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vtkDIYGhostUtilities Class Reference

Utilities to produce ghost cells between a collection of data sets of same type. More...

#include <vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkDIYGhostUtilities:
Collaboration diagram for vtkDIYGhostUtilities:


struct  Block
 Block structure to be used for diy communication. More...
struct  DataSetBlockStructure
 Base block structure for data sets. More...
struct  DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter
 This helper structure owns a typedef to the block type of DataSetT used with diy to generate ghosts. More...
struct  GridBlockStructure
 Structure to inherit from for data sets having a structured grid topology. More...
struct  GridInformation
 Structure storing information needed by a block on it's own grid structure. More...
struct  ImageDataBlockStructure
 Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkImageData. More...
struct  PolyDataBlockStructure
struct  PolyDataInformation
struct  RectilinearGridBlockStructure
 Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkRectilinearGrid. More...
struct  RectilinearGridInformation
struct  StructuredGridBlockStructure
 Block structure storing information being communicated by neighboring blocks for vtkStructuredGrid. More...
struct  StructuredGridInformation
struct  UnstructuredDataBlockStructure
struct  UnstructuredDataInformation
struct  UnstructuredGridBlockStructure
struct  UnstructuredGridInformation

Public Types

typedef vtkObject Superclass
using VectorType = std::array< double, 3 >
 Convenient typedefs. More...
using QuaternionType = vtkQuaternion< double >
 Convenient typedefs. More...
using ExtentType = std::array< int, 6 >
 Convenient typedefs. More...
template<class T >
using BlockMapType = std::map< int, T >
 Convenient typedefs. More...
using Links = std::set< int >
 Convenient typedefs. More...
using LinkMap = std::vector< Links >
 Convenient typedefs. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *type)
 Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
vtkDIYGhostUtilitiesNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase)
virtual void DebugOn ()
 Turn debugging output on. More...
virtual void DebugOff ()
 Turn debugging output off. More...
bool GetDebug ()
 Get the value of the debug flag. More...
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
 Set the value of the debug flag. More...
virtual void Modified ()
 Update the modification time for this object. More...
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime ()
 Return this object's modified time. More...
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event)
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
vtkTypeBool HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any VTK object. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Overloads to AddObserver that allow developers to add class member functions as callbacks for events. More...
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
 Allow user to set the AbortFlagOn() with the return value of the callback method. More...
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
 This method invokes an event and return whether the event was aborted or not. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
 Return the class name as a string. More...
virtual vtkTypeBool IsA (const char *name)
 Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase (const char *name)
 Given the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class). More...
virtual void Delete ()
 Delete a VTK object. More...
virtual void FastDelete ()
 Delete a reference to this object. More...
void InitializeObjectBase ()
void Print (ostream &os)
 Print an object to an ostream. More...
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
 Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object). More...
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
 Decrease the reference count (release by another object). More...
int GetReferenceCount ()
 Return the current reference count of this object. More...
void SetReferenceCount (int)
 Sets the reference count. More...
bool GetIsInMemkind () const
 A local state flag that remembers whether this object lives in the normal or extended memory space. More...
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
 Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkDIYGhostUtilitiesSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static vtkObjectNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...
static void BreakOnError ()
 This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. More...
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
 This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *name)
 Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. More...
static vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType (const char *name)
 Given a the name of a base class of this class type, return the distance of inheritance between this class type and the named class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this class and the named class). More...
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()
 Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on. More...
static void SetMemkindDirectory (const char *directoryname)
 The name of a directory, ideally mounted -o dax, to memory map an extended memory space within. More...
static bool GetUsingMemkind ()
 A global state flag that controls whether vtkObjects are constructed in the usual way (the default) or within the extended memory space. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
 ~vtkObject () override
void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr)
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. More...
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
 These methods allow a command to exclusively grab all events. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check)
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Static Protected Member Functions

