pbcore.io.dataset ============================= The Python DataSet XML API is designed to be a lightweight interface for creating, opening, manipulating and writing DataSet XML files. It provides both a native Python API and console entry points for use in manual dataset curation or as a resource for P_Module developers. The API and console entry points are designed with the set operations one might perform on the various types of data held by a DataSet XML in mind: merge, split, write etc. While various types of DataSets can be found in XML files, the API (and in a way the console entry point, dataset.py) has DataSet as its base type, with various subtypes extending or replacing functionality as needed. Console Entry Point Usage ============================= The following entry points are available through the main script: dataset.py:: usage: dataset.py [-h] [-v] [--debug] {create,filter,merge,split,validate,loadstats,consolidate} ... Run dataset.py by specifying a command. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --debug Turn on debug level logging DataSet sub-commands: {create,filter,merge,split,validate,loadstats,consolidate} Type {command} -h for a command's options Create:: usage: dataset.py create [-h] [--type DSTYPE] [--novalidate] [--relative] outfile infile [infile ...] Create an XML file from a fofn or bam positional arguments: outfile The XML to create infile The fofn or BAM file(s) to make into an XML optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --type DSTYPE The type of XML to create --novalidate Don't validate the resulting XML, don't touch paths --relative Make the included paths relative instead of absolute (not compatible with --novalidate) Filter:: usage: dataset.py filter [-h] infile outfile filters [filters ...] Add filters to an XML file. Suggested fields: ['bcf', 'bcq', 'bcr', 'length', 'pos', 'qend', 'qname', 'qstart', 'readstart', 'rname', 'rq', 'tend', 'tstart', 'zm']. More expensive fields: ['accuracy', 'bc', 'movie', 'qs'] positional arguments: infile The xml file to filter outfile The resulting xml file filters The values and thresholds to filter (e.g. 'rq>0.85') optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Union:: usage: dataset.py union [-h] outfile infiles [infiles ...] Combine XML (and BAM) files positional arguments: outfile The resulting XML file infiles The XML files to merge optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Validate:: usage: dataset.py validate [-h] infile Validate ResourceId files (XML validation only available in testing) positional arguments: infile The XML file to validate optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Load PipeStats:: usage: dataset.py loadstats [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE] infile statsfile Load an sts.xml file into a DataSet XML file positional arguments: infile The XML file to modify statsfile The .sts.xml file to load optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --outfile OUTFILE The XML file to output Split:: usage: dataset.py split [-h] [--contigs] [--chunks CHUNKS] [--subdatasets] [--outdir OUTDIR] infile ... Split the dataset positional arguments: infile The xml file to split outfiles The resulting xml files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --contigs Split on contigs --chunks CHUNKS Split contigs into total windows --subdatasets Split on subdatasets --outdir OUTDIR Specify an output directory Consolidate:: usage: dataset.py consolidate [-h] [--numFiles NUMFILES] [--noTmp] infile datafile xmlfile Consolidate the XML files positional arguments: infile The XML file to consolidate datafile The resulting data file xmlfile The resulting XML file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --numFiles NUMFILES The number of data files to produce (1) --noTmp Don't copy to a tmp location to ensure local disk use Usage Examples ============================= Filter Reads (CLI version) -------------------------- In this scenario we have one or more bam files worth of subreads, aligned or otherwise, that we want to filter and put in a single bam file. This is possible using the CLI with the following steps, starting with a DataSet XML file:: # usage: dataset.py filter dataset.py filter in_fn.subreadset.xml filtered_fn.subreadset.xml 'rq>0.85' # usage: dataset.py consolidate dataset.py consolidate filtered_fn.subreadset.xml consolidate.subreads.bam out_fn.subreadset.xml The filtered DataSet and the consolidated DataSet should be read for read equivalent when used with SMRT Analysis software. Filter Reads (API version) -------------------------- The API version of filtering allows for more advanced filtering criteria:: ss = SubreadSet('in_fn.subreadset.xml') ss.filters.addRequirement(rname=[('=', 'E.faecalis.2'), ('=', 'E.faecalis.2')], tStart=[('<', '99'), ('<', '299')], tEnd=[('>', '0'), ('>', '200')]) Produces the following conditions for a read to be considered passing: (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 200) You can add sets of filters by providing equal length lists of requirements for each filter. Additional requirements added singly will be added to all filters:: ss.filters.addRequirement(rq=[('>', '0.85')]) (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85) Additional requirements added with a plurality of options will duplicate the previous requiremnts for each option:: ss.filters.addRequirement(length=[('>', 500), ('>', 1000)]) (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 500) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 500) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 1000) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 1000) Of course you can always wipe the filters and start over:: ss.filters = None Consolidation is more similar to the CLI version:: ss.consolidate('cons.bam') ss.write('cons.xml') Resequencing Pipeline (CLI version) ----------------------------------- In this scenario, we have two movies worth of subreads in two SubreadSets that we want to align to a reference, merge together, split into DataSet chunks by contig, then send through quiver on a chunkwise basis (in parallel). 1. Align each movie to the reference, producing a dataset with one bam file for each execution:: pbalign movie1.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml pbalign movie2.