Parsing a string containing code

This example shows how to setup pygccxml to parse a string containing c++ code, and how to access the declaration tree. Often, pygccxml is used to parse files containing code, but there may be reasons to parse a string (for example for debugging purposes).

The following code will show you how to create a configuration for the xml generator (an external tool, either castxml or gccxml), and how to parse the string containing the c++ code:

from pygccxml import utils
from pygccxml import declarations
from pygccxml import parser

# Find the location of the xml generator (castxml or gccxml)
generator_path, generator_name = utils.find_xml_generator()

# Configure the xml generator
xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t(

# Write a string containing some c++ code
code = """
    class MyClass {
        int a;

# Parse the code
decls = parser.parse_string(code, xml_generator_config)

# Get access to the global namespace
global_ns = declarations.get_global_namespace(decls)