// Stolen from statsmodels and fixed up function htmlescape(text){ return (text.replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'")) } function scrapeText(codebox){ /// Returns input lines cleaned of prompt1 and prompt2 var lines = codebox.split('\n'); var newlines = new Array(); $.each(lines, function() { if (this.match(/^In \[\d+]: /)){ newlines.push(this.replace(/^(\s)*In \[\d+]: /,"")); } else if (this.match(/^(\s)*\.+:/)){ newlines.push(this.replace(/^(\s)*\.+: /,"")); } } ); return newlines.join('\\n'); } $(document).ready( function() { // grab all code boxes var ipythoncode = $(".highlight-ipython"); $.each(ipythoncode, function() { var code = scrapeText($(this).text()); // give them a facebox pop-up with plain text code $(this).append('View Code'); $(this,"textarea").select(); }); });