Source code for certbot_apache.augeas_configurator

"""Class of Augeas Configurators."""
import logging

from certbot import errors
from certbot.plugins import common

from certbot_apache import constants

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AugeasConfigurator(common.Installer): """Base Augeas Configurator class. :ivar config: Configuration. :type config: :class:`~certbot.interfaces.IConfig` :ivar aug: Augeas object :type aug: :class:`augeas.Augeas` :ivar str save_notes: Human-readable configuration change notes :ivar reverter: saves and reverts checkpoints :type reverter: :class:`certbot.reverter.Reverter` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AugeasConfigurator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Placeholder for augeas self.aug = None self.save_notes = ""
[docs] def init_augeas(self): """ Initialize the actual Augeas instance """ import augeas self.aug = augeas.Augeas( # specify a directory to load our preferred lens from loadpath=constants.AUGEAS_LENS_DIR, # Do not save backup (we do it ourselves), do not load # anything by default flags=(augeas.Augeas.NONE | augeas.Augeas.NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD | augeas.Augeas.ENABLE_SPAN)) # See if any temporary changes need to be recovered # This needs to occur before VirtualHost objects are setup... # because this will change the underlying configuration and potential # vhosts self.recovery_routine()
[docs] def check_parsing_errors(self, lens): """Verify Augeas can parse all of the lens files. :param str lens: lens to check for errors :raises .errors.PluginError: If there has been an error in parsing with the specified lens. """ error_files = self.aug.match("/augeas//error") for path in error_files: # Check to see if it was an error resulting from the use of # the httpd lens lens_path = self.aug.get(path + "/lens") # As aug.get may return null if lens_path and lens in lens_path: msg = ( "There has been an error in parsing the file {0} on line {1}: " "{2}".format( # Strip off /augeas/files and /error path[13:len(path) - 6], self.aug.get(path + "/line"), self.aug.get(path + "/message"))) raise errors.PluginError(msg)
[docs] def ensure_augeas_state(self): """Makes sure that all Augeas dom changes are written to files to avoid loss of configuration directives when doing additional augeas parsing, causing a possible augeas.load() resulting dom reset """ if self.unsaved_files(): self.save_notes += "(autosave)"
[docs] def unsaved_files(self): """Lists files that have modified Augeas DOM but the changes have not been written to the filesystem yet, used by `` and ApacheConfigurator to check the file state. :raises .errors.PluginError: If there was an error in Augeas, in an attempt to save the configuration, or an error creating a checkpoint :returns: `set` of unsaved files """ save_state = self.aug.get("/augeas/save") self.aug.set("/augeas/save", "noop") # Existing Errors ex_errs = self.aug.match("/augeas//error") try: # This is a noop save except (RuntimeError, IOError): self._log_save_errors(ex_errs) # Erase Save Notes self.save_notes = "" raise errors.PluginError( "Error saving files, check logs for more info.") # Return the original save method self.aug.set("/augeas/save", save_state) # Retrieve list of modified files # Note: Noop saves can cause the file to be listed twice, I used a # set to remove this possibility. This is a known augeas 0.10 error. save_paths = self.aug.match("/augeas/events/saved") save_files = set() if save_paths: for path in save_paths: save_files.add(self.aug.get(path)[6:]) return save_files
[docs] def save(self, title=None, temporary=False): """Saves all changes to the configuration files. This function first checks for save errors, if none are found, all configuration changes made will be saved. According to the function parameters. If an exception is raised, a new checkpoint was not created. :param str title: The title of the save. If a title is given, the configuration will be saved as a new checkpoint and put in a timestamped directory. :param bool temporary: Indicates whether the changes made will be quickly reversed in the future (ie. challenges) """ save_files = self.unsaved_files() if save_files: self.add_to_checkpoint(save_files, self.save_notes, temporary=temporary) self.save_notes = "" # Force reload if files were modified # This is needed to recalculate augeas directive span if save_files: for sf in save_files: self.aug.remove("/files/"+sf) self.aug.load() if title and not temporary: self.finalize_checkpoint(title)
[docs] def _log_save_errors(self, ex_errs): """Log errors due to bad Augeas save. :param list ex_errs: Existing errors before save """ # Check for the root of save problems new_errs = self.aug.match("/augeas//error") # logger.error("During Save - %s", mod_conf) logger.error("Unable to save files: %s. Attempted Save Notes: %s", ", ".join(err[13:len(err) - 6] for err in new_errs # Only new errors caused by recent save if err not in ex_errs), self.save_notes)
# Wrapper functions for Reverter class
[docs] def recovery_routine(self): """Revert all previously modified files. Reverts all modified files that have not been saved as a checkpoint :raises .errors.PluginError: If unable to recover the configuration """ super(AugeasConfigurator, self).recovery_routine() # Need to reload configuration after these changes take effect self.aug.load()
[docs] def revert_challenge_config(self): """Used to cleanup challenge configurations. :raises .errors.PluginError: If unable to revert the challenge config. """ self.revert_temporary_config() self.aug.load()
[docs] def rollback_checkpoints(self, rollback=1): """Rollback saved checkpoints. :param int rollback: Number of checkpoints to revert :raises .errors.PluginError: If there is a problem with the input or the function is unable to correctly revert the configuration """ super(AugeasConfigurator, self).rollback_checkpoints(rollback) self.aug.load()