VTK  9.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 Program: Visualization Toolkit
4 Module: vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.h
6 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7 All rights reserved.
8 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
64#ifndef vtkOpenGLRenderWindow_h
65#define vtkOpenGLRenderWindow_h
67#include "vtkDeprecation.h" // for VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_0_0
68#include "vtkRect.h" // for vtkRecti
69#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
70#include "vtkRenderingOpenGL2Module.h" // For export macro
71#include "vtkType.h" // for ivar
72#include <map> // for ivar
73#include <set> // for ivar
74#include <string> // for ivar
76class vtkIdList;
79class vtkOpenGLHardwareSupport;
85class vtkStdString;
86class vtkTexture;
90class vtkOpenGLState;
92class VTKRENDERINGOPENGL2_EXPORT vtkOpenGLRenderWindow : public vtkRenderWindow
96 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
101 void Start(void) override;
107 void Frame() override;
112 const char* GetRenderingBackend() override;
128 unsigned char* GetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right) override;
130 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int right) override;
132 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front, int right) override;
134 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front, int right) override;
141 float* GetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right = 0) override;
143 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkFloatArray* data, int right = 0) override;
145 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float* data, int front, int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
146 int SetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* data, int front, int blend = 0,
147 int right = 0) override;
148 void ReleaseRGBAPixelData(float* data) override;
149 unsigned char* GetRGBACharPixelData(
150 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right = 0) override;
152 int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int right = 0) override;
153 int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front,
154 int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
155 int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front,
156 int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
163 float* GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) override;
164 int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float* z) override;
165 int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* buffer) override;
166 int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float* buffer) override;
167 int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* buffer) override;
188 int GetDepthBufferSize() override;
199 int GetColorBufferSizes(int* rgba) override;
206 int GetColorBufferInternalFormat(int attachmentPoint);
211 virtual void OpenGLInit();
213 // Initialize the state of OpenGL that VTK wants for this window
214 virtual void OpenGLInitState();
216 // Initialize VTK for rendering in a new OpenGL context
217 virtual void OpenGLInitContext();
224 void GetOpenGLVersion(int& major, int& minor);
227 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
228 unsigned int GetBackLeftBuffer();
229 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
230 unsigned int GetBackRightBuffer();
231 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
232 unsigned int GetFrontLeftBuffer();
233 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
234 unsigned int GetFrontRightBuffer();
235 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
236 unsigned int GetBackBuffer();
237 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1, now always returns 0")
238 unsigned int GetFrontBuffer();
244 virtual vtkMTimeType GetContextCreationTime();
249 vtkOpenGLShaderCache* GetShaderCache();
260 vtkGetObjectMacro(RenderFramebuffer, vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject);
261 VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0("Removed in 9.1")
262 vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject* GetOffScreenFramebuffer() { return this->RenderFramebuffer; }
268 vtkGetObjectMacro(DisplayFramebuffer, vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject);
280 void WaitForCompletion() override;
285 virtual void DrawPixels(
286 int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int numComponents, int dataType, void* data);
292 virtual void DrawPixels(int dstXmin, int dstYmin, int dstXmax, int dstYmax, int srcXmin,
293 int srcYmin, int srcXmax, int srcYmax, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents,
294 int dataType, void* data);
300 virtual void DrawPixels(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents, int dataType, void* data);
305 virtual float GetMaximumHardwareLineWidth() { return this->MaximumHardwareLineWidth; }
313 virtual bool IsPointSpriteBugPresent() { return false; }
321 int vtktype, int numComponents, bool needInteger, bool needFloat, bool needSRGB);
328 std::string GetOpenGLSupportMessage() { return this->OpenGLSupportMessage; }
333 int SupportsOpenGL() override;
338 const char* ReportCapabilities() override;
346 virtual void Initialize(void) {}
348 std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*> Resources;
351 {
352 std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*>::iterator it = this->Resources.find(cb);
353 if (it == this->Resources.end())
354 {
355 this->Resources.insert(cb);
356 }
357 }
360 {
361 std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*>::iterator it = this->Resources.find(cb);
362 if (it != this->Resources.end())
363 {
364 this->Resources.erase(it);
365 }
366 }
377 virtual void PushContext() { this->MakeCurrent(); }
378 virtual void PopContext() {}
395 virtual bool SetSwapControl(int) { return false; }
397 // Get the state object used to keep track of
398 // OpenGL state
399 virtual vtkOpenGLState* GetState() { return this->State; }
401 // Get a VBO that can be shared by many
402 // It consists of normalized display
403 // coordinates for a quad and tcoords
406 // Activate and return thje texture unit for a generic 2d 64x64
407 // float greyscale noise texture ranging from 0 to 1. The texture is
408 // generated using PerlinNoise. This textur eunit will automatically
409 // be deactivated at the end of the render process.
