Source code for pex.pex

# Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
import pkgutil
import sys
from distutils import sysconfig
from site import USER_SITE

import pkg_resources
from pkg_resources import EntryPoint, WorkingSet, find_distributions

from .common import die
from .compatibility import exec_function
from .environment import PEXEnvironment
from .executor import Executor
from .finders import get_entry_point_from_console_script, get_script_from_distributions
from .interpreter import PythonInterpreter
from .orderedset import OrderedSet
from .pex_info import PexInfo
from .tracer import TRACER
from .util import iter_pth_paths, merge_split, named_temporary_file
from .variables import ENV

class DevNull(object):
  def __init__(self):

  def write(self, *args, **kw):

  def flush(self):

[docs]class PEX(object): # noqa: T000 """PEX, n. A self-contained python environment."""
[docs] class Error(Exception): pass
[docs] class NotFound(Error): pass
[docs] class InvalidEntryPoint(Error): pass
@classmethod def clean_environment(cls): try: del os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] except KeyError: pass # Cannot change dictionary size during __iter__ filter_keys = [key for key in os.environ if key.startswith('PEX_')] for key in filter_keys: del os.environ[key] def __init__(self, pex=sys.argv[0], interpreter=None, env=ENV, verify_entry_point=False): self._pex = pex self._interpreter = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get() self._pex_info = PexInfo.from_pex(self._pex) self._pex_info_overrides = PexInfo.from_env(env=env) self._vars = env self._envs = [] self._working_set = None if verify_entry_point: self._do_entry_point_verification() def _activate(self): if not self._working_set: working_set = WorkingSet([]) # set up the local .pex environment pex_info = self._pex_info.copy() pex_info.update(self._pex_info_overrides) pex_info.merge_pex_path(self._vars.PEX_PATH) self._envs.append(PEXEnvironment(self._pex, pex_info, interpreter=self._interpreter)) # N.B. by this point, `pex_info.pex_path` will contain a single pex path # merged from pex_path in `PEX-INFO` and `PEX_PATH` set in the environment. # `PEX_PATH` entries written into `PEX-INFO` take precedence over those set # in the environment. if pex_info.pex_path: # set up other environments as specified in pex_path for pex_path in filter(None, pex_info.pex_path.split(os.pathsep)): pex_info = PexInfo.from_pex(pex_path) pex_info.update(self._pex_info_overrides) self._envs.append(PEXEnvironment(pex_path, pex_info, interpreter=self._interpreter)) # activate all of them for env in self._envs: for dist in env.activate(): working_set.add(dist) self._working_set = working_set return self._working_set @classmethod def _extras_paths(cls): standard_lib = sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True) try: makefile = sysconfig.parse_makefile(sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()) except (AttributeError, IOError): # This is not available by default in PyPy's distutils.sysconfig or it simply is # no longer available on the system (IOError ENOENT) makefile = {} extras_paths = filter(None, makefile.get('EXTRASPATH', '').split(':')) for path in extras_paths: yield os.path.join(standard_lib, path) # Handle .pth injected paths as extras. sitedirs = cls._get_site_packages() for pth_path in cls._scan_pth_files(sitedirs): TRACER.log('Found .pth file: %s' % pth_path, V=3) for extras_path in iter_pth_paths(pth_path): yield extras_path @staticmethod def _scan_pth_files(dir_paths): """Given an iterable of directory paths, yield paths to all .pth files within.""" for dir_path in dir_paths: if not os.path.exists(dir_path): continue pth_filenames = (f for f in os.listdir(dir_path) if f.endswith('.pth')) for pth_filename in pth_filenames: yield os.path.join(dir_path, pth_filename) @staticmethod def _get_site_packages(): try: from site import getsitepackages return set(getsitepackages()) except ImportError: return set() @classmethod def site_libs(cls): site_libs = cls._get_site_packages() site_libs.update([sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=False), sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=True)]) # On windows getsitepackages() returns the python stdlib too. if sys.prefix in site_libs: site_libs.remove(sys.prefix) real_site_libs = set(os.path.realpath(path) for path in site_libs) return site_libs | real_site_libs @classmethod def _tainted_path(cls, path, site_libs): paths = frozenset([path, os.path.realpath(path)]) return any(path.startswith(site_lib) for site_lib in site_libs for path in paths)
