Get measurements of aggregated metrics.
openstack metric aggregates
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE]
[--start START]
[--stop STOP]
[--granularity GRANULARITY]
[--needed-overlap NEEDED_OVERLAP]
[--groupby GROUPBY]
[--fill FILL]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Resource type to query
beginning of the period
end of the period
granularity to retrieve
percentage of overlap across datapoints
Attribute to use to group resources
Value to use when backfilling timestamps with missing values in a subset of series. Value should be a float or ‘null’.
Operations to apply to time series
A query to filter resource. The syntax is a combination of attribute, operator and value. For example: id=90d58eea-70d7-4294-a49a-170dcdf44c3c would filter resource with a certain id. More complex queries can be built, e.g.: not (flavor_id!=”1” and memory>=24). Use “” to force data to be interpreted as string. Supported operators are: not, and, ∧ or, ∨, >=, <=, !=, >, <, =, ==, eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, le, in, like, ≠, ≥, ≤, like, in.
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create an archive policy.
openstack metric archive-policy create
two attributes (separated by ‘,’) of an archive policy definition with its name and value separated with a ‘:’
back window of the archive policy
aggregation method of the archive policy
name of the archive policy
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete an archive policy.
openstack metric archive-policy delete name
Name of the archive policy
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List archive policies.
openstack metric archive-policy list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show an archive policy.
openstack metric archive-policy show name
Name of the archive policy
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Update an archive policy.
openstack metric archive-policy update -d <DEFINITION> name
two attributes (separated by ‘,’) of an archive policy definition with its name and value separated with a ‘:’
name of the archive policy
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create an archive policy rule.
openstack metric archive-policy-rule create
Archive policy name
Wildcard of metric name to match
Rule name
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete an archive policy rule.
openstack metric archive-policy-rule delete name
Name of the archive policy rule
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List archive policy rules.
openstack metric archive-policy-rule list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show an archive policy rule.
openstack metric archive-policy-rule show name
Name of the archive policy rule
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Do benchmark testing of adding measurements.
openstack metric benchmark measures add
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--workers WORKERS]
--count COUNT
[--batch BATCH]
[--timestamp-start TIMESTAMP_START]
[--timestamp-end TIMESTAMP_END]
ID of the resource
Number of workers to use
Number of total measures to send
Number of measures to send in each batch
First timestamp to use
Last timestamp to use
Wait for all measures to be processed
ID or name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Do benchmark testing of measurements show.
openstack metric benchmark measures show
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--aggregation AGGREGATION]
[--start START]
[--stop STOP]
[--granularity GRANULARITY]
[--resample RESAMPLE]
[--workers WORKERS]
--count COUNT
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Return timestamps as UTC
ID of the resource
aggregation to retrieve
beginning of the period
end of the period
granularity to retrieve
force aggregation of all known measures
granularity to resample time-series to (in seconds)
Number of workers to use
Number of total measures to send
ID or name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Do benchmark testing of metric creation.
openstack metric benchmark metric create
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--archive-policy-name ARCHIVE_POLICY_NAME]
[--workers WORKERS]
--count COUNT
ID of the resource
name of the archive policy
Number of workers to use
Number of metrics to create
Keep created metrics
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Do benchmark testing of metric show.
openstack metric benchmark metric show
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--workers WORKERS]
--count COUNT
[metric ...]
ID of the resource
Number of workers to use
Number of metrics to get
ID or name of the metrics
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List capabilities.
openstack metric capabilities list
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create a metric.
openstack metric create
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--archive-policy-name ARCHIVE_POLICY_NAME]
[--unit UNIT]
ID of the resource
name of the archive policy
unit of the metric
Name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete a metric.
openstack metric delete [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID] metric [metric ...]
ID of the resource
IDs or names of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List metrics.
openstack metric list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Number of metrics to return (Default is server default)
Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value
Sort of metric attribute (example: user_id:desc-nullslast
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Add measurements to a metric.
openstack metric measures add
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
ID of the resource
timestamp and value of a measure separated with a ‘@’
ID or name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Get measurements of aggregated metrics.
openstack metric measures aggregation
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[METRIC ...]
[--aggregation AGGREGATION]
[--reaggregation REAGGREGATION]
[--start START]
[--stop STOP]
[--granularity GRANULARITY]
[--needed-overlap NEEDED_OVERLAP]
[--query QUERY]
[--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE]
[--groupby GROUPBY]
[--resample RESAMPLE]
[--fill FILL]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Return timestamps as UTC
metrics IDs or metric name
granularity aggregation function to retrieve
groupby aggregation function to retrieve
beginning of the period
end of the period
granularity to retrieve
percent of datapoints in each metrics required
A query to filter resource. The syntax is a combination of attribute, operator and value. For example: id=90d58eea-70d7-4294-a49a-170dcdf44c3c would filter resource with a certain id. More complex queries can be built, e.g.: not (flavor_id!=”1” and memory>=24). Use “” to force data to be interpreted as string. Supported operators are: not, and, ∧ or, ∨, >=, <=, !=, >, <, =, ==, eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, le, in, like, ≠, ≥, ≤, like, in.
