Functions for operating on byte bytes encoded as UTF-8


In many cases, it is better to convert to str, operate on the strings, then convert back to UTF-8. str type can handle many of these functions itself. For those that it doesn’t (removing control characters from length calculations, for instance) the code to do so with a str type is often simpler.


All of the functions in this module are deprecated. Most of them have been replaced with functions that operate on unicode values in kitchen.text.display. kitchen.text.utf8.utf8_valid() has been replaced with a function in kitchen.text.misc.

kitchen.text.utf8.utf8_text_fill(text, *args, **kwargs)

Deprecated Similar to textwrap.fill() but understands utf-8 strings and doesn’t screw up lists/blocks/etc.

Use kitchen.text.display.fill() instead.

kitchen.text.utf8.utf8_text_wrap(text, width=70, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='')

Deprecated Similar to textwrap.wrap() but understands utf-8 data and doesn’t screw up lists/blocks/etc

Use kitchen.text.display.wrap() instead


Deprecated Detect if a string is valid utf-8

Use kitchen.text.misc.byte_string_valid_encoding() instead.


Deprecated Get the textual width of a utf-8 string

Use kitchen.text.display.textual_width() instead.

kitchen.text.utf8.utf8_width_chop(msg, chop=None)

Deprecated Return a string chopped to a given textual width

Use textual_width_chop() and textual_width() instead:

>>> msg = 'く ku ら ra と to み mi'
>>> # Old way:
>>> utf8_width_chop(msg, 5)
(5, 'く ku')
>>> # New way
>>> from kitchen.text.converters import to_bytes
>>> from kitchen.text.display import textual_width, textual_width_chop
>>> (textual_width(msg), to_bytes(textual_width_chop(msg, 5)))
(5, 'く ku')
kitchen.text.utf8.utf8_width_fill(msg, fill, chop=None, left=True, prefix='', suffix='')

Deprecated Pad a utf-8 string to fill a specified width

Use byte_string_textual_width_fill() instead