
Adapter module for working with pydicom < 1.0 and >= 1.0

In what follows, “dicom is available” means we can import either a) dicom (pydicom < 1.0) or or b) pydicom (pydicom >= 1.0).

Regardless of whether dicom is available this module should be importable without error, and always defines:

  • have_dicom : True if we can import pydicom or dicom;

  • pydicom : pydicom module or dicom module or None if not importable;

  • read_file : read_file function if pydicom or dicom module is importable else None;

  • tag_for_keyword : tag_for_keyword function if pydicom or dicom module is importable else None;

A test decorator is available in nibabel.nicom.tests:

  • dicom_test : test decorator that skips test if dicom not available.

A deprecated copy is available here for backward compatibility.


dicom_test has been moved to nibabel.nicom.tests



dicom_test has been moved to nibabel.nicom.tests

  • deprecated from version: 3.1

  • Will raise <class ‘nibabel.deprecator.ExpiredDeprecationError’> as of version: 5.0