template<class DataSetT >
static void ExchangeBoundingBoxes (diy::Master &master, const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner &assigner, std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputs)
 This method exchanges the bounding boxes among blocks. More...
template<class BlockT >
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMapUsingBoundingBoxes (const diy::Master &master)
template<class DataSetT >
static void ExchangeGhosts (diy::Master &master, std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputs)
 This method exchanges ghosts between connected blocks. More...
template<class DataSetT >
static void InitializeGhostArrays (diy::Master &master, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputs)
 This methods allocate a point and cell ghost array and fills it with 0. More...
template<class DataSetT >
static void AddGhostArrays (diy::Master &master, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputs)
 Adds ghost arrays, which are present in blocks of master, to outputs point and / or cell data. More...
static void InitializeBlocks (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void InitializeBlocks (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void InitializeBlocks (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void InitializeBlocks (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void InitializeBlocks (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void ExchangeBlockStructures (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void ExchangeBlockStructures (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void ExchangeBlockStructures (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void ExchangeBlockStructures (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static void ExchangeBlockStructures (diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set. More...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts. More...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts. More...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts. More...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts. More...
static LinkMap ComputeLinkMap (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, int outputGhostLevels)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts. More...
static void EnqueueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkImageData *input, ImageDataBlock *block)
 This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks. More...
static void EnqueueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkRectilinearGrid *input, RectilinearGridBlock *block)
 This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks. More...
static void EnqueueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkStructuredGrid *input, StructuredGridBlock *block)
 This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks. More...
static void EnqueueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkUnstructuredGrid *input, UnstructuredGridBlock *block)
 This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks. More...
static void EnqueueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, const diy::BlockID &blockId, vtkPolyData *input, PolyDataBlock *block)
 This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks. More...
static void DequeueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, ImageDataBlockStructure &blockStructure)
 This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks. More...
static void DequeueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, RectilinearGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
 This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks. More...
static void DequeueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, StructuredGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
 This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks. More...
static void DequeueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, UnstructuredGridBlockStructure &blockStructure)
 This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks. More...
static void DequeueGhosts (const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &cp, int gid, PolyDataBlockStructure &blockStructure)
 This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks. More...
static void DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output. More...
static void DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output. More...
static void DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output. More...
static void DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output. More...
static void DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs)
 Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output. More...
static void FillGhostArrays (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs)
 This method sets the ghost arrays in the output. More...
static void FillGhostArrays (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs)
 This method sets the ghost arrays in the output. More...
static void FillGhostArrays (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 This method sets the ghost arrays in the output. More...
static void FillGhostArrays (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 This method sets the ghost arrays in the output. More...
static void FillGhostArrays (const diy::Master &master, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs)
 This method sets the ghost arrays in the output. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkMallocingFunction GetCurrentMallocFunction ()
static vtkReallocingFunction GetCurrentReallocFunction ()
static vtkFreeingFunction GetCurrentFreeFunction ()
static vtkFreeingFunction GetAlternateFreeFunction ()
using ImageDataBlock = Block< ImageDataBlockStructure, GridInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
using RectilinearGridBlock = Block< RectilinearGridBlockStructure, RectilinearGridInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
using StructuredGridBlock = Block< StructuredGridBlockStructure, StructuredGridInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
using UnstructuredDataBlock = Block< UnstructuredDataBlockStructure, UnstructuredDataInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
using UnstructuredGridBlock = Block< UnstructuredGridBlockStructure, UnstructuredGridInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
using PolyDataBlock = Block< PolyDataBlockStructure, PolyDataInformation >
 Block typedefs. More...
template<class DataSetT >
static int GenerateGhostCells (std::vector< DataSetT * > &inputsDS, std::vector< DataSetT * > &outputsDS, int outputGhostLevels, vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
 Main pipeline generating ghosts. More...
 vtkDIYGhostUtilities ()
 Block typedefs. More...
 ~vtkDIYGhostUtilities () override
 Block typedefs. More...
template<class DataSetT >
static void InitializeGhostPointArray (typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *block, DataSetT *output)
 This method will set all ghosts points in output to zero. More...
template<class DataSetT >
static void InitializeGhostCellArray (typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *block, DataSetT *output)
 This method will set all ghosts cells in output to zero. More...
static void CloneGeometricStructures (std::vector< vtkImageData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkImageData * > &outputs)
 Block typedefs. More...
static void CloneGeometricStructures (std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &outputs)
 Block typedefs. More...
static void CloneGeometricStructures (std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 Block typedefs. More...
static void CloneGeometricStructures (std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &outputs)
 Block typedefs. More...
static void CloneGeometricStructures (std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &inputs, std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &outputs)
 Block typedefs. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
std::atomic< int32_t > ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Detailed Description

