""" Demonstrates a Rich "application" using the Layout and Live classes. """ from datetime import datetime from rich import box from rich.align import Align from rich.console import Console, Group from rich.layout import Layout from rich.panel import Panel from rich.progress import BarColumn, Progress, SpinnerColumn, TextColumn from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.table import Table console = Console() def make_layout() -> Layout: """Define the layout.""" layout = Layout(name="root") layout.split( Layout(name="header", size=3), Layout(name="main", ratio=1), Layout(name="footer", size=7), ) layout["main"].split_row( Layout(name="side"), Layout(name="body", ratio=2, minimum_size=60), ) layout["side"].split(Layout(name="box1"), Layout(name="box2")) return layout def make_sponsor_message() -> Panel: """Some example content.""" sponsor_message = Table.grid(padding=1) sponsor_message.add_column(style="green", justify="right") sponsor_message.add_column(no_wrap=True) sponsor_message.add_row( "Twitter", "[u blue link=https://twitter.com/textualize]https://twitter.com/textualize", ) sponsor_message.add_row( "CEO", "[u blue link=https://twitter.com/willmcgugan]https://twitter.com/willmcgugan", ) sponsor_message.add_row( "Textualize", "[u blue link=https://www.textualize.io]https://www.textualize.io" ) message = Table.grid(padding=1) message.add_column() message.add_column(no_wrap=True) message.add_row(sponsor_message) message_panel = Panel( Align.center( Group("\n", Align.center(sponsor_message)), vertical="middle", ), box=box.ROUNDED, padding=(1, 2), title="[b red]Thanks for trying out Rich!", border_style="bright_blue", ) return message_panel class Header: """Display header with clock.""" def __rich__(self) -> Panel: grid = Table.grid(expand=True) grid.add_column(justify="center", ratio=1) grid.add_column(justify="right") grid.add_row( "[b]Rich[/b] Layout application", datetime.now().ctime().replace(":", "[blink]:[/]"), ) return Panel(grid, style="white on blue") def make_syntax() -> Syntax: code = """\ def ratio_resolve(total: int, edges: List[Edge]) -> List[int]: sizes = [(edge.size or None) for edge in edges] # While any edges haven't been calculated while any(size is None for size in sizes): # Get flexible edges and index to map these back on to sizes list flexible_edges = [ (index, edge) for index, (size, edge) in enumerate(zip(sizes, edges)) if size is None ] # Remaining space in total remaining = total - sum(size or 0 for size in sizes) if remaining <= 0: # No room for flexible edges sizes[:] = [(size or 0) for size in sizes] break # Calculate number of characters in a ratio portion portion = remaining / sum((edge.ratio or 1) for _, edge in flexible_edges) # If any edges will be less than their minimum, replace size with the minimum for index, edge in flexible_edges: if portion * edge.ratio <= edge.minimum_size: sizes[index] = edge.minimum_size break else: # Distribute flexible space and compensate for rounding error # Since edge sizes can only be integers we need to add the remainder # to the following line _modf = modf remainder = 0.0 for index, edge in flexible_edges: remainder, size = _modf(portion * edge.ratio + remainder) sizes[index] = int(size) break # Sizes now contains integers only return cast(List[int], sizes) """ syntax = Syntax(code, "python", line_numbers=True) return syntax job_progress = Progress( "{task.description}", SpinnerColumn(), BarColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), ) job_progress.add_task("[green]Cooking") job_progress.add_task("[magenta]Baking", total=200) job_progress.add_task("[cyan]Mixing", total=400) total = sum(task.total for task in job_progress.tasks) overall_progress = Progress() overall_task = overall_progress.add_task("All Jobs", total=int(total)) progress_table = Table.grid(expand=True) progress_table.add_row( Panel( overall_progress, title="Overall Progress", border_style="green", padding=(2, 2), ), Panel(job_progress, title="[b]Jobs", border_style="red", padding=(1, 2)), ) layout = make_layout() layout["header"].update(Header()) layout["body"].update(make_sponsor_message()) layout["box2"].update(Panel(make_syntax(), border_style="green")) layout["box1"].update(Panel(layout.tree, border_style="red")) layout["footer"].update(progress_table) from time import sleep from rich.live import Live with Live(layout, refresh_per_second=10, screen=True): while not overall_progress.finished: sleep(0.1) for job in job_progress.tasks: if not job.finished: job_progress.advance(job.id) completed = sum(task.completed for task in job_progress.tasks) overall_progress.update(overall_task, completed=completed)