Resource type to query
Attribute to use to group resources
force aggregation of all known measures
granularity to resample time-series to (in seconds)
Value to use when backfilling timestamps with missing values in a subset of series. Value should be a float or ‘null’.
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
openstack metric measures batch-metrics file
File containing measurements to batch or - for stdin (see Gnocchi REST API docs for the format
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
openstack metric measures batch-resources-metrics
Create unknown metrics
File containing measurements to batch or - for stdin (see Gnocchi REST API docs for the format
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Get measurements of a metric.
openstack metric measures show
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
[--aggregation AGGREGATION]
[--start START]
[--stop STOP]
[--granularity GRANULARITY]
[--resample RESAMPLE]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Return timestamps as UTC
ID of the resource
aggregation to retrieve
beginning of the period
end of the period
granularity to retrieve
force aggregation of all known measures
granularity to resample time-series to (in seconds)
ID or name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete a batch of resources based on attribute values.
openstack metric resource batch delete [--type RESOURCE_TYPE] query
Type of resource
A query to filter resource. The syntax is a combination of attribute, operator and value. For example: id=90d58eea-70d7-4294-a49a-170dcdf44c3c would filter resource with a certain id. More complex queries can be built, e.g.: not (flavor_id!=”1” and memory>=24). Use “” to force data to be interpreted as string. Supported operators are: not, and, ∧ or, ∨, >=, <=, !=, >, <, =, ==, eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, le, in, like, ≠, ≥, ≤, like, in.
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create a resource.
openstack metric resource create
Type of resource
name and value of an attribute separated with a ‘:’
name:id of a metric to add
name:archive_policy_name of a metric to create
ID of the resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete a resource.
openstack metric resource delete resource_id
ID of the resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show the history of a resource.
openstack metric resource history
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show all attributes of generic resources
Number of resources to return (Default is server default)
Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value
Sort of resource attribute (example: user_id:desc-nullslast
Type of resource
ID of a resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List resources.
openstack metric resource list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show all attributes of generic resources
Show history of the resources
Number of resources to return (Default is server default)
Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value
Sort of resource attribute (example: user_id:desc-nullslast
Type of resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Search resources with specified query rules.
openstack metric resource search
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--limit <LIMIT>]
[--marker <MARKER>]
[--sort <SORT>]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
Show all attributes of generic resources
Show history of the resources
Number of resources to return (Default is server default)
Last item of the previous listing. Return the next results after this value
Sort of resource attribute (example: user_id:desc-nullslast
Type of resource
A query to filter resource. The syntax is a combination of attribute, operator and value. For example: id=90d58eea-70d7-4294-a49a-170dcdf44c3c would filter resource with a certain id. More complex queries can be built, e.g.: not (flavor_id!=”1” and memory>=24). Use “” to force data to be interpreted as string. Supported operators are: not, and, ∧ or, ∨, >=, <=, !=, >, <, =, ==, eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, le, in, like, ≠, ≥, ≤, like, in.
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show a resource.
openstack metric resource show [--type RESOURCE_TYPE] resource_id
Type of resource
ID of a resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Update a resource.
openstack metric resource update
Type of resource
name and value of an attribute separated with a ‘:’
name:id of a metric to add
name:archive_policy_name of a metric to create
Name of a metric to delete
ID of the resource
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create a resource type.
openstack metric resource-type create [-a ATTRIBUTE] name
attribute definition, attribute_name:attribute_type:attribute_is_required:attribute_type_option_name=attribute_type_option_value:… For example: display_name:string:true:max_length=255
name of the resource type
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Delete a resource type.
openstack metric resource-type delete name
name of the resource type
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
List resource types.
openstack metric resource-type list
[--format-config-file FORMAT_CONFIG]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
sort the column(s) in ascending order
sort the column(s) in descending order
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show a resource type.
openstack metric resource-type show name
name of the resource type
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Create a resource type.
openstack metric resource-type update
attribute definition, attribute_name:attribute_type:attribute_is_required:attribute_type_option_name=attribute_type_option_value:… For example: display_name:string:true:max_length=255
attribute name
name of the resource type
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show the version of Gnocchi server.
openstack metric server version
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show a metric.
openstack metric show [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID] metric
ID of the resource
ID or name of the metric
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Show the status of measurements processing.
openstack metric status
This command is provided by the gnocchiclient plugin.
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.