Utilities to produce ghost cells between a collection of data sets of same type.

vtkDIYGhostUtilities is a set of utilities which produce ghost cells between a collection of data sets of same type, using DIY.

Ghosts are computed from scratch, even if parts of the input already own ghosts. In such instance, ghosts are treated as if they didn't exist in the input.

Mixed types in the input vtkCompositeDataSet are supported, in the sense that ghost cells are only exchanged between blocks of same type. Similarly, ghosts are exchanged between blocks that connect.

Blocks connect with different criteria depending on their types:

Currently, only vtkImageData, vtkRectilinearGrid, vtkStructuredGrid and vtkUnstructuredGrid are implemented. Unless there is determining structural data added to subclasses of those classes, this filter should work well on subclasses of supported types.

Definition at line 99 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 102 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ VectorType

using vtkDIYGhostUtilities::VectorType = std::array<double, 3>

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 109 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ QuaternionType

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 110 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ ExtentType

using vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExtentType = std::array<int, 6>

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 111 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ BlockMapType

template<class T >
using vtkDIYGhostUtilities::BlockMapType = std::map<int, T>

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 113 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ Links

using vtkDIYGhostUtilities::Links = std::set<int>

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 114 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ LinkMap

using vtkDIYGhostUtilities::LinkMap = std::vector<Links>

Convenient typedefs.

Definition at line 115 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ ImageDataBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 706 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ RectilinearGridBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 707 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ StructuredGridBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 708 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ UnstructuredDataBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 709 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ UnstructuredGridBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 710 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

◆ PolyDataBlock

Block typedefs.

Definition at line 711 of file vtkDIYGhostUtilities.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkDIYGhostUtilities()

vtkDIYGhostUtilities::vtkDIYGhostUtilities ( )

Block typedefs.

◆ ~vtkDIYGhostUtilities()

vtkDIYGhostUtilities::~vtkDIYGhostUtilities ( )

Block typedefs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsTypeOf()

static vtkTypeBool vtkDIYGhostUtilities::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ IsA()

virtual vtkTypeBool vtkDIYGhostUtilities::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class.

Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkObjectBase.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkDIYGhostUtilities * vtkDIYGhostUtilities::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)

◆ NewInstanceInternal()

virtual vtkObjectBase * vtkDIYGhostUtilities::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

◆ NewInstance()

vtkDIYGhostUtilities * vtkDIYGhostUtilities::NewInstance ( ) const

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.

Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

◆ GenerateGhostCells()

template<class DataSetT >
static int vtkDIYGhostUtilities::GenerateGhostCells ( std::vector< DataSetT * > &  inputsDS,
std::vector< DataSetT * > &  outputsDS,
int  outputGhostLevels,
vtkMultiProcessController controller 

Main pipeline generating ghosts.

It takes as parameters a list of DataSetT for the inputs and the outputs. Please see vtkGhostCellsGenerator for a finer description of what this method does, as it is being used as a backend for this filter.

outputs need to be already allocated and be of same size as inputs.

◆ InitializeGhostPointArray()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeGhostPointArray ( typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *  block,
DataSetT *  output 

This method will set all ghosts points in output to zero.

It will also allocate a new ghost array if none is already present.

