# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ post_request.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A short example that demonstrates a client that makes POST requests to certain websites. This example is intended to demonstrate how to handle uploading request bodies. In this instance, a file will be uploaded. In order to handle arbitrary files, this example also demonstrates how to obey HTTP/2 flow control rules. Takes one command-line argument: a path to a file in the filesystem to upload. If none is present, uploads this file. """ from __future__ import print_function import mimetypes import os import sys from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.endpoints import connectProtocol, SSL4ClientEndpoint from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol from twisted.internet.ssl import optionsForClientTLS from h2.connection import H2Connection from h2.events import ( ResponseReceived, DataReceived, StreamEnded, StreamReset, WindowUpdated, SettingsAcknowledged, ) AUTHORITY = u'nghttp2.org' PATH = '/httpbin/post' class H2Protocol(Protocol): def __init__(self, file_path): self.conn = H2Connection() self.known_proto = None self.request_made = False self.request_complete = False self.file_path = file_path self.flow_control_deferred = None self.fileobj = None self.file_size = None def connectionMade(self): """ Called by Twisted when the TCP connection is established. We can start sending some data now: we should open with the connection preamble. """ self.conn.initiate_connection() self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send()) def dataReceived(self, data): """ Called by Twisted when data is received on the connection. We need to check a few things here. Firstly, we want to validate that we actually negotiated HTTP/2: if we didn't, we shouldn't proceed! Then, we want to pass the data to the protocol stack and check what events occurred. """ if not self.known_proto: self.known_proto = self.transport.negotiatedProtocol assert self.known_proto == b'h2' events = self.conn.receive_data(data) for event in events: if isinstance(event, ResponseReceived): self.handleResponse(event.headers) elif isinstance(event, DataReceived): self.handleData(event.data) elif isinstance(event, StreamEnded): self.endStream() elif isinstance(event, SettingsAcknowledged): self.settingsAcked(event) elif isinstance(event, StreamReset): reactor.stop() raise RuntimeError("Stream reset: %d" % event.error_code) elif isinstance(event, WindowUpdated): self.windowUpdated(event) data = self.conn.data_to_send() if data: self.transport.write(data) def settingsAcked(self, event): """ Called when the remote party ACKs our settings. We send a SETTINGS frame as part of the preamble, so if we want to be very polite we can wait until the ACK for that frame comes before we start sending our request. """ if not self.request_made: self.sendRequest() def handleResponse(self, response_headers): """ Handle the response by printing the response headers. """ for name, value in response_headers: print("%s: %s" % (name.decode('utf-8'), value.decode('utf-8'))) print("") def handleData(self, data): """ We handle data that's received by just printing it. """ print(data, end='') def endStream(self): """ We call this when the stream is cleanly ended by the remote peer. That means that the response is complete. Because this code only makes a single HTTP/2 request, once we receive the complete response we can safely tear the connection down and stop the reactor. We do that as cleanly as possible. """ self.request_complete = True self.conn.close_connection() self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send()) self.transport.loseConnection() def windowUpdated(self, event): """ We call this when the flow control window for the connection or the stream has been widened. If there's a flow control deferred present (that is, if we're blocked behind the flow control), we fire it. Otherwise, we do nothing. """ if self.flow_control_deferred is None: return # Make sure we remove the flow control deferred to avoid firing it # more than once. flow_control_deferred = self.flow_control_deferred self.flow_control_deferred = None flow_control_deferred.callback(None) def connectionLost(self, reason=None): """ Called by Twisted when the connection is gone. Regardless of whether it was clean or not, we want to stop the reactor. """ if self.fileobj is not None: self.fileobj.close() if reactor.running: reactor.stop() def sendRequest(self): """ Send the POST request. A POST request is made up of one headers frame, and then 0+ data frames. This method begins by sending the headers, and then starts a series of calls to send data. """ # First, we need to work out how large the file is. self.file_size = os.stat(self.file_path).st_size # Next, we want to guess a content-type and content-encoding. content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.file_path) # Now we can build a header block. request_headers = [ (':method', 'POST'), (':authority', AUTHORITY), (':scheme', 'https'), (':path', PATH), ('content-length', str(self.file_size)), ] if content_type is not None: request_headers.append(('content-type', content_type)) if content_encoding is not None: request_headers.append(('content-encoding', content_encoding)) self.conn.send_headers(1, request_headers) self.request_made = True # We can now open the file. self.fileobj = open(self.file_path, 'rb') # We now need to send all the relevant data. We do this by checking # what the acceptable amount of data is to send, and sending it. If we # find ourselves blocked behind flow control, we then place a deferred # and wait until that deferred fires. self.sendFileData() def sendFileData(self): """ Send some file data on the connection. """ # Firstly, check what the flow control window is for stream 1. window_size = self.conn.local_flow_control_window(stream_id=1) # Next, check what the maximum frame size is. max_frame_size = self.conn.max_outbound_frame_size # We will send no more than the window size or the remaining file size # of data in this call, whichever is smaller. bytes_to_send = min(window_size, self.file_size) # We now need to send a number of data frames. while bytes_to_send > 0: chunk_size = min(bytes_to_send, max_frame_size) data_chunk = self.fileobj.read(chunk_size) self.conn.send_data(stream_id=1, data=data_chunk) bytes_to_send -= chunk_size self.file_size -= chunk_size # We've prepared a whole chunk of data to send. If the file is fully # sent, we also want to end the stream: we're done here. if self.file_size == 0: self.conn.end_stream(stream_id=1) else: # We've still got data left to send but the window is closed. Save # a Deferred that will call us when the window gets opened. self.flow_control_deferred = defer.Deferred() self.flow_control_deferred.addCallback(self.sendFileData) self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send()) try: filename = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: filename = __file__ options = optionsForClientTLS( hostname=AUTHORITY, acceptableProtocols=[b'h2'], ) connectProtocol( SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, AUTHORITY, 443, options), H2Protocol(filename) ) reactor.run()