pygccxml.declarations.enumeration module

defines class, that describes C++ enum

class enumeration_t(name='', values=None)

Bases: pygccxml.declarations.declaration.declaration_t, pygccxml.declarations.byte_info.byte_info, pygccxml.declarations.elaborated_info.elaborated_info

describes C++ enum

append_value(valuename, valuenum=None)

Append another enumeration value to the enum.

The numeric value may be None in which case it is automatically determined by increasing the value of the last item.

When the ‘values’ attribute is accessed the resulting list will be in the same order as append_value() was called.

  • valuename (str) – The name of the value.

  • valuenum (int) – The numeric value or None.


returns a dictionary, that maps between enum name( key ) and enum value( value )


Check if this enum has a particular name among its values.


name (str) – Enumeration value name

Return type

True if there is an enumeration value with the given name


Return list of all types and declarations the declaration depends on

property values

A list of tuples (valname(str), valnum(int)) that contain the enumeration values. @type: list