415 void End() override;
420 void Render() override;
426 void StereoMidpoint() override;
428 // does VTKs framebuffer require resolving for reading pixels
445 void BlitDisplayFramebuffer(int right, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX,
446 int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, int bufferMode, int interpolation);
453 void BlitToRenderFramebuffer(bool includeDepth);
454 void BlitToRenderFramebuffer(int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX,
455 int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, int bufferMode, int interpolation);
463 {
464 BlitToHardware, // hardware buffers
465 BlitToCurrent, // currently bound draw framebuffer
466 NoBlit // no blit, GUI or external code will handle the blit
467 };
474 vtkSetClampMacro(FrameBlitMode, FrameBlitModes, BlitToHardware, NoBlit);
475 vtkGetMacro(FrameBlitMode, FrameBlitModes);
476 void SetFrameBlitModeToBlitToHardware() { this->SetFrameBlitMode(BlitToHardware); }
477 void SetFrameBlitModeToBlitToCurrent() { this->SetFrameBlitMode(BlitToCurrent); }
478 void SetFrameBlitModeToNoBlit() { this->SetFrameBlitMode(NoBlit); }
482 // copy depth values from a source framebuffer to a destination framebuffer
483 // using texture maps to do the copy. The source framebufferobject must be texture
484 // backed. This method is designed to work around issues with trying to blit depth
485 // values between framebuffers that have different depth formats.
487 // blit entire source texture to active viewport
490 // blit specified source texels to active viewport
491 virtual void TextureDepthBlit(vtkTextureObject* source, int srcX, int srcY, int srcX2, int srcY2);
493 // blit specified source texels to specified viewport
494 virtual void TextureDepthBlit(vtkTextureObject* source, int srcX, int srcY, int srcX2, int srcY2,
495 int destX, int destY, int destX2, int destY2);
502 // blits the display buffers to the appropriate hardware buffers
505 // when frame is called, at the end blit to the hardware buffers
508 // a FSQ we use to resolve MSAA that handles gamma
511 // a FSQ we use to blit depth values
514 // used in testing for opengl support
515 // in the SupportsOpenGL() method
520 virtual int ReadPixels(
521 const vtkRecti& rect, int front, int glFormat, int glType, void* data, int right = 0);
531 int CreateFramebuffers(int width, int height);
535 // used when we need to resolve a multisampled
536 // framebuffer
542 virtual void CreateAWindow() = 0;
547 virtual void DestroyWindow() = 0;
559 std::map<std::string, int> GLStateIntegers;
570 bool Initialized; // ensure glewinit has been called
571 bool GlewInitValid; // Did glewInit initialize with a valid state?
577 // used for fast quad rendering
580 // noise texture
585 // keep track of in case we need to recreate the framebuffer
588 int ScreenSize[2];
592 void operator=(const vtkOpenGLRenderWindow&) = delete;
594 // Keeping `State` private so the only way to access it is through
595 // `this->GetState()`.
