# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the spec1d directory in idlspec2d.
import glob
import os
import time
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import solve
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16.0, 12.0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties
except ImportError:
from astropy import log
from astropy.io import ascii, fits
from . import Pydlspec2dException, Pydlspec2dUserWarning
# Used by findspec
findspec_cache = None
[docs]class HMF(object):
"""Class used to manage data for Heteroscedastic Matrix Factorization (HMF).
This is a replacement for :func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec1d.pca_solve`.
It can be called with::
hmf = HMF(spectra, invvar)
output = hmf.solve()
The input spectra should be pre-processed through
spectra : array-like
The input spectral flux, assumed to have a common wavelength and
redshift system.
invvar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
K : :class:`int`, optional
The number of dimensions of the factorization (default 4).
n_iter : :class:`int`, optional
Number of iterations.
seed : :class:`int`, optional.
If set, pass this value to :func:`numpy.random.seed`.
nonnegative : :class:`bool`, optional
Set this to ``True`` to perform nonnegative HMF.
epsilon : :class:`float`, optional
Regularization parameter. Set to any non-negative float value to turn
it on.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
See [1]_ and [2]_ for the original derivation of this method.
The HMF iteration is initialized using :func:`~scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans`,
which itself uses random numbers to initialize its state. If you need
to ensure reproducibility, call :func:`numpy.random.seed` before
initializing HMF.
The current algorithm cannot handle input data that contain *columns*
of zeros. Columns of this type need to be *carefully* removed from the
input data. This could also result in the output data having a different
size compared to the input data.
.. [1] `Tsalmantza, P., Decarli, R., Dotti, M., Hogg, D. W., 2011 ApJ 738, 20
.. [2] `Tsalmantza, P., Hogg, D. W., 2012 ApJ 753, 122
def __init__(self, spectra, invvar, K=4, n_iter=None, seed=None,
nonnegative=False, epsilon=None, verbose=False):
self.spectra = spectra
self.invvar = invvar
self.K = K
if n_iter is None:
if nonnegative:
self.n_iter = 2048
self.n_iter = 20
self.n_iter = int(n_iter)
self.seed = seed
self.nonnegative = nonnegative
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.verbose = verbose
self.a = None
self.g = None
if self.verbose:
[docs] def solve(self):
"""Process the inputs.
The HMF solution.
if len(self.spectra.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = self.spectra.shape[0]
nobj, npix = self.spectra.shape
log.info("Building HMF from %d object spectra.", nobj)
fluxdict = dict()
# If there is only one object spectrum, then all we can do is return it.
if nobj == 1:
fluxdict['flux'] = self.spectra.astype('f')
return fluxdict
a, g = self.iterate()
fluxdict['acoeff'] = a
fluxdict['flux'] = g
return fluxdict
[docs] def model(self):
"""Compute the model.
return np.dot(self.a, self.g)
[docs] def resid(self):
"""Compute residuals.
return self.spectra - self.model()
[docs] def chi(self):
"""Compute :math:`\chi`, the scaled residual.
return self.resid() * np.sqrt(self.invvar)
[docs] def penalty(self):
"""Compute penalty for non-smoothness.
if self.epsilon is None:
return 0.0
return self.epsilon * np.sum(np.diff(self.g)**2)
[docs] def badness(self):
"""Compute :math:`\chi^2`, including possible non-smoothness penalty.
return np.sum(self.chi()**2) + self.penalty()
[docs] def normbase(self):
"""Apply standard component normalization.
return np.sqrt((self.g**2).mean(1))
[docs] def astep(self):
"""Update for coefficients at fixed component spectra.
N, M = self.spectra.shape
K, M = self.g.shape
a = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=self.g.dtype)
for i in range(N):
Gi = np.zeros((K, K), dtype=self.g.dtype)
for k in range(K):
for kp in range(k, K):
Gi[k, kp] = np.sum(self.g[k, :] * self.g[kp, :] *
self.invvar[i, :])
if kp > k:
Gi[kp, k] = Gi[k, kp]
Fi = np.dot(self.g, self.spectra[i, :]*self.invvar[i, :])
a[i, :] = solve(Gi, Fi)
return a
[docs] def gstep(self):
"""Update for component spectra at fixed coefficients.
N, M = self.spectra.shape
N, K = self.a.shape
g = np.zeros((K, M), dtype=self.a.dtype)
e = np.zeros(self.g.shape, dtype=self.g.dtype)
d = np.zeros((K, K, M), dtype=self.a.dtype)
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
foo = self.epsilon * np.eye(K, dtype=self.a.dtype)
for l in range(M):
d[:, :, l] = foo
if l > 0 and l < M-1:
d[:, :, l] *= 2
# d[:, :, 0] = foo
# d[:, :, 1:M-1] = 2*foo
# d[:, :, M-1] = foo
e[:, 0] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, 1]
e[:, 1:M-1] = self.epsilon*(self.g[:, 0:M-2] + self.g[:, 2:M])
e[:, M-1] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, M-2]
for j in range(M):
Aj = np.zeros((K, K), dtype=self.a.dtype)
for k in range(K):
for kp in range(k, K):
Aj[k, kp] = np.sum(self.a[:, k] * self.a[:, kp] *
self.invvar[:, j])
if kp > k:
Aj[kp, k] = Aj[k, kp]
Aj += d[:, :, j]
Fj = (np.dot(self.a.T, self.spectra[:, j]*self.invvar[:, j]) +
e[:, j])
g[:, j] = solve(Aj, Fj)
return g
[docs] def astepnn(self):
"""Non-negative update for coefficients at fixed component spectra.
numerator = np.dot(self.spectra*self.invvar, self.g.T)
denominator = np.dot(np.dot(self.a, self.g)*self.invvar, self.g.T)
return self.a*(numerator/denominator)
[docs] def gstepnn(self):
"""Non-negative update for component spectra at fixed coefficients.