[docs] @classmethod def minimum_sys_modules(cls, site_libs, modules=None): """Given a set of site-packages paths, return a "clean" sys.modules. When importing site, modules within sys.modules have their __path__'s populated with additional paths as defined by *-nspkg.pth in site-packages, or alternately by distribution metadata such as *.dist-info/namespace_packages.txt. This can possibly cause namespace packages to leak into imports despite being scrubbed from sys.path. NOTE: This method mutates modules' __path__ attributes in sys.module, so this is currently an irreversible operation. """ modules = modules or sys.modules new_modules = {} for module_name, module in modules.items(): # builtins can stay if not hasattr(module, '__path__'): new_modules[module_name] = module continue # Unexpected objects, e.g. namespace packages, should just be dropped: if not isinstance(module.__path__, list): TRACER.log('Dropping %s' % (module_name,), V=3) continue # Pop off site-impacting __path__ elements in-place. for k in reversed(range(len(module.__path__))): if cls._tainted_path(module.__path__[k], site_libs): TRACER.log('Scrubbing %s.__path__: %s' % (module_name, module.__path__[k]), V=3) module.__path__.pop(k) # It still contains path elements not in site packages, so it can stay in sys.modules if module.__path__: new_modules[module_name] = module return new_modules
@classmethod def minimum_sys_path(cls, site_libs, inherit_path): scrub_paths = OrderedSet() site_distributions = OrderedSet() user_site_distributions = OrderedSet() def all_distribution_paths(path): locations = set(dist.location for dist in find_distributions(path)) return set([path]) | locations | set(os.path.realpath(path) for path in locations) for path_element in sys.path: if cls._tainted_path(path_element, site_libs): TRACER.log('Tainted path element: %s' % path_element) site_distributions.update(all_distribution_paths(path_element)) else: TRACER.log('Not a tainted path element: %s' % path_element, V=2) user_site_distributions.update(all_distribution_paths(USER_SITE)) if inherit_path == 'false': scrub_paths = site_distributions | user_site_distributions for path in user_site_distributions: TRACER.log('Scrubbing from user site: %s' % path) for path in site_distributions: TRACER.log('Scrubbing from site-packages: %s' % path) scrubbed_sys_path = list(OrderedSet(sys.path) - scrub_paths) scrub_from_importer_cache = filter( lambda key: any(key.startswith(path) for path in scrub_paths), sys.path_importer_cache.keys()) scrubbed_importer_cache = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in sys.path_importer_cache.items() if key not in scrub_from_importer_cache) for importer_cache_entry in scrub_from_importer_cache: TRACER.log('Scrubbing from path_importer_cache: %s' % importer_cache_entry, V=2) return scrubbed_sys_path, scrubbed_importer_cache
[docs] @classmethod def minimum_sys(cls, inherit_path): """Return the minimum sys necessary to run this interpreter, a la python -S. :returns: (sys.path, sys.path_importer_cache, sys.modules) tuple of a bare python installation. """ site_libs = set(cls.site_libs()) for site_lib in site_libs: TRACER.log('Found site-library: %s' % site_lib) for extras_path in cls._extras_paths(): TRACER.log('Found site extra: %s' % extras_path) site_libs.add(extras_path) site_libs = set(os.path.normpath(path) for path in site_libs) sys_path, sys_path_importer_cache = cls.minimum_sys_path(site_libs, inherit_path) sys_modules = cls.minimum_sys_modules(site_libs) return sys_path, sys_path_importer_cache, sys_modules
[docs] @classmethod def patch_pkg_resources(cls, working_set): """Patch pkg_resources given a new working set.""" pkg_resources.working_set = working_set pkg_resources.require = working_set.require pkg_resources.iter_entry_points = working_set.iter_entry_points pkg_resources.run_script = pkg_resources.run_main = working_set.run_script pkg_resources.add_activation_listener = working_set.subscribe
# Thar be dragons -- when this function exits, the interpreter is potentially in a wonky state # since the patches here (minimum_sys_modules for example) actually mutate global state.
[docs] def patch_sys(self, inherit_path): """Patch sys with all site scrubbed.""" def patch_dict(old_value, new_value): old_value.clear() old_value.update(new_value) def patch_all(path, path_importer_cache, modules): sys.path[:] = path patch_dict(sys.path_importer_cache, path_importer_cache) patch_dict(sys.modules, modules) new_sys_path, new_sys_path_importer_cache, new_sys_modules = self.minimum_sys(inherit_path) new_sys_path.extend(merge_split(self._pex_info.pex_path, self._vars.PEX_PATH)) patch_all(new_sys_path, new_sys_path_importer_cache, new_sys_modules)
