
Locates executable files outside the project. More...



Detailed Description

Finds executable files that have the specified file names.

BinaryProbe searches for executable files within directories specified by the PATH environment variable.

Note: On Unix, also searches in the /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin directories by default. Override PathProbe.platformSearchPaths to change this behavior.

Note: On Windows, only files that have .com, .exe, .bat, .cmd extensions are considered executables. Override PathProbe.nameSuffixes to change this behavior.

For example, BinaryProbe can be used to search for a protobuf compiler executable as follows:

 import qbs.File
 import qbs.Probes

 Module {
     // search for a protoc executable
     Probes.BinaryProbe {
         id: protocProbe
         names: "protoc"
     property string executableFilePath: protocProbe.filePath

     validate: {
         if (!File.exists(executableFilePath))
             throw "The executable '" + executableFilePath + "' does not exist.";

     // use the found executable
     Rule {
         // rule input/outputs here...

         // run executable
         prepare: {
             var args = // initialize arguments...
             var cmd = new Command(executableFilePath, args);
             cmd.highlight = "codegen";
             cmd.description = "generating protobuf files for " + input.fileName;
             return [cmd];