.. _tuto-execute-queries: Execute RPC queries ******************* The basic methods to execute RPC queries related to data models are :func:`execute ` and :func:`execute_kw `. They take at least two parameters (the model and the name of the method to call) following by additional variable parameters according to the method called:: >>> order_data = odoo.execute('sale.order', 'read', [1], ['name']) This instruction will call the ``read`` method of the ``sale.order`` model for the order ID=1, and will only returns the value of the field ``name``. However there is a more efficient way to perform methods of a model by getting a proxy of it with the :func:`model registry `, which provides an API almost syntactically identical to the `Odoo` server side API (see :class:`odoorpc.models.Model`), and which is able to set the user context automatically (both for read and write operations):: >>> User = odoo.env['res.users'] >>> User.write([6], {'name': "Dupont D."}) True >>> odoo.env.context {'lang': 'fr_FR', 'tz': False} >>> Product = odoo.env['product.template'] >>> Product.name_get([25]) [[25, '[FURN_8220] Bureau Quatre Personnes']] To stop sending the user context, use the :attr:`odoorpc.ODOO.config` property:: >>> odoo.config['auto_context'] = False >>> Product.name_get([25]) # Without context, lang 'en_US' by default [[25, '[FURN_8220] Four Person Desk']] .. note:: The ``auto_context`` option only affect methods called from model proxies. Here is another example of how to install a module (you have to be logged as an administrator to perform this task):: >>> Module = odoo.env['ir.module.module'] >>> module_ids = Module.search([('name', '=', 'purchase')]) >>> Module.button_immediate_install(module_ids) :ref:`Next step: Browse records `