def _wrap_coverage(self, runner, *args): if not self._vars.PEX_COVERAGE and self._vars.PEX_COVERAGE_FILENAME is None: return runner(*args) try: import coverage except ImportError: die('Could not bootstrap coverage module, aborting.') pex_coverage_filename = self._vars.PEX_COVERAGE_FILENAME if pex_coverage_filename is not None: cov = coverage.coverage(data_file=pex_coverage_filename) else: cov = coverage.coverage(data_suffix=True) TRACER.log('Starting coverage.') cov.start() try: return runner(*args) finally: TRACER.log('Stopping coverage') cov.stop() # TODO(wickman) Post-process coverage to elide $PEX_ROOT and make # the report more useful/less noisy. #89 if pex_coverage_filename: else:, ignore_errors=True, file=sys.stdout) def _wrap_profiling(self, runner, *args): if not self._vars.PEX_PROFILE and self._vars.PEX_PROFILE_FILENAME is None: return runner(*args) pex_profile_filename = self._vars.PEX_PROFILE_FILENAME pex_profile_sort = self._vars.PEX_PROFILE_SORT try: import cProfile as profile except ImportError: import profile profiler = profile.Profile() try: return profiler.runcall(runner, *args) finally: if pex_profile_filename is not None: profiler.dump_stats(pex_profile_filename) else: profiler.print_stats(sort=pex_profile_sort)
[docs] def path(self): """Return the path this PEX was built at.""" return self._pex
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the PEX. This function makes assumptions that it is the last function called by the interpreter. """ teardown_verbosity = self._vars.PEX_TEARDOWN_VERBOSE try: pex_inherit_path = self._vars.PEX_INHERIT_PATH if pex_inherit_path == "false": pex_inherit_path = self._pex_info.inherit_path self.patch_sys(pex_inherit_path) working_set = self._activate() self.patch_pkg_resources(working_set) exit_code = self._wrap_coverage(self._wrap_profiling, self._execute) if exit_code: sys.exit(exit_code) except Exception: # Allow the current sys.excepthook to handle this app exception before we tear things down in # finally, then reraise so that the exit status is reflected correctly. sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) raise except SystemExit as se: # Print a SystemExit error message, avoiding a traceback in python3. # This must happen here, as sys.stderr is about to be torn down if not isinstance(se.code, int) and se.code is not None: print(se.code, file=sys.stderr) raise finally: # squash all exceptions on interpreter teardown -- the primary type here are # atexit handlers failing to run because of things such as: # if not teardown_verbosity: sys.stderr.flush() sys.stderr = DevNull() sys.excepthook = lambda *a, **kw: None
def _execute(self): force_interpreter = self._vars.PEX_INTERPRETER self.clean_environment() if force_interpreter: TRACER.log('PEX_INTERPRETER specified, dropping into interpreter') return self.execute_interpreter() if self._pex_info_overrides.script and self._pex_info_overrides.entry_point: die('Cannot specify both script and entry_point for a PEX!') if self._pex_info.script and self._pex_info.entry_point: die('Cannot specify both script and entry_point for a PEX!') if self._pex_info_overrides.script: return self.execute_script(self._pex_info_overrides.script) elif self._pex_info_overrides.entry_point: return self.execute_entry(self._pex_info_overrides.entry_point) elif self._pex_info.script: return self.execute_script(self._pex_info.script) elif self._pex_info.entry_point: return self.execute_entry(self._pex_info.entry_point) else: TRACER.log('No entry point specified, dropping into interpreter') return self.execute_interpreter() @classmethod def demote_bootstrap(cls): TRACER.log('Bootstrap complete, performing final sys.path modifications...') bootstrap_path = __file__ module_import_path = __name__.split('.') root_package = module_import_path[0] # For example, our __file__ might be requests.pex/.bootstrap/_pex/pex.pyc and our import path # _pex.pex; so we walk back through all the module components of our import path to find the # base sys.path entry where we were found (requests.pex/.bootstrap in this example). for _ in module_import_path: bootstrap_path = os.path.dirname(bootstrap_path) bootstrap_path_index = sys.path.index(bootstrap_path) # Move the third party resources pex uses to the end of sys.path for the duration of the run to # allow conflicting versions supplied by user dependencies to win during the course of the # execution of user code. for _, mod, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([bootstrap_path]): if mod != root_package: # We let _pex stay imported TRACER.log('Un-importing third party bootstrap dependency %s from %s' % (mod, bootstrap_path)) sys.modules.pop(mod) submod_prefix = mod + '.' for submod in [m for m in sys.modules.keys() if m.startswith(submod_prefix)]: sys.modules.pop(submod) sys.path.pop(bootstrap_path_index) sys.path.append(bootstrap_path) TRACER.log('PYTHONPATH contains:') for element in