
Provides support for text template files. More...

Since: Qbs 1.13


Detailed Description

The texttemplate module provides support for text template files.


Consider the following text file greeting.txt.in.

 ${greeting} ${name}!

This can be used in a project like this:

 Product {
     type: ["text"]
     files: ["greeting.txt.in"]
     Depends { name: "texttemplate" }
     texttemplate.dict: ({
             greeting: "Hello",
             name: "World"

Which will create the file greeting.txt.

 Hello World!

Placeholder Syntax

A placeholder ${foo} is replaced by its corresponding value in texttemplate.dict. Placeholder names consist of alphanumeric characters only.

The placeholder ${$} is always replaced with $. If you need a literal ${foo} in your template, use ${$}{foo}.

Placeholders that are not defined in the dictionary will produce an error.

Relevant File Tags

TagAuto-tagged File NamesSinceDescription
"texttemplate.input"*.in1.13.0Source files with this tag serve as inputs for the text template rule.

Property Documentation

dict : var

The dictionary containing values for all keys used in the template file.

Default: {}

outputFileName : string

The output file name that is assigned to produced artifacts.

Default: Complete base name of the input file

outputTag : string

The output tag that is assigned to produced artifacts.

Default: "text"