Testing Pecan Applications

Tests can live anywhere in your Pecan project as long as the test runner can discover them. Traditionally, they exist in a package named myapp.tests.

The suggested mechanism for unit and integration testing of a Pecan application is the unittest module.

Test Discovery and Other Tools

Tests for a Pecan project can be invoked as simply as python setup.py test, though it’s possible to run your tests with different discovery and automation tools. In particular, Pecan projects are known to work well with nose, pytest, and tox.

Writing Functional Tests with WebTest

A unit test typically relies on “mock” or “fake” objects to give the code under test enough context to run. In this way, only an individual unit of source code is tested.

A healthy suite of tests combines unit tests with functional tests. In the context of a Pecan application, functional tests can be written with the help of the webtest library. In this way, it is possible to write tests that verify the behavior of an HTTP request life cycle from the controller routing down to the HTTP response. The following is an example that is similar to the one included with Pecan’s quickstart project.

# myapp/myapp/tests/__init__.py

import os
from unittest import TestCase
from pecan import set_config
from pecan.testing import load_test_app

class FunctionalTest(TestCase):
    Used for functional tests where you need to test your
    literal application and its integration with the framework.

    def setUp(self):
        self.app = load_test_app(os.path.join(

    def tearDown(self):
        set_config({}, overwrite=True)

The testing utility included with Pecan, pecan.testing.load_test_app(), can be passed a file path representing a Pecan configuration file, and will return an instance of the application, wrapped in a TestApp environment.

From here, it’s possible to extend the FunctionalTest base class and write tests that issue simulated HTTP requests.

class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):

    def test_index(self):
        resp = self.app.get('/')
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert 'Hello, World' in resp.body

See also

See the webtest documentation for further information about the methods available to a TestApp instance.

Special Testing Variables

Sometimes it’s not enough to make assertions about the response body of certain requests. To aid in inspection, Pecan applications provide a special set of “testing variables” to any TestResponse object.

Let’s suppose that your Pecan applicaton had some controller which took a name as an optional argument in the URL.

# myapp/myapp/controllers/root.py
from pecan import expose

class RootController(object):

    def index(self, name='Joe'):
        """A request to / will access this controller"""
        return dict(name=name)

and rendered that name in it’s template (and thus, the response body).

# myapp/myapp/templates/index.html
Hello, ${name}!

A functional test for this controller might look something like

class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):

    def test_index(self):
        resp = self.app.get('/')
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert 'Hello, Joe!' in resp.body

In addition to webtest.TestResponse.body, Pecan also provides webtest.TestResponse.namespace, which represents the template namespace returned from the controller, and webtest.TestResponse.template_name, which contains the name of the template used.

class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):

    def test_index(self):
        resp = self.app.get('/')
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.namespace == {'name': 'Joe'}
        assert resp.template_name == 'index.html'

In this way, it’s possible to test the return value and rendered template of individual controllers.