◆ InitializeGhostCellArray()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeGhostCellArray ( typename DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >::BlockType *  block,
DataSetT *  output 

This method will set all ghosts cells in output to zero.

It will also allocate a new ghost array if none is already present.

◆ CloneGeometricStructures() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::CloneGeometricStructures ( std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  outputs 

Block typedefs.

◆ CloneGeometricStructures() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::CloneGeometricStructures ( std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  outputs 

Block typedefs.

◆ CloneGeometricStructures() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::CloneGeometricStructures ( std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

Block typedefs.

◆ CloneGeometricStructures() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::CloneGeometricStructures ( std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

Block typedefs.

◆ CloneGeometricStructures() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::CloneGeometricStructures ( std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  outputs 

Block typedefs.

◆ InitializeBlocks() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeBlocks ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

In this method, given BlockType the block type for the data set type, BlockType::InformationType is filled with all information needed from the input to create the output.

◆ InitializeBlocks() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeBlocks ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

In this method, given BlockType the block type for the data set type, BlockType::InformationType is filled with all information needed from the input to create the output.

◆ InitializeBlocks() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeBlocks ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

In this method, given BlockType the block type for the data set type, BlockType::InformationType is filled with all information needed from the input to create the output.

◆ InitializeBlocks() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeBlocks ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

In this method, given BlockType the block type for the data set type, BlockType::InformationType is filled with all information needed from the input to create the output.

◆ InitializeBlocks() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeBlocks ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

In this method, given BlockType the block type for the data set type, BlockType::InformationType is filled with all information needed from the input to create the output.

◆ ExchangeBoundingBoxes()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBoundingBoxes ( diy::Master &  master,
const vtkDIYExplicitAssigner assigner,
std::vector< DataSetT * > &  inputs 

This method exchanges the bounding boxes among blocks.

◆ ComputeLinkMapUsingBoundingBoxes()

template<class BlockT >
static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMapUsingBoundingBoxes ( const diy::Master &  master)

◆ ExchangeBlockStructures() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBlockStructures ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

This method is called in the pipeline right after diy environment has been set up. It exchanges between every information needed for the data set type DataSetT in order to be able to set link connections.

◆ ExchangeBlockStructures() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBlockStructures ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

This method is called in the pipeline right after diy environment has been set up. It exchanges between every information needed for the data set type DataSetT in order to be able to set link connections.

◆ ExchangeBlockStructures() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBlockStructures ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

This method is called in the pipeline right after diy environment has been set up. It exchanges between every information needed for the data set type DataSetT in order to be able to set link connections.

◆ ExchangeBlockStructures() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBlockStructures ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

This method is called in the pipeline right after diy environment has been set up. It exchanges between every information needed for the data set type DataSetT in order to be able to set link connections.

◆ ExchangeBlockStructures() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeBlockStructures ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  inputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported type of input data set.

This method is called in the pipeline right after diy environment has been set up. It exchanges between every information needed for the data set type DataSetT in order to be able to set link connections.

◆ ComputeLinkMap() [1/5]

static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMap ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  inputs,
int  outputGhostLevels 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts.

This method is called after master has been relinked.

◆ ComputeLinkMap() [2/5]

static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMap ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  inputs,
int  outputGhostLevels 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts.

This method is called after master has been relinked.

◆ ComputeLinkMap() [3/5]

static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMap ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
int  outputGhostLevels 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts.

This method is called after master has been relinked.

◆ ComputeLinkMap() [4/5]

static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMap ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
int  outputGhostLevels 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts.

This method is called after master has been relinked.

◆ ComputeLinkMap() [5/5]

static LinkMap vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ComputeLinkMap ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  inputs,
int  outputGhostLevels 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, that computes the minimal link map being necessary to exchange ghosts.

This method is called after master has been relinked.

◆ EnqueueGhosts() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::EnqueueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
const diy::BlockID &  blockId,
vtkImageData input,
ImageDataBlock block 

This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It enqueues ghosts to block of id blockId.

