=============== Writing Plugins =============== nose2 supports plugins for test collection, selection, observation and reporting -- among other things. There are two basic rules for plugins: * Plugin classes must subclass :class:`nose2.events.Plugin`. * Plugins may implement any of the methods described in the :doc:`hook_reference`. Hello World =========== Here's a basic plugin. It doesn't do anything besides log a message at the start of a test run. .. code-block:: python import logging import os from nose2.events import Plugin log = logging.getLogger('nose2.plugins.helloworld') class HelloWorld(Plugin): configSection = 'helloworld' commandLineSwitch = (None, 'hello-world', 'Say hello!') def startTestRun(self, event): log.info('Hello pluginized world!') To see this plugin in action, save it into an importable module, then add that module to the ``plugins`` key in the ``[unittest]`` section of a config file loaded by nose2, such as ``unittest.cfg``. Then run nose2:: nose2 --log-level=INFO --hello-world And you should see the log message before the first dot appears. Loading plugins =============== As mentioned above, for nose2 to find a plugin, it must be in an importable module, and the module must be listed under the ``plugins`` key in the ``[unittest]`` section of a config file loaded by nose2: .. code-block:: ini [unittest] plugins = mypackage.someplugin otherpackage.thatplugin thirdpackage.plugins.metoo As you can see, plugin *modules* are listed, one per line. All plugin classes in those modules will be loaded -- but not necessarily active. Typically plugins do not activate themselves ("register") without seeing a command-line flag, or ``always-on = True`` in their config file section. Command-line Options ==================== nose2 uses `argparse`_ for command-line argument parsing. Plugins may enable command-line options that register them as active, or take arguments or flags controlling their operation. The most basic thing to do is to set the plugin's ``commandLineSwitch`` attribute, which will automatically add a command-line flag that registers the plugin. To add other flags or arguments, you can use the Plugin methods :meth:`nose2.events.Plugin.addFlag`, :meth:`nose2.events.Plugin.addArgument` or :meth:`nose2.events.Plugin.addOption`. If those don't offer enough flexibility, you can directly manipulate the argument parser by accessing ``self.session.argparse`` or the plugin option group by accessing ``self.session.pluginargs``. Please note though that the *majority* of your plugin's configuration should be done via config file options, not command line options. Config File Options =================== Plugins may specify a config file section that holds their configuration by setting their ``configSection`` attribute. All plugins, regardless of whether they specify a config section, have a ``config`` attribute that holds a :class:`nose2.config.Config` instance. This will be empty of values if the plugin does not specify a config section or if no loaded config file includes that section. Plugins should extract the user's configuration selections from their config attribute in their ``__init__`` methods. Plugins that want to use nose2's `Sphinx`_ extension to automatically document themselves **must** do so. Config file options may be extracted as strings, ints, booleans or lists. You should provide reasonable defaults for all config options. Guidelines ========== Events ------ nose2's plugin API is based on the API in unittest2's ``plugins`` branch (under-development). Its differs from nose's in one major area: what it passes to hooks. Where nose passes a variety of arguments, nose2 *always passes an event*. The events are listed in the :doc:`event_reference`. Here's the key thing about that: *event attributes are read-write*. Unless stated otherwise in the documentation for a hook, you can set a new value for any event attribute, and *this will do something*. Plugins and nose2 systems will see that new value and either use it instead of what was originally set in the event (example: the reporting stream or test executor), or use it to supplement something they find elsewhere (example: extraTests on a test loading event). "Handling" events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many hooks give plugins a chance to completely handle events, bypassing other plugins and any core nose2 operations. To do this, a plugin sets ``event.handled`` to True and, generally, returns an appropriate value from the hook method. What is an appropriate value varies by hook, and some hooks *can't* be handled in this way. But even for hooks where handling the event doesn't stop all processing, it *will* stop subsequently-loaded plugins from seeing the event. Logging ------- nose2 uses the logging classes from the standard library. To enable users to view debug messages easily, plugins should use ``logging.getLogger()`` to acquire a logger in the ``nose2.plugins`` namespace. .. todo :: more guidelines Recipes ======= * Writing a plugin that monitors or controls test result output Implement any of the ``report*`` hook methods, especially if you want to output to the console. If outputting to file or other system, you might implement :func:`testOutcome` instead. Example: :class:`nose2.plugins.result.ResultReporter` * Writing a plugin that handles exceptions If you just want to handle some exceptions as skips or failures instead of errors, see :class:`nose2.plugins.outcomes.Outcomes`, which offers a simple way to do that. Otherwise, implement :func:`setTestOutcome` to change test outcomes. Example: :class:`nose2.plugins.outcomes.Outcomes` * Writing a plugin that adds detail to error reports Implement :func:`testOutcome` and put your extra information into ``event.metadata``, then implement :func:`outcomeDetail` to extract it and add it to the error report. Examples: :class:`nose2.plugins.buffer.OutputBufferPlugin`, :class:`nose2.plugins.logcapture.LogCapture` * Writing a plugin that loads tests from files other than python modules Implement :func:`handleFile`. Example: :class:`nose2.plugins.doctests.DocTestLoader` * Writing a plugin that loads tests from python modules Implement at least :func:`loadTestsFromModule`. .. _loading-from-module: .. warning :: One thing to beware of here is that if you return tests as dynamically-generated test cases, or instances of a testcase class that is defined *anywhere* but the module being loaded, you *must* use :func:`nose2.util.transplant_class` to make the test case class appear to have originated in that module. Otherwise, module-level fixtures will not work for that test, and may be ignored entirely for the module if there are no test cases that are or appear to be defined there. * Writing a plugin that prints a report Implement :func:`beforeErrorList`, :func:`beforeSummaryReport` or :func:`afterSummaryReport` Example: :class:`nose2.plugins.prof.Profiler` * Writing a plugin that selects or rejects tests Implement :class:`matchPath` or :class:`getTestCaseNames`. Example: :class:`nose2.plugins.loader.parameters.Parameters` .. _argparse : http://pypi.python.org/pypi/argparse/1.2.1 .. _Sphinx : http://sphinx.pocoo.org/