sys.path: TRACER.log(' %c %s' % (' ' if os.path.exists(element) else '*', element)) TRACER.log(' * - paths that do not exist or will be imported via zipimport') def execute_interpreter(self): args = sys.argv[1:] if args: # NB: We take care here to setup sys.argv to match how CPython does it for each case. arg = args[0] if arg == '-c': content = args[1] sys.argv = ['-c'] + args[2:] self.execute_content('-c <cmd>', content, argv0='-c') elif arg == '-m': module = args[1] sys.argv = args[1:] self.execute_module(module) else: try: if arg == '-': content = else: with open(arg) as fp: content = except IOError as e: die("Could not open %s in the environment [%s]: %s" % (arg, sys.argv[0], e)) sys.argv = args self.execute_content(arg, content) else: self.demote_bootstrap() import code code.interact() def execute_script(self, script_name): dists = list(self._activate()) dist, entry_point = get_entry_point_from_console_script(script_name, dists) if entry_point: TRACER.log('Found console_script %r in %r' % (entry_point, dist)) sys.exit(self.execute_entry(entry_point)) dist, script_path, script_content = get_script_from_distributions(script_name, dists) if not dist: raise self.NotFound('Could not find script %r in pex!' % script_name) TRACER.log('Found script %r in %r' % (script_name, dist)) return self.execute_content(script_path, script_content, argv0=script_name) @classmethod def execute_content(cls, name, content, argv0=None): cls.demote_bootstrap() argv0 = argv0 or name try: ast = compile(content, name, 'exec', flags=0, dont_inherit=1) except SyntaxError: die('Unable to parse %s. PEX script support only supports Python scripts.' % name) old_name, old_file = globals().get('__name__'), globals().get('__file__') try: old_argv0, sys.argv[0] = sys.argv[0], argv0 globals()['__name__'] = '__main__' globals()['__file__'] = name exec_function(ast, globals()) finally: if old_name: globals()['__name__'] = old_name else: globals().pop('__name__') if old_file: globals()['__file__'] = old_file else: globals().pop('__file__') sys.argv[0] = old_argv0 @classmethod def execute_entry(cls, entry_point): runner = cls.execute_pkg_resources if ':' in entry_point else cls.execute_module return runner(entry_point) @classmethod def execute_module(cls, module_name): cls.demote_bootstrap() import runpy runpy.run_module(module_name, run_name='__main__') @classmethod def execute_pkg_resources(cls, spec): cls.demote_bootstrap() entry = EntryPoint.parse("run = {0}".format(spec)) # See for rationale here. if hasattr(entry, 'resolve'): # setuptools >= 11.3 runner = entry.resolve() else: # setuptools < 11.3 runner = entry.load(require=False) return runner()
[docs] def cmdline(self, args=()): """The commandline to run this environment. :keyword args: Additional arguments to be passed to the application being invoked by the environment. """ cmds = [self._interpreter.binary] cmds.append(self._pex) cmds.extend(args) return cmds
[docs] def run(self, args=(), with_chroot=False, blocking=True, setsid=False, **kwargs): """Run the PythonEnvironment in an interpreter in a subprocess. :keyword args: Additional arguments to be passed to the application being invoked by the environment. :keyword with_chroot: Run with cwd set to the environment's working directory. :keyword blocking: If true, return the return code of the subprocess. If false, return the Popen object of the invoked subprocess. :keyword setsid: If true, run the PEX in a separate operating system session. Remaining keyword arguments are passed directly to subprocess.Popen. """ self.clean_environment() cmdline = self.cmdline(args) TRACER.log(' invoking %s' % ' '.join(cmdline)) process = Executor.open_process(cmdline, cwd=self._pex if with_chroot else os.getcwd(), preexec_fn=os.setsid if setsid else None, stdin=kwargs.pop('stdin', None), stdout=kwargs.pop('stdout', None), stderr=kwargs.pop('stderr', None), **kwargs) return process.wait() if blocking else process
def _do_entry_point_verification(self): entry_point = self._pex_info.entry_point ep_split = entry_point.split(':') # a.b.c:m -> # ep_module = 'a.b.c' # ep_method = 'm' # Only module is specified if len(ep_split) == 1: ep_module = ep_split[0] import_statement = 'import {}'.format(ep_module) elif len(ep_split) == 2: ep_module = ep_split[0] ep_method = ep_split[1] import_statement = 'from {} import {}'.format(ep_module, ep_method) else: raise self.InvalidEntryPoint("Failed to parse: `{}`".format(entry_point)) with named_temporary_file() as fp: fp.write(import_statement.encode('utf-8')) fp.close() retcode =[], env={'PEX_INTERPRETER': '1'}) if retcode != 0: raise self.InvalidEntryPoint('Invalid entry point: `{}`\n' 'Entry point verification failed: `{}`' .format(entry_point, import_statement))