# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ gevent-server.py ================ A simple HTTP/2 server written for gevent serving static files from a directory specified as input. If no directory is provided, the current directory will be used. """ import mimetypes import sys from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple, Dict, Optional from gevent import socket, ssl from gevent.event import Event from gevent.server import StreamServer from h2 import events from h2.config import H2Configuration from h2.connection import H2Connection def get_http2_tls_context() -> ssl.SSLContext: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ctx.options |= ( ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 | ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 ) ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION ctx.set_ciphers('ECDHE+AESGCM:ECDHE+CHACHA20:DHE+AESGCM:DHE+CHACHA20') ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile='localhost.crt', keyfile='localhost.key') ctx.set_alpn_protocols(['h2']) try: ctx.set_npn_protocols(['h2']) except NotImplementedError: pass return ctx class H2Worker: def __init__(self, sock: socket, address: Tuple[str, str], source_dir: str = None): self._sock = sock self._address = address self._flow_control_events: Dict[int, Event] = {} self._server_name = 'gevent-h2' self._connection: Optional[H2Connection] = None self._read_chunk_size = 8192 # The maximum amount of a file we'll send in a single DATA frame self._check_sources_dir(source_dir) self._sources_dir = source_dir self._run() def _initiate_connection(self): config = H2Configuration(client_side=False, header_encoding='utf-8') self._connection = H2Connection(config=config) self._connection.initiate_connection() self._sock.sendall(self._connection.data_to_send()) @staticmethod def _check_sources_dir(sources_dir: str) -> None: p = Path(sources_dir) if not p.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError(f'{sources_dir} does not exists') def _send_error_response(self, status_code: str, event: events.RequestReceived) -> None: self._connection.send_headers( stream_id=event.stream_id, headers=[ (':status', status_code), ('content-length', '0'), ('server', self._server_name), ], end_stream=True ) self._sock.sendall(self._connection.data_to_send()) def _handle_request(self, event: events.RequestReceived) -> None: headers = dict(event.headers) if headers[':method'] != 'GET': self._send_error_response('405', event) return file_path = Path(self._sources_dir) / headers[':path'].lstrip('/') if not file_path.is_file(): self._send_error_response('404', event) return self._send_file(file_path, event.stream_id) def _send_file(self, file_path: Path, stream_id: int) -> None: """ Send a file, obeying the rules of HTTP/2 flow control. """ file_size = file_path.stat().st_size content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(str(file_path)) response_headers = [ (':status', '200'), ('content-length', str(file_size)), ('server', self._server_name) ] if content_type: response_headers.append(('content-type', content_type)) if content_encoding: response_headers.append(('content-encoding', content_encoding)) self._connection.send_headers(stream_id, response_headers) self._sock.sendall(self._connection.data_to_send()) with file_path.open(mode='rb', buffering=0) as f: self._send_file_data(f, stream_id) def _send_file_data(self, file_obj, stream_id: int) -> None: """ Send the data portion of a file. Handles flow control rules. """ while True: while self._connection.local_flow_control_window(stream_id) < 1: self._wait_for_flow_control(stream_id) chunk_size = min(self._connection.local_flow_control_window(stream_id), self._read_chunk_size) data = file_obj.read(chunk_size) keep_reading = (len(data) == chunk_size) self._connection.send_data(stream_id, data, not keep_reading) self._sock.sendall(self._connection.data_to_send()) if not keep_reading: break def _wait_for_flow_control(self, stream_id: int) -> None: """ Blocks until the flow control window for a given stream is opened. """ event = Event() self._flow_control_events[stream_id] = event event.wait() def _handle_window_update(self, event: events.WindowUpdated) -> None: """ Unblock streams waiting on flow control, if needed. """ stream_id = event.stream_id if stream_id and stream_id in self._flow_control_events: g_event = self._flow_control_events.pop(stream_id) g_event.set() elif not stream_id: # Need to keep a real list here to use only the events present at this time. blocked_streams = list(self._flow_control_events.keys()) for stream_id in blocked_streams: g_event = self._flow_control_events.pop(stream_id) g_event.set() def _run(self) -> None: self._initiate_connection() while True: data = self._sock.recv(65535) if not data: break h2_events = self._connection.receive_data(data) for event in h2_events: if isinstance(event, events.RequestReceived): self._handle_request(event) elif isinstance(event, events.DataReceived): self._connection.reset_stream(event.stream_id) elif isinstance(event, events.WindowUpdated): self._handle_window_update(event) data_to_send = self._connection.data_to_send() if data_to_send: self._sock.sendall(data_to_send) if __name__ == '__main__': files_dir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else f'{Path().cwd()}' server = StreamServer(('', 8080), partial(H2Worker, source_dir=files_dir), ssl_context=get_http2_tls_context()) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.close()