paste.fixture – Test applications


Routines for testing WSGI applications.

Most interesting is the TestApp for testing WSGI applications, and the TestFileEnvironment class for testing the effects of command-line scripts.

Module Contents

class paste.fixture.TestApp(app, namespace=None, relative_to=None, extra_environ=None, pre_request_hook=None, post_request_hook=None)
delete(url, params=b'', headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None, expect_errors=False)

Do a DELETE request. Very like the .get() method. params are put in the body of the request.

Returns a response object

do_request(req, status)

Executes the given request (req), with the expected status. Generally .get() and .post() are used instead.

encode_multipart(params, files)

Encodes a set of parameters (typically a name/value list) and a set of files (a list of (name, filename, file_body)) into a typical POST body, returning the (content_type, body).

get(url, params=None, headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None, expect_errors=False)

Get the given url (well, actually a path like '/page.html').


A query string, or a dictionary that will be encoded into a query string. You may also include a query string on the url.


A dictionary of extra headers to send.


A dictionary of environmental variables that should be added to the request.


The integer status code you expect (if not 200 or 3xx). If you expect a 404 response, for instance, you must give status=404 or it will be an error. You can also give a wildcard, like '3*' or '*'.


If this is not true, then if anything is written to wsgi.errors it will be an error. If it is true, then non-200/3xx responses are also okay.

Returns a response object

head(url, headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None, expect_errors=False)

Do a HEAD request. Very like the .get() method.

Returns a response object

post(url, params=b'', headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None, upload_files=None, expect_errors=False)

Do a POST request. Very like the .get() method. params are put in the body of the request.

upload_files is for file uploads. It should be a list of [(fieldname, filename, file_content)]. You can also use just [(fieldname, filename)] and the file content will be read from disk.

Returns a response object

put(url, params=b'', headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None, upload_files=None, expect_errors=False)

Do a PUT request. Very like the .get() method. params are put in the body of the request.

upload_files is for file uploads. It should be a list of [(fieldname, filename, file_content)]. You can also use just [(fieldname, filename)] and the file content will be read from disk.

Returns a response object


Resets the state of the application; currently just clears saved cookies.

class paste.fixture.TestRequest(url, environ, expect_errors=False)


class paste.fixture.Form(response, text)

This object represents a form that has been found in a page. This has a couple useful attributes:


the full HTML of the form.


the relative URI of the action.


the method (e.g., 'GET').


the id, or None if not given.


a dictionary of fields, each value is a list of fields by that name. <input type="radio"> and <select> are both represented as single fields with multiple options.

get(name, index=None, default=<class 'paste.fixture.NoDefault'>)

Get the named/indexed field object, or default if no field is found.

select(name, value, index=None)

Like .set(), except also confirms the target is a <select>.

set(name, value, index=None)

Set the given name, using index to disambiguate.

submit(name=None, index=None, **args)

Submits the form. If name is given, then also select that button (using index to disambiguate)``.

Any extra keyword arguments are passed to the .get() or .post() method.

Returns a response object.

submit_fields(name=None, index=None)

Return a list of [(name, value), ...] for the current state of the form.

class paste.fixture.Field(form, tag, name, pos, value=None, id=None, **attrs)

Field object.


Like setting a value, except forces it even for, say, hidden fields.

class paste.fixture.Select(*args, **attrs)

Field representing <select>

class paste.fixture.Radio(*args, **attrs)

Field representing <input type="radio">

class paste.fixture.Checkbox(*args, **attrs)

Field representing <input type="checkbox">

class paste.fixture.Text(form, tag, name, pos, value='', id=None, **attrs)

Field representing <input type="text">

class paste.fixture.Textarea(form, tag, name, pos, value='', id=None, **attrs)

Field representing <textarea>

class paste.fixture.Hidden(form, tag, name, pos, value='', id=None, **attrs)

Field representing <input type="hidden">

class paste.fixture.Submit(form, tag, name, pos, value=None, id=None, **attrs)

Field representing <input type="submit"> and <button>

Script Testing

class paste.fixture.TestFileEnvironment(base_path, template_path=None, script_path=None, environ=None, cwd=None, start_clear=True, ignore_paths=None, ignore_hidden=True)

This represents an environment in which files will be written, and scripts will be run.


Delete all the files in the base directory.

run(script, *args, **kw)

Run the command, with the given arguments. The script argument can have space-separated arguments, or you can use the positional arguments.

Keywords allowed are:

expect_error: (default False)

Don’t raise an exception in case of errors

expect_stderr: (default expect_error)

Don’t raise an exception if anything is printed to stderr

stdin: (default "")

Input to the script

printresult: (default True)

Print the result after running

cwd: (default self.cwd)

The working directory to run in

Returns a ProcResponse object.

writefile(path, content=None, frompath=None)

Write a file to the given path. If content is given then that text is written, otherwise the file in frompath is used. frompath is relative to self.template_path

class paste.fixture.ProcResult(test_env, args, stdin, stdout, stderr, returncode, files_before, files_after)

Represents the results of running a command in TestFileEnvironment.

Attributes to pay particular attention to:

stdout, stderr:

What is produced

files_created, files_deleted, files_updated:

Dictionaries mapping filenames (relative to the base_dir) to FoundFile or FoundDir objects.

class paste.fixture.FoundFile(base_path, path)

Represents a single file found as the result of a command.

Has attributes:


The path of the file, relative to the base_path


The full path


The results of os.stat. Also mtime and size contain the .st_mtime and st_size of the stat.


The contents of the file.

You may use the in operator with these objects (tested against the contents of the file), and the .mustcontain() method.

class paste.fixture.FoundDir(base_path, path)

Represents a directory created by a command.