Source code for pint.definitions


    Functions and classes related to unit definitions.

    :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

from .converters import Converter, LogarithmicConverter, OffsetConverter, ScaleConverter
from .errors import DefinitionSyntaxError
from .util import ParserHelper, UnitsContainer, _is_dim

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class PreprocessedDefinition: """Splits a definition into the constitutive parts. A definition is given as a string with equalities in a single line:: ---------------> rhs a = b = c = d = e | | | -------> aliases (optional) | | | | | -----------> symbol (use "_" for no symbol) | | | ---------------> value | -------------------> name """ name: str symbol: Optional[str] aliases: Tuple[str, ...] value: str rhs_parts: Tuple[str, ...] @classmethod def from_string(cls, definition: str) -> PreprocessedDefinition: name, definition = definition.split("=", 1) name = name.strip() rhs_parts = tuple(res.strip() for res in definition.split("=")) value, aliases = rhs_parts[0], tuple([x for x in rhs_parts[1:] if x != ""]) symbol, aliases = (aliases[0], aliases[1:]) if aliases else (None, aliases) if symbol == "_": symbol = None aliases = tuple([x for x in aliases if x != "_"]) return cls(name, symbol, aliases, value, rhs_parts)
class _NotNumeric(Exception): """Internal exception. Do not expose outside Pint""" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
[docs]def numeric_parse(s: str, non_int_type: type = float): """Try parse a string into a number (without using eval). Parameters ---------- s : str non_int_type : type Returns ------- Number Raises ------ _NotNumeric If the string cannot be parsed as a number. """ ph = ParserHelper.from_string(s, non_int_type) if len(ph): raise _NotNumeric(s) return ph.scale
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Definition: """Base class for definitions. Parameters ---------- name : str Canonical name of the unit/prefix/etc. defined_symbol : str or None A short name or symbol for the definition. aliases : iterable of str Other names for the unit/prefix/etc. converter : callable or Converter or None """ name: str defined_symbol: Optional[str] aliases: Tuple[str, ...] converter: Optional[Union[Callable, Converter]] def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.converter, str): raise TypeError( "The converter parameter cannot be an instance of `str`. Use `from_string` method" ) @property def is_multiplicative(self) -> bool: return self.converter.is_multiplicative @property def is_logarithmic(self) -> bool: return self.converter.is_logarithmic
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, definition: Union[str, PreprocessedDefinition], non_int_type: type = float ) -> Definition: """Parse a definition. Parameters ---------- definition : str or PreprocessedDefinition non_int_type : type Returns ------- Definition or subclass of Definition """ if isinstance(definition, str): definition = PreprocessedDefinition.from_string(definition) if"["): return DimensionDefinition.from_string(definition, non_int_type) elif"-"): return PrefixDefinition.from_string(definition, non_int_type) else: return UnitDefinition.from_string(definition, non_int_type)
@property def symbol(self) -> str: return self.defined_symbol or @property def has_symbol(self) -> bool: return bool(self.defined_symbol) def add_aliases(self, *alias: str) -> None: raise Exception("Cannot add aliases, definitions are inmutable.") def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class PrefixDefinition(Definition): """Definition of a prefix:: <prefix>- = <amount> [= <symbol>] [= <alias>] [ = <alias> ] [...] Example:: deca- = 1e+1 = da- = deka- """
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, definition: Union[str, PreprocessedDefinition], non_int_type: type = float ) -> PrefixDefinition: if isinstance(definition, str): definition = PreprocessedDefinition.from_string(definition) aliases = tuple(alias.strip("-") for alias in definition.aliases) if definition.symbol: symbol = definition.symbol.strip("-") else: symbol = definition.symbol try: converter = ScaleConverter(numeric_parse(definition.value, non_int_type)) except _NotNumeric as ex: raise ValueError( f"Prefix definition ('{}') must contain only numbers, not {ex.value}" ) return cls("-"), symbol, aliases, converter)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class UnitDefinition(Definition): """Definition of a unit:: <canonical name> = <relation to another unit or dimension> [= <symbol>] [= <alias>] [ = <alias> ] [...] Example:: millennium = 1e3 * year = _ = millennia Parameters ---------- reference : UnitsContainer Reference units. is_base : bool Indicates if it is a base unit. """ reference: Optional[UnitsContainer] = None is_base: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, definition: Union[str, PreprocessedDefinition], non_int_type: type = float ) -> "UnitDefinition": if isinstance(definition, str): definition = PreprocessedDefinition.from_string(definition) if ";" in definition.value: [converter, modifiers] = definition.value.split(";", 1) try: modifiers = dict( (key.strip(), numeric_parse(value, non_int_type)) for key, value in (part.split(":") for part in modifiers.split(";")) ) except _NotNumeric as ex: raise ValueError( f"Unit definition ('{}') must contain only numbers in modifier, not {ex.value}" ) else: converter = definition.value modifiers = {} converter = ParserHelper.from_string(converter, non_int_type) if not any(_is_dim(key) for key in converter.keys()): is_base = False elif all(_is_dim(key) for key in converter.keys()): is_base = True else: raise DefinitionSyntaxError( "Cannot mix dimensions and units in the same definition. " "Base units must be referenced only to dimensions. " "Derived units must be referenced only to units." ) reference = UnitsContainer(converter) if not modifiers: converter = ScaleConverter(converter.scale) elif "offset" in modifiers: if modifiers.get("offset", 0.0) != 0.0: converter = OffsetConverter(converter.scale, modifiers["offset"]) else: converter = ScaleConverter(converter.scale) elif "logbase" in modifiers and "logfactor" in modifiers: converter = LogarithmicConverter( converter.scale, modifiers["logbase"], modifiers["logfactor"] ) else: raise DefinitionSyntaxError("Unable to assign a converter to the unit") return cls(, definition.symbol, definition.aliases, converter, reference, is_base, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DimensionDefinition(Definition): """Definition of a dimension:: [dimension name] = <relation to other dimensions> Example:: [density] = [mass] / [volume] """ reference: Optional[UnitsContainer] = None is_base: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, definition: Union[str, PreprocessedDefinition], non_int_type: type = float ) -> DimensionDefinition: if isinstance(definition, str): definition = PreprocessedDefinition.from_string(definition) converter = ParserHelper.from_string(definition.value, non_int_type) if not converter: is_base = True elif all(_is_dim(key) for key in converter.keys()): is_base = False else: raise DefinitionSyntaxError( "Base dimensions must be referenced to None. " "Derived dimensions must only be referenced " "to dimensions." ) reference = UnitsContainer(converter, non_int_type=non_int_type) return cls(, definition.symbol, definition.aliases, converter, reference, is_base, )
[docs]class AliasDefinition(Definition): """Additional alias(es) for an already existing unit:: @alias <canonical name or previous alias> = <alias> [ = <alias> ] [...] Example:: @alias meter = my_meter """ def __init__(self, name: str, aliases: Iterable[str]) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, defined_symbol=None, aliases=aliases, converter=None )
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, definition: Union[str, PreprocessedDefinition], non_int_type: type = float ) -> AliasDefinition: if isinstance(definition, str): definition = PreprocessedDefinition.from_string(definition) name =[len("@alias ") :].lstrip() return AliasDefinition(name, tuple(definition.rhs_parts))