.. _glossary: Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: data manager The object responsible for storing and loading an object's :term:`pickled data` in a backing store. Also called a :term:`jar`. jar Alias for :term:`data manager`: short for "pickle jar", because it traditionally holds the :term:`pickled data` of persistent objects. object cache An MRU cache for objects associated with a given :term:`data manager`. ghost An object whose :term:`pickled data` has not yet been loaded from its :term:`jar`. Accessing or mutating any of its attributes causes that data to be loaded, which is referred to as :term:`activation`. volatile attribute Attributes of a persistent object which are *not* captured as part of its :term:`pickled data`. These attributes thus disappear during :term:`deactivation` or :term:`invalidation`. pickled data The serialized data of a persistent object, stored in and retrieved from a backing store by a :term:`data manager`. activation Moving an object from the ``GHOST`` state to the ``UPTODATE`` state, load its :term:`pickled data` from its :term:`jar`. deactivation Moving an object from the ``UPTODATE`` state to the ``GHOST`` state, discarding its :term:`pickled data`. invalidation Moving an object from either the ``UPTODATE`` state or the ``CHANGED`` state to the ``GHOST`` state, discarding its :term:`pickled data`.