Source code for can.interfaces.etas

import ctypes
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import can
from ...exceptions import CanInitializationError
from .boa import *

[docs]class EtasBus(can.BusABC): def __init__( self, channel: str, can_filters: Optional[can.typechecking.CanFilters] = None, receive_own_messages: bool = False, bitrate: int = 1000000, fd: bool = True, data_bitrate: int = 2000000, **kwargs: object, ): self.receive_own_messages = receive_own_messages nodeRange = CSI_NodeRange(CSI_NODE_MIN, CSI_NODE_MAX) self.tree = ctypes.POINTER(CSI_Tree)() CSI_CreateProtocolTree(ctypes.c_char_p(b""), nodeRange, ctypes.byref(self.tree)) oci_can_v = BOA_Version(1, 4, 0, 0) self.ctrl = OCI_ControllerHandle() OCI_CreateCANControllerNoSearch( channel.encode(), ctypes.byref(oci_can_v), self.tree, ctypes.byref(self.ctrl), ) ctrlConf = OCI_CANConfiguration() ctrlConf.baudrate = bitrate ctrlConf.samplePoint = 80 ctrlConf.samplesPerBit = OCI_CAN_THREE_SAMPLES_PER_BIT ctrlConf.BTL_Cycles = 10 ctrlConf.SJW = 1 ctrlConf.syncEdge = OCI_CAN_SINGLE_SYNC_EDGE ctrlConf.physicalMedia = OCI_CAN_MEDIA_HIGH_SPEED if receive_own_messages: ctrlConf.selfReceptionMode = OCI_SELF_RECEPTION_ON else: ctrlConf.selfReceptionMode = OCI_SELF_RECEPTION_OFF ctrlConf.busParticipationMode = OCI_BUSMODE_ACTIVE if fd: ctrlConf.canFDEnabled = True ctrlConf.canFDConfig.dataBitRate = data_bitrate ctrlConf.canFDConfig.dataBTL_Cycles = 10 ctrlConf.canFDConfig.dataSamplePoint = 80 ctrlConf.canFDConfig.dataSJW = 1 ctrlConf.canFDConfig.flags = 0 ctrlConf.canFDConfig.canFdTxConfig = OCI_CANFDTX_USE_CAN_AND_CANFD_FRAMES ctrlConf.canFDConfig.canFdRxConfig.canRxMode = ( OCI_CAN_RXMODE_CAN_FRAMES_USING_CAN_MESSAGE ) ctrlConf.canFDConfig.canFdRxConfig.canFdRxMode = ( OCI_CANFDRXMODE_CANFD_FRAMES_USING_CANFD_MESSAGE ) ctrlProp = OCI_CANControllerProperties() ctrlProp.mode = OCI_CONTROLLER_MODE_RUNNING ec = OCI_OpenCANController( self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(ctrlConf), ctypes.byref(ctrlProp) ) if ec != 0x0 and ec != 0x40004000: # accept BOA_WARN_PARAM_ADAPTED raise CanInitializationError( f"OCI_OpenCANController failed with error 0x{ec:X}" ) # RX rxQConf = OCI_CANRxQueueConfiguration() rxQConf.onFrame.function = ctypes.cast(None, OCI_CANRxCallbackFunctionSingleMsg) rxQConf.onFrame.userData = None rxQConf.onEvent.function = ctypes.cast(None, OCI_CANRxCallbackFunctionSingleMsg) rxQConf.onEvent.userData = None if receive_own_messages: rxQConf.selfReceptionMode = OCI_SELF_RECEPTION_ON else: rxQConf.selfReceptionMode = OCI_SELF_RECEPTION_OFF self.rxQueue = OCI_QueueHandle() OCI_CreateCANRxQueue( self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(rxQConf), ctypes.byref(self.rxQueue) ) self._oci_filters = None self.filters = can_filters # TX txQConf = OCI_CANTxQueueConfiguration() txQConf.reserved = 0 self.txQueue = OCI_QueueHandle() OCI_CreateCANTxQueue( self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(txQConf), ctypes.byref(self.txQueue) ) # Common timerCapabilities = OCI_TimerCapabilities() OCI_GetTimerCapabilities(self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(timerCapabilities)) self.tickFrequency = timerCapabilities.tickFrequency # clock ticks per second # all timestamps are hardware timestamps relative to the CAN device powerup # calculate an offset to make them relative to epoch now = OCI_Time() OCI_GetTimerValue(self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(now)) self.timeOffset = time.time() - (float(now.value) / self.tickFrequency) self.channel_info = channel def _recv_internal( self, timeout: Optional[float] ) -> Tuple[Optional[can.Message], bool]: ociMsgs = (ctypes.POINTER(OCI_CANMessageEx) * 1)() ociMsg = OCI_CANMessageEx() ociMsgs[0] = ctypes.pointer(ociMsg) count = ctypes.c_uint32() if timeout is not None: # wait for specified time t = OCI_Time(round(timeout * self.tickFrequency)) else: # wait indefinitely t = OCI_NO_TIME OCI_ReadCANDataEx( self.rxQueue, t, ociMsgs, 1, ctypes.byref(count), None, ) msg = None if count.value != 0: if ociMsg.type == OCI_CANFDRX_MESSAGE.value: ociRxMsg = msg = can.Message( timestamp=float(ociRxMsg.timeStamp) / self.tickFrequency + self.timeOffset, arbitration_id=ociRxMsg.frameID, is_extended_id=bool(ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_EXTENDED), is_remote_frame=bool( ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME ), # is_error_frame=False, # channel=None, dlc=ociRxMsg.size,[0 : ociRxMsg.size], is_fd=True, is_rx=not bool(ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_SELFRECEPTION), bitrate_switch=bool( ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_FD_DATA_BIT_RATE ), # error_state_indicator=False, # check=False, ) elif ociMsg.type == OCI_CAN_RX_MESSAGE.value: ociRxMsg = msg = can.Message( timestamp=float(ociRxMsg.timeStamp) / self.tickFrequency + self.timeOffset, arbitration_id=ociRxMsg.frameID, is_extended_id=bool(ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_EXTENDED), is_remote_frame=bool( ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME ), # is_error_frame=False, # channel=None, dlc=ociRxMsg.dlc,[0 : ociRxMsg.dlc], # is_fd=False, is_rx=not bool(ociRxMsg.flags & OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_SELFRECEPTION), # bitrate_switch=False, # error_state_indicator=False, # check=False, ) return (msg, True)
