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkHexahedron * Hexahedron
vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[], vtkIdType nfaces, const vtkIdType faces[]) override
vtkIdTypeArray * GetCellLocationsArray()
Get the array of all the starting indices of cell definitions in the cell array.
static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(const vtkIdType *polyhedronCellStream, vtkIdType &nCellpts, vtkIdType &nCellfaces, vtkCellArray *cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray *faces)
vtkBezierWedge * BezierWedge
bool IsCellBoundary(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType *ptIds)
A topological inquiry to determine whether a topological entity (e.g., point, edge,...
vtkIdType InsertNextLinkedCell(int type, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[])
Use these methods only if the dataset has been specified as Editable.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractCellLinks > Links
vtkIdType GetNumberOfCells() override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
void Allocate(vtkIdType numCells=1000, int vtkNotUsed(extSize)=1000) override
Method allocates initial storage for the cell connectivity.
vtkLagrangeTetra * LagrangeTetra
vtkQuadraticHexahedron * QuadraticHexahedron
bool AllocateExact(vtkIdType numCells, vtkIdType connectivitySize)
Pre-allocate memory in internal data structures.
void Reset()
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkIdTypeArray > FaceLocations
void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkBezierTetra * BezierTetra
vtkCellIterator * NewCellIterator() override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
void GetPointCells(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType &ncells, vtkIdType *&cells)
Special (efficient) operation to return the list of cells using the specified point ptId.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnsignedCharArray > Types
vtkLagrangeCurve * LagrangeCurve
void RemoveGhostCells()
This method will remove any cell that is marked as ghost (has the vtkDataSetAttributes::DUPLICATECELL...
void GetCellNeighbors(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds) override
A topological inquiry to retrieve all of the cells using list of points exclusive of the current cell...
static vtkUnstructuredGrid * GetData(vtkInformationVector *v, int i=0)
Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
void CopyStructure(vtkDataSet *ds) override
Standard vtkDataSet methods; see vtkDataSet.h for documentation.
vtkConvexPointSet * ConvexPointSet
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCellArray > Connectivity
vtkBezierHexahedron * BezierHexahedron
~vtkUnstructuredGrid() override
static void DecomposeAPolyhedronCell(vtkCellArray *polyhedronCellArray, vtkIdType &nCellpts, vtkIdType &nCellfaces, vtkCellArray *cellArray, vtkIdTypeArray *faces)
A static method for converting a polyhedron vtkCellArray of format [nCellFaces, nFace0Pts,...
vtkTriQuadraticPyramid * TriQuadraticPyramid
virtual int GetGhostLevel()
Get the ghost level.
int GetCellType(vtkIdType cellId) override
Get the type of the cell with the given cellId.
vtkQuadraticWedge * QuadraticWedge
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for type information and printing.
static void ConvertFaceStreamPointIds(vtkIdType nfaces, vtkIdType *faceStream, vtkIdType *idMap)
Convert pid in a face stream into idMap[pid].
void GetIdsOfCellsOfType(int type, vtkIdTypeArray *array) override
Fill vtkIdTypeArray container with list of cell Ids.
virtual int GetPiece()
Set / Get the piece and the number of pieces.
vtkPentagonalPrism * PentagonalPrism
unsigned long GetActualMemorySize() override
Return the actual size of the data in kibibytes (1024 bytes).
vtkBezierTriangle * BezierTriangle
virtual int GetNumberOfPieces()
Set / Get the piece and the number of pieces.
void AddReferenceToCell(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType cellId)
Use these methods only if the dataset has been specified as Editable.
static vtkUnstructuredGrid * ExtendedNew()
vtkIdTypeArray * GetFaceLocations()
Get pointer to faces and facelocations.
static vtkUnstructuredGrid * New()
Standard instantiation method.
vtkPolyhedron * Polyhedron
void ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override
Shallow and Deep copy.
void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *src) override
Shallow and Deep copy.
int GetDataObjectType() override
Standard vtkDataSet API methods.
a cell that represents a 3D point
Definition: vtkVertex.h:100
a cell that represents a 3D orthogonal parallelepiped
Definition: vtkVoxel.h:88
a 3D cell that represents a linear wedge
Definition: vtkWedge.h:93
@ info
Definition: vtkX3D.h:382
@ type
Definition: vtkX3D.h:522
@ size
Definition: vtkX3D.h:259
#define VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_0_0(reason)
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:332
Definition: vtkType.h:81
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType
Definition: vtkType.h:287
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)