import numpy as np import from import BamReader from import PacBioBamIndex, StreamingBamIndex class TestPbIndex: BAM_FILE_NAME = @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls._bam = BamReader(cls.BAM_FILE_NAME) cls._pbi = PacBioBamIndex(cls.BAM_FILE_NAME + ".pbi") def test_pbindex_bam_consistency(self): assert len(self._pbi) == 117 for i_rec, rec in enumerate(self._bam): assert rec.qId == self._pbi.qId[i_rec] assert rec.HoleNumber == self._pbi.holeNumber[i_rec] assert rec.qStart == self._pbi.qStart[i_rec] assert rec.qEnd == self._pbi.qEnd[i_rec] assert i_rec == 116 def test_pbindex_streaming(self): streamed = StreamingBamIndex(self.BAM_FILE_NAME + ".pbi", 20) assert streamed.nchunks == 6 chunks = [chunk for chunk in streamed] for attr in ["qId", "holeNumber", "qStart", "qEnd"]: combined = np.concatenate([getattr(c, attr) for c in chunks]) assert len(combined) == len(self._pbi) assert all(combined == getattr(self._pbi, attr)) chunk = streamed.get_chunk(1) for attr in ["qId", "holeNumber", "qStart", "qEnd"]: assert all(getattr(chunk, attr) == getattr(chunks[1], attr)) # with the default chunk size there should be just one chunk identical # to the whole index def test_pbindex_streaming_entire(self): streamed = StreamingBamIndex(self.BAM_FILE_NAME + ".pbi") assert streamed.nchunks == 1 chunked = [chunk for chunk in streamed][0] assert len(chunked) == len(self._pbi) for attr in ["qId", "holeNumber", "qStart", "qEnd"]: assert all(getattr(chunked, attr) == getattr(self._pbi, attr)) def test_pbindex_with_zmw_index(self): """ Test that the built in sub-index of ZMW start positions is correct. """ streamed = StreamingBamIndex(self.BAM_FILE_NAME + ".pbi", 20) unique_zmws = set() n_indexed_zmws = 0 for chunk, zmw_idx in streamed.iter_with_zmw_index(): for k, zmw_start in enumerate(zmw_idx): if k < len(zmw_idx) - 1: idx_max = zmw_idx[k+1] else: idx_max = len(chunk) zmws = chunk.holeNumber[zmw_start:idx_max] assert len(set(zmws)) == 1 unique_zmws.add(zmws[0]) n_indexed_zmws += 1 assert len(unique_zmws) == n_indexed_zmws