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml 2. Merge the files into a FOFN-like dataset (bams aren't touched):: # dataset.py merge [ ...] dataset.py merge merged.alignmentset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml 3. Split the dataset into chunks by contig (rname) (bams aren't touched). Note that supplying output files splits the dataset into that many output files (up to the number of contigs), with multiple contigs per file. Not supplying output files splits the dataset into one output file per contig, named automatically. Specifying a number of chunks instead will produce that many files, with contig or even sub contig (reference window) splitting.:: dataset.py split --contigs --chunks 8 merged.alignmentset.xml 4. Quiver then consumes these chunks:: variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk1consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk2consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml The chunking works by duplicating the original merged dataset (no bam duplication) and adding filters to each duplicate such that only reads belonging to the appropriate contigs are emitted. The contigs are distributed amongst the output files in such a way that the total number of records per chunk is about even. Tangential Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DataSet.refNames (which returns a list of reference names available in the dataset) is also subject to the filtering imposed during the split. Therefore you wont be running through superfluous (and apparently unsampled) contigs to get the reads in this chunk. The DataSet.records generator is also subject to filtering, but not as efficiently as readsInRange. If you do not have a reference window, readsInReference() is also an option. As the bam files are never touched, each dataset contains all the information necessary to access all reads for all contigs. Doing so on these filtered datasets would require disabling the filters first:: dset.disableFilters() Or removing the specific filter giving you problems:: dset.filters.removeRequirement('rname') Resequencing Pipeline (API version) ----------------------------------- In this scenario, we have two movies worth of subreads in two SubreadSets that we want to align to a reference, merge together, split into DataSet chunks by contig, then send through quiver on a chunkwise basis (in parallel). We want to do them using the API, rather than the CLI. 1. Align each movie to the reference, producing a dataset with one bam file for each execution .. code-block:: python # CLI (or see pbalign API): pbalign movie1.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml pbalign movie2.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml 2. Merge the files into a FOFN-like dataset (bams aren't touched) .. code-block:: python # API, filename_list is dummy data: filename_list = ['movie1.alignmentset.xml', 'movie2.alignmentset.xml'] # open: dsets = [AlignmentSet(fn) for fn in filename_list] # merge with + operator: from functools import reduce dset = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, dsets) # OR: dset = AlignmentSet(*filename_list) 3. Split the dataset into chunks by contigs (or subcontig windows) .. code-block:: python # split: dsets = dset.split(contigs=True, chunks=8) 4. Quiver then consumes these chunks .. code-block:: python # write out if you need to (or pass directly to quiver API): outfilename_list = ['chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml', 'chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml'] # write with 'write' method: map(lambda (ds, nm): ds.write(nm), zip(dsets, outfilename_list)) # CLI (or see quiver API): variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk1consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk2consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml # Inside quiver (still using python dataset API): aln = AlignmentSet(fname) # get this set's windows: refWindows = aln.refWindows # gather the reads for these windows using readsInRange, e.g.: reads = list(itertools.chain(aln.readsInRange(rId, start, end) for rId, start, end in refWindows)) API overview ============================= The chunking works by duplicating the original merged dataset (no bam duplication) and adding filters to each duplicate such that only reads belonging to the appropriate contigs/windows are emitted. The contigs are distributed amongst the output files in such a way that the total number of records per chunk is about even. DataSets can be created using the appropriate constructor (SubreadSet), or with the common constructor (DataSet) and later cast to a specific type (copy(asType="SubreadSet")). The DataSet constructor acts as a factory function (an artifact of early api Designs). The factory behavior is defined in the DataSet metaclass. .. inheritance-diagram:: pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO :parts: 1 .. automodule:: pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO :members: :special-members: __call__, __init__, __metaclass__, __repr__, __add__, __eq__, __deepcopy__ :show-inheritance: The operations possible between DataSets of the same and different types are limited, see the DataSet XML documentation for details. DataSet XML files have a few major components: XML metadata, ExternalReferences, Filters, DataSet Metadata, etc. These are represented in different ways internally, depending on their complexity. DataSet metadata especially contains a large number of different potential elements, many of which are accessible in the API as nested attributes. To preserve the API's ability to grant access to any DataSet Metadata available now and in the future, as well as to maintain the performance of dataset reading and writing, each DataSet stores its metadata in what approximates a tree structure, with various helper classes and functions manipulating this tree. The structure of this tree and currently implemented helper classes are available in the DataSetMembers module. .. inheritance-diagram:: pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers :parts: 1 .. automodule:: pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers :members: :special-members: __getitem__, __iter__, __repr__ :show-inheritance: :undoc-members: