Source code for


    Functions and classes related to system definitions and conversions.

    :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import annotations

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple

from .babel_names import _babel_systems
from .compat import babel_parse
from .definitions import Definition, UnitDefinition
from .errors import DefinitionSyntaxError, RedefinitionError
from .util import (

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class GroupDefinition: """Definition of a group. @group <name> [using <group 1>, ..., <group N>] <definition 1> ... <definition N> @end Example:: @group AvoirdupoisUS using Avoirdupois US_hundredweight = hundredweight = US_cwt US_ton = ton US_force_ton = force_ton = _ = US_ton_force @end """ #: Regex to match the header parts of a definition. _header_re = re.compile(r"@group\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s*(using\s(?P<used_groups>.*))*") name: str units: Tuple[Tuple[int, UnitDefinition], ...] using_group_names: Tuple[str, ...] @property def unit_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return tuple( for lineno, u in self.units)
[docs] @classmethod def from_lines(cls, lines, non_int_type=float): """Return a Group object parsing an iterable of lines. Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] iterable define_func : callable Function to define a unit in the registry; it must accept a single string as a parameter. Returns ------- """ lines = SourceIterator(lines) lineno, header = next(lines) r = if r is None: raise ValueError("Invalid Group header syntax: '%s'" % header) name = r.groupdict()["name"].strip() groups = r.groupdict()["used_groups"] if groups: parent_group_names = tuple(a.strip() for a in groups.split(",")) else: parent_group_names = () units = [] for lineno, line in lines: definition = Definition.from_string(line, non_int_type=non_int_type) if not isinstance(definition, UnitDefinition): raise DefinitionSyntaxError( "Only UnitDefinition are valid inside _used_groups, not " + str(definition), lineno=lineno, ) units.append((lineno, definition)) return cls(name, tuple(units), parent_group_names)
[docs]class Group(SharedRegistryObject): """A group is a set of units. Units can be added directly or by including other groups. Members are computed dynamically, that is if a unit is added to a group X all groups that include X are affected. The group belongs to one Registry. See GroupDefinition for the definition file syntax. """ def __init__(self, name): """ :param name: Name of the group. If not given, a root Group will be created. :type name: str :param groups: dictionary like object groups and system. The newly created group will be added after creation. :type groups: dict[str | Group] """ # The name of the group. #: type: str = name #: Names of the units in this group. #: :type: set[str] self._unit_names = set() #: Names of the groups in this group. #: :type: set[str] self._used_groups = set() #: Names of the groups in which this group is contained. #: :type: set[str] self._used_by = set() # Add this group to the group dictionary self._REGISTRY._groups[] = self if name != "root": # All groups are added to root group self._REGISTRY._groups["root"].add_groups(name) #: A cache of the included units. #: None indicates that the cache has been invalidated. #: :type: frozenset[str] | None self._computed_members = None @property def members(self): """Names of the units that are members of the group. Calculated to include to all units in all included _used_groups. """ if self._computed_members is None: self._computed_members = set(self._unit_names) for _, group in self.iter_used_groups(): self._computed_members |= group.members self._computed_members = frozenset(self._computed_members) return self._computed_members
[docs] def invalidate_members(self): """Invalidate computed members in this Group and all parent nodes.""" self._computed_members = None d = self._REGISTRY._groups for name in self._used_by: d[name].invalidate_members()
def iter_used_groups(self): pending = set(self._used_groups) d = self._REGISTRY._groups while pending: name = pending.pop() group = d[name] pending |= group._used_groups yield name, d[name] def is_used_group(self, group_name): for name, _ in self.iter_used_groups(): if name == group_name: return True return False
[docs] def add_units(self, *unit_names): """Add units to group.""" for unit_name in unit_names: self._unit_names.add(unit_name) self.invalidate_members()
@property def non_inherited_unit_names(self): return frozenset(self._unit_names)
[docs] def remove_units(self, *unit_names): """Remove units from group.""" for unit_name in unit_names: self._unit_names.remove(unit_name) self.invalidate_members()
[docs] def add_groups(self, *group_names): """Add groups to group.""" d = self._REGISTRY._groups for group_name in group_names: grp = d[group_name] if grp.is_used_group( raise ValueError( "Cyclic relationship found between %s and %s" % (, group_name) ) self._used_groups.add(group_name) grp._used_by.add( self.invalidate_members()
[docs] def remove_groups(self, *group_names): """Remove groups from group.""" d = self._REGISTRY._groups for group_name in group_names: grp = d[group_name] self._used_groups.remove(group_name) grp._used_by.remove( self.invalidate_members()
[docs] @classmethod def from_lines(cls, lines, define_func, non_int_type=float) -> Group: """Return a Group object parsing an iterable of lines. Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] iterable define_func : callable Function to define a unit in the registry; it must accept a single string as a parameter. Returns ------- """ group_definition = GroupDefinition.from_lines(lines, non_int_type) return cls.from_definition(group_definition, define_func)
@classmethod def from_definition(cls, group_definition: GroupDefinition, define_func) -> Group: for lineno, definition in group_definition.units: try: define_func(definition) except (RedefinitionError, DefinitionSyntaxError) as ex: if ex.lineno is None: ex.lineno = lineno raise ex grp = cls( grp.add_units(*( for lineno, unit in group_definition.units)) if group_definition.using_group_names: grp.add_groups(*group_definition.using_group_names) return grp def __getattr__(self, item): getattr_maybe_raise(self, item) return self._REGISTRY
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class SystemDefinition: """Definition of a System: @system <name> [using <group 1>, ..., <group N>] <rule 1> ... <rule N> @end The syntax for the rule is: new_unit_name : old_unit_name where: - old_unit_name: a root unit part which is going to be removed from the system. - new_unit_name: a non root unit which is going to replace the old_unit. If the new_unit_name and the old_unit_name, the later and the colon can be omitted. """ #: Regex to match the header parts of a context. _header_re = re.compile(r"@system\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s*(using\s(?P<used_groups>.*))*") name: str unit_replacements: Tuple[Tuple[int, str, str], ...] using_group_names: Tuple[str, ...] @classmethod def from_lines(cls, lines, non_int_type=float): lines = SourceIterator(lines) lineno, header = next(lines) r = if r is None: raise ValueError("Invalid System header syntax '%s'" % header) name = r.groupdict()["name"].strip() groups = r.groupdict()["used_groups"] # If the systems has no group, it automatically uses the root group. if groups: group_names = tuple(a.strip() for a in groups.split(",")) else: group_names = ("root",) unit_replacements = [] for lineno, line in lines: line = line.strip() # We would identify a # - old_unit: a root unit part which is going to be removed from the system. # - new_unit: a non root unit which is going to replace the old_unit. if ":" in line: # The syntax is new_unit:old_unit new_unit, old_unit = line.split(":") new_unit, old_unit = new_unit.strip(), old_unit.strip() unit_replacements.append((lineno, new_unit, old_unit)) else: # The syntax is new_unit # old_unit is inferred as the root unit with the same dimensionality. unit_replacements.append((lineno, line, None)) return cls(name, tuple(unit_replacements), group_names)
[docs]class System(SharedRegistryObject): """A system is a Group plus a set of base units. Members are computed dynamically, that is if a unit is added to a group X all groups that include X are affected. The System belongs to one Registry. See SystemDefinition for the definition file syntax. """ def __init__(self, name): """ :param name: Name of the group :type name: str """ #: Name of the system #: :type: str = name #: Maps root unit names to a dict indicating the new unit and its exponent. #: :type: dict[str, dict[str, number]]] self.base_units = {} #: Derived unit names. #: :type: set(str) self.derived_units = set() #: Names of the _used_groups in used by this system. #: :type: set(str) self._used_groups = set() #: :type: frozenset | None self._computed_members = None # Add this system to the system dictionary self._REGISTRY._systems[] = self def __dir__(self): return list(self.members) def __getattr__(self, item): getattr_maybe_raise(self, item) u = getattr(self._REGISTRY, + "_" + item, None) if u is not None: return u return getattr(self._REGISTRY, item) @property def members(self): d = self._REGISTRY._groups if self._computed_members is None: self._computed_members = set() for group_name in self._used_groups: try: self._computed_members |= d[group_name].members except KeyError: logger.warning( "Could not resolve {} in System {}".format( group_name, ) ) self._computed_members = frozenset(self._computed_members) return self._computed_members
[docs] def invalidate_members(self): """Invalidate computed members in this Group and all parent nodes.""" self._computed_members = None
[docs] def add_groups(self, *group_names): """Add groups to group.""" self._used_groups |= set(group_names) self.invalidate_members()
[docs] def remove_groups(self, *group_names): """Remove groups from group.""" self._used_groups -= set(group_names) self.invalidate_members()
[docs] def format_babel(self, locale): """translate the name of the system.""" if locale and in _babel_systems: name = _babel_systems[] locale = babel_parse(locale) return locale.measurement_systems[name] return
@classmethod def from_lines(cls, lines, get_root_func, non_int_type=float): system_definition = SystemDefinition.from_lines(lines, get_root_func) return cls.from_definition(system_definition, get_root_func) @classmethod def from_definition(cls, system_definition: SystemDefinition, get_root_func): base_unit_names = {} derived_unit_names = [] for lineno, new_unit, old_unit in system_definition.unit_replacements: if old_unit is None: old_unit_dict = to_units_container(get_root_func(new_unit)[1]) if len(old_unit_dict) != 1: raise ValueError( "The new base must be a root dimension if not discarded unit is specified." ) old_unit, value = dict(old_unit_dict).popitem() base_unit_names[old_unit] = {new_unit: 1 / value} else: # The old unit MUST be a root unit, if not raise an error. if old_unit != str(get_root_func(old_unit)[1]): raise ValueError( "In `%s`, the unit at the right of the `:` (%s) must be a root unit." % (lineno, old_unit) ) # Here we find new_unit expanded in terms of root_units new_unit_expanded = to_units_container( get_root_func(new_unit)[1], cls._REGISTRY ) # We require that the old unit is present in the new_unit expanded if old_unit not in new_unit_expanded: raise ValueError("Old unit must be a component of new unit") # Here we invert the equation, in other words # we write old units in terms new unit and expansion new_unit_dict = { new_unit: -1 / value for new_unit, value in new_unit_expanded.items() if new_unit != old_unit } new_unit_dict[new_unit] = 1 / new_unit_expanded[old_unit] base_unit_names[old_unit] = new_unit_dict system = cls( system.add_groups(*system_definition.using_group_names) system.base_units.update(**base_unit_names) system.derived_units |= set(derived_unit_names) return system
class Lister: def __init__(self, d): self.d = d def __dir__(self): return list(self.d.keys()) def __getattr__(self, item): getattr_maybe_raise(self, item) return self.d[item] _Group = Group _System = System def build_group_class(registry): class Group(_Group): _REGISTRY = registry return Group def build_system_class(registry): class System(_System): _REGISTRY = registry return System