LC - lowercase line(s) UC - uppercase line(s) LCC - lowercase block UCC - uppercase block ( - shift left column(s) within zone ) - shift left column(s) within zone (( - shift left column block within zone )) - shift left column block within zone Not implemented yet... O - overlay line(s) - same as OVERLAYBOX (except ISPF mode) OO - overlay block(s) - same as OVERLAYBOX (except ISPF mode)
A - after target B - before target R - repeat line(s) RR - repeat block O - overlay line(s) - (ISPF behaviour) OO - overlay block(s) - (ISPF behaviour) COLS - column indicator line TABS - tabs indicator line BOUNDS - bounds indicator line
R - Regina O - Object or OS/2 Rexx Q - Quercus Personal Rexx W - Enterprise WinRexx I - Rexx/imc U - uni-REXX 6 - REXX/6000 T - Rexx/Trans (Rexx Translation package)
/* CMS */ queue 'top' queue 'c/this/that/ all' queue 'file' 'X THIS FILE A'
The equivalent for THE with Regina is:
/* THE/Regina */ queue 'top' queue 'c/this/that/ all' queue 'file' 'LIFO> the -b -p - this.file'
line-number foreground background modifier text... eg. -1 red white normal This is a reserved line
The new format of the returned string is: line-number modifier [modifier[...]] foreground on background text...
eg. -1 red on white This is a reserved line -2 bold reverse white on black This is a reserved line
This new format now ensures that the contents of the reserved line can be extracted from the returned value. The following example is guaranteed to work on colour or mono displays.
Parse Var reserved.1 . 'on' . text
====> macro fred ====> macro fred.the ====> fred /* assumes IMPMACRO is ON */ ====> fred.the /* assumes IMPMACRO is ON */
In previous versions, THE would always append the MACROEXT, so macro fred.the would attempt to find the file fred.the.the.
====> the ====> statusline off ====> the file.two
This fix also fixes the error where if you have set STATUSLINE OFF and then run SET COMPAT, which turns STATUSLINE ON.
====> define f1 rexx if after() then 'sos firstcol'; ====> else 'sos endchar';
This will then do the same as the SOS STARTENDCHAR command.
% the xyx/abc
where the path xyz does not exist
All other comments throughout the file can be valid REXX comments (ie. start and end with /* */)
eg. :3 del is a valid command. You can even enter 3 3 3 3 on the command line to move the current line 12 lines.
First character: (colour support) C - curses library supports colour and so does monitor c - curses library supports colour but monitor doesn't M - curses library does not support colour Second character: (REXX support) R - THE compiled with REXX support - (blank) THE compiled without REXX support