List information on retrieved actions.
openstack optimize action list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--action-plan <action-plan>]
[--audit <audit>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
[--marker <marker>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
UUID of the action plan used for filtering.
UUID of the audit used for filtering.
Show detailed information about actions.
Maximum number of actions to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Action field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
UUID of the last action in the previous page; displays list of actions after “marker”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given action.
openstack optimize action show <action>
UUID of the action
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Cancel action plan command.
openstack optimize actionplan cancel <action-plan>
UUID of the action_plan.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Delete action plan command.
openstack optimize actionplan delete <action-plan> [<action-plan> ...]
UUID of the action plan
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved action plans.
openstack optimize actionplan list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--audit <audit>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--marker <actionplan>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
UUID of an audit used for filtering.
Show detailed information about action plans.
Maximum number of action plans to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
The last actionplan UUID of the previous page; displays list of actionplans after “marker”.
Action Plan field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given action plan.
openstack optimize actionplan show <action-plan>
UUID of the action plan
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Start action plan command.
openstack optimize actionplan start <action-plan>
UUID of the action_plan.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Update action plan command.
openstack optimize actionplan update
[<path=value> ...]
UUID of the action_plan.
Operation: ‘add’, ‘replace’, or ‘remove’.
Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For ‘remove’, only <path> is necessary.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Create new audit.
openstack optimize audit create
[-t <audit_type>]
[-p <name=value>]
[-i <interval>]
[-g <goal>]
[-s <strategy>]
[-a <audit_template>]
[--name <name>]
[--start-time <start_time>]
[--end-time <end_time>]
Audit type. It must be ONESHOT, CONTINUOUS or EVENT. Default is ONESHOT.
Record strategy parameter/value metadata. Can be specified multiple times.
Audit interval (in seconds or cron format). Cron interval can be used like: */5 * * * *
. Only used if the audit is CONTINUOUS.
Goal UUID or name associated to this audit.
Strategy UUID or name associated to this audit.
Audit template used for this audit (name or uuid).
Trigger automatically action plan once audit is succeeded.
Name for this audit.
CONTINUOUS audit local start time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
CONTINUOUS audit local end time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Launch audit even if action plan is ongoing. default is False
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Delete audit command.
openstack optimize audit delete <audit> [<audit> ...]
UUID or name of the audit
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved audits.
openstack optimize audit list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--goal <goal>]
[--strategy <strategy>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
[--marker <marker>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show detailed information about audits.
UUID or name of the goal used for filtering.
UUID or name of the strategy used for filtering.
Maximum number of audits to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Audit field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
UUID of the last audit in the previous page; displays list of audits after “marker”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given audit.
openstack optimize audit show <audit>
UUID or name of the audit
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Update audit command.
openstack optimize audit update
[<path=value> ...]
UUID or name of the audit.
Operation: ‘add’, ‘replace’, or ‘remove’.
Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For ‘remove’, only <path> is necessary.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Create new audit template.
openstack optimize audittemplate create
[-s <strategy>]
[-d <description>]
[--scope <path>]
Strategy UUID or name associated to this audit template.
Description of the audit template.
Part of the cluster on which an audit will be done. Can be provided either in yaml or json file. YAML example:
- compute:
- host_aggregates:
- id: 1
- id: 2
- id: 3
- availability_zones:
- name: AZ1
- name: AZ2
- exclude:
- instances:
- uuid: UUID1
- uuid: UUID2
- compute_nodes:
- name: compute1
- storage:
- availability_zones:
- name: AZ1
- name: AZ2
- volume_types:
- name: lvm1
- name: lvm2
- exclude:
- storage_pools:
- name: host0@backend0#pool0
- name: host1@backend1#pool1
- volumes:
- uuid: UUID1
- uuid: UUID2
- projects:
- uuid: UUID1
- uuid: UUID2
JSON example:
[{"host_aggregates": [
{"id": 1},
{"id": 2},
{"id": 3}]},
{"availability_zones": [
{"name": "AZ1"},
{"name": "AZ2"}]},
{"exclude": [
{"instances": [
{"uuid": "UUID1"},
{"uuid": "UUID2"}
{"compute_nodes": [
{"name": "compute1"}
[{"availability_zones": [
{"name": "AZ1"},
{"name": "AZ2"}]},
{"volume_types": [
{"name": "lvm1"},
{"name": "lvm2"}]},
{"exclude": [
{"storage_pools": [
{"name": "host0@backend0#pool0"},
{"name": "host1@backend1#pool1"}
{"volumes": [
{"uuid": "UUID1"},
{"uuid": "UUID2"}
{"projects": [
{"uuid": "UUID1"},
{"uuid": "UUID2"}
Name for this audit template.
Goal UUID or name associated to this audit template.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Delete audit template command.
openstack optimize audittemplate delete
[<audit-template> ...]
UUID or name of the audit template
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved audit templates.
openstack optimize audittemplate list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--goal <goal>]
[--strategy <strategy>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
[--marker <marker>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show detailed information about audit templates.
UUID or name of the goal used for filtering.
UUID or name of the strategy used for filtering.
Maximum number of audit templates to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Audit template field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
UUID of the last audit template of the previous page; displays list of audit templates after “marker”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given audit template.
openstack optimize audittemplate show <audit-template>
UUID or name of the audit template
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Update audit template command.
openstack optimize audittemplate update
[<path=value> ...]
UUID or name of the audit_template.
Operation: ‘add’, ‘replace’, or ‘remove’.
Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For ‘remove’, only <path> is necessary.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved data model.
openstack optimize datamodel list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--type <type>]
[--audit <audit>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Type of Datamodel user want to list. Supported values: compute. Future support values: storage, baremetal. Default type is compute.
UUID of the audit
Show detailed information about data model.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved goals.
openstack optimize goal list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
[--marker <marker>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show detailed information about each goal.
Maximum number of goals to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Goal field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
UUID of the last goal in the previous page; displays list of goals after “marker”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given goal.
openstack optimize goal show <goal>
UUID or name of the goal
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved scoring engines.
openstack optimize scoringengine list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show detailed information about scoring engines.
Maximum number of actions to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Action field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given scoring engine.
openstack optimize scoringengine show <scoring_engine>
Name of the scoring engine
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved services.
openstack optimize service list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show detailed information about each service.
Maximum number of services to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Goal field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given service.
openstack optimize service show <service>
ID or name of the service
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
List information on retrieved strategies.
openstack optimize strategy list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--goal <goal>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <field>]
[--sort-dir <direction>]
[--marker <marker>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
UUID or name of the goal
Show detailed information about each strategy.
Maximum number of strategies to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Watcher API Service.
Goal field that will be used for sorting.
Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.
UUID of the last strategy in the previous page; displays list of strategies after “marker”.
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Show detailed information about a given strategy.
openstack optimize strategy show <strategy>
UUID or name of the strategy
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Retrieve information about strategy requirements.
openstack optimize strategy state
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Name of the strategy
This command is provided by the python-watcherclient plugin.
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.