◆ EnqueueGhosts() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::EnqueueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
const diy::BlockID &  blockId,
vtkRectilinearGrid input,
RectilinearGridBlock block 

This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It enqueues ghosts to block of id blockId.

◆ EnqueueGhosts() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::EnqueueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
const diy::BlockID &  blockId,
vtkStructuredGrid input,
StructuredGridBlock block 

This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It enqueues ghosts to block of id blockId.

◆ EnqueueGhosts() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::EnqueueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
const diy::BlockID &  blockId,
vtkUnstructuredGrid input,
UnstructuredGridBlock block 

This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It enqueues ghosts to block of id blockId.

◆ EnqueueGhosts() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::EnqueueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
const diy::BlockID &  blockId,
vtkPolyData input,
PolyDataBlock block 

This method enqueues ghosts between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It enqueues ghosts to block of id blockId.

◆ DequeueGhosts() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DequeueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
int  gid,
ImageDataBlockStructure blockStructure 

This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It receives data from block of id gid and stores is inside blockStructured.

◆ DequeueGhosts() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DequeueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
int  gid,
RectilinearGridBlockStructure blockStructure 

This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It receives data from block of id gid and stores is inside blockStructured.

◆ DequeueGhosts() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DequeueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
int  gid,
StructuredGridBlockStructure blockStructure 

This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It receives data from block of id gid and stores is inside blockStructured.

◆ DequeueGhosts() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DequeueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
int  gid,
UnstructuredGridBlockStructure blockStructure 

This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It receives data from block of id gid and stores is inside blockStructured.

◆ DequeueGhosts() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DequeueGhosts ( const diy::Master::ProxyWithLink &  cp,
int  gid,
PolyDataBlockStructure blockStructure 

This method dequeues ghosts sent between communicating blocks.

One version of this method is implemented per supported input types. It receives data from block of id gid and stores is inside blockStructured.

◆ DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  outputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output.

At the point of calling this method, ghosts should have already been exchanged (see ExchangeGhosts).

◆ DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  outputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output.

At the point of calling this method, ghosts should have already been exchanged (see ExchangeGhosts).

◆ DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output.

At the point of calling this method, ghosts should have already been exchanged (see ExchangeGhosts).

◆ DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output.

At the point of calling this method, ghosts should have already been exchanged (see ExchangeGhosts).

◆ DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::DeepCopyInputsAndAllocateGhosts ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  inputs,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  outputs 

Method to be overloaded for each supported input data set type, This method allocates ghosts in the output.

At the point of calling this method, ghosts should have already been exchanged (see ExchangeGhosts).

◆ ExchangeGhosts()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::ExchangeGhosts ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< DataSetT * > &  inputs 

This method exchanges ghosts between connected blocks.

◆ InitializeGhostArrays()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::InitializeGhostArrays ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< DataSetT * > &  outputs 

This methods allocate a point and cell ghost array and fills it with 0.

◆ AddGhostArrays()

template<class DataSetT >
static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::AddGhostArrays ( diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< DataSetT * > &  outputs 

Adds ghost arrays, which are present in blocks of master, to outputs point and / or cell data.

◆ FillGhostArrays() [1/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::FillGhostArrays ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkImageData * > &  outputs 

This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.

Ghosts have to be already allocated.

◆ FillGhostArrays() [2/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::FillGhostArrays ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkRectilinearGrid * > &  outputs 

This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.

Ghosts have to be already allocated.

◆ FillGhostArrays() [3/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::FillGhostArrays ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkStructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.

Ghosts have to be already allocated.

◆ FillGhostArrays() [4/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::FillGhostArrays ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkUnstructuredGrid * > &  outputs 

This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.

Ghosts have to be already allocated.

◆ FillGhostArrays() [5/5]

static void vtkDIYGhostUtilities::FillGhostArrays ( const diy::Master &  master,
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > &  outputs 

This method sets the ghost arrays in the output.

Ghosts have to be already allocated.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: