features Module

The PIL.features module can be used to detect which Pillow features are available on your system.


Support for the following modules can be checked:

  • pil: The Pillow core module, required for all functionality.

  • tkinter: Tkinter support.

  • freetype2: FreeType font support via PIL.ImageFont.truetype().

  • littlecms2: LittleCMS 2 support via PIL.ImageCms.

  • webp: WebP image support.


Support for these is only checked during Pillow compilation. If the required library was uninstalled from the system, the pil core module may fail to load instead. Except for jpg, the version number is checked at run-time.

Support for the following codecs can be checked:

  • jpg: (compile time) Libjpeg support, required for JPEG based image formats. Only compile time version number is available.

  • jpg_2000: (compile time) OpenJPEG support, required for JPEG 2000 image formats.

  • zlib: (compile time) Zlib support, required for zlib compressed formats, such as PNG.

  • libtiff: (compile time) LibTIFF support, required for TIFF based image formats.


Some of these are only checked during Pillow compilation. If the required library was uninstalled from the system, the relevant module may fail to load instead. Feature version numbers are available only where stated.

Support for the following features can be checked:

  • libjpeg_turbo: (compile time) Whether Pillow was compiled against the libjpeg-turbo version of libjpeg. Compile-time version number is available.

  • transp_webp: Support for transparency in WebP images.

  • webp_mux: (compile time) Support for EXIF data in WebP images.

  • webp_anim: (compile time) Support for animated WebP images.

  • raqm: Raqm library, required for ImageFont.Layout.RAQM in PIL.ImageFont.truetype(). Run-time version number is available for Raqm 0.7.0 or newer.

  • libimagequant: (compile time) ImageQuant quantization support in PIL.Image.Image.quantize(). Run-time version number is available.

  • xcb: (compile time) Support for X11 in PIL.ImageGrab.grab() via the XCB library.