pygccxml.declarations.calldef module

defines classes, that describes “callable” declarations

This modules contains definition for next C++ declarations:
  • operator
    • member

    • free

  • function
    • member

    • free

  • constructor

  • destructor

class argument_t(name='', decl_type=None, default_value=None, attributes=None)

Bases: object

class, that describes argument of “callable” declaration

property attributes

GCCXML attributes, set using __attribute__((gccxml(”…”))) @type: str


constructs new argument_t instance

return argument_t(

name=keywd.get(‘name’,, decl_type=keywd.get(‘decl_type’, self.decl_type), default_value=keywd.get(‘default_value’, self.default_value), attributes=keywd.get(‘attributes’, self.attributes ))

property decl_type
property default_value

Argument’s default value or None. @type: str

property ellipsis

bool, if True argument represents ellipsis ( “…” ) in function definition

property name

Argument name. @type: str

class calldef_t(name='', arguments=None, exceptions=None, return_type=None, has_extern=False, does_throw=True, mangled=None)

Bases: pygccxml.declarations.declaration.declaration_t

base class for all “callable” declarations

property argument_types

list of all argument types

property arguments

The argument list. @type: list of argument_t

property calling_convention

function calling convention. See :class:CALLING_CONVENTION_TYPES class for possible values

property does_throw

If False, than function does not throw any exception. In this case, function was declared with empty throw statement.

property exceptions

The list of exceptions. @type: list of declaration_t


This function should be overriden in the derived classes and return more-or-less successfull guess about calling convention

property has_ellipsis
property has_extern

Was this callable declared as “extern”? @type: bool

property has_inline

Was this callable declared with “inline” specifier @type: bool


Return list of all types and declarations the declaration depends on

property mangled

Unique declaration name generated by the compiler.


the mangled name

Return type


property optional_args

list of all optional arguments, the arguments that have default value

property overloads

A list of overloaded “callables” (i.e. other callables with the same name within the same scope.

@type: list of calldef_t

property overrides

If a function is marked as an overrides, contains the declaration which this function overrides.

property required_args

list of all required arguments

property return_type

The type of the return value of the “callable” or None (constructors). @type: type_t