paste.cgiapp – run CGI scripts as WSGI applications

Application that runs a CGI script.

Module Contents

class paste.cgiapp.CGIApplication(global_conf, script, path=None, include_os_environ=True, query_string=None)

This object acts as a proxy to a CGI application. You pass in the script path (script), an optional path to search for the script (if the name isn’t absolute) (path). If you don’t give a path, then $PATH will be used.

exception paste.cgiapp.CGIError

Raised when the CGI script can’t be found or doesn’t act like a proper CGI script.

paste.cgiapp.make_cgi_application(global_conf, script, path=None, include_os_environ=None, query_string=None)

Paste Deploy interface for CGIApplication

This object acts as a proxy to a CGI application. You pass in the script path (script), an optional path to search for the script (if the name isn’t absolute) (path). If you don’t give a path, then $PATH will be used.