Shorewall 5.* Manpages

Tom Eastep

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Table of Contents

Section 5 — Files and Concepts
Section 8 — Administrative Commands


These manpages are for Shorewall 5.0 and later only. They describe features and options not available on earlier releases. The manpages for Shorewall 4.4-4.6 are available here.

Section 5 — Files and Concepts

accounting - Define IP accounting rules.
actions - Declare user-defined actions.
addresses - Describes how IP address and ports are specified in Shorewall
arprules - (Added in Shorewall 4.5.12) Define arpfilter rules.
blrules - shorewall Blacklist file.
conntrack - Specify helpers for connections or exempt certain traffic from netfilter connection tracking.
ecn - Disabling Explicit Congestion Notification
exclusion - Excluding hosts from a network or zone
files - Describes the shorewall configuration files
hosts - Define multiple zones accessed through a single interface
interfaces - Define the interfaces on the system and optionally associate them with zones.
ipsets - Describes how to specify set names in Shorewall configuration files.
logging - Provides an overview of Shorewall packet logging facilities
maclist - Define MAC verification.
mangle - Supersedes tcrules and describes packet/connection marking.
masq - Define Masquerade/SNAT (deprecated)
modules - Specify which kernel modules to load (Removed in Shorewall 5.2.3)
names - Describes object naming in Shorewall configuration files
nat - Define one-to-one NAT.
nesting - How to define nested zones.
netmap - How to map addresses from one net to another.
params - Assign values to shell variables used in other files.
policy - Define high-level policies for connections between zones.
providers - Define routing tables, usually for multiple Internet links.
proxyarp - Define Proxy ARP (IPv4)
proxyndp - Define Proxy NDP (IPv6)
rtrules - Define routing rules.
routes - (Added in Shorewall 4.4.15) Add additional routes to provider routing tables.
rules - Specify exceptions to policies, including DNAT and REDIRECT.
secmarks - Attach an SELinux context to a packet.
snat - Define Masquerade/SNAT
tcclasses - Define htb classes for traffic shaping.
tcdevices - Specify speed of devices for traffic shaping.
tcfilters - Classify traffic for shaping; often used with an IFB to shape ingress traffic.
tcinterfaces - Specify devices for simplified traffic shaping.
tcpri - Classify traffic for simplified traffic shaping.
tunnels - Define VPN connections with endpoints on the firewall.
shorewall.conf - Specify values for global Shorewall options.
shorewall6.conf - Specify values for global Shorewall6 options.
shorewall-lite.conf - Specify values for global Shorewall Lite options.
shorewall6-lite.conf - Specify values for global Shorewall6 Lite options.
vardir - Redefine the directory where Shorewall keeps its state information.
vardir-lite - Redefine the directory where Shorewall Lite keeps its state information.
zones - Declare Shorewall zones.

Section 8 — Administrative Commands

shorewall - /sbin/shorewall, /sbin/shorewall6/, /sbin/shorewall-lite and /sbin/shorewall6-lite command syntax and semantics.