paste.session – Simple file-based sessions

Creates a session object in your WSGI environment.

Use like:

..code-block:: Python


This will return a dictionary. The contents of this dictionary will be saved to disk when the request is completed. The session will be created when you first fetch the session dictionary, and a cookie will be sent in that case. There’s current no way to use sessions without cookies, and there’s no way to delete a session except to clear its data.

@@: This doesn’t do any locking, and may cause problems when a single session is accessed concurrently. Also, it loads and saves the session for each request, with no caching. Also, sessions aren’t expired.

Module Contents

class paste.session.SessionMiddleware(application, global_conf=None, **factory_kw)
paste.session.make_session_middleware(app, global_conf, session_expiration=<dynamic default>, expiration=<dynamic default>, cookie_name=<dynamic default>, session_file_path=<dynamic default>, chmod=<dynamic default>)

Adds a middleware that handles sessions for your applications. The session is a peristent dictionary. To get this dictionary in your application, use environ['paste.session.factory']() which returns this persistent dictionary.



The time each session lives, in minutes. This controls the cookie expiration. Default 12 hours.


The time each session lives on disk. Old sessions are culled from disk based on this. Default 48 hours.


The cookie name used to track the session. Use different names to avoid session clashes.


Sessions are put in this location, default /tmp.


The octal chmod you want to apply to new sessions (e.g., 660 to make the sessions group readable/writable)

Each of these also takes from the global configuration. cookie_name and chmod take from session_cookie_name and session_chmod