
In order to use pyeapi, the EOS command API must be enabled using configuration mode. This library supports eAPI calls over both HTTP/S and UNIX Domain Sockets. Once the command API is enabled on the destination node, create a configuration file with the node properties. There are some nuances about the configuration file that are important to understand; take a minute and read about the Pyeapi Configuration File.

Enable EOS Command API

Refer to your official Arista EOS Configuration Guide to learn how to enable EOS Command API. Depending upon your software version, the options available include:

  • HTTP


  • HTTPS Certificates

  • HTTP Local

  • Unix Socket

Install Pyeapi

Follow the instructions on the Installation guide to prepare your node for pyeapi.

Create an eapi.conf file

Follow the instructions on the Pyeapi Configuration File guide to create a pyeapi configuration file. You can skip this step if you are running the pyeapi script on-box and Unix Sockets are enabled for EOS Command API.

Connect to a Node

The Python client for eAPI was designed to be easy to use and implement for writing tools and applications that interface with the Arista EOS management plane.

Once EOS is configured properly and the config file created, getting started with a connection to EOS is simple. Below demonstrates a basic connection using pyeapi. For more examples, please see the examples folder on Github.

This first example shows how to instantiate the Node object. The Node object provides some helpful methods and attributes to work with the switch.

# start by importing the library
import pyeapi

# create a node object by specifying the node to work with
node = pyeapi.connect_to('veos01')

# send one or more commands to the node
node.enable('show hostname')
[{'command': 'show hostname',
  'encoding': 'json',
  'result': {u'hostname': u'veos01',
             u'fqdn': u'veos01.arista.com'}}]

# Request a specific revision of a command that has been updated
node.enable({'cmd': 'show cvx', 'revision': 2})
[{'command': {'cmd': 'show cvx', 'revision': 2},
  'encoding': 'json',
  'result': {u'clusterMode': False,
             u'controllerUUID': u'',
             u'enabled': False,
             u'heartbeatInterval': 20.0,
             u'heartbeatTimeout': 60.0}}]

# use the config method to send configuration commands
node.config('hostname veos01')

# multiple commands can be sent by using a list
# (works for both enable or config)
node.config(['interface Ethernet1', 'description foo'])
[{}, {}]

# return the running or startup configuration from the
# node (output omitted for brevity)


The pyeapi library provides both a client for send and receiving commands over eAPI as well as an API for working directly with EOS resources. The API is designed to be easy and straightforward to use yet also extensible. Below is an example of working with the vlans API

# create a connection to the node
import pyeapi
node = pyeapi.connect_to('veos01')

# get the instance of the API (in this case vlans)
vlans = node.api('vlans')

# return all vlans from the node
{'1': {'state': 'active', 'name': 'default', 'vlan_id': 1, 'trunk_groups': []},
'10': {'state': 'active', 'name': 'VLAN0010', 'vlan_id': 10, 'trunk_groups':

# return a specific vlan from the node
{'state': 'active', 'name': 'default', 'vlan_id': 1, 'trunk_groups': []}

# add a new vlan to the node

# set the new vlan name
vlans.set_name(100, 'foo')