Testid: add a test id to each test name output

This plugin adds a test id (like #1) to each test name output. After you’ve run once to generate test ids, you can re-run individual tests by activating the plugin and passing the ids (with or without the # prefix) instead of test names.

For example, if your normal test run looks like:

% nosetests -v
tests.test_a ... ok
tests.test_b ... ok
tests.test_c ... ok

When adding --with-id you’ll see:

% nosetests -v --with-id
#1 tests.test_a ... ok
#2 tests.test_b ... ok
#3 tests.test_c ... ok

Then you can re-run individual tests by supplying just an id number:

% nosetests -v --with-id 2
#2 tests.test_b ... ok

You can also pass multiple id numbers:

% nosetests -v --with-id 2 3
#2 tests.test_b ... ok
#3 tests.test_c ... ok

Since most shells consider ‘#’ a special character, you can leave it out when specifying a test id.

Note that when run without the -v switch, no special output is displayed, but the ids file is still written.

Looping over failed tests

This plugin also adds a mode that will direct the test runner to record failed tests. Subsequent test runs will then run only the tests that failed last time. Activate this mode with the --failed switch:

% nosetests -v --failed
#1 test.test_a ... ok
#2 test.test_b ... ERROR
#3 test.test_c ... FAILED
#4 test.test_d ... ok

On the second run, only tests #2 and #3 will run:

% nosetests -v --failed
#2 test.test_b ... ERROR
#3 test.test_c ... FAILED

As you correct errors and tests pass, they’ll drop out of subsequent runs.


% nosetests -v --failed
#2 test.test_b ... ok
#3 test.test_c ... FAILED


% nosetests -v --failed
#3 test.test_c ... FAILED

When all tests pass, the full set will run on the next invocation.


% nosetests -v --failed
#3 test.test_c ... ok


% nosetests -v --failed
#1 test.test_a ... ok
#2 test.test_b ... ok
#3 test.test_c ... ok
#4 test.test_d ... ok


If you expect to use --failed regularly, it’s a good idea to always run using the --with-id option. This will ensure that an id file is always created, allowing you to add --failed to the command line as soon as you have failing tests. Otherwise, your first run using --failed will (perhaps surprisingly) run all tests, because there won’t be an id file containing the record of failed tests from your previous run.



Enable plugin TestId: Activate to add a test id (like #1) to each test name output. Activate with –failed to rerun failing tests only. [NOSE_WITH_ID]


Store test ids found in test runs in this file. Default is the file .noseids in the working directory.


Run the tests that failed in the last test run.


class nose.plugins.testid.TestId

Bases: Plugin

Activate to add a test id (like #1) to each test name output. Activate with –failed to rerun failing tests only.

configure(options, conf)

Configure plugin.


Save new ids file, if needed.

loadTestsFromNames(names, module=None)

Translate ids in the list of requested names into their test addresses, if they are found in my dict of tests.

options(parser, env)

Register commandline options.


Get handle on output stream so the plugin can print id #s


Maybe output an id # before the test name.

Example output:

#1 test.test ... ok
#2 test.test_two ... ok


This plugin adds a test id (like #1) to each test name output. After
you've run once to generate test ids, you can re-run individual
tests by activating the plugin and passing the ids (with or
without the # prefix) instead of test names.

For example, if your normal test run looks like::

  % nosetests -v
  tests.test_a ... ok
  tests.test_b ... ok
  tests.test_c ... ok

When adding ``--with-id`` you'll see::

  % nosetests -v --with-id
  #1 tests.test_a ... ok
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok
  #3 tests.test_c ... ok

Then you can re-run individual tests by supplying just an id number::

  % nosetests -v --with-id 2
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok

You can also pass multiple id numbers::

  % nosetests -v --with-id 2 3
  #2 tests.test_b ... ok
  #3 tests.test_c ... ok
Since most shells consider '#' a special character, you can leave it out when
specifying a test id.

Note that when run without the -v switch, no special output is displayed, but
the ids file is still written.

Looping over failed tests

This plugin also adds a mode that will direct the test runner to record
failed tests. Subsequent test runs will then run only the tests that failed
last time. Activate this mode with the ``--failed`` switch::

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #1 test.test_a ... ok
 #2 test.test_b ... ERROR
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED
 #4 test.test_d ... ok
On the second run, only tests #2 and #3 will run::

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #2 test.test_b ... ERROR
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED

As you correct errors and tests pass, they'll drop out of subsequent runs.


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #2 test.test_b ... ok
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #3 test.test_c ... FAILED

When all tests pass, the full set will run on the next invocation.


