Source code for pydl.pydlutils.math

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the math directory in idlutils.
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
import astropy.utils as au
from .misc import djs_laxisnum
from ..median import median

[docs]class computechi2(object): """Solve the linear set of equations :math:`A x = b` using SVD. The attributes of this class are all read-only properties, implemented with :class:`~astropy.utils.decorators.lazyproperty`. Parameters ---------- bvec : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The :math:`b` vector in :math:`A x = b`. This vector has length :math:`N`. sqivar : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The reciprocal of the errors in `bvec`. The name comes from the square root of the inverse variance, which is what this is. amatrix : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The matrix :math:`A` in :math:`A x = b`. The shape of this matrix is (:math:`N`, :math:`M`). """ def __init__(self, bvec, sqivar, amatrix): """Initialize the object and perform initial computations. """ # # Save the inputs # # self.bvec = bvec self.sqivar = sqivar self.amatrix = amatrix if len(amatrix.shape) > 1: self.nstar = amatrix.shape[1] else: self.nstar = 1 self.bvec = bvec * sqivar self.mmatrix = self.amatrix * np.tile(sqivar, self.nstar).reshape( self.nstar, bvec.size).transpose() mm =, self.mmatrix) self.uu, self.ww, self.vv = svd(mm, full_matrices=False) self.mmi = / np.tile(self.ww, self.nstar).reshape( self.nstar, self.nstar)), self.uu.T) return @au.lazyproperty def acoeff(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The fit parameters, :math:`x`, in :math:`A x = b`. This vector has length :math:`M`. """ return,, self.bvec)) @au.lazyproperty def chi2(self): """(:class:`float <numpy.generic>`) The :math:`\chi^2` value of the fit. """ return np.sum((, self.acoeff) - self.bvec)**2) @au.lazyproperty def yfit(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The evaluated best-fit at each point. This vector has length :math:`N`. """ return, self.acoeff) @au.lazyproperty def dof(self): """(:class:`int <numpy.generic>`) The degrees of freedom of the fit. This is the number of values of `bvec` that have `sqivar` > 0 minus the number of fit paramaters, which is equal to :math:`M`. """ return (self.sqivar > 0).sum() - self.nstar @au.lazyproperty def covar(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The covariance matrix. The shape of this matrix is (:math:`M`, :math:`M`). """ wwt = self.ww.copy() wwt[self.ww > 0] = 1.0/self.ww[self.ww > 0] covar = np.zeros((self.nstar, self.nstar), dtype=self.ww.dtype) for i in range(self.nstar): for j in range(i + 1): covar[i, j] = np.sum(wwt * self.vv[:, i] * self.vv[:, j]) covar[j, i] = covar[i, j] return covar @au.lazyproperty def var(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The variances of the fit. This is identical to the diagonal of the covariance matrix. This vector has length :math:`M`. """ return np.diag(self.covar)
[docs]def djs_median(array, dimension=None, width=None, boundary='none'): """Compute the median of an array. Use a filtering box or collapse the image along one dimension. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` input array dimension : :class:`int`, optional Compute the median over this dimension. It is an error to specify both `dimension` and `width`. width : :class:`int`, optional Width of the median window. In general, this should be an odd integer. It is an error to specify both `dimension` and `width`. boundary : { 'none', 'reflect', 'nearest', 'wrap' }, optional Boundary condition to impose. 'none' means no filtering is done within `width`/2 of the boundary. 'reflect' means reflect pixel values around the boundary. 'nearest' means use the values of the nearest boundary pixel. 'wrap' means wrap pixel values around the boundary. 'nearest' and 'wrap' are not implemented. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The output. If neither `dimension` nor `width` are set, this is a scalar value, just the output of ``numpy.median()``. If `dimension` is set, then the result simply ``numpy.median(array,dimension)``. If `width` is set, the result has the same shape as the input array. """ if dimension is None and width is None: return np.median(array) elif width is None: return np.median(array, axis=dimension) elif dimension is None: if width == 1: return array if boundary == 'none': if array.ndim == 1: return median(array, width) elif array.ndim == 2: return median(array, width) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported number of dimensions with ' + 'this boundary condition.') elif boundary == 'reflect': padsize = int(np.ceil(width/2.0)) if array.ndim == 1: bigarr = np.zeros(array.shape[0]+2*padsize, dtype=array.dtype) bigarr[padsize:padsize+array.shape[0]] = array bigarr[0:padsize] = array[0:padsize][::-1] bigarr[padsize+array.shape[0]:padsize*2+array.shape[0]] = ( array[array.shape[0]-padsize:array.shape[0]][::-1]) f = median(bigarr, width) medarray = f[padsize:padsize+array.shape[0]] return medarray elif array.ndim == 2: bigarr = np.zeros((array.shape[0]+2*padsize, array.shape[1]+2*padsize), dtype=array.dtype) bigarr[padsize:padsize+array.shape[0], padsize:padsize+array.shape[1]] = array # Copy into top + bottom bigarr[0:padsize, padsize:array.shape[1]+padsize] = array[0:padsize, :][::-1, :] bigarr[array.shape[0]+padsize:bigarr.shape[0], padsize:array.shape[1]+padsize] = array[array.shape[0]-padsize:array.shape[0], :][::-1, :] # Copy into left + right bigarr[padsize:array.shape[0]+padsize, 0:padsize] = array[:, 0:padsize][:, ::-1] bigarr[padsize:array.shape[0]+padsize, array.shape[1]+padsize:bigarr.shape[1]] = array[:, array.shape[1]-padsize:array.shape[1]][:, ::-1] # Copy into top left bigarr[0:padsize, 0:padsize] = array[0:padsize, 0:padsize][::-1, ::-1] # Copy into top right bigarr[0:padsize, bigarr.shape[1]-padsize:bigarr.shape[1]] = array[0:padsize, array.shape[1]-padsize:array.shape[1]][::-1, ::-1] # Copy into bottom left bigarr[bigarr.shape[0]-padsize:bigarr.shape[0], 0:padsize] = array[array.shape[0]-padsize:array.shape[0], 0:padsize][::-1, ::-1] # Copy into bottom right bigarr[bigarr.shape[0]-padsize:bigarr.shape[0], bigarr.shape[1]-padsize:bigarr.shape[1]] = array[array.shape[0]-padsize:array.shape[0], array.shape[1]-padsize:array.shape[1]][::-1, ::-1] f = median(bigarr, min(width, array.size)) medarray = f[padsize:array.shape[0]+padsize, padsize:array.shape[1]+padsize] return medarray else: raise ValueError('Unsupported number of dimensions with ' + 'this boundary condition.') elif boundary == 'nearest': raise ValueError('This boundary condition not implemented') elif boundary == 'wrap': raise ValueError('This boundary condition not implemented') else: raise ValueError('Unknown boundary condition.') else: raise ValueError('Invalid to specify both dimension & width.')
[docs]def djs_reject(data, model, outmask=None, inmask=None, sigma=None, invvar=None, lower=None, upper=None, maxdev=None, maxrej=None, groupdim=None, groupsize=None, groupbadpix=False, grow=0, sticky=False): """Routine to reject points when doing an iterative fit to data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The data model : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The model, must have the same number of dimensions as `data`. outmask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Output mask, generated by a previous call to `djs_reject`. If not supplied, this mask will be initialized to a mask that masks nothing. Although this parameter is technically optional, it will almost always be set. inmask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Input mask. Bad points are marked with a value that evaluates to ``False``. Must have the same number of dimensions as `data`. sigma : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Standard deviation of the data, used to reject points based on the values of `upper` and `lower`. invvar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Inverse variance of the data, used to reject points based on the values of `upper` and `lower`. If both `sigma` and `invvar` are set, `invvar` will be ignored. lower : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional If set, reject points with data < model - lower * sigma. upper : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional If set, reject points with data > model + upper * sigma. maxdev : :class:`int` or :class:`float`, optional If set, reject points with abs(data-model) > maxdev. It is permitted to set all three of `lower`, `upper` and `maxdev`. maxrej : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Maximum number of points to reject in this iteration. If `groupsize` or `groupdim` are set to arrays, this should be an array as well. groupdim To be documented. groupsize To be documented. groupbadpix : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, consecutive sets of bad pixels are considered groups, overriding the values of `groupsize`. grow : :class:`int`, optional If set to a non-zero integer, N, the N nearest neighbors of rejected pixels will also be rejected. sticky : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, pixels rejected in one iteration remain rejected in subsequent iterations, even if the model changes. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` A tuple containing a mask where rejected data values are ``False`` and a boolean value set to ``True`` if `djs_reject` believes there is no further rejection to be done. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If dimensions of various inputs do not match. """ # # Create outmask setting = 1 for good data. # if outmask is None: outmask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype='bool') else: if data.shape != outmask.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of data and outmask do not agree.') # # Check other inputs. # if model is None: if inmask is not None: outmask = inmask return (outmask, False) else: if data.shape != model.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of data and model do not agree.') if inmask is not None: if data.shape != inmask.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of data and inmask do not agree.') if maxrej is not None: if groupdim is not None: if len(maxrej) != len(groupdim): raise ValueError('maxrej and groupdim must have the same number of elements.') else: groupdim = [] if groupsize is not None: if len(maxrej) != len(groupsize): raise ValueError('maxrej and groupsize must have the same number of elements.') else: groupsize = len(data) if sigma is None and invvar is None: if inmask is not None: igood = (inmask & outmask).nonzero()[0] else: igood = outmask.nonzero()[0] if len(igood > 1): sigma = np.std(data[igood] - model[igood]) else: sigma = 0 diff = data - model # # The working array is badness, which is set to zero for good points # (or points already rejected), and positive values for bad points. # The values determine just how bad a point is, either corresponding # to the number of sigma above or below the fit, or to the number # of multiples of maxdev away from the fit. # badness = np.zeros(outmask.shape, dtype=data.dtype) # # Decide how bad a point is according to lower. # if lower is not None: if sigma is not None: qbad = diff < (-lower * sigma) badness += ((-diff/(sigma + (sigma == 0))) > 0) * qbad else: qbad = (diff * np.sqrt(invvar)) < -lower badness += ((-diff * np.sqrt(invvar)) > 0) * qbad # # Decide how bad a point is according to upper. # if upper is not None: if sigma is not None: qbad = diff > (upper * sigma) badness += ((diff/(sigma + (sigma == 0))) > 0) * qbad else: qbad = (diff * np.sqrt(invvar)) > upper badness += ((diff * np.sqrt(invvar)) > 0) * qbad # # Decide how bad a point is according to maxdev. # if maxdev is not None: qbad = np.absolute(diff) > maxdev badness += np.absolute(diff) / maxdev * qbad # # Do not consider rejecting points that are already rejected by inmask. # Do not consider rejecting points that are already rejected by outmask, # if sticky is set. # if inmask is not None: badness *= inmask if sticky: badness *= outmask # # Reject a maximum of maxrej (additional) points in all the data, or # in each group as specified by groupsize, and optionally along each # dimension specified by groupdim. # if maxrej is not None: # # Loop over each dimension of groupdim or loop once if not set. # for iloop in range(max(len(groupdim), 1)): # # Assign an index number in this dimension to each data point. # if len(groupdim) > 0: yndim = len(ydata.shape) if groupdim[iloop] > yndim: raise ValueError('groupdim is larger than the number of dimensions for ydata.') dimnum = djs_laxisnum(ydata.shape, iaxis=groupdim[iloop]-1) else: dimnum = np.asarray([0]) # # Loop over each vector specified by groupdim. For example, if # this is a 2-D array with groupdim=1, then loop over each # column of the data. If groupdim=2, then loop over each row. # If groupdim is not set, then use the whole image. # for ivec in range(max(dimnum)): # # At this point it is not possible that dimnum is not set. # indx = (dimnum == ivec).nonzero()[0] # # Within this group of points, break it down into groups # of points specified by groupsize, if set. # nin = len(indx) if groupbadpix: goodtemp = badness == 0 groups_lower = (-1*np.diff(np.insert(goodtemp, 0, 1)) == 1).nonzero()[0] groups_upper = (np.diff(np.append(goodtemp, 1)) == 1).nonzero()[0] ngroups = len(groups_lower) else: # # The IDL version of this test makes no sense because # groupsize will always be set. # if 'groupsize' in kwargs: ngroups = nin/groupsize + 1 groups_lower = np.arange(ngroups, dtype='i4')*groupsize foo = (np.arange(ngroups, dtype='i4')+1)*groupsize groups_upper = np.where(foo < nin, foo, nin) - 1 else: ngroups = 1 groups_lower = [0, ] groups_upper = [nin - 1, ] for igroup in range(ngroups): i1 = groups_lower[igroup] i2 = groups_upper[igroup] nii = i2 - i1 + 1 # # Need the test that i1 != -1 below to prevent a crash # condition, but why is it that we ever get groups # without any points? Because this is badly-written, # that's why. # if nii > 0 and i1 != -1: jj = indx[i1:i2+1] # # Test if too many points rejected in this group. # if np.sum(badness[jj] != 0) > maxrej[iloop]: isort = badness[jj].argsort() # # Make the following points good again. # badness[jj[isort[0:nii-maxrej[iloop]]]] = 0 i1 += groupsize[iloop] # # Now modify outmask, rejecting points specified by inmask=0, outmask=0 # if sticky is set, or badness > 0. # # print(badness) newmask = badness == 0 # print(newmask) if grow > 0: rejects = newmask == 0 if rejects.any(): irejects = rejects.nonzero()[0] for k in range(1, grow): newmask[(irejects - k) > 0] = 0 newmask[(irejects + k) < (data.shape[0]-1)] = 0 if inmask is not None: newmask = newmask & inmask if sticky: newmask = newmask & outmask # # Set qdone if the input outmask is identical to the output outmask; # convert np.bool to Python built-in bool. # qdone = bool(np.all(newmask == outmask)) outmask = newmask return (outmask, qdone)
[docs]def find_contiguous(x): """Find the longest sequence of contiguous non-zero array elements. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A 1d array. A dtype of bool is preferred although any dtype where the operation ``if x[k]:`` is well-defined should work. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of indices of the longest contiguous non-zero sequence. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pydl.pydlutils.math import find_contiguous >>> find_contiguous(np.array([0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1])) [1, 2, 3] """ contig = list() for k in range(x.size): if x[k]: if len(contig) == 0: contig.append([k]) else: if k == contig[-1][-1]+1: contig[-1].append(k) else: contig.append([k]) lengths = [len(c) for c in contig] longest = contig[lengths.index(max(lengths))] return longest