[docs] def send(self, msg: can.Message, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: ociMsgs = (ctypes.POINTER(OCI_CANMessageEx) * 1)() ociMsg = OCI_CANMessageEx() ociMsgs[0] = ctypes.pointer(ociMsg) if msg.is_fd: ociMsg.type = OCI_CANFDTX_MESSAGE ociTxMsg = ociTxMsg.size = msg.dlc else: ociMsg.type = OCI_CAN_TX_MESSAGE ociTxMsg = ociTxMsg.dlc = msg.dlc # set fields common to CAN / CAN-FD ociTxMsg.frameID = msg.arbitration_id ociTxMsg.flags = 0 if msg.is_extended_id: ociTxMsg.flags |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_EXTENDED if msg.is_remote_frame: ociTxMsg.flags |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME = tuple( if msg.is_fd: ociTxMsg.flags |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_FD_DATA if msg.bitrate_switch: ociTxMsg.flags |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_FD_DATA_BIT_RATE OCI_WriteCANDataEx(self.txQueue, OCI_NO_TIME, ociMsgs, 1, None)
def _apply_filters(self, filters: Optional[can.typechecking.CanFilters]) -> None: if self._oci_filters: OCI_RemoveCANFrameFilterEx(self.rxQueue, self._oci_filters, 1) # "accept all" filter if filters is None: filters = [{"can_id": 0x0, "can_mask": 0x0}] self._oci_filters = (ctypes.POINTER(OCI_CANRxFilterEx) * len(filters))() for i, filter in enumerate(filters): f = OCI_CANRxFilterEx() f.frameIDValue = filter["can_id"] f.frameIDMask = filter["can_mask"] f.tag = 0 f.flagsValue = 0 if self.receive_own_messages: # mask out the SR bit, i.e. ignore the bit -> receive all f.flagsMask = 0 else: # enable the SR bit in the mask. since the bit is 0 in flagsValue -> do not self-receive f.flagsMask = OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_SELFRECEPTION if filter.get("extended"): f.flagsValue |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_EXTENDED f.flagsMask |= OCI_CAN_MSG_FLAG_EXTENDED self._oci_filters[i].contents = f OCI_AddCANFrameFilterEx(self.rxQueue, self._oci_filters, len(self._oci_filters))
[docs] def flush_tx_buffer(self) -> None: OCI_ResetQueue(self.txQueue)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: # Cleanup TX if self.txQueue: OCI_DestroyCANTxQueue(self.txQueue) self.txQueue = None # Cleanup RX if self.rxQueue: OCI_DestroyCANRxQueue(self.rxQueue) self.rxQueue = None # Cleanup common if self.ctrl: OCI_CloseCANController(self.ctrl) OCI_DestroyCANController(self.ctrl) self.ctrl = None if self.tree: CSI_DestroyProtocolTree(self.tree) self.tree = None
@property def state(self) -> can.BusState: status = OCI_CANControllerStatus() OCI_GetCANControllerStatus(self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(status)) if status.stateCode & OCI_CAN_STATE_ACTIVE: return can.BusState.ACTIVE elif status.stateCode & OCI_CAN_STATE_PASSIVE: return can.BusState.PASSIVE @state.setter def state(self, new_state: can.BusState) -> None: # disabled, OCI_AdaptCANConfiguration does not allow changing the bus mode # if new_state == can.BusState.ACTIVE: # self.ctrlConf.busParticipationMode = OCI_BUSMODE_ACTIVE # else: # self.ctrlConf.busParticipationMode = OCI_BUSMODE_PASSIVE # ec = OCI_AdaptCANConfiguration(self.ctrl, ctypes.byref(self.ctrlConf)) # if ec != 0x0: # raise CanOperationError(f"OCI_AdaptCANConfiguration failed with error 0x{ec:X}") raise NotImplementedError("Setting state is not implemented.") def _detect_available_configs() -> List[can.typechecking.AutoDetectedConfig]: nodeRange = CSI_NodeRange(CSI_NODE_MIN, CSI_NODE_MAX) tree = ctypes.POINTER(CSI_Tree)() CSI_CreateProtocolTree(ctypes.c_char_p(b""), nodeRange, ctypes.byref(tree)) nodes: Dict[str, str] = [] def _findNodes(tree, prefix): uri = f"{prefix}/{tree.contents.item.uriName.decode()}" if "CAN:" in uri: nodes.append({"interface": "etas", "channel": uri}) elif tree.contents.child: _findNodes( tree.contents.child, f"{prefix}/{tree.contents.item.uriName.decode()}", ) if tree.contents.sibling: _findNodes(tree.contents.sibling, prefix) _findNodes(tree, "ETAS:/") CSI_DestroyProtocolTree(tree) return nodes