Base utilities to build API operation managers and objects on top of.
Bases: ManagerWithFind
Like a ManagerWithFind, but has the ability to boot servers.
Bases: bytes
, RequestIdMixin
Bases: dict
, RequestIdMixin
Bases: object
Mixin so classes can register and run hooks.
Add a new hook of specified type.
cls – class that registers hooks
hook_type – hook type, e.g., ‘__pre_parse_args__’
hook_func – hook function
Run all hooks of specified type.
cls – class that registers hooks
hook_type – hook type, e.g., ‘__pre_parse_args__’
args – args to be passed to every hook function
kwargs – kwargs to be passed to every hook function
Bases: list
, RequestIdMixin
Bases: HookableMixin
Manager for API service.
Managers interact with a particular type of API (servers, flavors, images, etc.) and provide CRUD operations for them.
The completion cache for bash autocompletion.
The completion cache store items that can be used for bash autocompletion, like UUIDs or human-friendly IDs.
A resource listing will clear and repopulate the cache.
A resource create will append to the cache.
Delete is not handled because listings are assumed to be performed often enough to keep the cache reasonably up-to-date.
Bases: Manager
Like a Manager, but with additional find()/findall() methods.
Find a single item with attributes matching **kwargs
Find all items with attributes matching **kwargs
Bases: object
Wrapper class to expose x-openstack-request-id to the caller.
Add request_ids as an attribute to the object
resp – Response object or list of Response objects
Bases: RequestIdMixin
Base class for OpenStack resources (tenant, user, etc.).
This is pretty much just a bag for attributes.
Populate and bind to a manager.
manager – BaseManager object
info – dictionary representing resource attributes
loaded – prevent lazy-loading if set to True
resp – Response or list of Response objects
Support for lazy loading details.
Some clients, such as novaclient have the option to lazy load the details, details which can be loaded with this function.
Human-readable ID which can be used for bash completion.
Bases: str
, RequestIdMixin
Bases: tuple
, RequestIdMixin
Get object’s ID or object.
Abstracts the common pattern of allowing both an object or an object’s ID as a parameter when dealing with relationships.
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