import pytest from flask import g from flask import session from flaskr.db import get_db def test_register(client, app): # test that viewing the page renders without template errors assert client.get("/auth/register").status_code == 200 # test that successful registration redirects to the login page response ="/auth/register", data={"username": "a", "password": "a"}) assert response.headers["Location"] == "/auth/login" # test that the user was inserted into the database with app.app_context(): assert ( get_db().execute("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = 'a'").fetchone() is not None ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("username", "password", "message"), ( ("", "", b"Username is required."), ("a", "", b"Password is required."), ("test", "test", b"already registered"), ), ) def test_register_validate_input(client, username, password, message): response = "/auth/register", data={"username": username, "password": password} ) assert message in def test_login(client, auth): # test that viewing the page renders without template errors assert client.get("/auth/login").status_code == 200 # test that successful login redirects to the index page response = auth.login() assert response.headers["Location"] == "/" # login request set the user_id in the session # check that the user is loaded from the session with client: client.get("/") assert session["user_id"] == 1 assert g.user["username"] == "test" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("username", "password", "message"), (("a", "test", b"Incorrect username."), ("test", "a", b"Incorrect password.")), ) def test_login_validate_input(auth, username, password, message): response = auth.login(username, password) assert message in def test_logout(client, auth): auth.login() with client: auth.logout() assert "user_id" not in session