596 vtkOpenGLState* State;
dynamic, self-adjusting array of float
list of point or cell ids
Definition: vtkIdList.h:140
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:113
OpenGL buffer object.
Internal class which encapsulates OpenGL FramebufferObject.
Class to make rendering a full screen quad easier.
OpenGL rendering window.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *) override
Free up any graphics resources associated with this window a value of NULL means the context may alre...
int GetColorBufferInternalFormat(int attachmentPoint)
Get the internal format of current attached texture or render buffer.
int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray *data, int front, int blend=0, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
virtual void DrawPixels(int dstXmin, int dstYmin, int dstXmax, int dstYmax, int srcXmin, int srcYmin, int srcXmax, int srcYmax, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents, int dataType, void *data)
Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function, but it allows for scaling the data and using only part...
vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject * DisplayFramebuffer
std::map< std::string, int > GLStateIntegers
std::string GetOpenGLSupportMessage()
Return a message profiding additional details about the results of calling SupportsOpenGL() This can ...
int GetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkFloatArray *data, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
vtkTextureUnitManager * GetTextureUnitManager()
Returns its texture unit manager object.
virtual void DrawPixels(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int numComponents, int dataType, void *data)
Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function.
int SetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float *data, int front, int blend=0, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
int GetTextureUnitForTexture(vtkTextureObject *)
Get the texture unit for a given texture object.
const char * GetRenderingBackend() override
What rendering backend has the user requested.
void RegisterGraphicsResources(vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback *cb)
virtual void DestroyWindow()=0
Destroy a not-off-screen window.
Define how the resulting image should be blitted when at the end of the Frame() call if SwapBuffers i...
float * GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) override
Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image.
virtual void TextureDepthBlit(vtkTextureObject *source)
vtkTypeBool OwnContext
Flag telling if the context has been created here or was inherited.
int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float *z) override
Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image.
virtual void TextureDepthBlit(vtkTextureObject *source, int srcX, int srcY, int srcX2, int srcY2, int destX, int destY, int destX2, int destY2)
void StereoMidpoint() override
Intermediate method performs operations required between the rendering of the left and right eye.
vtkTextureObject * NoiseTextureObject
vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject * ResolveFramebuffer
int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray *buffer) override
Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image.
void End() override
Update the system, if needed, at end of render process.
unsigned char * GetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBRGB... front in this context indicates that the...
void BlitToRenderFramebuffer(bool includeDepth)
Blit the currently bound read buffer to the renderbuffer.
static void SetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples(int val)
Set/Get the maximum number of multisamples.
virtual float GetMaximumHardwareLineWidth()
Return the largest line width supported by the hardware.
int GetDefaultTextureInternalFormat(int vtktype, int numComponents, bool needInteger, bool needFloat, bool needSRGB)
Get a mapping of vtk data types to native texture formats for this window we put this on the RenderWi...
void ActivateTexture(vtkTextureObject *)
Activate a texture unit for this texture.
vtkTextureObject * DrawPixelsTextureObject
bool GetUsingSRGBColorSpace()
Is this window/fo in sRGB colorspace.
void Start(void) override
Begin the rendering process.
int GetColorBufferSizes(int *rgba) override
Get the size of the color buffer.
int SetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *data, int front, int right) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBRGB... front in this context indicates that the...
int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char *data, int front, int blend=0, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
vtkOpenGLBufferObject * GetTQuad2DVBO()
void Render() override
Handle opengl specific code and calls superclass.
void UnregisterGraphicsResources(vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback *cb)
void BlitDisplayFramebuffer(int right, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, int bufferMode, int interpolation)
Blit a display buffer into a currently bound draw destination.
void Frame() override
A termination method performed at the end of the rendering process to do things like swapping buffers...
virtual bool IsPointSpriteBugPresent()
Returns true if driver has an EGL/OpenGL bug that makes vtkChartsCoreCxx-TestChartDoubleColors and ot...