 % nosetests -v --failed
 #3 test.test_c ... ok

 % nosetests -v --failed
 #1 test.test_a ... ok
 #2 test.test_b ... ok
 #3 test.test_c ... ok
 #4 test.test_d ... ok

.. note ::

  If you expect to use ``--failed`` regularly, it's a good idea to always run
  using the ``--with-id`` option. This will ensure that an id file is always
  created, allowing you to add ``--failed`` to the command line as soon as
  you have failing tests. Otherwise, your first run using ``--failed`` will
  (perhaps surprisingly) run *all* tests, because there won't be an id file
  containing the record of failed tests from your previous run.
__test__ = False

import logging
import os
from nose.plugins import Plugin
from nose.util import src, set

    from pickle import dump, load
except ImportError:
    from pickle import dump, load

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TestId(Plugin):
    Activate to add a test id (like #1) to each test name output. Activate
    with --failed to rerun failing tests only.
    name = 'id'
    idfile = None
    collecting = True
    loopOnFailed = False

    def options(self, parser, env):
        """Register commandline options.
        Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
        parser.add_option('--id-file', action='store', dest='testIdFile',
                          default='.noseids', metavar="FILE",
                          help="Store test ids found in test runs in this "
                          "file. Default is the file .noseids in the "
                          "working directory.")
        parser.add_option('--failed', action='store_true',
                          dest='failed', default=False,
                          help="Run the tests that failed in the last "
                          "test run.")

    def configure(self, options, conf):
        """Configure plugin.
        Plugin.configure(self, options, conf)
        if options.failed:
            self.enabled = True
            self.loopOnFailed = True
            log.debug("Looping on failed tests")
        self.idfile = os.path.expanduser(options.testIdFile)
        if not os.path.isabs(self.idfile):
            self.idfile = os.path.join(conf.workingDir, self.idfile)
        self.id = 1
        # Ids and tests are mirror images: ids are {id: test address} and
        # tests are {test address: id}
        self.ids = {}
        self.tests = {}
        self.failed = []
        self.source_names = []
        # used to track ids seen when tests is filled from
        # loaded ids file
        self._seen = {}
        self._write_hashes = conf.verbosity >= 2

    def finalize(self, result):
        """Save new ids file, if needed.
        if result.wasSuccessful():
            self.failed = []
        if self.collecting:
            ids = dict(list(zip(list(self.tests.values()), list(self.tests.keys()))))
            ids = self.ids
        fh = open(self.idfile, 'wb')
        dump({'ids': ids,
              'failed': self.failed,
              'source_names': self.source_names}, fh)
        log.debug('Saved test ids: %s, failed %s to %s',
                  ids, self.failed, self.idfile)

    def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None):
        """Translate ids in the list of requested names into their
        test addresses, if they are found in my dict of tests.
        log.debug('ltfn %s %s', names, module)
            fh = open(self.idfile, 'rb')
            data = load(fh)
            if 'ids' in data:
                self.ids = data['ids']
                self.failed = data['failed']
                self.source_names = data['source_names']
                # old ids field
                self.ids = data
                self.failed = []
                self.source_names = names
            if self.ids:
                self.id = max(self.ids) + 1
                self.tests = dict(list(zip(list(self.ids.values()), list(self.ids.keys()))))
                self.id = 1
                'Loaded test ids %s tests %s failed %s sources %s from %s',
                self.ids, self.tests, self.failed, self.source_names,
        except ValueError as e:
            # load() may throw a ValueError when reading the ids file, if it
            # was generated with a newer version of Python than we are currently
            # running.
            log.debug('Error loading %s : %s', self.idfile, str(e))
        except IOError:
            log.debug('IO error reading %s', self.idfile)

        if self.loopOnFailed and self.failed:
            self.collecting = False
            names = self.failed
            self.failed = []
        # I don't load any tests myself, only translate names like '#2'
        # into the associated test addresses
        translated = []
        new_source = []
        really_new = []
        for name in names:
            trans = self.tr(name)
            if trans != name:
        # names that are not ids and that are not in the current
        # list of source names go into the list for next time
        if new_source:
            new_set = set(new_source)
            old_set = set(self.source_names)
            log.debug("old: %s new: %s", old_set, new_set)
            really_new = [s for s in new_source
                          if not s in old_set]
            if really_new:
                # remember new sources
            if not translated:
                # new set of source names, no translations
                # means "run the requested tests"
                names = new_source
            # no new names to translate and add to id set
            self.collecting = False
        log.debug("translated: %s new sources %s names %s",
                  translated, really_new, names)
        return (None, translated + really_new or names)

    def makeName(self, addr):
        log.debug("Make name %s", addr)
        filename, module, call = addr
        if filename is not None:
            head = src(filename)
            head = module
        if call is not None:
            return "%s:%s" % (head, call)
        return head

    def setOutputStream(self, stream):
        """Get handle on output stream so the plugin can print id #s
        self.stream = stream

    def startTest(self, test):
        """Maybe output an id # before the test name.

        Example output::

          #1 test.test ... ok
          #2 test.test_two ... ok

        adr = test.address()
        log.debug('start test %s (%s)', adr, adr in self.tests)
        if adr in self.tests:
            if adr in self._seen:
                self.write('   ')
                self.write('#%s ' % self.tests[adr])
                self._seen[adr] = 1
        self.tests[adr] = self.id
        self.write('#%s ' % self.id)
        self.id += 1

    def afterTest(self, test):
        # None means test never ran, False means failed/err
        if test.passed is False:
                key = str(self.tests[test.address()])
            except KeyError:
                # never saw this test -- startTest didn't run
                if key not in self.failed:

    def tr(self, name):
        log.debug("tr '%s'", name)
            key = int(name.replace('#', ''))
        except ValueError:
            return name
        log.debug("Got key %s", key)
        # I'm running tests mapped from the ids file,
        # not collecting new ones
        if key in self.ids:
            return self.makeName(self.ids[key])
        return name

    def write(self, output):
        if self._write_hashes: