#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file. # Script to demonstrate features of colorama. # This demo is also used to verify correctness visually, because we don't have # automated tests. # Implemented as a bash script which invokes python so that we can test the # behaviour on exit, which resets default colors again. # print grid of all colors and brightnesses python demo01.py # Simple demo of changing foreground, background and brightness. python demo02.py # Demonstrate the different behavior when autoreset is True and False. python demo03.py # check that stripped ANSI in redirected stderr does not affect stdout rm -f demo04.out python demo04.py 2> demo04.out cat demo04.out rm -f demo04.out # Demonstrate the difference between colorama initialized with wrapping on and off. python demo05.py # Skip demo06 # It is too visually disruptive, # making it hard to see whether any of the demos are working correctly. # Demonstrate cursor relative movement: UP, DOWN, FORWARD, and BACK in colorama.CURSOR python demo07.py # Demonstrate the use of a context manager instead of manually using init and deinit python demo08.py