void ReleaseRGBAPixelData(float *data) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
std::set< vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback * > Resources
virtual void OpenGLInitContext()
vtkOpenGLQuadHelper * DepthBlitQuad
virtual void TextureDepthBlit(vtkTextureObject *source, int srcX, int srcY, int srcX2, int srcY2)
void WaitForCompletion() override
Block the thread until the actual rendering is finished().
virtual void PushContext()
Ability to push and pop this window's context as the current context.
unsigned char * GetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
virtual void OpenGLInitState()
vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject * RenderFramebuffer
static int GetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples()
Set/Get the maximum number of multisamples.
virtual vtkOpenGLState * GetState()
virtual void CreateAWindow()=0
Create a not-off-screen window.
float * GetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
void BlitToRenderFramebuffer(int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, int bufferMode, int interpolation)
Blit the currently bound read buffer to the renderbuffer.
virtual int ReadPixels(const vtkRecti &rect, int front, int glFormat, int glType, void *data, int right=0)
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
int SupportsOpenGL() override
Does this render window support OpenGL? 0-false, 1-true.
int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray *buffer) override
Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image.
int SetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray *data, int front, int right) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBRGB... front in this context indicates that the...
int GetDepthBufferSize() override
Get the size of the depth buffer.
void SetFrameBlitModeToBlitToCurrent()
SetGet how to handle blits at the end of a Frame() call.
bool InitializeFromCurrentContext() override
Initialize the render window from the information associated with the currently activated OpenGL cont...
virtual bool SetSwapControl(int)
Set the number of vertical syncs required between frames.
vtkOpenGLBufferObject * TQuad2DVBO
~vtkOpenGLRenderWindow() override
const char * ReportCapabilities() override
Get report of capabilities for the render window.
virtual void Initialize(void)
Initialize the rendering window.
void SetFrameBlitModeToNoBlit()
SetGet how to handle blits at the end of a Frame() call.
int CreateFramebuffers(int width, int height)
Create the offScreen framebuffer Return if the creation was successful or not.
virtual void OpenGLInit()
Initialize OpenGL for this window.
int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float *buffer) override
Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image.
void BlitDisplayFramebuffer()
Blit a display framebuffer into a currently bound draw destination.
virtual void BlitDisplayFramebuffersToHardware()
void DeactivateTexture(vtkTextureObject *)
Deactivate a previously activated texture.
void RestoreGLState()
Restore OpenGL state at end of the rendering.
void GetOpenGLVersion(int &major, int &minor)
Get the major and minor version numbers of the OpenGL context we are using ala 3.2,...
void SaveGLState()
Query and save OpenGL state.
int SetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray *data, int front, int blend=0, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
int GetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray *data, int right=0) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
void SetFrameBlitModeToBlitToHardware()
SetGet how to handle blits at the end of a Frame() call.
int GetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray *data, int right) override
Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBRGB... front in this context indicates that the...
virtual void DrawPixels(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents, int dataType, void *data)
Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function.
vtkOpenGLQuadHelper * ResolveQuad
manage Shader Programs within a context
OpenGL state storage.
The VertexArrayObject class uses, or emulates, vertex array objects.
manage vertex buffer objects shared within a context
create a window for renderers to draw into
The ShaderProgram uses one or more Shader objects.
Wrapper around std::string to keep symbols short.
Definition: vtkStdString.h:105
abstracts an OpenGL texture object.
allocate/free texture units.
handles properties associated with a texture map
Definition: vtkTexture.h:175
record modification and/or execution time
Definition: vtkTimeStamp.h:52
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
window superclass for vtkRenderWindow
Definition: vtkWindow.h:36
virtual void MakeCurrent()
Make the window current.
Definition: vtkWindow.h:243
@ height
Definition: vtkX3D.h:260
@ data
Definition: vtkX3D.h:321
@ string
Definition: vtkX3D.h:496
int vtkTypeBool
Definition: vtkABI.h:69
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
#define VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_1_0(reason)
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType
Definition: vtkType.h:287