Shared File System API

Shared File System API

The Shared File System Class

The high-level interface for accessing the shared file systems service API is available through the shared_file_system member of a Connection object. The shared_file_system member will only be added if the service is detected. share is an alias of the shared_file_system member.

Shared File System Availability Zones

Interact with Availability Zones supported by the Shared File Systems service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve shared file system availability zones


A generator of availability zone resources

Return type


Shared File System Shares

Interact with Shares supported by the Shared File Systems service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)
shares(details=True, **query)

Lists all shares with details


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the shares being returned. Available parameters include:

  • status: Filters by a share status

  • share_server_id: The UUID of the share server.

  • metadata: One or more metadata key and value pairs as a url encoded dictionary of strings.

  • extra_specs: The extra specifications as a set of one or more key-value pairs.

  • share_type_id: The UUID of a share type to query resources by.

  • name: The user defined name of the resource to filter resources by.

  • snapshot_id: The UUID of the share’s base snapshot to filter the request based on.

  • host: The host name of the resource to query with.

  • share_network_id: The UUID of the share network to filter resources by.

  • project_id: The ID of the project that owns the resource.

  • is_public: A boolean query parameter that, when set to true, allows retrieving public resources that belong to all projects.

  • share_group_id: The UUID of a share group to filter resource.

  • export_location_id: The export location UUID that can be used to filter shares or share instances.

  • export_location_path: The export location path that can be used to filter shares or share instances.

  • name~: The name pattern that can be used to filter shares, share snapshots, share networks or share groups.

  • description~: The description pattern that can be used to filter shares, share snapshots, share networks or share groups.

  • with_count: Whether to show count in API response or not, default is False.

  • limit: The maximum number of shares to return.

  • offset: The offset to define start point of share or share group listing.

  • sort_key: The key to sort a list of shares.

  • sort_dir: The direction to sort a list of shares. A valid value is asc, or desc.


Details of shares resources

Return type



Lists details of a single share


share – The ID of the share to get


Details of the identified share

Return type


delete_share(share, ignore_missing=True)

Deletes a single share


share – The ID of the share to delete


Result of the delete

Return type


update_share(share_id, **attrs)

Updates details of a single share.

  • share – The ID of the share to update

  • attrs (dict) – The attributes to update on the share


the updated share

Return type



Creates a share from attributes


Details of the new share


attrs (dict) – Attributes which will be used to create a Shares, comprised of the properties on the Shares class. ‘size’ and ‘share’ are required to create a share.

Return type


revert_share_to_snapshot(share_id, snapshot_id)
Reverts a share to the specified snapshot, which must be

the most recent one known to manila.

  • share_id – The ID of the share to revert

  • snapshot_id – The ID of the snapshot to revert to


Result of the revert

Return type


Shared File System Storage Pools

Interact with the storage pool statistics exposed by the Shared File Systems Service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)
storage_pools(details=True, **query)

Lists all back-end storage pools with details


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the storage pools being returned. Available parameters include:

  • pool_name: The pool name for the back end.

  • host_name: The host name for the back end.

  • backend_name: The name of the back end.

  • capabilities: The capabilities for the storage back end.

  • share_type: The share type name or UUID.


A generator of manila storage pool resources

Return type


Shared File System User Messages

View and manipulate asynchronous user messages emitted by the Shared File Systems service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

List shared file system user messages


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the messages being returned. Available parameters include:

  • action_id: The ID of the action during which the message was created.

  • detail_id: The ID of the message detail.

  • limit: The maximum number of shares to return.

  • message_level: The message level.

  • offset: The offset to define start point of share or share group listing.

  • sort_key: The key to sort a list of messages.

  • sort_dir: The direction to sort a list of shares.

  • project_id: The ID of the project for which the message was created.

  • request_id: The ID of the request during which the message was created.

  • resource_id: The UUID of the resource for which the message was created.

  • resource_type: The type of the resource for which the message was created.


A generator of user message resources

Return type



List details of a single user message


message_id – The ID of the user message


Details of the identified user message

Return type


delete_user_message(message_id, ignore_missing=True)

Deletes a single user message


message_id – The ID of the user message


Result of the “delete” on the user message

Return type


Shared File System Limits

Get absolute limits of resources supported by the Shared File Systems service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Lists all share limits.


query (kwargs) – Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the share limits being returned.


A generator of manila share limits resources

Return type


Shared File System Snapshots

Interact with Share Snapshots supported by the Shared File Systems service.

class openstack.shared_file_system.v2._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)
share_snapshots(details=True, **query)

Lists all share snapshots with details.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the snapshots being returned. Available parameters include:

  • project_id: The ID of the user or service making the API request.


A generator of manila share snapshot resources

Return type



Lists details of a single share snapshot


snapshot_id – The ID of the snapshot to get


Details of the identified share snapshot

Return type



Creates a share snapshot from attributes


Details of the new share snapshot

Return type


update_share_snapshot(snapshot_id, **attrs)

Updates details of a single share.


snapshot_id – The ID of the snapshot to update

Pram dict attrs

The attributes to update on the snapshot


the updated share snapshot

Return type


delete_share_snapshot(snapshot_id, ignore_missing=True)

Deletes a single share snapshot


snapshot_id – The ID of the snapshot to delete


Result of the delete

Return type


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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.