K, M = self.g.shape
numerator = np.dot(self.a.T, (self.spectra*self.invvar))
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
e = np.zeros(self.g.shape, dtype=self.g.dtype)
e[:, 0] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, 1]
e[:, 1:M-1] = self.epsilon*(self.g[:, 0:M-2] + self.g[:, 2:M])
e[:, M-1] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, M-2]
numerator += e
denominator = np.dot(self.a.T, np.dot(self.a, self.g)*self.invvar)
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
d = self.epsilon*self.g.copy()
d[:, 1:M-1] *= 2
denominator += d
return self.g*(numerator/denominator)
[docs] def reorder(self):
"""Reorder and rotate basis analogous to PCA.
from numpy.linalg import eigh
l, U = eigh(np.dot(self.a.T, self.a))
return (np.dot(self.a, U), np.dot(U.T, self.g))
[docs] def iterate(self):
"""Handle the HMF iteration.
:class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The fitting coefficients and fitted functions, respectively.
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, whiten
from ..pydlutils.math import find_contiguous
N, M = self.spectra.shape
# Make spectra non-negative
if self.nonnegative:
self.spectra[self.spectra < 0] = 0
self.invvar[self.spectra < 0] = 0
# Detect and fix very bad columns.
si = self.spectra * self.invvar
if (self.spectra.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in spectra!")
if (self.invvar.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in invvar!")
if (si.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in spectra*invvar!")
zerocol = ((self.spectra.sum(0) == 0) | (self.invvar.sum(0) == 0) |
(si.sum(0) == 0))
n_zero = zerocol.sum()
if n_zero > 0:
log.warn("Found %d bad columns in input data!", n_zero)
# Find the largest set of contiguous pixels
goodcol = find_contiguous(~zerocol)
self.spectra = self.spectra[:, goodcol]
self.invvar = self.invvar[:, goodcol]
# si = si[:, goodcol]
# newloglam = fullloglam[goodcol]
# Initialize g matrix with kmeans
if self.seed is not None:
whitespectra = whiten(self.spectra)
log.debug(whitespectra[0:3, 0:3])
self.g, foo = kmeans(whitespectra, self.K)
self.g /= np.repeat(self.normbase(), M).reshape(self.g.shape)
log.debug(self.g[0:3, 0:3])
# Initialize a matrix
self.a = np.outer(np.sqrt((self.spectra**2).mean(1)),
np.repeat(1.0/self.K, self.K))
if self.nonnegative:
for k in range(128):
self.a = self.astepnn()
# Iterate!
t0 = time.time()
for m in range(self.n_iter):
log.info("Starting iteration #%4d.", m+1)
if self.nonnegative:
self.a = self.astepnn()
self.g = self.gstepnn()
self.a = self.astep()
self.g = self.gstep()
self.a, self.g = self.reorder()
norm = self.normbase()
self.g /= np.repeat(norm, M).reshape(self.g.shape)
self.a = (self.a.T*np.repeat(norm, N).reshape(self.K, N)).T
log.debug(self.a[0:3, 0:3])
log.debug(self.g[0:3, 0:3])
log.debug("Chi**2 after iteration #%4d = %f.", m+1, self.badness())
log.info("The elapsed time for iteration #%4d is %6.2f s.", m+1, time.time()-t0)
return (self.a, self.g)
[docs]def findspec(*args, **kwargs):
"""Find SDSS/BOSS spectra that match a given RA, Dec.
ra, dec : array-like, optional
If set, the first two positional arguments will be interpreted as
RA, Dec.
best : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, return only the best match for each input RA, Dec.
infile : :class:`str`, optional
If set, read RA, Dec data from this file.
outfile : :class:`str`, optional
If set, print match data to this file.
print : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, print the match data to the console.
run1d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN1D`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
sdss : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, search for SDSS-I/II spectra instead of BOSS spectra.
searchrad : :class:`float`, optional
Search for spectra in this radius around given RA, Dec.
Default is 3 arcsec.
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
If set, override the value of :envvar:`SPECTRO_REDUX`
or :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
A dictionary containing plate, MJD, fiber, etc.
from .. import uniq
from ..pydlutils.misc import struct_print
from ..pydlutils.spheregroup import spherematch
global findspec_cache
# Set up default values
if 'sdss' in kwargs:
if 'topdir' in kwargs:
topdir = kwargs['topdir']
topdir = os.environ['SPECTRO_REDUX']
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = str(kwargs['run2d'])
run2d = '26'
run1d = ''
if 'topdir' in kwargs:
topdir = kwargs['topdir']
topdir = os.environ['BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX']
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = str(kwargs['run2d'])
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = str(kwargs['run1d'])
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
if findspec_cache is None:
findspec_cache = {'lasttopdir': topdir, 'plist': None}
if (findspec_cache['plist'] is None or
topdir != findspec_cache['lasttopdir']):
findspec_cache['lasttopdir'] = topdir
platelist_file = os.path.join(topdir, "platelist.fits")
plates_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, "plates-*.fits"))
plist = None
if os.path.exists(platelist_file):
platelist = fits.open(platelist_file)
plist = platelist[1].data
if len(plates_files) > 0:
plates = fits.open(plates_files[0])
plist = plates[1].data
if plist is None:
raise Pydlspec2dException("Plate list (platelist.fits or plates-*.fits) not found in {0}.".format(topdir))
findspec_cache['plist'] = plist
qdone = plist.field('STATUS1D') == 'Done'
qdone2d = plist.field('RUN2D').strip() == run2d
if run1d == '':
qdone1d = np.ones(plist.size, dtype='bool')
qdone1d = plist.field('RUN1D').strip() == run1d
qfinal = qdone & qdone2d & qdone1d
if not qfinal.any():
warn("No reduced plates!", Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
idone = np.arange(plist.size)[qfinal]
# If there are positional arguments, interpret these as RA, Dec
if len(args) == 2:
ra = args[0]
dec = args[1]
# Read RA, Dec from infile if set
if 'infile' in kwargs:
infile_data = ascii.read(kwargs['infile'], names=['ra', 'dec'])
ra = infile_data["ra"].data
dec = infile_data["dec"].data
if 'searchrad' in kwargs:
searchrad = float(kwargs['searchrad'])
searchrad = 3.0/3600.0
# Create output structure
slist_type = np.dtype([('PLATE', 'i4'), ('MJD', 'i4'), ('FIBERID', 'i4'),
('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('MATCHRAD', 'f8')])
# Match all plates with objects
imatch1, itmp, dist12 = spherematch(ra, dec, plist[qfinal].field('RACEN'),
searchrad+1.55, maxmatch=0)
if imatch1.size == 0:
warn("No matching plates found.", Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
imatch2 = idone[itmp]
# Read all relevant plates
n_total = plist.field('N_TOTAL')
except KeyError:
n_total = np.zeros(plist.size, dtype='i4') + 640
iplate = imatch2[uniq(imatch2, imatch2.argsort())]
i0 = 0
plugmap = np.zeros(n_total[iplate].sum(), dtype=[('PLATE', 'i4'),
('MJD', 'i4'), ('FIBERID', 'i4'),
('RA', 'd'), ('DEC', 'd')])
for i in range(iplate.size):
spplate = readspec(plist[iplate[i]].field('PLATE'),
run2d=run2d, run1d=run1d)
index_to = i0 + np.arange(n_total[iplate[i]], dtype='i4')
plugmap['PLATE'][index_to] = plist[iplate[i]].field('PLATE')
plugmap['MJD'][index_to] = plist[iplate[i]].field('MJD')
plugmap['FIBERID'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['FIBERID']
plugmap['RA'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['RA']
plugmap['DEC'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['DEC']
i0 += n_total[iplate[i]]
i1, i2, d12 = spherematch(ra, dec, plugmap['RA'], plugmap['DEC'],
searchrad, maxmatch=0)
if i1.size == 0:
warn('No matching objects found.', Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
if 'best' in kwargs:
# Return only best match per object
slist = np.zeros(ra.size, dtype=slist_type)
spplate = readspec(plugmap[i2]['PLATE'],
run2d=run2d, run1d=run1d)
sn = spplate['zans']['SN_MEDIAN']
isort = (i1 + np.where(sn > 0, sn, 0)/(sn+1.0).max()).argsort()
i1 = i1[isort]
i2 = i2[isort]
d12 = d12[isort]
iuniq = uniq(i1)
slist[i1[iuniq]]['PLATE'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['PLATE']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['MJD'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['MJD']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['FIBERID'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['FIBERID']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['RA'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['RA']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['DEC'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['DEC']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['MATCHRAD'] = d12[iuniq]
# Return all matches
slist = np.zeros(i1.size, dtype=slist_type)
slist['PLATE'] = plugmap[i2]['PLATE']
slist['MJD'] = plugmap[i2]['MJD']
slist['FIBERID'] = plugmap[i2]['FIBERID']
slist['RA'] = plugmap[i2]['RA']
slist['DEC'] = plugmap[i2]['DEC']
slist['MATCHRAD'] = d12
# Print to terminal or output file
if 'print' in kwargs:
foo = struct_print(slist)
if 'outfile' in kwargs:
foo = struct_print(slist, filename=outfile)
return slist
[docs]def latest_mjd(plate, **kwargs):
"""Find the most recent MJD associated with a plate.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
An array of MJD values for each plate.
import re
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
mjd = np.zeros(len(platevec), dtype='i4')
mjdre = re.compile(r'spPlate-[0-9]{4}-([0-9]{5}).fits')
unique_plates = np.unique(platevec)
paths = spec_path(unique_plates, **kwargs)
for p, q in zip(paths, unique_plates):
plateglob = "{0}/spPlate-{1:04d}-*.fits".format(p, q)
bigmjd = 0
for f in glob.glob(plateglob):
thismjd = int(mjdre.search(f).groups()[0])
if thismjd > bigmjd:
bigmjd = thismjd
mjd[platevec == q] = bigmjd
return mjd
[docs]def number_of_fibers(plate, **kwargs):
"""Returns the total number of fibers per plate.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
The number of fibers on each plate.
# Get mjd values
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
mjd = latest_mjd(plate, **kwargs)
nfiber = np.zeros(mjd.size, dtype='i4')
# SDSS-I,II plates
nfiber[mjd < 55025] = 640
# Short circuit if we're done.
if (nfiber == 640).all():
return nfiber
# Not all BOSS plates have 1000 fibers
if 'path' in kwargs:
platelistpath = os.path.join(kwargs['path'], 'platelist.fits')
platelistpath = os.path.join(os.environ['BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX'], 'platelist.fits')
platelist = fits.open(platelistpath)
platentotal = platelist[1].data.field('N_TOTAL')
plateplate = platelist[1].data.field('PLATE')
platemjd = platelist[1].data.field('MJD')
platerun2d = platelist[1].data.field('RUN2D')
platerun1d = platelist[1].data.field('RUN1D')
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = kwargs['run2d']
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = kwargs['run1d']
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
for k in range(mjd.size):
nfiber[k] = platentotal[(plateplate == platevec[k]) &
(platemjd == mjd[k]) &
(platerun2d == run2d) &
(platerun1d == run1d)]
return nfiber
[docs]def pca_solve(newflux, newivar, maxiter=0, niter=10, nkeep=3,
nreturn=None, verbose=False):
"""Replacement for idlspec2d pca_solve.pro.
newflux : array-like
The input spectral flux, assumed to have a common wavelength and
redshift system.
newivar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
maxiter : :class:`int`, optional
Stop PCA+reject iterations after this number.
niter : :class:`int`, optional
Stop PCA iterations after this number.
nkeep : :class:`int`, optional
Number of PCA components to keep.
nreturn : :class:`int`, optional
Number of PCA components to return, usually the same as `nkeep`.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
The PCA solution.
from .. import pcomp
from ..pydlutils.math import computechi2, djs_reject
if verbose:
if nreturn is None:
nreturn = nkeep
if len(newflux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = newflux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = newflux.shape
log.info("Building PCA from %d object spectra.", nobj)
nzi = newivar.nonzero()
first_nonzero = (np.arange(nobj, dtype=nzi[0].dtype),
np.array([nzi[1][nzi[0] == k].min() for k in range(nobj)]))
# Construct the synthetic weight vector, to be used when replacing the
# low-S/N object pixels with the reconstructions.
synwvec = np.ones((npix,), dtype='d')
for ipix in range(npix):
indx = newivar[:, ipix] != 0
if indx.any():
synwvec[ipix] = newivar[indx, ipix].mean()
fluxdict = dict()
# If there is only one object spectrum, then all we can do is return it.
if nobj == 1:
fluxdict['flux'] = newflux.astype('f')
return fluxdict
# Rejection iteration loop.
qdone = 0
iiter = 0
# Begin with all points good.
outmask = None
inmask = newivar != 0
ymodel = None
# emevecs, emevals = pydlutils.empca(newflux, inmask)
# fluxdict['emevecs'] = emevecs
# fluxdict['emevals'] = emeveals
while qdone == 0 and iiter <= maxiter:
log.debug('starting djs_reject')
outmask, qdone = djs_reject(newflux, ymodel, inmask=inmask,
outmask=outmask, invvar=newivar)
log.debug('finished with djs_reject')
# Iteratively do the PCA solution
filtflux = newflux.copy()
acoeff = np.zeros((nobj, nkeep), dtype='d')
t0 = time.time()
for ipiter in range(niter):
# We want to get these values from the pcomp routine.
# eigenval = 1
# coeff = 1
flux0 = np.tile(filtflux[first_nonzero], npix).reshape(npix, nobj).transpose()
# flux0 = np.tile(filtflux, npix).reshape(npix, nobj).transpose()
totflux = np.absolute(filtflux - flux0).sum(1)
goodobj = totflux > 0
if goodobj.all():
tmp = pcomp(filtflux.T) # , standardize=True)
pres = tmp.derived
eigenval = tmp.eigenvalues
tmp = pcomp(filtflux[goodobj, :].T) # , standardize=True)
pres = np.zeros((nobj, npix), dtype='d')
pres[goodobj, :] = tmp.derived
eigenval = np.zeros((nobj,), dtype='d')
eigenval[goodobj] = tmp.eigenvalues
maskivar = newivar * outmask
sqivar = np.sqrt(maskivar)
for iobj in range(nobj):
out = computechi2(newflux[iobj, :], sqivar[iobj, :],
pres[:, 0:nkeep])
filtflux[iobj, :] = (maskivar[iobj, :] * newflux[iobj, :] +
synwvec*out.yfit) / (maskivar[iobj, :] +
acoeff[iobj, :] = out.acoeff
log.info("The elapsed time for iteration #%2d is %6.2f s.", ipiter+1, time.time()-t0)
# Now set ymodel for rejecting points.
ymodel = np.dot(acoeff, pres[:, 0:nkeep].T)
iiter += 1
if nobj == 1:
usemask = outmask
usemask = outmask.sum(0)
fluxdict['usemask'] = usemask
fluxdict['outmask'] = outmask
fluxdict['flux'] = pres[:, 0:nreturn].transpose().astype('f')
fluxdict['eigenval'] = eigenval[0:nreturn]
fluxdict['acoeff'] = acoeff
return fluxdict
[docs]def plot_eig(filename, title='Unknown'):
"""Plot spectra from an eigenspectra/template file.
filename : :class:`str`
Name of a FITS file containing eigenspectra/templates.
title : :class:`str`, optional
Title to put on the plot.
If an unknown template type was input in `filename`.
# Set title based on filename
if title == 'Unknown':
if filename.find('Gal') > 0:
title = 'Galaxies: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('QSO') > 0:
title = 'QSOs: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('Star') > 0:
title = 'Stars: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('CVstar') > 0:
title = 'CV Stars: Eigenspectra'
raise ValueError('Unknown template type!')
base, ext = filename.split('.')
spectrum = fits.open(filename)
newloglam0 = spectrum[0].header['COEFF0']
objdloglam = spectrum[0].header['COEFF1']
spectro_data = spectrum[0].data
(neig, ndata) = spectro_data.shape
newloglam = np.arange(ndata) * objdloglam + newloglam0
lam = 10.0**newloglam
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colorvec = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']
for l in range(neig):
p = ax.plot(lam, spectro_data[l, :],
colorvec[l % len(colorvec)]+'-', linewidth=1)
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
ax.set_ylabel('Flux [Arbitrary Units]')
# ax.set_xlim([3500.0,10000.0])
# ax.set_ylim([-400.0,500.0])
# fig.savefig(base+'.zoom.png')
[docs]def readspec(platein, mjd=None, fiber=None, **kwargs):
"""Read SDSS/BOSS spec2d & spec1d files.
platein : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Plate number(s).
mjd : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
MJD numbers. If not provided, they will be calculated by
fiber : array-like, optional
Fibers to read. If not set, all fibers from all plates will be
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
run1d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN1D`.
path : :class:`str`, optional
Override all path information with this directory name.
align : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, align all the spectra in wavelength.
znum : :class:`int`, optional
If set, return the znum-th best fit reshift fit, instead of the best.
A dictionary containing the data read.
nplate = len(platein)
plate = platein
except TypeError:
nplate = 1
plate = np.array([platein], dtype='i4')
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = kwargs['run2d']
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = kwargs['run1d']
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
if fiber is None:
# Read all fibers
nfibers = number_of_fibers(plate, **kwargs)
total_fibers = nfibers.sum()
platevec = np.zeros(total_fibers, dtype='i4')
fibervec = np.zeros(total_fibers, dtype='i4')
k = 0
for p in np.unique(plate):
n = np.unique(nfibers[plate == p])[0]
platevec[k:k+n] = p
fibervec[k:k+n] = np.arange(n) + 1
k += n
nfiber = len(fiber)
except TypeError:
nfiber = 1
if nplate > 1 and nfiber > 1 and nplate != nfiber:
raise TypeError("Plate & Fiber must have the same length!")
if nplate > 1:
platevec = np.array(plate, dtype='i4')
platevec = np.zeros(nfiber, dtype='i4') + plate
if nfiber > 1:
fibervec = np.array(fiber, dtype='i4')
fibervec = np.zeros(nplate, dtype='i4') + fiber
if mjd is None:
mjdvec = latest_mjd(platevec, **kwargs)
nmjd = len(mjd)
except TypeError:
nmjd = 1
if nmjd != nplate:
raise TypeError("Plate & MJD must have the same length!")
mjdvec = np.zeros(nplate, dtype='i4') + mjd
# Now select unique plate-mjd combinations & read them
pmjd = ((np.array(platevec, dtype='u8') << 16) +
np.array(mjdvec, dtype='u8'))
# log.debug(pmjd)
upmjd = np.unique(pmjd)
zupmjd = list(zip(upmjd >> 16, upmjd & ((1 << 16) - 1)))
# log.debug(zupmjd)
spplate_data = dict()
hdunames = ('flux', 'invvar', 'andmask', 'ormask', 'disp', 'plugmap',
'sky', 'loglam',)
for thisplate, thismjd in zupmjd:
# thisplate = int(p>>16)
# thismjd = int(np.bitwise_and(p, (1<<16)-1))
pmjdindex = ((platevec == thisplate) &
(mjdvec == thismjd)).nonzero()[0]
thisfiber = fibervec[pmjdindex]
# log.debug(type(thisplate), type(thismjd))
# log.debug(repr(thisfiber))
# log.debug(type(thisfiber))
pmjdstr = "{0:04d}-{1:05d}".format(int(thisplate), int(thismjd))
if 'path' in kwargs:
sppath = [kwargs['path']]
sppath = spec_path(thisplate, run2d=run2d)
spfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], "spPlate-{0}.fits".format(pmjdstr))
spplate = fits.open(spfile)
# Get wavelength coefficients from primary header
npix = spplate[0].header['NAXIS1']
c0 = spplate[0].header['COEFF0']
c1 = spplate[0].header['COEFF1']
coeff0 = np.zeros(thisfiber.size, dtype='d') + c0
coeff1 = np.zeros(thisfiber.size, dtype='d') + c1
loglam0 = c0 + c1*np.arange(npix, dtype='d')
loglam = np.resize(loglam0, (thisfiber.size, npix))
# Read the data images
for k in range(len(hdunames)):
if hdunames[k] == 'loglam':
tmp = loglam
tmp = spplate[k].data[thisfiber-1, :]
except IndexError:
tmp = spplate[k].data[thisfiber-1]
if hdunames[k] not in spplate_data:
if k == 0:
allpmjdindex = pmjdindex
allcoeff0 = coeff0
allcoeff1 = coeff1
# Put the data into the return structure
if hdunames[k] == 'plugmap':
spplate_data['plugmap'] = dict()
for c in spplate[k].columns.names:
spplate_data['plugmap'][c] = tmp[c]
spplate_data[hdunames[k]] = tmp
# Append data
if k == 0:
allpmjdindex = np.concatenate((allpmjdindex, pmjdindex))
if 'align' in kwargs:
mincoeff0 = min(allcoeff0)
if mincoeff0 == 0 and coeff0[0] > 0:
allcoeff0 = coeff0[0]
allcoeff1 = coeff1[1]
if mincoeff0 > 0 and coeff0[0] == 0:
coeff0 = mincoeff0
coeff1 = allcoeff1[0]
ps = np.floor((coeff0[0] - mincoeff0)/coeff1[0] + 0.5)
if ps > 0:
coeff0 = coeff0 - ps*coeff1
allcoeff0 = allcoeff0 + ps*allcoeff1
ps = 0
allcoeff0 = np.concatenate((allcoeff0, coeff0))
allcoeff1 = np.concatenate((allcoeff1, coeff1))
if hdunames[k] == 'plugmap':
for c in spplate[5].columns.names:
spplate_data['plugmap'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['plugmap'][c], tmp[c]))
spplate_data[hdunames[k]] = spec_append(spplate_data[hdunames[k]], tmp, pixshift=ps)
# Read photoPlate information, if available
photofile = os.path.join(sppath[0],
if not os.path.exists(photofile):
# Hmm, maybe this is an SDSS-I,II plate
photofile = os.path.join(os.environ['SPECTRO_MATCH'], run2d,
if os.path.exists(photofile):
photop = fits.open(photofile)
tmp = photop[1].data[thisfiber-1]
if 'tsobj' not in spplate_data:
spplate_data['tsobj'] = dict()
for c in photop[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['tsobj'][c] = tmp[c]
for c in photop[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['tsobj'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['tsobj'][c], tmp[c]))
# Read redshift information, if available.
if 'znum' in kwargs:
zfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], run1d,
zfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], run1d,
if os.path.exists(zfile):
spz = fits.open(zfile)
if 'znum' in kwargs:
nper = spz[0].header['DIMS0']
zfiber = (thisfiber-1)*nper + kwargs['znum'] - 1
zfiber = thisfiber
tmp = spz[1].data[zfiber-1]
if 'zans' not in spplate_data:
spplate_data['zans'] = dict()
for c in spz[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['zans'][c] = tmp[c]
for c in spz[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['zans'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['zans'][c], tmp[c]))
# Reorder the data. At this point allpmjdindex is an index for which
# fiber[allpmjdindex] == spplate['plugmap']['FIBERID'], so we have to
# reverse this mapping.
j = allpmjdindex.argsort()
for k in spplate_data:
if isinstance(spplate_data[k], dict):
for c in spplate_data[k]:
if spplate_data[k][c].ndim == 2:
spplate_data[k][c] = spplate_data[k][c][j, :]
spplate_data[k][c] = spplate_data[k][c][j]
spplate_data[k] = spplate_data[k][j, :]
allcoeff0 = allcoeff0[j]
allcoeff1 = allcoeff1[j]
# If necessary, recompute the wavelengths
nfibers, npixmax = spplate_data['flux'].shape
if 'align' in kwargs:
loglam0 = allcoeff0[0] + allcoeff1[1]*np.arange(npixmax, dtype='d')
spplate_data['loglam'] = np.resize(loglam0, (nfibers, npixmax))
return spplate_data
[docs]def skymask(invvar, andmask, ormask=None, ngrow=2):
"""Mask regions where sky-subtraction errors are expected to dominate.
invvar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variance.
andmask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
An "and" mask. For historical reasons, this input is ignored.
ormask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
An "or" mask. Although technically this is optional, if it is
not supplied, this function will have no effect.
ngrow : :class:`int`, optional
Expand bad areas by this number of pixels.
The `invvar` multiplied by the bad areas.
from ..pydlutils.sdss import sdss_flagval
from .. import smooth
nrows, npix = invvar.shape
badmask = np.zeros(invvar.shape, dtype='i4')
badskychi = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'BADSKYCHI')
redmonster = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'REDMONSTER')
# brightsky = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'BRIGHTSKY')
if ormask is not None:
badmask = badmask | ((ormask & badskychi) != 0)
badmask = badmask | ((ormask & redmonster) != 0)
# badmask = badmask | ((andmask & brightsky) != 0)
if ngrow > 0:
width = 2*ngrow + 1
for k in range(nrows):
badmask[k, :] = smooth(badmask[k, :]*width, width, True) > 0
return invvar * (1 - badmask)
[docs]def spec_append(spec1, spec2, pixshift=0):
"""Append the array spec2 to the array spec1 & return a new array.
If the dimension of these arrays is the same, then append as [spec1,spec2].
If not, increase the size of the smaller array & fill with zeros.
spec1, spec2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Append `spec2` to `spec1`.
pixshift : :class:`int`, optional
If `pixshift` is set to a positive integer, `spec2` will be padded with
`pixshift` zeros on the left side. If `pixshift` is set to a
negative integer, `spec1` will be padded with ``abs(pixshift)`` zeros
on the left side. If not set, all zeros will be padded on the right
A new array containing both `spec1` and `spec2`.
nrows1, npix1 = spec1.shape
nrows2, npix2 = spec2.shape
nrows = nrows1+nrows2
nadd1 = 0
nadd2 = 0
if pixshift != 0:
if pixshift < 0:
nadd1 = -pixshift
nadd2 = pixshift
maxpix = max(npix1 + nadd1, npix2 + nadd2)
spec3 = np.zeros((nrows, maxpix), dtype=spec1.dtype)
spec3[0:nrows1, nadd1:nadd1+npix1] = spec1
spec3[nrows1:nrows, nadd2:nadd2+npix2] = spec2
return spec3
[docs]def spec_path(plate, path=None, topdir=None, run2d=None):
"""Return the directory containing spPlate files.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
path : :class:`str`, optional
If set, `path` becomes the full path for every plate. In other words,
it completely short-circuits this function.
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
Used to override the value of :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Used to override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
A list of directories, one for each plate.
If environment variables are not supplied.
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
if path is None:
if run2d is None:
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if topdir is None:
ir = int(run2d)
except ValueError:
topdir = os.environ[env]
paths = list()
for p in platevec:
if path is not None:
paths.append(os.path.join(topdir, run2d, '{0:04d}'.format(p)))
return paths
[docs]def preprocess_spectra(flux, ivar, loglam=None, zfit=None, aesthetics='mean',
newloglam=None, wavemin=None, wavemax=None,
"""Handle the processing of input spectra through the
:func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec2d.combine1fiber` stage.
flux : array-like
The input spectral flux.
ivar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
loglam : array-like, optional
The input wavelength solution.
zfit : array-like, optional
The redshift of each input spectrum.
aesthetics : :class:`str`, optional
This parameter will be passed to
newloglam : array-like, optional
The output wavelength solution.
wavemin : :class:`float`, optional
Minimum wavelength if `newloglam` is not specified.
wavemax : :class:`float`, optional
Maximum wavelength if `newloglam` is not specified.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
:class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The resampled flux, inverse variance and wavelength solution,
from .spec2d import combine1fiber
if verbose:
if len(flux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = flux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = flux.shape
# The redshift of each object in pixels would be logshift/objdloglam.
if zfit is None:
logshift = np.zeros((nobj,), dtype=flux.dtype)
logshift = np.log10(1.0 + zfit)
# Determine the new wavelength mapping.
if loglam is None:
if newloglam is None:
raise ValueError("newloglam must be set if loglam is not!")
return (flux, ivar, newloglam)
if newloglam is None:
igood = loglam != 0
dloglam = loglam[1] - loglam[0]
logmin = loglam[igood].min() - logshift.max()
logmax = loglam[igood].max() - logshift.min()
if wavemin is not None:
logmin = max(logmin, np.log10(wavemin))
if wavemax is not None:
logmax = min(logmax, np.log10(wavemax))
fullloglam = wavevector(logmin, logmax, binsz=dloglam)
fullloglam = newloglam
dloglam = fullloglam[1] - fullloglam[0]
nnew = fullloglam.size
fullflux = np.zeros((nobj, nnew), dtype='d')
fullivar = np.zeros((nobj, nnew), dtype='d')
# Shift each spectrum to z = 0 and sample at the output wavelengths
if loglam.ndim == 1:
indx = loglam > 0
rowloglam = loglam[indx]
for iobj in range(nobj):
log.info("OBJECT %5d", iobj)
if loglam.ndim > 1:
if loglam.shape[0] != nobj:
raise ValueError('Wrong number of dimensions for loglam.')
indx = loglam[iobj, :] > 0
rowloglam = loglam[iobj, indx]
flux1, ivar1 = combine1fiber(rowloglam-logshift[iobj],
flux[iobj, indx], fullloglam,
objivar=ivar[iobj, indx],
binsz=dloglam, aesthetics=aesthetics,
fullflux[iobj, :] = flux1
fullivar[iobj, :] = ivar1
return (fullflux, fullivar, fullloglam)
[docs]def template_qso(metadata, newflux, newivar, verbose=False):
"""Run PCA or HMF on QSO spectra.
Historically, QSO templates were comptuted one at a time instead of
all at once.
metadata : :class:`dict`
Dictionary containing metadata about the spectra.
newflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Flux shifted onto common wavelength.
newivar : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variances of the fluxes.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print lots of extra information.
A dictonary containing flux, eigenvalues, etc.
from ..pydlutils.math import computechi2
if metadata['object'].lower() != 'qso':
raise Pydlspec2dException("You appear to be passing the wrong kind of object to template_qso()!")
if len(newflux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = newflux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = newflux.shape
objflux = newflux.copy()
for ikeep in range(metadata['nkeep']):
log.info("Solving for eigencomponent #%d of %d", ikeep+1, nkeep)
if metadata['method'].lower() == 'pca':
pcaflux1 = pca_solve(objflux, newivar,
niter=metadata['niter'], nkeep=1,
elif metadata['method'].lower() == 'hmf':
hmf = HMF(objflux, newivar,
pcaflux1 = hmf.solve()
raise ValueError("Unknown method: {0}!".format(metadata['method']))
if ikeep == 0:
# Create new pcaflux dict
pcaflux = dict()
for k in pcaflux1:
pcaflux[k] = pcaflux1[k].copy()
# Add to existing dict
# for k in pcaflux1:
# pcaflux[k] = np.vstack((pcaflux[k],pcaflux1[k]))
pcaflux['flux'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['flux'], pcaflux1['flux']))
pcaflux['eigenval'] = np.concatenate((pcaflux['eigenval'], pcaflux1['eigenval']))
# Re-solve for the coefficients using all PCA components so far
acoeff = np.zeros((nobj, ikeep+1), dtype=pcaflux1['acoeff'].dtype)
for iobj in range(nobj):
out = computechi2(newflux[iobj, :],
np.sqrt(pcaflux1['newivar'][iobj, :]),
acoeff[iobj, :] = out['acoeff']
# Prevent re-binning of spectra on subsequent calls to pca_solve()
# objloglam = None
if ikeep == 0:
objflux = newflux - np.outer(acoeff, pcaflux['flux'])
objflux = newflux - np.dot(acoeff, pcaflux['flux'])
# objflux = newflux - np.outer(acoeff,pcaflux['flux'])
# objinvvar = pcaflux1['newivar']
pcaflux['acoeff'] = acoeff
return pcaflux
[docs]def template_star(metadata, newloglam, newflux, newivar, slist, outfile,
"""Run PCA or HMF on stellar spectra of various classes.
metadata : :class:`dict`
Dictionary containing metadata about the spectra.
newloglam : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
The wavelength array, used only for plots.
newflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Flux shifted onto common wavelength.
newivar : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variances of the fluxes.
slist : :class:`~numpy.recarray`
The list of objects, containing stellar class information.
outfile : :class:`str`
The base name of output file, used for plots.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print lots of extra information.
A dictonary containing flux, eigenvalues, etc.
from .. import uniq
from ..pydlutils.image import djs_maskinterp
if metadata['object'].lower() != 'star':
raise Pydlspec2dException("You appear to be passing the wrong kind of object to template_star()!")
# Find the list of unique star types
isort = np.argsort(slist['class'])
classlist = slist['class'][isort[uniq(slist['class'][isort])]]
# Loop over each star type
npix, nstars = newflux.shape
pcaflux = dict()
pcaflux['namearr'] = list()
for c in classlist:
# Find the subclasses for this stellar type
log.info("Finding eigenspectra for Stellar class %s.", c)
indx = (slist['class'] == c).nonzero()[0]
nindx = indx.size
thesesubclass = slist['subclass'][indx]
isort = np.argsort(thesesubclass)
subclasslist = thesesubclass[isort[uniq(thesesubclass[isort])]]
nsubclass = subclasslist.size
# Solve for 2 eigencomponents if we have specified subclasses for
# this stellar type
if nsubclass == 1:
nkeep = 1
nkeep = 2
if metadata['method'].lower() == 'pca':
pcaflux1 = pca_solve(newflux[indx, :], newivar[indx, :],
niter=metadata['niter'], nkeep=nkeep,
elif metadata['method'].lower() == 'hmf':
hmf = HMF(newflux[indx, :], newivar[indx, :],
pcaflux1 = hmf.solve()
raise ValueError("Unknown method: {0}!".format(metadata['method']))
# Some star templates are generated from only one spectrum,
# and these will not have a usemask set.
if 'usemask' not in pcaflux1:
pcaflux1['usemask'] = np.zeros((npix,), dtype='i4') + nindx
# Interpolate over bad flux values in the middle of a spectrum,
# and set fluxes to zero at the blue+red ends of the spectrum
# minuse = 1 # ?
minuse = np.floor((nindx+1) / 3.0)
qbad = pcaflux1['usemask'] < minuse
# Interpolate over all bad pixels
for j in range(nkeep):
pcaflux1['flux'][j, :] = djs_maskinterp(pcaflux1['flux'][j, :],
qbad, const=True)
# Set bad pixels at the very start or end of the spectrum to zero
# instead.
npix = qbad.size
igood = (~qbad).nonzero()[0]
if qbad[0]:
pcaflux1['flux'][:, 0:igood[0]-1] = 0
if qbad[npix-1]:
pcaflux1['flux'][:, igood[::-1][0]+1:npix] = 0
# Re-normalize the first eigenspectrum to a mean of 1
norm = pcaflux1['flux'][0, :].mean()
pcaflux1['flux'] /= norm
if 'acoeff' in pcaflux1:
pcaflux1['acoeff'] *= norm
# Now loop through each stellar subclass and reconstruct
# an eigenspectrum for that subclass
thesesubclassnum = np.zeros(thesesubclass.size, dtype='i4')
colorvec = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']
smallfont = FontProperties(size='xx-small')
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for isub in range(nsubclass):
ii = (thesesubclass == subclasslist[isub]).nonzero()[0]
thesesubclassnum[ii] = isub
if nkeep == 1:
thisflux = pcaflux1['flux'][0, :]
aratio = pcaflux1['acoeff'][ii, 1]/pcaflux1['acoeff'][ii, 0]
# np.median(foo) is equivalent to MEDIAN(foo,/EVEN)
thisratio = np.median(aratio)
thisflux = (pcaflux1['flux'][0, :] +
thisratio.astype('f') * pcaflux1['flux'][1, :])
# Plot spectra
plotflux = thisflux/thisflux.max()
ax.plot(10.0**newloglam, plotflux,
"{0}-".format(colorvec[isub % len(colorvec)]),
if isub == 0:
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]')
ax.set_ylabel('Flux [arbitrary units]')
ax.set_title('STAR {0}: Eigenspectra Reconstructions'.format(c))
t = ax.text(10.0**newloglam[-1], plotflux[-1],
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center',
color=colorvec[isub % len(colorvec)], fontproperties=smallfont)
if 'flux' in pcaflux:
pcaflux['flux'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['flux'], thisflux))
# pcaflux['acoeff'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['acoeff'], pcaflux1['acoeff']))
# pcaflux['usemask'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['usemask'], pcaflux1['usemask']))
pcaflux['flux'] = thisflux
# pcaflux['acoeff'] = pcaflux1['acoeff']
# pcaflux['usemask'] = pcaflux1['usemask']
return pcaflux
[docs]def template_input_main(): # pragma: no cover
"""Entry point for the compute_templates script.
An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`.
# Imports for main()
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
# Get home directory in platform-independent way
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
# Get Options
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Compute spectral templates.",
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump', action='store', dest='dump',
default=os.path.join(home_dir, 'scratch', 'templates', 'compute_templates.dump'),
help='Dump data to a pickle file (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-F', '--flux', action='store_true', dest='flux',
help='Plot input spectra.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', dest='inputfile',
default=os.path.join(home_dir, 'scratch', 'templates', 'compute_templates.par'),
help='Read input spectra and redshifts from FILE (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
help='Print lots of extra information.')
options = parser.parse_args()
template_input(options.inputfile, options.dump, options.flux, options.verbose)
return 0
[docs]def wavevector(minfullwave, maxfullwave, zeropoint=3.5, binsz=1.0e-4,
"""Return an array of wavelengths.
minfullwave : :class:`float`
Minimum wavelength.
maxfullwave : :class:`float`
Maximum wavelength.
zeropoint : :class:`float`, optional
Offset of the input wavelength values.
binsz : :class:`float`, optional
Separation between wavelength values.
wavemin : :class:`float`, optional
If this is set the values of `minfullwave` and `zeropoint` are ignored.
Depending on the values of `minfullwave`, `binsz`, etc., the resulting
array could be interpreted as an array of wavelengths or an array of
if wavemin is not None:
spotmin = 0
spotmax = int((maxfullwave - wavemin)/binsz)
wavemax = spotmax * binsz + wavemin
spotmin = int((minfullwave - zeropoint)/binsz) + 1
spotmax = int((maxfullwave - zeropoint)/binsz)
wavemin = spotmin * binsz + zeropoint
wavemax = spotmax * binsz + zeropoint
nfinalpix = spotmax - spotmin + 1
finalwave = np.arange(nfinalpix, dtype='d') * binsz + wavemin
return finalwave